Super Mario Galaxy - Gen. Discussion & Info.

Can someone please explain to me when I go into a galaxy, and I see a blank Star place that has a Question mark by it, but then when I fly to the galaxy, I dont see a blank star to select, what that means, and what I need to do?

Those are SECRET stars. You find them by either (a)
Finding Luigi based on the picture that he gets - happens three times, very easy
or (b) by exploring the level and finding alternate routes. Generally, the alternate routes may include hungry lumas, that you will need to feed. By the way, to make your life a little easier, the game helps you by
placing a question mark over the stage where the secret star is located. it may be accessible from other levels of that galaxy, but the one with the question mark is a very safe bet.

Happy star hunting!


On these boards, it is considered to be the most difficult, yes. However, I must correct two things:

(1) when you hop off to get the cluster of stars, make sure that you're spin-hopping to the platform to the SIDE of you. Yes, you can certainly hop off, then spin back to the shrinking square, and jump away, but that's making your life harder, and adding extra pressure - if you are tracing the perimeter clockwise, like I told you, you'd jump FORWARD into the coin cluster, and then spin RIGHT onto the "virgin" platform (first cluster you come by).

(2) The first level (I think it's second dome) is indeed "miss a coin and you are screwed. As for the second - the platforms regenerate with time. That is, if you've jumped off to get the coins on top of a Thwomp, you can just chill next to the guy until the second platform comes on through. You do, however, have to giddiup while going upwards, but it is easy, or I should say "easier" than the madness that comes when you're going towards the finish line all upside-down... One button, man: BEE. :]

(3) I think the hardest coin level has been the ice one for me. HINT:
[quote name='REL1203']I have been playing this singple player for a couple days now, I have 23 stars, but my wife wants to play as 2P sometimes... What do I need to do to set it up so she can play as P2? Just turn on her WiiMote?[/quote]
Yep. It's also in the manual :)
And she can be a big help by pressing "A" to hold back Bullet Bills and other baddies. My son could not have finished a few of the levels without the 2p help.
My wife and I have been playing this together lately. She likes collecting stars...and occasionally making me jump without me having any control over it :p
[quote name='MarioColbert']Is the
Final Galaxy
worth it? I'll beat it regardless, just asking... :][/QUOTE]

i just beat it all last night as well. this is a full description of what's to come so. . . , but trust me, this was more or less spoiled for me and i didn't mind.
for the grand finale galaxy. it's not a real level. it's more like a thank you from the game to you. all of the characters are there to thank you for saving their galaxy. there are 100 purple stars to get. but they aren't hard to find. and then i noticed that your death total is listed. which is kind of cool. i had 450 something or other on mario's run, and around 120 for my luigi run.
[quote name='MarioColbert']I think the hardest coin level has been the ice one for me. HINT:

Those two were actually revealed when I reached the summit and got shot back down to the start of the level. The one coin that troubled me was the one floating above the pillars in the water. I was trying to figure out how to jump up there using a backflip and triple jumps. It wasn't until I was up on the cliff that I realized how to do it.

Another one I had trouble with was Deep Dark Galaxy.
That darn coin hanging right under the crow's nest on the side facing the deck. That was crazy difficult to get even with a well-timed triple jump.
The two-player input in the game actually had me fairly impressed. Of course, a full-blown co-op mode of some sort would be fantastic, but hey, i'll take whatever I can get. This goes along with a lot of the stuff Nintendo does, they seem good at finding ways to include stuff that can easily be overlooked, but give the game just a little more depth or enjoyment. ... Now if only I wasn't so terrible at some of the purple comet/coin levels. :roll:
[quote name='orimental']
That darn coin hanging right under the crow's nest on the side facing the deck. That was crazy difficult to get even with a well-timed triple jump.
i think i might have used a spin after the triple jump to get it
Someone should really fix this thread title. The game is at 97.5 %, which puts it just below Orcarina of Time at 97.6%.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Someone should really fix this thread title. The game is at 97.5 %, which puts it just below Orcarina of Time at 97.6%.[/quote]

[quote name='banpeikun']
i think i might have used a spin after the triple jump to get it

From water - wall - walljump - upward spin. Trust me, it works.
FINALLY at 120! Whoo-hoo!

