The Alicia Foxx wants to bone Masked Lemon Wrestling Thread

Hart Dynasty. They need to make a move to smackdown for a while probably if they want to get some TV time. Good thing the title is "unified"

Edit: That John Cena movie sure looks Legen... wait for it..... dary!
Is Raw taped tonight? I ask because I'm sure I've heard that horrible canned cheering sound clip from Friday Night Smackdown edited in several times during tonight's show(Raw G.M. announcements, Randy Orton's promo, maybe more). If that fuckER has spread to Raw, I'm done.
Both Raw and SD were taped this week. Even worse the Australian tour follows a time line after this weeks episodes. I read a review of the Melbourne show out of boredom and got some horrible SD spoilers I didn't want to know until I watch it on Friday mornings. I know Australia was a good 18 hours ahead of me, but now they are a whole week into the future.
The show dragged at points, but still had a very good Jericho-Cena match, some decent drama between the two of them, a good Goldust-Sheamus match with an even better post-match promo from Sheamus, a decent Edge-Barrett match, the re-uniting of Edge and Jericho as a team making wacky faces at the camera, and a good Miz-Orton match that Miz dominated before losing via RKO out of nowhere. I loved how intense Miz was throughout it, and he didn't seem out of place at all in the main event mix. While I do think they're going to have him be the first guy to use the case and fail, I don't think it'll be very long after that before he wins the title. He looks like a main eventer, acts like one, talks like one, and carries himself like one. The only thing he's missing right now, and he'll get there at some point, is being able to work a dramatic main event style and that's probably just because he's never really been given a chance to.

Ted jobbed CLEAN to Khali of all people. Good GOD ALMIGHTY what a downward spiral for that young man. Where the hell did his charisma go? The man looked bored while selling that Maryse's hotness was nearly too much for him on the apron. Nearly a year ago, he had the arena chanting his name during a backstage deal with Orton. The theme of "what a difference a year makes" for the ascent of Miz and especially Sheamus is true for Ted, but in reverse. While their stock has risen, his has plummeted.

I think the biggest problem is that they're afraid to try something new with him - with Goldust and now Cody, Dusty's kids got over with gimmicks that were nothing like anything their father had done. Ted's doing a low-rent version of what his Dad did, and without any of the natural charisma or heel tendencies to make it work. Ted had to be smuggled out of the area in car trunks in Mid-South because he was so good as a heel - he knew how to get heat no matter what role he had. Ted Jr. doesn't.

Anyway, the Nexus-WWE All-Stars feud was furthered in some big ways tonight, with two WWE guys leaving the group. They did an excellent job of teasing that Jericho would came back to avoid disappointing the one person whose opinion he values - himself, and then had him leave anyway . I loved that. I'm intrigued to see who they'll have replace those guys, or if they'll have anyone replace them and instead just come up with a way to have them come back to the team because without those guys, it does lose a lot of star power.

Sheamus-Orton was built up reasonably well tonight with the Sheamus win over Goldust. I loved how they not only acknowledged their ECW feud, but showed clips of it to give a sense of importance to what might've otherwise seemed like a meaningless squash. Goldust getting his full intro furthered that feeling. The Celtic Cross/Pale Justice being given ANOTHER name in the form of the High Cross is kind of annoying, although this name fits it better than those did. Goldust deserves some kind of championship win as a thank you for being so damned awesome since coming back to WWE a couple of years back. Have he and Tatsu win the tag titles or something. They'd at least be over with those guys as champs since the fans seem to care about them more than the Hart Dynasty.

