The myth of "Islamophobia" in America

[quote name='Knoell']Most of those countries own leaders have done far worse to them than the US will ever do.[/quote]
Yup, we only supplied the weapons with the full knowledge of what they'd do with them, supplied the training, supplied the funding, hell, we even supplied military troops to help. But no, those dictators that we propped up were WAY worse.

Do not try to sell terrorism as freedom fighting.
Ronald Reagan would like to have a chat with you.
[quote name='dohdough']Yup, we only supplied the weapons with the full knowledge of what they'd do with them, supplied the training, supplied the funding, hell, we even supplied military troops to help. But no, those dictators that we propped up were WAY worse.

Ronald Reagan would like to have a chat with you.[/QUOTE]

We supported the taliban in a war against the Soviets, our enemy. I hope you don't have any doubts that the Russians are doing the same thing right now.

Another time in which you zoom so far out you don't see the factors that make each situation unique.

Do you think we should have left the USSR to do its business?
[quote name='Knoell']We supported the taliban in a war against the Soviets, our enemy. I hope you don't have any doubts that the Russians are doing the same thing right now.

Another time in which you zoom so far out you don't see the factors that make each situation unique.

Do you think we should have left the USSR to do its business?[/QUOTE]
What was their business?

edit: F it. I'm not going to bother to wait for your reply. The Soviets ramping up the arms race was a response to the US going nuts with "deterence," which in reality, perpetuated a problem that the US created to begin with. The USSR was already on it's way to collapse long before Gorbechev came into office. While the US was going commie crazy in the 60's, the USSR had already determined that the US was batshit crazy.
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[quote name='Knoell']Most of those countries own leaders have done far worse to them than the US will ever do.

Do not try to sell terrorism as freedom fighting.[/QUOTE]And that makes it ok, right?
[quote name='Knoell']We supported the taliban in a war against the Soviets, our enemy. I hope you don't have any doubts that the Russians are doing the same thing right now.

Another time in which you zoom so far out you don't see the factors that make each situation unique.

Do you think we should have left the USSR to do its business?[/QUOTE]
Oh you're one to talk, half the time you can't see the forest for the damn tree you're fixated on.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Clak getting worked up and emotional. Dohdough getting racist.

Man I've been missing out in the vs.[/QUOTE]
Talking about someone being racist makes me racist. Got it.

Oh, and I miss your dumbshit posts too.
If getting emotional about something which matters to you is a failing, then so be it. I've forgotten that thrust is a soulless automaton.
[quote name='dohdough']BINGO! You win a punch in the mouth.

What makes you think I'm black? Do I have to be black to understand that there has been a concerted effort to disenfranchise black people, hell more like anyone not white, since the before the country's inception? Does generational wealth not exist? Did those millions of Black, Chinese, Japanese, Latino soldiers from WW2 get to take advantage of the GI Bill when they got home? We're they given loans to buy a home? You're the one that needs to shut the fuck up and learn some goddamn history about this country and think about what's so great that you're "white and proud." Nothing like a little white supremacy to lily-up one's day.[/QUOTE]

Yep someone's got a case of the liberal guilt.

You'd have to be black in order to actually give so much of a shit about all that. You're just an apologist, even worse, the white kind. Why don't you wake up and realize they don't give a damn?

I've learned my history and I'm not gonna say I'm proud of it, but at the same time, I'm not gonna bitch and moan because some people got shit on and didn't stand together...

wait, they did! They actually did stand together and overcame racism and some decades and a crack epidemic later, they got a black president. It's over, there are NO MORE EXCUSES.
[quote name='Knoell'] Quit singling out a race or religion on hate crimes[/QUOTE]

But why do you keep doing it when it comes to terrorism?

[quote name='Knoell'] Do not try to sell terrorism as freedom fighting.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. PLEASE tell your hero Rep. Peter King about this. He is in love with the terrorists known as the IRA.

[quote name='SgtMurder']Different time period, different atmosphere, the ends justify the means. If we stop the next plane from being blown up , and we had to profile, then there's nothing else we can do.[/QUOTE]

Michelle Malkin? Is that you?

[quote name='SgtMurder']They actually did stand together and overcame racism and some decades and a crack epidemic later, they got a black president. It's over, there are NO MORE EXCUSES.[/QUOTE]

Once again, when the Colbert satire becomes reality, there's a problem.
[quote name='Clak']You didn't prove a motherfucking you dumbshit. fucking hell man, bob and knoell are like fucking geniuses compared to you. You give atheists a horrible name. You prove that we can still be ignorant and illogical.[/QUOTE]

Oh wow, the little $$$$$$ wants to name call? "bu bu bu ur leik sooo not liek us conforming atheist maaaaaaaaaaaan."

I'm a genius in my own way and use logic just like the rest of you. I like how you people do the whole "your only a true atheist if you believe what I believe" facade. Jesus christ you guys are worse than those idiot bible thumpers and their numerous offspring. Shut it.
[quote name='IRHari']

Michelle Malkin? Is that you?

