The Hurricycle Memorial New Japan Pro Wrestling Thread Does Its Talking In The Ring

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[quote name='Scorch']If you import it, be aware you cannot us US dlc.[/QUOTE]
I rarely buy DLC for games anyway, but that is definitely something to watch out for if someone does import the game.
More news about Scott Hall

The former wife of Scott Hall told Mike Mooneyham of her most recent conversation with her ex-husband.

“I could barely understand him, but finally heard him say he was sorry for his behavior, and after wrapping his head around it, he knew he was going to die, didn’t have much time left, and wanted me and the kids to be with him in the end.”

She says Hall, however, hung up when she started to talk and would not answer when she called him back. Not knowing what his condition might be, she says she called 911 to meet her at Hall’s home 10 miles away in case he needed help.

“He sounded like he might be dying,” she says. “I was freaking out because he sounded really bad.”

Emergency medical technicians were already on the scene and climbing through a bedroom window when she arrived.

When she got to the front porch, she says, Hall was pushing an EMT out of the door.

“It was nothing short of a scene from ‘One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ meets ‘The Shining.’ This is no exaggeration … I wish it was,” she says.

When he saw her, she says, Hall “went into a rampage against me, telling them to get this (expletive) off his property.”
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']At least Helms has a "look" now. Time to pair him up with Necro Butcher and have them shoot for the CZW tag titles. Hell, throw Drew Hankinson and Ray Gordy into the mix, and you'll have yourself the worst stable ever.[/QUOTE]

Maybe we could bring back Col. Robert Parker and bring back the Stud Stable. we went down to the Red Lobster, my girlfriend and I...uhhh, you I was about to bite into a cheesy biscuit, you know those things are so delicious...uhhh...someone gave me a call on my cell phone...I finally got an iphone 4....I...uhhh...had waited for so long because I wasn't sure if I wanted AT&T or Verizon, white or black...some of my friends said AT&T or Verizon, others...uhhh...said white
WM27 DVD/Blu edits -

Edited Austin giving the finger to Cole during his entrance.
Triple H's Metallica theme has a generic version in place of it. Taker enters to his regular theme (pre-Cash theme).
Fans booing the choir prior to Cena's entrance has been removed.

Also, Triple H's speech on HBK was an hour, but it's only 30 minutes on this release.
[quote name='mykevermin'] we went down to the Red Lobster, my girlfriend and I...uhhh, you I was about to bite into a cheesy biscuit, you know those things are so delicious...uhhh...someone gave me a call on my cell phone...I finally got an iphone 4....I...uhhh...had waited for so long because I wasn't sure if I wanted AT&T or Verizon, white or black...some of my friends said AT&T or Verizon, others...uhhh...said white[/QUOTE]

"Healthy" Matt Hardy looks worse than all-fucked-up-post-cycle-accident Helms. Truth.
[quote name='Scorch']WM27 DVD/Blu edits -

Edited Austin giving the finger to Cole during his entrance.
Triple H's Metallica theme has a generic version in place of it. Taker enters to his regular theme (pre-Cash theme).
Fans booing the choir prior to Cena's entrance has been removed.

Also, Triple H's speech on HBK was an hour, but it's only 30 minutes on this release.[/QUOTE]

While I understand the company we're dealing with, let's step back and think about a few things.

We bring in Stone Cold, but he's not allowed to do most of things that made the character popular in the first place. The Rock, however, not only talks about eating pie in almost every promo, but they even work it into his video packages. Apparently it pays to not let the company run your character into the ground for a decade.

Why, exactly, would you pay to license things like Metallica and Cash in this day and age *without* also licensing them for DVD or other releases? That makes no sense. I can't imagine they came cheap, so it just seems like a wasted expense to me. Metallica makes less sense, since it was about a 30 second clip. Pointless. Cash not being used is fucking awful, since the promos for the feud were built around the damn song. If you're going to spend the money, just spend the fucking money.