Screens -

Quotes -
Edge - I tried, but last week, things became clear that I have to start going with my gut. And my gut’s telling me to listen to one person - ME. Ya see, I’ll give you a case in point. After I came back from my Achilles tendon injury, I listened to all of you, and what happened? YOU LET ME DOWN. Just like my Summer slam team is letting me down - it’s falling apart before my eyes. I don’t respect Cena. I don’t trust Jericho. I DON’T HAVE ANY FAITH IN KHALI. I barely know Truth and Morrison. That’s why I need to start doing things my way. I agree that Nexus needs to get taken down. They’ve wrecked WWE since their first night, and that’s why tonight, I challenge Wade Barrett one on one! I’m gonna do things my way! (Truth comes out) I said I don’t want anyone coming out, what part didn’t you understand?
Truth - I was gonna ask you da same question! Do you think that challenging Barrett to a match is gonna squash everything? It’s bigger than that.
Edge - Yeah, BUT I DON’T WANNA put my faith in Cena. I don’t wanna listen to him.
Truth - YOU’LL LISTEN TO ME! You’ve been in a lot of matches, but how many have YOU HAD TO FIGHT FOR EVERYTHING!? WE’RE FIGHTING FOR OUR LIFESTYLE AND FOR THE WWE UNIVERSE! WE GOTTA FIGHT TOGETHER. IF NOT, NEXUS WINS. IT’S SIMPLE AS DAT MAN. Ya know what? You need to stop thinking about yourself and pull your head outta your rear end. THAT’S THE TRUTH.
Edge - That’s your version of the truth - my version involves killing a snake by chopping its head off. Tonight, Nexus crumbles. Are you gonna get out of my ring or am I GONNA HAVE TO SPEAR YOU OUT!? (e-mail bings)
Cole - I’VE RECEIVED AN E-MAIL! AND I QUOTE - if this Is what Edge wants, then I will honor his request. R-Truth, please leave the ring because Edge will face Wade Barrett NEXT.
Truth - Good luck, you’re on your own!
Cole - Edge said that if you want to kill a snake, you cut its head off, and that’s what Edge hopes to do with Barrett.
King - Even the WWE Universe is chanting “Let’s Go Edge”.
(to Khali)Morrison - You watch a lot of movies, you’ve been in a couple - have you ever seen Seven Samurai? IF THE SEVEN DON’T WORK TOGETHER, THEY FALL.
(after the Razor’s Edge/Celtic Cross/Pale Justice)Cole - HE CALLS THIS THE HIGH CROSS!
Sheamus - What a difference a year makes. This time last year, I was in a war with Goldust in ECW trying to make a name for meself. Now, there’s no trying - just dominance! Whether ya like it nawh, I’m a two time WWE CHAMPION STANDIN’ ON TOP OF THA WORLD. And I didn’t need to grab a briefcase like Miz, or born a turd generation star like Orton - I got here through my own hard work. YOU WWE UNIVERSE, YOU COME TO WATCH ME! What about TRIPLE HAITCH, YOUR HERO! A MAN RANDY ORTON COULDN’T BEAT - but I ended his career! And the irony Is that I’m gonna do the same to Orton at Summerslam. You people never give me the credit I deserve, AND I DON’T WANT YOUR RESPECT OR NEED YOUR CREDIT. ALL I NEED IS WHAT I HAVE - THIS!
Cole - Why did Edge and Jericho even join Team WWE in the first place?
King - Probably to force their own agenda on the team.
(as he slaps Cena)Jericho - YOU’RE A STUPID MAN!
Cena - Chris. One minute, please. These people saw one hell a match against two of the best in WWE. I don’t’ want you to leave. I don’t want you to leave the team. I want you to stay because you are the best in the world at what you do. But I’m not gonna beg you - the choice is yours. Come back in, we agree to co-exist and we handle what needs to be handled. What happens after that happens. Or you turn around and walk out and you let everybody down. Including yourself. (Jericho leaves)
Will Ferrell - IT’S THE BELLAS! You kmow the Bellas?
Wahlberg - Yeah…
Ferrell - You’re both average-looking. If I was sitting next to you on the bus, I wouldn’t recognize you.
Wahlberg - I cried when Wendi Richter went into the Hall of Fame!
Bellas - We give good foot massages!
Miz - Randy, last week you made a mistake, and it wasn’t just a lapse in judgment. It was a world-bending, potentially SKULL CRUSHING MOMENT IN THE CAREER OF RANDY ORTON. BECAUSE NOW, YOU DON’T HAVE A SHRED OF POSITIVITY IN YOUR FUTURE. Tonight, you will pay for what you did. And at Summerslam, your best case scenario, BEST CASE SCENARIO IS THAT YOU BEAT SHEAMUS FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP. But what happens next? MY MOMENT. DO YOU HEAR ME RANDY!? Do the voices in your head hear me!? YOU ONLY DELAYED THE INEVITABLE OF ME BEING WWE CHAMPION! GET IT STRAIGHT - I WILL BE WWE CHAMPION! BECAUSE I’M THE MIZ AND I’M….AWESOME!
Cole - He truly is!
Cole - The physical and psychological torture of the Miz is VINTAGE ORTON!
Cole - Sheamus would love it if Orton got DINGED UP before their title match!
[quote name='diddy310']Yeah, it was taped last week since they were touring in Australia.[/QUOTE]*Sigh of relief* Thank God! I was really getting nervous thinking that the WWE finally figured out how to implement that canned crap into a live broadcast.:lol::lol::lol:

