The big TRU B2G1 Free Sale - Oct 23-29! XB, PS2 and GC only. :(

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[quote name='CaptPete']What were the exact prices on the reciept (before and after GT)? I had a couple more games I was going to pick up, but aren't able to get out today, so it would really suck if they've fixed it. Granted, the glitch has had reports of it's death before.[/QUOTE]

I think it might be YMMY, the guy working there said a guy was there earlier updating the computer systems going around to all the toys r us. Maybe some areas are slower to be updated then others. However, i can surely say in everett, wa and in Lynnwood, Wa the green tag glitch is officially cooked.
Went by my local true today. Nothing too much really since the sale was only on console and only have an Xbox. However I did pick up BF2: MC, Mortal Kombat Shalion Monks, and The Warriors.
Hey all, how much is it for Splinter cell CT if it's green tagged? And is it for all versions of CT or just one system? I might go for more tomorrow if I can get this as a $49.99 filler. :razz: Thanks for the help!
Xenosaga II is green tagged? sorry, been out of the forum loop for a little...

my ps2 is broken, but if XS2 is green tagged I'll go ahead and get it now...

and are green tags YMMV at different stores?
[quote name='CaptPete']What were the exact prices on the reciept (before and after GT)? I had a couple more games I was going to pick up, but aren't able to get out today, so it would really suck if they've fixed it. Granted, the glitch has had reports of it's death before.[/QUOTE]

D2R2 and Xenosaga are both 19.95GT... Capcom Classics is 19.99... THERE is the problem. GT games have to be equal to or greater than the non-GT game. :whistle2:s

On a seperate note, no DDR Mario Mix at my store yet. I'm still contemplating trading Socom 3 in for it. And all 8 copies of AC5 flew off the shelves in the past 2 days. I'm glad I picked my copy up a few days ago.
[quote name='VisioNed']Xenosaga II is green tagged? sorry, been out of the forum loop for a little...

my ps2 is broken, but if XS2 is green tagged I'll go ahead and get it now...

and are green tags YMMV at different stores?[/QUOTE]

Nope, Green Tags are the same at all locations. The list is made/modified by corporate.
Make sure the games weren't 19.95, 19.95 and 19.99. Otherwise it doesn't matter which order you rang them up in. I did this when I picked up XS2, SH3 and Kingdom HEarts(Kingdom Hearts being the 19.99 one).
[quote name='iflabs']I asked the guy working in the R'Zone how much RE4 was. He said $49.99 and I gave him a weird look. I was only planning on picking up 1 $49.99 game and 2 $39.99 game (to save some dough) so I asked again to confirm if RE4 is really $49.99. Thinking I'd have to pay $49.99 for RE4, I opted for another $49.99 game. Once the games were scanned, RE4 came out to be $39.99. What's wrong with these people? The other day, I asked if they had RE4 and they jumped out with "No" as an answer but the the RE4 GC title was right in front of them.......

Anyways, it was a good run today. Wasn't how I expected it to turn out, but heck of a deal for new games.

I forgot but what's the deal with gift receipts? Does this let you return any game for full credit?[/QUOTE]

At my store Xenosaga 2 has one of those big ass red and white NEW LOW PRICE signs and shows $39.95, it scans as $9.99. Never trust employees or signs have everything scanned.
[quote name='alfonsosoriano']Uh, haven't read this thread, won't read this thread, but has anyone been able to get Resident Evil 4 from them yet?[/QUOTE]
I got RE4 from them, they arrived today.
Splinter Cell is $29.99 GT ($15), IIRC
Xenosaga II is $19.99 GT ($10), and they're ALWAYS marked $39 or $49 at my stores, lol.

I got screwed by the GT today, I was going to pick up 2 GT DragonBall Z Sagas to dump on eBay and keep RE4 for free. The GT showed $39.99, but they actually rang up $39.95...