Removing Cena boos... eh, it depends. If they removed ALL the Cena boos, that's bullshit. If they really only removed the 'intro' boos where it was more about the choir, then I can go with that. No need to cement that part in history.

And HHH's speech being cut down? Makes it easy enough for me to not buy it, since HBK's induction was 95% of the reason I'd even pick it up. I can easily wait until I find it used for like $10-15.
fuck it... not watching Raw tonight. I'm going to play You don't know Jack with my wife or something else. Of course since I'm not watching something epic will happen and you guys will all tell me that you can't believe I wasn't watching. :)
The choir booing was pretty terrible, mind you I'm not sure why Cena needed a choir. That doesn't excuse the booing of course.

They didn't cut out Drew Carey getting booed I guess ?
I read this a little while ago:

WWE officials have been surprised at the uproar of criticism from fans after Christian lost the World Heavyweight Title to Randy Orton. Officials weren't expecting there to be such a backlash against Orton.

There's really not much main event competition on SD, so I expect the title to go back on Christian at some point.

It's good that the backlash is catching the attention of higher ups. The "WWE Universe" has a voice now. Maybe things will change. Also, maybe Hogan and Savage will have one more run as the Mega Powers and carry the tag belts through Wrestlemania, where they'll lose them to Demolition before retiring the division altogether. Hey, anything can happen in the World Universe Wrestling Federation Entertainment!
[quote name='Scorch']It's good that the backlash is catching the attention of higher ups.[/QUOTE]

They're not going to change how they do business until it hits them financially - they don't give a fuck about fan sentiment. pops don't buy summer homes finance straight to video films, dollar bills do.

(i understand the absurdity of WWE's myopically short-term vision here. I really do. Their wrestling product outlook has lacked a long-term vision for so long it's insane - and now that they're confronted with the downside of no long-term vision or build, they're still acting like it hasn't happened. combine that with their long-term projects being the sort of non-wrestling ideas (film, network) that McMahon has a magnificently failed track record with, and you have to wonder if anybody in Stamford isn't fucking retarded.)
[quote name='mykevermin']They're not going to change how they do business until it hits them financially - they don't give a fuck about fan sentiment. pops don't buy summer homes finance straight to video films, dollar bills do.[/QUOTE]
I would wager that for every one wrestling fan that is bummed about Christian losing the belt, there are three or four women and children fans who are stoked that Orton won the belt.
I get the resentment towards WWE for booking Christian to lose the title two days after winning it. However, I definitely get why they put the belt on Orton. The champion needs to be the guy who can draw money from house shows, sell PPV's and merchandise. Headlining house shows with Christian vs. Cody Rhodes is not going to fund "Thats What I Am 2: I Am What I Am". Whether we like it or not, Orton is going to represent Smackdown much like Cena does on RAW.
don't disagree at all. but how has orton as champ improved ratings, ticket sales, merch sales, etc over the past 5-6-7 years? Same question about Cena.

would these same children and parents stop watching if Orton wasn't champ, or even in the title hunt, and...say, killing all of Nexus every week with one hand tied behind his back?

I get that Christian is no Orton in terms of popularity, and wouldn't ever argue otherwise. But WWE has relied on Cena and Orton as the centerpiece of their shows for half a decade now with little to no change in viewership.

It's the same reason we roll our eyes at some of TNA's hires. None of the marquee talent they signed in the past 15-18 months (or 24, or 36 months) has done one iota to improve the ratings or stature of the show.

Both promotions seem afraid of losing viewership if they don't maintain the focus on someone reliable (i.e., over) and do little to nothing to help other guys (1) get over, or (2) remain over if they are. TNA missed a magnificent opportunity with Joe in 2008, and now he's just another boring chubby dude. WWE blew an opportunity with Christian, and now it's back on Orton - which makes for compelling television in what way?