Once again, when the Colbert satire becomes reality, there's a proble

Why don't you say what's on your mind instead of hiding behind quips like a little bitch?
Holy shit. SgtMurder isn't really an alt or a troll? HAA HAA. I thought the first few comments were from somebody mocking an unintelligent delivery and viewpoint. After a few pages of continued replies, I'm starting to think this guy is for real, and means what he says! That's awesome.

And anyone who mentions the name of Michelle Malkin when calling out stupditiy is amazing IMO. She's worse than blowhard idiots like Olbermann, Maddow, Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh. Chris Matthews' Malkin interview is Internet Gold.
[quote name='berzirk']Holy shit. SgtMurder isn't really an alt or a troll? HAA HAA. I thought the first few comments were from somebody mocking an unintelligent delivery and viewpoint. After a few pages of continued replies, I'm starting to think this guy is for real, and means what he says! That's awesome.

And anyone who mentions the name of Michelle Malkin when calling out stupditiy is amazing IMO. She's worse than blowhard idiots like Olbermann, Maddow, Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh. Chris Matthews' Malkin interview is Internet Gold.[/QUOTE]

See this is exactly what I was referring to, if someone doesn't post anything that's not the status quo, we automatically are a blowhard or a zealot or whatever.

God grow up.
[quote name='SgtMurder']See this is exactly what I was referring to, if someone doesn't post anything that's not the status quo, we automatically are a blowhard or a zealot or whatever.

God grow up.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't that it was counter to thread-thought, many of my opinions are not popular here, but it was the talking point delivery of many comments that are known to either be factually inaccurate, or at the very least just absurd. I've seen videos of people that have these kind of bizarro views, but I thought the Internet weeded a lot of these people out. Apparently AOL IS still mailing out CDs.

Gems like these (my emphasis):
If you honestly don't believe that radical Islam is a threat to the world in America, then you are living in denial.

Dude, this is more important than my personal politics, lives of good wholesome American people are at stake. While we bicker back and forth we need to worry about the people who want to blow us up and stone our women to death. Wake up.

...the chance of a Christian male committed an act of domestic or foreign terrorism is extremely low

Also, please spare me the whole "da bwack man is still oppressed,depressed,obsessed etc." It's the 2010's, shut the fuck up complaining and get your shit together as a community.

Actually hang on...I'm not entirely sure you're not an alt/troll. This stuff is too damn insane to be a rational person's thoughts! Haa haa. You're either a troll, or very, very unintelligent. I've gone at it with several folks here on the forum. In general, I think the people who frequent this site are quite bright. There are always exceptions, but I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Dude's either a troll or exceptionally stupid, there's not much point in talking to him (though perhaps y'all are just really bored, which might justify it).
[quote name='SgtMurder']Yep someone's got a case of the liberal guilt.[/quote]
LOLZ...wut? What should I feel guilty about? Seems like you're projecting.

You'd have to be black in order to actually give so much of a shit about all that. You're just an apologist, even worse, the white kind. Why don't you wake up and realize they don't give a damn?
Why does one have to be black to care about racism? Are you subversively admitting that racism stills exists? Do you have to be a woman to care about sexism? Do you have to be a victim of rape to care about rape victims? And what's up with the line I put in bold? Are you having an issue with "race traitors" or something? You must really freak out when you see a white woman with a black man.

And LOLZWTF..."they don't give a damn?" Are you going to call all black people animals too?

I've learned my history and I'm not gonna say I'm proud of it, but at the same time, I'm not gonna bitch and moan because some people got shit on and didn't stand together...

wait, they did! They actually did stand together and overcame racism and some decades and a crack epidemic later, they got a black president. It's over, there are NO MORE EXCUSES.
And where did that crack come from? And how did they "get" a black president? How does the election of a multi-racial president change everything on the events of one day? Did racists somehow stop being racist because Obama was elected? I mean look at you.
[quote name='IRHari']Michelle Malkin? Is that you?

Once again, when the Colbert satire becomes reality, there's a problem.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SgtMurder']Why don't you say what's on your mind instead of hiding behind quips like a little bitch?[/QUOTE]
LOLZ...this is hilarious btw. My head asploded forrealz.:lol:
[quote name='dohdough']LOLZ...wut? What should I feel guilty about? Seems like you're projecting.

I'm not projecting, you just seem like the typical middle class/upper class white person that gets offended over things blacks don't seem to care about, or any minorities for that matter. The fact you blow up over something like that shows your ignorance.

Why does one have to be black to care about racism? Are you subversively admitting that racism stills exists? Do you have to be a woman to care about sexism? Do you have to be a victim of rape to care about rape victims? And what's up with the line I put in bold? Are you having an issue with "race traitors" or something? You must really freak out when you see a white woman with a black man.

I didn't say that, what I said was how come you care about the problems of black america when you more than likely have problems within your own community that you could be more concerned with. All those things are problems yes, but they get handle by the right people in charge, not some bleeding heart trying to make himself feel better or to get some spiritual pat on the back.

As for that last part, I'll leave that up for you to decide. ;)

And LOLZWTF..."they don't give a damn?" Are you going to call all black people animals too?

