The myth of "Islamophobia" in America

If you honestly don't believe that radical Islam is a threat to the world in America, then you are living in denial.
[quote name='berzirk']You honestly don't think it was the fear of having a Muslim president (as was falsely accused)? It was just some political game similar to covering up his smoking? This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about when I say you come to loony conclusions.

How bout when people said he was sworn in on a Quran AFTER he had been elected? Or the folks that freaked out nationally when Michigan congressman and Muslim Keith Ellison was electing, saying 'up next sharia!'

Or the current assclowns that are trying to pass unnecessary laws to ban Sharia (which is such a great buzzword for bigots these days)

These are all still political games, and not starting to appear systematic?[/QUOTE]

Culture clashes all over the world every day. Are other countries afraid of foreign cultures? You are starting to blend the clash of islam and christianity in America into an epidemic of intolerance. Cultures are allowed to clash, it is inevitable.
[quote name='SgtMurder']If you honestly don't believe that radical Islam is a threat to the world in America, then you are living in denial.[/QUOTE]

I'd argue that radicalism in any form is a threat to America. Picking Islam and calling it a greater threat is another form of xenophobia and racism.

It's like saying black men are the only ones that split before their babies are born.
[quote name='depascal22']I'd argue that radicalism in any form is a threat to America. Picking Islam and calling it a greater threat is another form of xenophobia and racism.

It's like saying black men are the only ones that split before their babies are born.[/QUOTE]

I see we are back to the "all extremism is created equal" argument again.

You are a fool to believe that all radicalism is equal. For example - the IRA.....huh we don't have much to fear from them, but I guess they are a pretty equal threat to us huh?

Why don't you go ahead and look up the recent history of terrorism in our own country and come back.
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[quote name='Knoell']I see we are back to the "all extremism is created equal" argument again.

You are a fool to believe that all radicalism is equal. For example - the IRA.....huh we don't have much to fear from them, but I guess they are a pretty equal threat to us huh?

Why don't you go ahead and look up the recent history of terrorism in our own country and come back.[/QUOTE]

Had we invaded, occupied, and installed a dictator in Ireland, you could bet your hindquarters that the IRA would be a threat to the US. Leading cause of terrorism is: occupation.

For halolz, the guy who is crusading against radical extremist Islamofacism? Peter King? IRA.
[quote name='Knoell']I see we are back to the "all extremism is created equal" argument again.

You are a fool to believe that all radicalism is equal. For example - the IRA.....huh we don't have much to fear from them, but I guess they are a pretty equal threat to us huh?

Why don't you go ahead and look up the recent history of terrorism in our own country and come back.[/QUOTE]

Oklahoma City. Atlanta Olympics bombing. The Unabomber. Not one of them Islamic related in anyway but still terrorized this country. Do they not count?

9/11 was not the only terrorist attack in America.
[quote name='Knoell']Culture clashes all over the world every day. Are other countries afraid of foreign cultures? You are starting to blend the clash of islam and christianity in America into an epidemic of intolerance. Cultures are allowed to clash, it is inevitable.[/QUOTE]

Whoops, I'm sorry, I was discussing Islamaphobia in AMERICA. I'm not sure where I got the idea this was the appropriate topic to do so.

Edit: And who said this is a clash between Islam and Christianity? While it may be true that some Christians despise Muslims and make it well known, I think you'd be harder pressed to find the reverse. Maybe it's the whole idea that Jesus is revered in Islam, and Christianity (along with Judaism) is considered a divinely inspired religion. You could say Islam clashes with many parts of Western Culture, but I don't think it's correct to say it clashes with Christianity.

At what point are clashing cultures not an indicator of systemic bias by the majority? Were blacks and whites having "cultural clashes" during the Civil Rights movement? Does gay bashing, by action or by words, indicate clashing cultures, or a deep seeded hatred and bigotry? Where is the cutoff between clash and organized conflict?
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']... and you're saying you're more libertarian than thou?[/QUOTE]

Dude, this is more important than my personal politics, lives of good wholesome American people are at stake. While we bicker back and forth we need to worry about the people who want to blow us up and stone our women to death. Wake up.
[quote name='depascal22']I'd argue that radicalism in any form is a threat to America. Picking Islam and calling it a greater threat is another form of xenophobia and racism.

It's like saying black men are the only ones that split before their babies are born.[/QUOTE]

Stop being so P.C.
[quote name='SgtMurder']Dude, this is more important than my personal politics, lives of good wholesome American people are at stake. While we bicker back and forth we need to worry about the people who want to blow us up and stone our women to death. Wake up.[/QUOTE]

Technically those lives are at stake because we fucked with with "radical" communism with radical Islamist's.

Edit- Spelled stake as steak.
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[quote name='SgtMurder']Dude, this is more important than my personal politics, lives of good wholesome American people are at stake. While we bicker back and forth we need to worry about the people who want to blow us up and stone our women to death. Wake up.[/QUOTE]

Don't tell me you're another one of those Sharia law is coming to America types.