Like I said, I see what you're saying, but where I disagree is that one of these companies needs to take a fucking chance. And both are scared to death to do that very thing.

Here's a wager for you: Batista will wear the WWE Big Gold Belt™ again before Christian does.
I'm going to kind of agree but partially disagree on the Orton/Christian (vs Cody) thing. The reason that a feud like Christian vs Cody wouldn't be the big money WWE would want it to be is because they haven't built either of those guys up as well they they should be. Anything somehting big needs to happen, it's automatically thrown on orton or Cena because the perception is that they can already do it. Destroy old Nexus? Cena can do it! Destroy New Nexus? Orton can do it! Having someone else come out at take down either Nexus would have been a great opportunity. But they wasted it on guys who didn't need it. And now when you have guys like Christian and Cody, which for all intents and purposes should have been a main event SD feud, they have nowhere to go because they haven't been allowed into the big time. Even though they constantly tease Christian as a main event guy. How long did he hold the title in ECW? Then loses it to Zeke for no reason on the last episode. Then he gets drafted to SD and indicates he'll be going after the world heavyweight belt (think it was Punk or Jeff Hardy that had it at the time).... and nothing ever came of that. Now he finally wins the belt, only to have it ripped off of him, again to give it to someone who has no need for it. Now Orton is going to plow through whoever he feuds with, whereas Christian propbably could have had some decent feuds with Cody, Sheamus, and Mark henry (....ok... maybe average in his case).
[quote name='mykevermin']don't disagree at all. but how has orton as champ improved ratings, ticket sales, merch sales, etc over the past 5-6-7 years? Same question about Cena.

would these same children and parents stop watching if Orton wasn't champ, or even in the title hunt, and...say, killing all of Nexus every week with one hand tied behind his back?

I get that Christian is no Orton in terms of popularity, and wouldn't ever argue otherwise. But WWE has relied on Cena and Orton as the centerpiece of their shows for half a decade now with little to no change in viewership.

It's the same reason we roll our eyes at some of TNA's hires. None of the marquee talent they signed in the past 15-18 months (or 24, or 36 months) has done one iota to improve the ratings or stature of the show.

Both promotions seem afraid of losing viewership if they don't maintain the focus on someone reliable (i.e., over) and do little to nothing to help other guys (1) get over, or (2) remain over if they are. TNA missed a magnificent opportunity with Joe in 2008, and now he's just another boring chubby dude. WWE blew an opportunity with Christian, and now it's back on Orton - which makes for compelling television in what way?

Like I said, I see what you're saying, but where I disagree is that one of these companies needs to take a fucking chance. And both are scared to death to do that very thing.

Here's a wager for you: Batista will wear the WWE Big Gold Belt™ again before Christian does.[/QUOTE]
Oh, I agree with all of that. I said that to solidify your point that WWE doesn't care what true wrestling fans think.
[quote name='mykevermin'] Like I said, I see what you're saying, but where I disagree is that one of these companies needs to take a fucking chance. And both are scared to death to do that very thing.

Here's a wager for you: Batista will wear the WWE Big Gold Belt™ again before Christian does.[/QUOTE]

McMahon doesn't really take risks and won't leave the comfort zone of Orton and Cena. They have some legit young talent that is capable of drawing money, but they refuse to go all in on them. And I wouldn't bet against you if Batista does return to the WWE.
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[quote name='Brak']Oh, I agree with all of that. I said that to solidify your point that WWE doesn't care what true wrestling fans think.[/QUOTE]

Right. They tread too carefully, however - they should care about growing their base. Fans spend money, and both promotions refuse to radically alter their product - they seem to think that ratings, fans, and overall interest in the product will improve eventually if they don't change the product. Which is fucking insanity.

Both mouth breathing hillbillies and true wrestling fans (if we can distill wrestling fans into two conglomerate groups) spend money. But we need a reason to.