[quote name='Habbler']Both Raw and SD were taped this week. Even worse the Australian tour follows a time line after this weeks episodes. I read a review of the Melbourne show out of boredom and got some horrible SD spoilers I didn't want to know until I watch it on Friday mornings. I know Australia was a good 18 hours ahead of me, but now they are a whole week into the future.[/QUOTE]Man, that sucks.:cry::cry::cry:

Whenever I hear an Australia-is-living-in-the-future comment, I always think about this one radio show crank calling a McDonald's in Australia to find out what was going to happen tomorrow.:lol::lol::lol:
[quote name='gunm']I didn't know AJ was a cholo.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='KaneRobot']Between the topic title and the tags, this is the best wrestling thread in a while.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Demolition Man']Oh hells to the yeas.....

Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin was just advertised for ROH's next iPPV on 9/11. fuck yeah!

I guess they have seen present-day TNA and decided "fuck that." ;) Good for them. I enjoy the work of Haas and Benjamin.
I like how WWE stopped using camera angles behind the "general manager laptop" to stop showing the cue cards Cole was using, but from the front, he still stares directly down into the keyboard when reading the emails.
‎2 Cold Scorpio has been confirmed to appear at this Sunday's "HardCORE Justice" Pay-Per-View event! Visit HARDCOREJUSTICE.COM for all the info, and SHOPTNA.COM for fan VIP Weekend Xperience details

This seems like as good a time as any to point this out... guyver, I have never understood the things that you get excited about, or the level of excitement you display for them.


Whatever makes you happy, though.
[quote name='GhostShark']Man, these Slurpee and Super Big Gulp cups are awesome.[/QUOTE]

Yup. They barely even advertise the Super Big Gulps, but they're very similar to what they had last year when SummerSlam came here. I only got Edge's last year, but I plan to get them all this year. I mean, the Slurpee cups are shiny and have moving pictures on them. I've picked up the Edge Super Big Gulp as well as the Triple H and Undertaker Slurpee cups. Neither the two locations I went to here in MoVal nor the one I went to in LA have had the straws, though.

Has anyone else added the Hulk Hogan fan page at Go to it, click "Like", then go to the Hulk Up tab. You can add Hogan bandannas, sunglasses, mustaches, hair, trunks, and title belts to pictures of people. I made one of myself and did some for a few friends.

On to actual wrestling stuff: I cannot recommend that PWG 7th anniversary show enough. The DVD will be out in a couple months. I don't tend to use star ratings often, but I will here. Not one match was below *** (Sabin match; some would rate it more highly) and the Davey Richards vs. Chris Hero world title match and Young Bucks vs. Cutler Brothers vs. London & Generico in the Guerrilla Warfare match were both at least ****1/2. Both those title matches were match of the year candidates.

There was stuff like the Cutlers doing a double tombstone onto a chair, countless crazy dives into the crowd, and the Young Bucks doing their handspring back rake (yeah, really) and using an actual metal rake (yeah, really!) to execute it. Then there were the many stiff shots in the world title match, and stuff like Roderick Strong choking Danielson with a tie (fans chant: "You are fired!") followed by Danielson doing it (fans: "You are hired!) and a "fuck Michael Cole!" chant.

Here's a decent recap, if you ignore some of the smarmy comments the guy made:

I have the pictures up on my Facebook if you're my friend on there (if anyone who doesn't have me on their list wants to add me, which I doubt, PM me) or you can see them at this link: pwgseven pictures by redjed2 - Photobucket
But if I am your Facebook friend, check 'em out there and leave a comment!

I'm just worried about the injury that kept Alex Shelley off the show, since I can't find much info on it.

Somewhat related question, since some ROH guys were on the PWG show: Does anyone else here watch ROH on HDNet? I don't know how many providers carry HDNet besides DirecTV. The show is usually 55 minutes with one or two very brief commercials and almost all wrestling.

The thing is, though, you only get a taste of what the real ROH experience is like. Their 2 shows on WrestleMania weekend in Phoenix were fantastic and better than WrestleMania on the whole. They just announced that at Glory By Honor IX (internet PPV) on September 11th, Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin are coming to ROH to challenge tag team champions "The Kings of Wrestling" Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli.

Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure Claudio's purple KOW shirt infringes on some sort of copyright relating to the logo of everyone's favorite NHL team. I couldn't find a better pic than this first one, and the second one is the red version he sells on his site. Links for both, since I'm writing enough words and don't need huge pictures taking up more space:

In TNA news, it was announced that August 12th on Impact, the matches "originally slated for Hard Justice" will take place on free TV:

Matches showcased on Aug. 12 include:
TNA champ Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss.

Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle vs. The Phenomenal AJ Styles.

TNA Knockouts champ Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love.

TNA tag champs Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) vs. Beer Money (Robert Roode and Tennessee Cowboy James Storm).

The Pope D’Angelo Dinero vs. The Blueprint Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson.

Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal) vs. Generation Me (Jeremy and Max Buck).

The Charismatic Enigma Jeff Hardy’s open challenge.

And now, on to Raw:

Edge vs. Barrett worked to further Edge's current storyline as well as that of The Nexus, but it still made Barrett look like a pussy, even if he was being beaten by a 9 time world champion. But I guess that's part of the point. I found it funny how, after the match, Edge apparently couldn't see Cena standing right down the hallway in his bright orange shirt and had to ask everyone where Cena was.

I don't hate Eve, but seeing Gail Kim and Natalya come out to Eve's music and play supporting roles while Eve has just come off a title run made me sad. The match sucked, but I was happy to see Melina back. But man... Alicia Fox's scissor kick is as ugly as she is beautiful.

I was really surprised that Sheamus's history with Goldust was mentioned. Of course, they omitted the fact that Goldust was the first man to pin Sheamus (only Triple H and Evan Bourne have done it otherwise, if I recall correctly, and Bourne's pinfall was in a tag match) but that makes sense, and the whole thing showed how much he's improved in kayfabe.

The Cena vs. Jericho match was good, as I expected, and the finish was... different. Edge and Jericho making up so quickly was stupid, but I can't complain much about probably my 2 favorite wrestlers on Raw working together. I expect to see them back in the 7 on 7 match, but maybe they're just going to replace them with 2 babyfaces. My guesses would be Mark Henry and Evan Bourne. Edge and Jericho could challenge the The Hart Dynasty (absent from this show) for the tag titles, but I'd rather see Edge and Jericho as singles.

The match next week... I don't know. I love Bret Hart, but he can't wrestle anymore. Although it was a shitty match, I felt that Bret beating Vince McMahon at WM XXVI would have been a perfect ending to his career. Then he had his last match in Canada and won the US title. Okay, then. Granted, he won't have to do much in a tag match (and even less at the PPV) but I hope he's done after SummerSlam, both for reasons I mentioned already as well as the fact that I would once again be able to say I saw his last match in person.

So does anyone actually read through all this? I put this line down here to see if anyone would notice it. I always read every word of every post in the wrestling thread.

I find it amusing that Michael Cole, when reading e-mails from the GM on his laptop, actually, noticeably, reads from note cards. Myke pointed that out, I see, but I was hoping I wasn't the only one who noticed that.

Ted DiBiase got his ass whooped. I know they're trying to make Khali look good, but it shouldn't come at the expense of a guy like DiBiase. I know Ted's got a lot of room to improve, but they keep going hot/cold with his push and that doesn't help matters whatsoever.

Orton vs. Miz was a good 10 minute match. Not much else to say about that one, really. It went about how I expected it to go.

I'm not sure what's up with SummerSlam. As a ticket holder, I'm worried that they only have 3 matches announced so far (haven't read spoilers for Friday) and one features a guy who's selling (kind of) a serious ankle injury, and the elimination match no longer has the full lineup set.

I'm guessing we'll see Kofi vs. Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship. I did expect Miz vs. Bourne for the US Championship, but they haven't gone further with that and Bourne may end up in the main event by my hypothesis from earlier.

The Hart Dynasty wasn't even on Raw, but I could see them defending against Jericho & Edge if those 2 aren't put back on Team WWE, or I guess against the Usos or Santino & Kozlov? Some combination of Christian/Matt Hardy/Drew McIntyre/Cody Rhodes would make sense. If Punk's healed, Punk vs. Big Show would be an obvious choice. But where would that all leave Swagger?

It's anyone's guess at this point, but it would be criminal to see my 3 favorite WWE wrestlers- the 3 best heels in the company- Edge, Jericho, and Punk, left off the show. Oh, and Miz, too, as far as top heels (plus he's the MITB holder and US Champion). Swagger's been pretty involved in the main event scene on Smackdown, too.