[quote name='MarioColbert']
(3) I think the hardest coin level has been the ice one for me. HINT:

Ha... I thought that one was moderately easy, though I did get those two towards the end of it ;). I was also aware of the regenerating platforms in the second scrolling level. Although I have to say it can be done fairly easily without needing the second platform to come by. Given how hard the rest of it was I'm surprised they give you that freebie - kind of wish they hadn't actually!

I got to 118 last night and then did the last (very easy) one tonight - the Sea Slide Galaxy. Then I thought, what the hell, I'll give the Toy one another shot.
I'm not sure what you were on about with the spin jumping to the side -that is rather obvious. I just didn't do a lot of spin jumping during the course of the main game so the whole thing was rather new to me ;). Anyway, after about 8 or 9 tries I was able to do it. I managed to hit 100 just as I returned to the green area near the start with only one more coin in front of me. So it was sort of dumb luck (except that I did follow your advice and go clockwise and just happened to time 3 or 4 of those long jumps perfectly to get some of those coin chains). And after plugging through several of the other purple coin challenges I have to say the difficulty on it is an order of magnitude above the next 2 hardest which I think are the scrolling ones. The normal timed ones are a breeze compared to those. There was one (pull stars with a bunch of bones) that was shockingly easy.

Anyway, my son now has the next part to play through. The spoilers on what comes after that sound interesting so I may have to go through these all again though I dread doing that toy level and the scrolling ones again... Anyway, I'll let him have at it for a while and see how far he gets first. I did that the first time too - he played the first 1/3 of the game pretty much without me and I started playing then while he watched.
[quote name='orimental']

Another one I had trouble with was Deep Dark Galaxy.
That darn coin hanging right under the crow's nest on the side facing the deck. That was crazy difficult to get even with a well-timed triple jump.

Ooh, I just did that the other night -
a backflip then jump and spin off the pole for the Crow's Nest got me those rather easily. And keep in mind I suck at controlling Mario in general ;).
I lost interest in this game quick. After beating it with 70-something stars, I haven't touched it since. Can't figure out why for the life of me.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I lost interest in this game quick. After beating it with 70-something stars, I haven't touched it since. Can't figure out why for the life of me.[/quote]

Because it's finals week? :]

I'm really into Metroid at the moment, but I'm planning on going through the game for the second time out or sheer principle. And because I love playing it.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I lost interest in this game quick. After beating it with 70-something stars, I haven't touched it since. Can't figure out why for the life of me.[/QUOTE]

This EXACT same thing happened to me. I got to 77 I think and have not touched it since (about a week or two now). Assassins Creed, COD4 and Madden may have a hand in this. I figured at 60 i should keep going even though my motivation was sucked out from under me. Seriously the fuck are we supposed to be motivated to pick the game up and play when at any time you want you can just go and
save the princess on a whim.
This definitely takes away some of the game IMO. At least with SUnshine the number was 80 IIRC.

I also found out a huge spoiler already about
getting to play as luigi after you have 120 stars.
So this sort of ruined it for me. I was sooo pissed off. SOme douchebag on IGN posted a thred the TITLE of which was
The thread then turned into a debate about why it was/was not a spoiler. Ces la vie, so goes the way of a videogame nerd who is active on int vid. game msg bds. Oh well.
For those of you who have 120 (I'm hovering at 115, damn missteps getting purple coins)
When you get Luigi can you switch between Mario somehow (like before you open the file) because I want to go back and play some levels as Mario
[quote name='zerowing']For those of you who have 120 (I'm hovering at 115, damn missteps getting purple coins)
When you get Luigi can you switch between Mario somehow (like before you open the file) because I want to go back and play some levels as Mario


Post 120:
33 stars with Luigi right now. I'm definitely feeling the difficulty increase. At least he gets 20 1-ups from Toad mail.
[quote name='zerowing']For those of you who have 120 (I'm hovering at 115, damn missteps getting purple coins)
When you get Luigi can you switch between Mario somehow (like before you open the file) because I want to go back and play some levels as Mario

[quote name='pittpizza']
I also found out a huge spoiler already about
getting to play as luigi after you have 120 stars.
So this sort of ruined it for me. I was sooo pissed off. SOme douchebag on IGN posted a thred the TITLE of which was
The thread then turned into a debate about why it was/was not a spoiler. Ces la vie, so goes the way of a videogame nerd who is active on int vid. game msg bds. Oh well.[/quote]You're not alone. Some dipshit did something very similar here on CAG.
[quote name='zerowing']For those of you who have 120 (I'm hovering at 115, damn missteps getting purple coins)
When you get Luigi can you switch between Mario somehow (like before you open the file) because I want to go back and play some levels as Mario

exactly, before you open the file you choose either the mario game or the luigi game.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I lost interest in this game quick. After beating it with 70-something stars, I haven't touched it since. Can't figure out why for the life of me.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm only at 55 or something and my interest has waned a bit. Fired up some online Halo 3 the past two nights instead of it. May fire up Mario for a bit tonight though.