So I scrapped that plan and shelled out the big bucks:

RE4 x2
Indigo Prophecy (PS2)

I was able to use a $5 off $25 coupon, plus a 20% off any single item "card" that I just got in the mail today (be on the lookout for it if you receive mailings from TRU), then I listed and sold my extra RE4 on eBay BIN for $38 in less than an hour. :) After all that mathwork, I got RE4 and IP for $15 each gross (before fees/tax).
[quote name='alfonsosoriano']Uh, haven't read this thread, won't read this thread, but has anyone been able to get Resident Evil 4 from them yet?[/QUOTE]

I picked up a copy today.
Went to my local TRU today to get RE4, SC3, and Rachet Deadlocked. Funny thing though was that in front of me was an asian woman who proceeded to buy out TRU stock of these games. I was so fuck-ing pissed off. She took 22 copies of SC3, 15 copies of RE4 and another 15 copies of Rachet. I had a feeling she was a dealer and I asked the guy behind the counter if they recieved more in today and he told me that, that was it. I couldn't believe this crap and I complained to the manager but he didn't do anything about it. :bomb: I really hate the fact that there are dealers who are not only buying out stocks but then selling it back at full price in their stores. Needless to say I have to go to another TRU tomorrow which is 1 hour 15 minutes away from me.
[quote name='Draknight']Went to my local TRU today to get RE4, SC3, and Rachet Deadlocked. Funny thing though was that in front of me was an asian woman who proceeded to buy out TRU stock of these games. I was so fuck-ing pissed off. She took 22 copies of SC3, 15 copies of RE4 and another 15 copies of Rachet. I had a feeling she was a dealer and I asked the guy behind the counter if they recieved more in today and he told me that, that was it. I couldn't believe this crap and I complained to the manager but he didn't do anything about it. :bomb: I really hate the fact that there are dealers who are not only buying out stocks but then selling it back at full price in their stores. Needless to say I have to go to another TRU tomorrow which is 1 hour 15 minutes away from me.[/QUOTE]

You should've pulled a GTA on her ass... would've gotten yourself quite a haul :)
[quote name='Draknight'] I couldn't believe this crap and I complained to the manager but he didn't do anything about it. :bomb: Ie.[/QUOTE]

The manager would NEVER do something about it, and believe me they could. It's simple, someone came into the store today, and deposited a ton of money into their coffers, as well as making their numbers for new releases look extraordinary. No way any manager who is decent at his job is going to stop a customer spending what looked like over 1000 in cash for someone just wanting 3 games.

Money talks, and sadly most hoarders and resellers are great for business.
[quote name='wildnuts02']I got SotC too with a GT glitch. It's cool, but the controls suck. At least it's progressive scan...UNLIKE SOUL CALIBUR 3 WTF??[/QUOTE]

Soul Calibur 3 says it has progressive scan right in the instruction manual, unless they lied.
[quote name='Draknight']Went to my local TRU today to get RE4, SC3, and Rachet Deadlocked. Funny thing though was that in front of me was an asian woman who proceeded to buy out TRU stock of these games. I was so fuck-ing pissed off. She took 22 copies of SC3, 15 copies of RE4 and another 15 copies of Rachet. I had a feeling she was a dealer and I asked the guy behind the counter if they recieved more in today and he told me that, that was it. I couldn't believe this crap and I complained to the manager but he didn't do anything about it. :bomb: I really hate the fact that there are dealers who are not only buying out stocks but then selling it back at full price in their stores. Needless to say I have to go to another TRU tomorrow which is 1 hour 15 minutes away from me.[/QUOTE]

That's ****ing stupid...
I picked up SC3, SSX:OT, and SotC. They charged me SC3 and SSX (which is only $40). So I got like 10 bucks off. I was thinkin about the Green Tag glitch, but I didn't want any of those games.

Ace Combat 5 - 25
Cold Fear -25
Mario DDR - Free

Great deal for me, i get ace combat 5, christmas present for my neice and i traded cold fear and got me a gamecube controller. woooo
I got:

Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
Sonic Gems
Phantom Brave (GT)

for $44. The GT glitch worked which i find weird, because the GT game (PB) was $24.95 and the others were $29.99. I also find it weird that the glitch worked for this and not for the other transaction I was planning on doing.

Timesplitters: Future Perfect (GT)
The Warriors
Haunting Ground

TS: FP was the "free" game of the 3 and I even had the cashier scan it 1st.