While you're worried about Islam, Christian fundamentalists want to blow this country up and proverbially stone our women. Is that any better?
[quote name='depascal22']Oklahoma City. Atlanta Olympics bombing. The Unabomber. Not one of them Islamic related in anyway but still terrorized this country. Do they not count?

9/11 was not the only terrorist attack in America.[/QUOTE]

You are right, all threats to the united states are equal and should be treated as such. :roll::roll::roll:

Im doing OT so thats all I have time for.
[quote name='Knoell']You are right, all threats to the united states are equal and should be treated as such. :roll::roll::roll:

Im doing OT so thats all I have time for.[/QUOTE]

They're not all equal. I'd just be more worried about a crazed right winger blowing something up (like the federal building in OKC) because they think Obama is an African Communist.
If things continue down this path it's only a matter of time before we're back to McCarthyism, the only difference being that we'll be hunting muslims rather than communists.
[quote name='SgtMurder']Dude, this is more important than my personal politics, lives of good wholesome American people are at stake. While we bicker back and forth we need to worry about the people who want to blow us up and stone our women to death. Wake up.[/QUOTE]

I was going to make a multi paragraph post about our foreign policy and the theory of creating our own enemies, but I reread your post and realized you're a trollolololololololol.
[quote name='depascal22']Don't tell me you're another one of those Sharia law is coming to America types.

While you're worried about Islam, Christian fundamentalists want to blow this country up and proverbially stone our women. Is that any better?[/QUOTE]

The threat of Christian fundamentalist terrorism is far smaller compared to the chance of Islamic terrorism. This is a fact, every year or so an abortion doctor is killed (sadly), but every time you turn on the tv there's various terrorist attacks and bomb attempts happening from radical Islamist.
[quote name='berzirk']Edit: And who said this is a clash between Islam and Christianity?[/QUOTE]

I don't know why, but when you say "religious war" you're almost always going to have Christians or Muslims in the mix.
[quote name='camoor']I don't know why, but when you say "religious war" you're almost always going to have Christians or Muslims in the mix.[/QUOTE]

The Hindus and Jews called. They want too be included too (Kashmir, Israel-Palestine)
Nobody is denying that Jews and Hindus have their problems here in America. But the main religious struggle going on here is Christianity vs. Islam.

The right doesn't get shitty when temples or synagogues get built. They go crazy when mosques are built. Well, the extreme right might get shitty when anything but a church gets built but they've been so busy with mosques lately, the Jews must be feeling left out.
[quote name='depascal22']Nobody is denying that Jews and Hindus have their problems here in America. But the main religious struggle going on here is Christianity vs. Islam.

The right doesn't get shitty when temples or synagogues get built. They go crazy when mosques are built. Well, the extreme right might get shitty when anything but a church gets built but they've been so busy with mosques lately, the Jews must be feeling left out.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I think the Christianity vs. Islam thing is incorrectly labeled, or perhaps I should say the Islam vs. Christianity thing is.

If we can all agree on something, it must be this, the Sikhs get screwed the worst. They get attacked as part of Muslim hate crimes, but then don't get enough credit as an independent group to be hated as their own entity.
The Sikhs did get screwed. Coptic Christians are on the list as well. Either way, it didn't come down to religion as it came down to people that looked Middle Eastern.
[quote name='depascal22']Nobody is denying that Jews and Hindus have their problems here in America. But the main religious struggle going on here is Christianity vs. Islam.

The right doesn't get shitty when temples or synagogues get built. They go crazy when mosques are built. Well, the extreme right might get shitty when anything but a church gets built but they've been so busy with mosques lately, the Jews must be feeling left out.[/QUOTE]

Proof please. All I have seen is 2 mosques being protested. One was by two priests, and the other was outweighed by the number of people protesting the protest.

And then you have the mosque at ground zero. If you think that has nothing to do with 9/11 then I don't know what to say.

Please shed light on this statement "They (the right) go crazy when mosques are built."

There are hundreds of mosques all over the US that aren't getting mobbed by "the right".
Knoell, do you agree with Peter King that 'there are too many mosques in America'? Do you think more mosques in America would be a good or bad thing?
[quote name='IRHari']Knoell, do you agree with Peter King that 'there are too many mosques in America'? Do you think more mosques in America would be a good or bad thing?[/QUOTE]

Allow me to chime in with a significant 900th post. More mosques would be a terrible thing. Have you seen arab drivers? That's the hidden terrorist cell we're all overlooking. They're awful!
[quote name='IRHari']Knoell, do you agree with Peter King that 'there are too many mosques in America'? Do you think more mosques in America would be a good or bad thing?[/QUOTE]

To be honest I don't care. I don't think we should build mosques for the hell of diversity but if there is a demand for them then why not?
[quote name='Knoell'] I don't think we should build mosques for the hell of diversity...[/QUOTE]

lolwut? You make it sound like Obama and his cabinet get together and figure out new places to build taxpayer funded mosques. "Mosque czar, the corner of Monroe and 14th needs some diversity, quick, build a mosque!"