Doubt I'll have the motivation to make a serious attempt at all 120 stars. Just don't have the patience for that stuff any more, especially with the time levels, races, coin collect-a-thon stages not being among my favorite things to do.

But not a knock on the game, it's phenomenal! I'm just not the completest I used to be with games.
Y'know, I don't have any idea what you were complaining about with regards to the second Bowser Jr. battle. Throwing the turtle shells was easy as hell.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Well, good for you. :D

I kept missing him over and over for some reason. Glad you're a gaming god! :D[/quote]I think I've got it - you were throwing too soon. With all the dodging you're doing in that fight, Mario's facing different directions all the time. Because of the way he handles, you've gotta wait a halfa beat between the time when you point the analogue stick towards the boss and when you throw.
Yeah, that was part of the problem and even when I had time I was having a hard time facing the right direction. I'd think I was aimed right at him, and yet would miss by a bit. But I have terrible depth perception/angle detection in 3D platformers, so that's just me sucking. :D

Also, Spring Mario SUCKS! Who thought the way that controlled was a fun addition to the game?
[quote name='dmaul1114']
Also, Spring Mario SUCKS! Who thought the way that controlled was a fun addition to the game?[/quote]Gimme a day or two to get to that one. At this rate, I'm sure I'll love it.
I doubt it, Spring Mario was the one thing the glowing reviews pointed out as flawed...

It's not god awful by anymeans, it just sticks out since the controls in the game are other wise so perfect.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, that was part of the problem and even when I had time I was having a hard time facing the right direction. I'd think I was aimed right at him, and yet would miss by a bit. But I have terrible depth perception/angle detection in 3D platformers, so that's just me sucking. :D

Also, Spring Mario SUCKS! Who thought the way that controlled was a fun addition to the game?[/QUOTE]

Actually, I though it was fun and challenging.
i was able to spring mario up the trunk of a slanted tree. and then bounce around up up on the leaves. i grabbed the purple coin, and then bounced off to get more coins. it's not too hard to control if you ask me. which ever direction your pointing when mario hits the ground is the direction he'll go.
Like I said, the control for spring mario isn't awful, it's just a little loose compared to the rest of the game. That and it's just a pretty lame power up in general. That would probably be my one dissappointment with this fantastic game. I was excited to see the costume powerups come back, but honestly, none of them are all that fun to use.

But minor nitpick in a very good game. I played some more tonight, I'm 70 stars in. Just need to finish off (i.e. get at least the three main stars) in three galaxy's in the garden (already did the single star dark matter galaxy) and then move on to beat the game. Not sure how much effort I'll put into getting more stars after that.
Who thinks that Super Mario Galaxy could bounce back and get back into number 1? Is it too late for more reviews? Also, what game is in third and how close are they to Mario Galaxy?
Metroid Prime is 3rd with 96.3% to Mario Galaxy's 97.5%.

I doubt it will move back up, the scores tend to go down slightly over time.

I think it's a bit high anyway. Great game, but it's a 9.0-9.5 for me. It's at least 3rd on my game of the year list behind Bioshock and Metroid Prime 3. Have to play it more to see if it stays ahead of Halo 3.

That's not to disparage it, as it's a great game and proably the best 3D platformer I've played. There's just been a lot of damn great games come out lately!
Spring Mario = my favorite suit. Mostly for animation, though.

I don't know what the hell everyone is bitching about. USE Z TO ENSURE MARIO JUMPS. Surely, you don't need me to explain how to use a CONTROL STICK, do you?

All this talk about game ratings.... There is no universal rule stating that game X will always be better than game Y. You all know what I'm all about this year (plus Metroid Prime 3, in case you haven't read my "love sonnets" for that title), but I can't say that I wouldn't enjoy Bioshock (or a new GFX card for my PC) - I most certainly will have to play it soon.