They don't care what *anyone* thinks, really. They care about what makes money. Thing is, they seem to do things to spite their attempts to make money. None of their major signings, shakeups, moves, turns, pushes have really done much with their revenue sources (and ratings, etc.).

You can interpret that two ways:

1) we have a solid, unshakeable foundation on which to build. the viewers who tune in today aren't going away anytime soon, so we have opportunities to build talent, create unique story arcs, experiment with production and presentation styles, etc. we have to give some degree of consistency from week to week in the product, but we also have room to experiment.

2) If we change anything at all, we're fucked. we have no room to experiment or test new ideas. now, who's got an idea for this week's NXT competition? Jump rope and slurpee chugging contest? GREAT!

EDIT: I'm a mean enough person to say I hope Orton or Cena gets injured soon. Like a nice tendon rip that keeps them on the shelf for 6-12 months. Just because then, and only then, would WWE have to shift something somehow. Though that might lead to Triple H coming back for a title run. Kidding. I think.
The thing with both Cena and Orton is that they only put on great matches when they're in the ring with guys who can carry them (like Punk). Orton works the slowest fucking pace possible. He barely does anything in the ring. I'm pretty sure if he had a high impact, high speed match for 15 minutes, he'd only be able to go 5 before getting gassed out. Everything about him screams boring.
[quote name='Blackout'] Everything about him screams boring.[/QUOTE]

What about his setup to the RKO with the ground pounding and stuff? That's kinda cool...Oh wait, Punk made it look better...Oh well.
Looks like Morrison got bitten by Karma (no, not Kharma)

Moving on, I just read that, according to Kevin Nash, Lex Luger is heading up WWE's Wellness Policy.....

If I ever decide that I hate wrestling, and sell all my dvds and wrestling games, I'll still come here for gifs and pictures.
Those awesome entrances for HHH and 'Taker at Mania? Edited out of the DVD/Blu copies and replaced with an "in-house" version of "For Whom The Bell Tolls" and 'Taker's usual song.
Since it's on Netflix, I rewatched 'Beyond the Mat' for the first time in close to 11 years. One, yeah, that's still depressing as shit... even more so now, knowing that nothing really ever turned around for any of those people.

Then, when it started to cover the WWF stuff, it just fucking made me sad on a different level. It's dead, man. The shit I loved 10 years ago, 15 years ago, 20 years ago... it's fucking dead. Buried. Gone. It's over, and it simply isn't coming back. I've known this, so it's not new information, but something about seeing all those WWF logos, the old sets, the people backstage, the announcers using the word WRESTLER... it just really drove it all home for some reason. Wrestling used to be small. It used to be dirty. The entire product has changed. You used to have guys on the mid-card feuding over things other than titles, and you fucking cared. I don't know, really, but it was one of those moments like you find in a failed-but-still-together marriage, where you wake up and look over at the person next to you, wondering who they are and where the person you loved went.

Sorry, that was a weird rant, but for some reason BTM really just made things abundantly clear as to why I never go to bed on a Monday, Thursday, or Friday and go 'Gee, I'm really glad I watched that'.

Game over, man. Game over.
[quote name='JJSP']Those awesome entrances for HHH and 'Taker at Mania? Edited out of the DVD/Blu copies and replaced with an "in-house" version of "For Whom The Bell Tolls" and 'Taker's usual song.[/QUOTE]

Not unexpected but that is awful. I downloaded the HD broadcast the day after the show since I knew that shit was coming. I wonder if the Miz & Cena videos are also altered (or just removed completely).
WWE Stock dropped about 10-12% after it was announced that their dividend was going to get chopped to about 33% of its previous value.
Guess they gotta pay for failed political campaigns somehow
According to a report, police are investigating whether Gregory Shane Helms was intoxicated at the time of his motorcycle crash Thursday night that left the former WWE Superstar and his girlfriend, Karen, hospitalized with serious injuries.