Oh well. Saves me about $70.
[quote name='sp00ge']D2R2 and Xenosaga are both 19.95GT... Capcom Classics is 19.99... THERE is the problem. GT games have to be equal to or greater than the non-GT game. :whistle2:s [/QUOTE]

Damn - and here I was scared for a moment. ^_^
Went to my local Toys R Us in Dallas, TX and the green tag glitch worked.

GC Splinter Cell:CT green tag 49.95
GC Timespliters FP green tag 49.95
GC XMen Legends 2 49.95

Total $54 and some change.

Very, very happy :)
The people at the TRU by me would never allow the GT glitch. I can imagine picking up 2 GT games for $20 each (after GT) and then RE4, and having the total be $40something and change.

The dude would flip out and definitely question it.

I did get lucky by returning 2 $40 games (kept the game I got free at home) and they gave me full credit after trying to only give me $26 for each game. I was able to get 2 new games (RE4, Ratchet) and also a 3rd one for a friend. So 4 games for $80+ tax for me.
Second haul. :)

Soul Calibur 3
Burnout Revenge
SSX On Tour

Also bought one of the C64 all-in-one units... and was in such a rush I TOTALLY missed the fact it was "buy-one-get-one-free" on the TV games. grrrrrrr. guess I gotta go back, and do a return/rebuy with another TV game... (the cashier was a bit brain dead, unlike the woman in the R-Zone who was being very assertive making sure people knew about the sale and actually sending people trying to buy 2 games back so they could pick out a free game!)
Ace Combat 5: $24.99
Time Splitters FP: $24.99
Makai Kingdom: $0.00

Gradius V: $14.08
Gradius V: $14.08
Dora Purple Planet: $0.00

I might try to return the TP:FP, or else ebay it (and probably get $20 at the most). If I can reduce the cost of AC5/Makai to $25-$30 combined I'll be happy.

The Gradius were discounted from $15 because I used the $3 survey coupon (and there was other stuff on the receipt). Yeah, I know, A Dora the Explorer game - hey, it is for my son who turns 3 in early December. He'll love it, and I can't beat the price :D.
Well, I got some SNK goodness...:D

The King of Fighters: Maximum Impact Maniax (Xbox) $39.99
The King of Fighters 2002 & 2003 (Xbox) $39.99
Metal Slug 4 & 5 (Xbox) FREE
I got 2 copies of Battlefield and a copy of Socom 3....

I'm probably going to return the Socom 3 for Battlefront 2 when it comes out....
I finally made my rounds today. First TRU was sold out of SC3, so I did a set of $40s plus that $10 off coupon that came in the mail. Got Blitz, RE4, and Urban Reign. Was gonna get SSX but I guess can wait on that. Second TRU got 2 copies of SC3 and X-Men Legends 2. Picked up my bro from school and sold the second copy of SC3 to his friend for $43.

I'm done with this sale, see you next year TRU B2G1. Time to save for all the great stuff coming November. Guitar Hero and all the DS games are gonna eat up chunks in my paychecks.
None of the 2 TRU's I talked to had the game I've been wanting the most: Shadow of the Colossus....What the fuck....These damn stores...Have the god damn game in stock with plenty of copies...the game came out tuesday and today is Thursday... damn unless a miracle happens I won't be getting jack shit from this sale...
[quote name='cruzincontrol']None of the 2 TRU's I talked to had the game I've been wanting the most: Shadow of the Colossus....What the fuck....These damn stores...Have the god damn game in stock with plenty of copies...the game came out tuesday and today is Thursday... damn unless a miracle happens I won't be getting jack shit from this sale...[/QUOTE]

Calm down.

Assuming that you're going to be doing the sale this week, then there are two other games that you would have been getting, right? Do they have those in stock? If they do, then just buy those, along with some random $40 game and make sure that it isn't your `free' game just to make things easier later. Then next week/month/whatever, when they do get copies in, go back and do an exchange for it.

If you're really can't wait that long, then go buy it at Best Buy, or Circuit City, or somewhere else with a return policy longer than you figure it'll take TRU to get it in stock, then add the extra step of returning the one your finally get at TRU there.

Of course, if your plan is to use the GT glitch with it, then ok, you've screwed if it dosen't come in this week.