Well, I think that's all. This may be the longest post I have ever written on here. I hope it was worth reading, if anyone does/did read it.
Scorpio was like nobody else in wrestling when he arrived on the scene.

Hell, two decades later and there aren't many people who can do what he did - let alone people of his size and stature.

"Flash Funk" says everything about how Vince McMahon pictures black people. How many shuckin' and jivin', dancin' and rappin' black characters have been used in WWE?

Sometimes I feel like Vince McMahon's personal media library is a small 13" television set and one lonely, crusty, worn-out VHS tape of "Amos N' Andy." (for further evidence, I present to you Sapphire)
AJ Styles interview. Under a spoiler for length.

In an interview on the "PWI Weekly" podcast this week, AJ Styles sounded frustrated and confused by some elements of the decision-making in TNA.

Specifically, Styles expressed disagreement with the decision to take the TNA World Title off him and giving the title to Rob Van Dam earlier this year.

"I definitely didn't understand it. For the life of me, I couldn't figure it. I was very surprised that they would want me to lose that title after holding it for so long, and to somebody who hasn't been in wrestling for over a year, and came from WWE to win the World Title so quickly," Styles said.

"And he should have been tired from wrestling a match before that (against Jeff Hardy). I was very conflicted on that. It was like, 'I have no idea what's going on here anymore.' I don't know how to put it in words. I was pissed off - I don't want to say that - but at the same time, I was very confused. 'Okay, I guess I'm not the star that I thought I was here at TNA. I guess I'm just a TNA guy.'"

Part of Styles's frustration was evident when he gave a politically correct response when asked about TNA turning him heel at the beginning of the year. Styles said he's a team player and will do what the company believes is best. However, he said he felt he could have made more money for TNA as a babyface champion before they cut his run short by turning him heel.

Considering his tenure, Styles said he thinks he should be given more opportunities to contribute creatively. Styles said he learned that, from his perspective, TNA apparently didn't view him as highly as he thought he was viewed. Styles was responding to some people calling him "the face of TNA."

"Sometimes, I wish the higher-ups would say, 'Hey, A.J., what do you think about this?' But, I don't get that. So, I feel like, 'Okay, I'm a regular old wrestler and that's it,'" Styles said.

Styles also gave a blunt assessment of the changes in TNA this year. He said TNA should not have moved to Monday nights when asked about the timeslot changes in 2010 and how it's affected the audience being able to follow the product on a week-to-week basis.

"We never should have switched to Monday nights. We know that now. I wish that we would have just gone live on Thursday nights. The first one we did on Monday nights was huge, but Thursday nights was our night. There's no mistake about it; Monday night is WWE's. It's theirs. We need to own Thursday nights," Styles said.

Styles continued: "I think there are mistakes that we have done. I don't know if it's necessarily the people we've brought in, but there's stuff where surely they took a step back and thought, 'Okay, maybe we don't need this.' There were some people brought in who I don't think we necessarily needed. But, there's Jeff Hardy. He sells so much merchandise; he's making so much money for this company. There are other guys I think who deserved a shot at TNA who are not here that I'm very confused they're not here because I think they could make money."

Styles identified Delirious as one wrestler he would have brought in to TNA because of his experience and knowledge in the business. He also commented on TNA releasing Christopher Daniels.

"It was very disturbing at first. I was very upset and confused," he said. "I hope it's not a long time (before he comes back), or they'll bring Chris back."

During the interview, Styles was asked about TNA president Dixie Carter's job performance. Styles gave a positive assessment that Carter is willing to take risks and "some pay off; some don't," but the company is learning from those risks.

Regarding the X Division, Styles talked up Amazing Red, X Division champion Doug Williams, and Generation Me. He said the issue he sees with the presentation is a lack of emphasis on wrestling and their personalities.

"We have to have more X Division matches in there," Styles said. "We have to let people see it. If it were up to me, we would have a little more wrestling and less talking. But, I've said that since the beginning."

The X Division comment also played into what Styles said in response to how TNA could eventually surpass WWE.

"Build our wrestlers so our people know them," Styles said. "We have to make sure people know who these people are and make them important. And our storylines to go along with the character - you need to finish and end those."

Regarding the current ECW emphasis in TNA, Styles optimistically said he thinks it's "interesting." He said he hopes it helps the company and he's not bothered by the current focus on ECW wrestlers during TNA's TV time.