The percentages (averaged - as in MetaCritic, etc.), really, just show this messed up "universal quality" of a game title, which is, at best, an argument, but still mostly an illusion. For some reason, film and games abuse such services left and right while literature and film tends to be less relying on such scores. Granted, there's been great music that deserved its shiny scores across the board in media that matters, but its substantiality and worth is still dictated by the consumer's taste. Whereas crticism may have been an interesting "endeavor" for an attempt for the Western Civilization to capture worthwhile things while they were happening, history shows how much they failed at that. Reviews are little more than news the way they are reported today, except that the commentary is a little more obvious as a focal point.
Like I said twice, the Spring Mario control isn't terrible, it's just off compared to the rest of the game.

It would be better if he just walked normally, but could do the same high jump. Bouncing around all over the place is just annoying and stupid IMO. I just beat a boss where you had to use Spring Mario, hoping that's the last time I have to use that suit.

Again just want to do the 3 main stars in the three garden galaxies,and any thing else that opens up. Not going to bother going for many other stars as I don't enjoy timed levels are hunting for coins. So hopefully I'm done with spring mario! :D
I kind of like having to anticipate how Spring Mario is going to react. He always has some sort of forward momentum so you have to take that into account whenever you're moving. Then again, I also like and can also control Mario pretty well when his ass is on fire. Even in these seemingly out of control scenarios, the controls prove to be impeccably precise.
I'm up to 35 stars, and I must say, this game is pure, utter bliss. It's like Mario 64 all over again, where I can just run around doing triple jumps and flips for 5 minutes and never get bored.

One of my friends came by to try it last night, and he echoed my own feelings. This game makes you feel like a kid again. I haven't had this much pure fun in a game in years.

But a game sending me messages? Come on... Cool, and yet kinda lame, at the same time. I saw the blue light kick on last night, and I thought the VC gifting has started. :cry:
[quote name='Callandor']
One of my friends came by to try it last night, and he echoed my own feelings. This game makes you feel like a kid again. I haven't had this much pure fun in a game in years.[/quote]

I agree completely. What's interesting is that Zack & Wiki brought back a lot of memories of actual games I used to play as a kid. As I'm a Nintendo convert (from the dark and evil background of a "strictly PC" kinda guy), I've played through all of the Mario games fairly late on in my life, but the sense of magic in this title is very real. And very joyful. The Library alone reminds me ever so much of the wonderful Mr. Saturn Tea Party (a.k.a. the most surreal moment of bliss in any game, courtesy of the allmighty EarthBound). At the same time, though, Metroid Prime 3 is certainly feeding me the nostalgia of the original Half Life, Deus Ex, and System Shock 2. Granted, it's none of those things, but this fall has been the best so far.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It would be better if he just walked normally, but could do the same high jump. Bouncing around all over the place is just annoying and stupid IMO. I just beat a boss where you had to use Spring Mario, hoping that's the last time I have to use that suit.[/quote]

Which would be too simple. Having him spring around, while fitting the theme of a spring, since that's what they do, also balances the powerup of being able to jump really high.
what are the star bits for? i was watching football and accidently skipped when he named their reasoning.
is it just for the feasts and feeding the hungry stars?
[quote name='Furashu']what are the star bits for? i was watching football and accidently skipped when he named their reasoning.
is it just for the feasts and feeding the hungry stars?[/quote]Yup and also to stun enemies.

Also, I know the IGN review (?) knocked the side story of the Little Girl/Princess as a throw-away, but I loved that little part. The music was incredibly soft and moving and it reminded me of Le Petit Prince.
Not only can you stun normal enemies, but you can destroy a lot of projectiles, if your aim is good. For instance, when you're running around the side of BattleRock, you can shoot down the cannonballs. It's tricky to hit them, but it does work. I can't remember if you can shoot the Bullet Bills, but probably not.
I beat the game the other day, still need about 35? stars to collect them all. The game is fun, i wasnt sure what i thought about the galaxy/gravity thing, but now that i have played it i think its great. Controls were great, levels were great, and its just a fun game. I do have a few negatives to say about it. I thought the spring mario was junk, i hated even having to use it. Swimming was another thing that i hated to do. And i will never get why games like this, or any other, have levels where its like a racing game. I hate racing games, yet its in GTA, Saints Row, now Mario. Its not fun for me. Plus that ball you stand on is a pain to control sometimes. It feels too easy to make a mistake. But all in all i think its a good game, a ton better then mario sunshine. However i dont know if im going to go back and try to get all the stars, and then try to do it all over again.
bread's done