Only one of the three TRU's that are close to me had it last week/early this week. One of the others got it in yesterday, I don't know about the other one. Both had a bunch of copies when it did come in though.
I think I'm officially done....four trips this week.

Shadow of the Colossus
Jak X
Mortal Kombat: Deception Kollector's Edition (XB)

Ghostwarrior (w/green tag glitch)
Capcom Classics (XB)
Super Monkey Ball Deluxe (XB)

Resident Evil 4
Ratchet: Deadlocked
Serious Sam 2 (XB)

Burnout Revenge (PS2)
The Warriors (XB)
Fire Emblem (GC)
Tried to have Best Buy price some knuckle head that took up to 30 minutes to discuss this w/ everyone in the store, then tried to say that DDR would not qualify as it came w/ the controller. I got pissed, and had him look it up and showed him it was the same price. He got the manager, I told them to forget it.............I told them I never had this trouble at my home town location. She (the manager) finally stated that they would do as I was already pissed, I whipped out two $5 off GGC's and you'd thought I shot the guy's dog. He stated "This is double dipping", again, I never had this issue w/ my home store, he ran off again and came back stating that he couldnt do it------------I got my ad and left. I'll try at another store.................
[quote name='cruzincontrol']None of the 2 TRU's I talked to had the game I've been wanting the most: Shadow of the Colossus....What the fuck....These damn stores...Have the god damn game in stock with plenty of copies...the game came out tuesday and today is Thursday... damn unless a miracle happens I won't be getting jack shit from this sale...[/QUOTE]

I work at TRU and for some reason most TRU stores in general have only been set a maximum of 4 copies per store. I checked inventory for a lot of stores in our area and a little outside, and it seems the same for them as well. Why? I don't know. Don't blame the store. Blame the distributor, or the publisher. Hell, I had to drive to 11-12 different game stores to find Shadow of the Colossus, and finally snagged a copy at an EB 2+ hours from where I live, don't see me complaining.

Just be happy this sale is happening, especially on such a great release week such as this one.

On a related note, I'm going to try and get in on this sale with my brother, since all I want is Ratchet: Deadlocked, and maybe Indigo Prophecy or Soul Calibur 3. I know he has been talking about that new Mario DDR game, and that's part of the 3 for 2 sale.
[quote name='asianxcore']I work at TRU and for some reason most TRU stores in general have only been set a maximum of 4 copies per store. I checked inventory for a lot of stores in our area and a little outside, and it seems the same for them as well. Why? I don't know. Don't blame the store. Blame the distributor, or the publisher. Hell, I had to drive to 11-12 different game stores to find Shadow of the Colossus, and finally snagged a copy at an EB 2+ hours from where I live, don't see me complaining.

Just be happy this sale is happening, especially on such a great release week such as this one.

On a related note, I'm going to try and get in on this sale with my brother, since all I want is Ratchet: Deadlocked, and maybe Indigo Prophecy or Soul Calibur 3. I know he has been talking about that new Mario DDR game, and that's part of the 3 for 2 sale.[/QUOTE]

From what I've read/heard, DDR Mario Mix is questionable. Some people have had no problem getting it as part of the B2G1, and others have had to argue it. Just be prepared for a little confrontation if it comes down to it.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned already, but a lot of the games on sale online have free shipping now. Of course, now they don't have Mario Power Tennis :(

btw, the same thing happened last year. If you guys ordered earlier this week, you might want to try and contact Amazon to get your shipping charges refunded. It worked for several folks last year.
[quote name='sp00ge']From what I've read/heard, DDR Mario Mix is questionable. Some people have had no problem getting it as part of the B2G1, and others have had to argue it. Just be prepared for a little confrontation if it comes down to it.[/QUOTE]

I work R-Zone at a TRU, and scanned the Mario Mix game today, checked the promo sales screen, and it did say "Buy 2 get 1 Free". Also I sold 2 of them today as part of the sale. I'm guessing most of the people who aren't getting it, are running into employees that are thinking just because it's packaged with something that big, that it can't be part of the sale. I wish all R-Zone TRU employees would just use their item info button on their register to make sure something is part of a sale, or if there is an additional sale. It takes all of a second, and can make shoppers really happy.
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