"It's interesting. I'm anxious to see Jerry Lynn-Rob Van Dam again. There's going to be other matches that are classic ECW. I'm not really bothered with it," Styles said. "It is kind of weird we're having a PPV for those guys, but it's interesting. I think people will buy this PPV to see, 'I wonder what's going to happen.'"
As much as I want to blame Mcmahon for his horrible stereotypes, he plays as much into his "core" audience as he does tap into his own ignorance. I admit, though, I can't tell half the time if all that disgusting racism is for real or if it's just a work.
I've always viewed Styles as a 'company' guy, but that interview really summed up a lot of my feelings on the problems within TNA. I'm impressed he's given that much leeway to speak out. Then again, it's not as if they can push him much lower anyway, so I guess he doesn't have much to lose.

I do hugely agree that pulling the belt off of him, especially in the manner that they did, was one of the most baffling booking decisions I've ever seen in wrestling, let alone TNA. That was some Wellness Policy violation booking, but without the necessity.
Samoa Joe has supposedly been suspended indefinitely for throwing a fit backstage about Jeremy Borash saying "There are 30 seconds left in this contest" during his match with Jeff Hardy.
[quote name='diddy310']Samoa Joe has supposedly been suspended indefinitely for throwing a fit backstage about Jeremy Borash saying "There are 30 seconds left in this contest" during his match with Jeff Hardy.[/QUOTE]

Apparently, he felt that it telegraphed the ending... as if announcing a 10 minute time limit beforehand didn't tell everyone it would be a draw, anyway. That explains why he wasn't on the last Impact. Their booking of Joe has been really weird lately. Lots of back and forth/up and down.

As for AJ, while it would have been fine for him to lose the belt after holding it for 7 months and RVD was a great choice to take it from him, they just threw it away with no build prior to that week's show. They do that a lot, eh? That was the stupid part of the decision, as far as I'm concerned.

Now, AJ has the TV title. After 2 stupid gimmicks with the Legends Championship and Global Championship, they made the right move to change the belt to a respectable midcard title (the concept, anyway; depends on where they go from here) but they've booked themselves into a corner since AJ will be facing Angle in a ranking match. Hopefully, they'll make it non-title. At least it should be a great match.

Well, I guess I got the answer to that question I asked earlier: no.
A thread on another forums got me thinking about something: other than Ricky Steamboat, have there been any wrestlers who've been completely face or heel their entire careers? Nobody really comes to mind.
Rick Rude was always a heel, I believe.

There are a bunch of newer guys who have never turned that I know of: Wade Barrett, Michael Tarver, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus...
[quote name='Matt Young']Rick Rude was always a heel, I believe.

There are a bunch of newer guys who have never turned that I know of: Wade Barrett, Michael Tarver, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus...[/QUOTE]

Well I'm more referring to the "legends", the guys who've been in the business and have established themselves as such.
Dibiase was a face when managing the Steiners, but I think he worked heel while wrestling. Not sure about pre-WWF though.

Warrior was always face as well, as was Kerry Von Erich I believe.
was out this weekend and spotted these. Didn't have my phone w/ me so I grabbed the pics from another site.

The pics of Animal & Hawk don't do it justice to how cool they really look.


[quote name='Matt Young']Well, I guess I got the answer to that question I asked earlier: no.[/QUOTE]

I missed your post the last time I was here. But the answer is yes... Or at least, i do.
I have Dusty, Austin, and Steamboat, they're all pretty nice. Going to wait for LoD in the red shoulderpads though.
[quote name='JJSP']Dibiase was a face when managing the Steiners, but I think he worked heel while wrestling. Not sure about pre-WWF though.

Warrior was always face as well, as was Kerry Von Erich I believe.[/QUOTE]

DiBiase was a face before the WWF for a short time, then went heel and used a "loaded glove" to knock out his opponents. Was a golf glove, if memory serves.
I love how Cole & Matthews' lips don't even move when they talk. It's like they just sat there in silence and added the commentary in after.
I have the DVD of the event with Hennig/Rodman. It was all of $1 at Wal*Mart and it still didn't deliver.
[quote name='BlueSwim']I have the DVD of the event with Hennig/Rodman. It was all of $1 at Wal*Mart and it still didn't deliver.[/QUOTE]

I have that same DVD. "Rodman Down Under". I got looks at the check out fo sho.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Shane McMahon is now CEO of some Chinese internet company. In China. WTF?[/QUOTE]
bread's done