Uhh, it's typically private funds that go towards property acquisition and construction, and if people are willing to direct that much money to building a mosque, it's probably not because they really like crescent moons.
[quote name='berzirk']lolwut? You make it sound like Obama and his cabinet get together and figure out new places to build taxpayer funded mosques. "Mosque czar, the corner of Monroe and 14th needs some diversity, quick, build a mosque!"

Uhh, it's typically private funds that go towards property acquisition and construction, and if people are willing to direct that much money to building a mosque, it's probably not because they really like crescent moons.[/QUOTE]

.....Or I said that because IRHari asked me if there should be more mosques.....

Not sure where I even mentioned Obama in this thread at all....
Knoell, you're attacking a strawman. No one is talking about building mosques just for the sake of diversity. It would be like me saying 'I don't think we should kill kittens for the hell of killing kittens...'

Peter King is straight up making shit up. 80% of mosques are radicalized he claims, with no stats to back that up. Muslims aren't denouncing terrorism, they're not cooperating with law enforcement are both statements that he hasn't backed up at all.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't think some of y'all understand diversity.[/QUOTE]

I don't think some of ya'll understand what racism truely is.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't think some of y'all understand diversity.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Knoell']I don't think some of ya'll understand what racism truely is.[/QUOTE]

I don't think some of ya'll understand what an antonym truely [sic] is.
I'm not even going to bother, Knoell. You've got it in your head that America isn't racist at it's core.

You've argued non-stop about how protesting a mosque isn't a racist, xenophobic act. You've argued that the protest of peaceful house of worship and gathering place that isn't even at Ground Zero is a legitimate way to show compassion for the families that lost a loved one. You've argued that everyone in this country except for the majority should be sensitive to the needs of others.

Why the hell should we even debate with you anymore? You've shown that you just don't give a damn about anything we have to say so why even bother?
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[quote name='Knoell']I don't think some of ya'll understand what racism truely is.[/QUOTE]
i don't know how you can possibly understand something you basically think doesn't exist.
[quote name='Knoell']I don't think some of ya'll understand what racism truely is.[/QUOTE]

Most don't and most people are afraid to say that it's truly over.
[quote name='Knoell']I don't think some of ya'll understand what racism truely is.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SgtMurder']Most don't and most people are afraid to say that it's truly over.[/QUOTE]
And this attitude is why this country is fucked. fuck you both.
If the Cato Institute or other conservative think tank said that racism was alive and well we wouldn't even be having an argument about it.,
[quote name='Clak']Duh man, we have a black president, racism is over![/QUOTE]

But that doesn't mean reverse racism isn't, it gets worse and worse each day.
Reverse racism, the battle call of the down-tronned white guy. Keep in mind that by every account I should be right there screaming it with you, since I'm far from a rich white person, but I know how stupid the idea is. That's because I understand what racism has become today, it isn't the overt racism that civil rights leaders fought to end. No no, it's much more insidious and intertwined today. It's why people like you think it's over, because you don't see segregated schools or bathrooms, thus since you don't see it, it's over. You either don't trust studies done on the subject, or can't be bothered to read any. If you went to college and took any sort of sociology class you probably rolled your eyes and laughed at the idea of any of this.
[quote name='mykevermin']^ Murder, got some data to back up your claim about reverse racism?

In other news:[/QUOTE]

turn on the tv and look at the commercials, you've got such politically correct stuff shown on there it's enough to make your headspin. you can't say what's on your mind because you have to worry about not offending people, if your white and a gun owner your looked at as through you are crazy or something compared to the thugs walking around with semi-automatics terrorizing communities.

face it if you are white christian you are under the cross hairs of you're own country.
[quote name='SgtMurder']turn on the tv and look at the commercials, you've got such politically correct stuff shown on there it's enough to make your headspin.[/QUOTE]

So there are black children on fabric softener and cereal commercials and your tiny mind has trouble processing this how?
^ Msut, the Snuggle bear has always been a muslim lesbian. you knew that, of course.

[quote name='SgtMurder']turn on the tv and look at the commercials, you've got such politically correct stuff shown on there it's enough to make your headspin. you can't say what's on your mind because you have to worry about not offending people, if your white and a gun owner your looked at as through you are crazy or something compared to the thugs walking around with semi-automatics terrorizing communities.

face it if you are white christian you are under the cross hairs of you're own country.[/QUOTE]

I see that you have a right-wing talking points "See And Say."

So I'll ask again: do you have data to back up what you're saying, or are you just crying about made up shit?
[quote name='SgtMurder']turn on the tv and look at the commercials, you've got such politically correct stuff shown on there it's enough to make your headspin. you can't say what's on your mind because you have to worry about not offending people, if your white and a gun owner your looked at as through you are crazy or something compared to the thugs walking around with semi-automatics terrorizing communities.

face it if you are white christian you are under the cross hairs of you're own country.[/QUOTE]
You're going to have a hell of a hard time convincing anyone with half a brain that white Christians are unfairly picked on. They're the single most powerful group of people in this country, give me a fucking break. Let me know when white Christians are being sprayed with fire hoses in the street,being lynched for talking to black women, or being killed because they were wearing a nascar hat.
bread's done