A witness cited in a police report says Helms and his girlfriend were riding home from a restaurant in Smithfield, North Carolina at approximately 9:15 p.m. when Helms went through a stop sign, lost control of the bike and “drove straight through the metal chain link fence.”

TMZ says the witness told officers he was hanging out with Helms at the restaurant minutes before the crash and said he “was sure” Helms had been drinking.
While I don't support drinking and driving, are they even allowed to do anything if they don't have a BAC test at the time of the incident, or close enough to do the appropriate math?
[quote name='Blackout']Is the Lex Express still confined to a wheelchair?[/QUOTE]

is it bad that I kinda laughed at that?

Anyway, to answer your question:

As of 2010, Luger has stated in an interview that he is able to walk more comfortably, and is able to drive around after being paralyzed from the neck down before.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']
Moving on, I just read that, according to Kevin Nash, Lex Luger is heading up WWE's Wellness Policy.....

Lesson #128:

'How to share a lifestyle that killed the most over female in wrestling ever and get away with it...'
Couple of 'news' items:

One WWE source says that CM Punk may indeed be taking some time off but there is virtually no chance of him leaving for good, at least now, regarding the recent reports of Punk leaving the company.

- The same source notes that it’s been discussed in recent WWE creative meetings about doing a full-fledged heel turn with John Cena a few months before his WrestleMania 28 match against The Rock.
While Vince McMahon is against the idea, one person spoke up at a meeting and said like, “Isn’t Cena already a heel when he’s out working with Rock?”

WWE officials are reportedly very high on Kharma since her debut and feel like they may have something very special in the works. The feeling is that Kharma is unlike any other WWE Diva they’ve had and could turn the Divas division around for the better, long-term, is how it was described by a source. It’s said that Vince McMahon has taken a liken to Kharma and the reaction from fans so far. It was noted that Vince hasn’t felt this good about a new WWE talent debuting on TV in a long time.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Couple of 'news' items:[/QUOTE]

It was noted that Vince hasn’t felt this good about a new WWE talent debuting on TV in a long time.

Isn't that a little like throwing the "huge acquisition" of Sin Cara under the bus?
The May 6 episode of WWE SmackDown, featuring a World Heavyweight Championship Match, scored a 1.73 cable rating. The number is down 12 percent from the previous week, a 1.94.

It is the lowest rated episode of 2011. The show drew 2,793,000 viewers overall.
I'm sure this had nothing to do with putting the belt back on Orton.

Or WWE will try to spin it that people wouldn't watch because Christian won the title at Extreme Rules.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']I read this a little while ago:


WWE still hasn't grasped that Randy Orton isn't Stone Cold.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']I read this a little while ago:


WWE still hasn't grasped that Randy Orton isn't Stone Cold.
[quote name='lombarvm']I get the resentment towards WWE for booking Christian to lose the title two days after winning it. However, I definitely get why they put the belt on Orton. The champion needs to be the guy who can draw money from house shows, sell PPV's and merchandise. Headlining house shows with Christian vs. Cody Rhodes is not going to fund "Thats What I Am 2: I Am What I Am". Whether we like it or not, Orton is going to represent Smackdown much like Cena does on RAW.[/QUOTE]

Two things

One, you're right about putting the belt on your "top guy." Whether we like it or not, Orton has been picked as the "top guy" for Smackdown. The problem though is that putting the belt on your top guy has to have some kind of buildup. Having him win it on his first fucking night after being drafted to the new show is just silly. I get why they would want to eventually put the belt on Orton but the way they did it was just cheap. Yeah it might push the whole "anything can happen any night" idea but it backfired, which brings me to my second point; it backfired.

They just crowned a new champion which hit the internet 4 days before it was aired. If Orton really was the guy who sold their tickets and brought in the money that should have been one of the highest watched Smackdown episodes. Instead, its likely that everyone found out and said "fuck it" to Smackdown. This "mysterious" backlash should be enough to show them that Orton isn't enough of a draw to be their "top guy" but it won't be.
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