I'm not trying to get banned.

And where did that crack come from? And how did they "get" a black president? How does the election of a multi-racial president change everything on the events of one day? Did racists somehow stop being racist because Obama was elected? I mean look at you.

I was referring to so called "systematic racism". There's no need for them to complain when so many other minority groups doing just find for themselves, but they are always the ones that need extra help. We've helped them enough as far as we can, and it's time for them to uphold their end of the bargain. If they can't, why should I cry when their neighborhoods are still unfortunate slums etc.?

Again, nothing wrong with me I'm a very logical, respectful person who knows right when he sees it and calls out the bullshit on the wrong. I do what's right.


[quote name='SgtMurder']:roll:[/QUOTE]
So you don't say what I should feel guilty about, yet say that I sound "white," I don't do anything to help my own (white) community, that black people don't care about their situation, you hate (white) race-traitors, you don't want to publicly state that you think all black people are animals, "other minorities" are doing just fine, white people have helped them enough...I mean shit, you've just gone through half the shit in a white supremacist's handbook.

Why don't you name some things I should feel guilty about. Or how about all those "other minoritites" and how they manage to do so well. Also answer why "they" don't care about these issues, how you know they don't care, and how they've demonstrated that they don't care. Go into detail about my "ignorance."

I'm mean goddamn it, so now there are laws protecting them from being lynched en masse in public for looking at a white woman and that's enough, yet you don't seem know why ghettos are ghettos? More like you don't give a shit cause you'd rather have them work their way out like white people right? Well let me give you a history lesson: and this:

You think you're logical, respectful, and know what's right? Please. You're just another racist asshole. I give you credit though, you don't mind hiding it. You wouldn't know right if it punched you in the face, but you certainly know white.

Btw, it's very difficult to get banned from what you say on the vs. forum. Let the racism flow. Show me what you're made of smart guy. You make Bob look like fucking Einstein.
[quote name='dohdough']So you don't say what I should feel guilty about, yet say that I sound "white," I don't do anything to help my own (white) community, that black people don't care about their situation, you hate (white) race-traitors, you don't want to publicly state that you think all black people are animals, "other minorities" are doing just fine, white people have helped them enough...I mean shit, you've just gone through half the shit in a white supremacist's handbook.

I'm mean goddamn it, so now there are laws protecting them from being lynched en masse in public for looking at a white woman and that's enough, yet you don't seem know why ghettos are ghettos? More like you don't give a shit cause you'd rather have them work their way out like white people right? Well let me give you a history lesson:

You think you're logical, respectful, and know what's right? Please. You're just another racist asshole. I give you credit though, you don't mind hiding it. You wouldn't know right if it punched you in the face, but you certainly know white.[/QUOTE]

I'm not a racist, point out what I said that is racist. Also, that whole redlining is just more excuses for why things are fucked up.
[quote name='SgtMurder']I'm not a racist, point out what I said that is racist. Also, that whole redlining is just more excuses for why things are fucked up.[/QUOTE]
I edited my post.

You've stopped short of declaring yourself a member of the KLAN, but ever post in this thread points to that conclusion.

And if redlining was so destructive, wouldn't the reverse of it help the situation? It'd be no different from giving the same aid to those that benefited from redlining ie white flight. Surely, someone with a non-racist logical mind like yours should see that.:roll:
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[quote name='SpazX']That's klan, get it right, you don't want to offend him.[/QUOTE]
You're right. My b dawg. Liberal like me should know the difference between the Foot Clan and the Ku Klux Klan.
The difference is that one is a group of robots programmed to do the bidding of their master, the other is a group of cartoon henchmen.
[quote name='Clak']And that makes it ok, right?[/QUOTE]

You act as if they fight for independence and freedom, the taliban turned on the US because we decided not to support them anymore. They are fighting for power not freedom. If you think thats a good reason to fly a plane into a building then I dont know what to tell you.

PS quit bickering with him, he iis saying irrational things and being verbally abusive, he is going to get this lovely thread closed, or worse all of our posts deleted.

[quote name='dohdough']What was their business?

edit: F it. I'm not going to bother to wait for your reply. The Soviets ramping up the arms race was a response to the US going nuts with "deterence," which in reality, perpetuated a problem that the US created to begin with. The USSR was already on it's way to collapse long before Gorbechev came into office. While the US was going commie crazy in the 60's, the USSR had already determined that the US was batshit crazy.[/QUOTE]

F ing hilarious. Ever hear of the cuban missile crisis? It was the fucking cold war, if you are going to start ranting about how the USSR didn't do much of anything during it because they assumed they were doomed anyway, I am going to point and laugh at you. Don't make me point and laugh at you.
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[quote name='Knoell']You act as if they fight for independence and freedom, the taliban turned on the US because we decided not to support them anymore. They are fighting for power not freedom. If you think thats a good reason to fly a plane into a building then I dont know what to tell you.[/quote]
What's the difference between flying 2 planes into 2 buildings and using the resources of the largest military in the world with unmatched funding and equipment? One of those kills a lot more people. Guess which one.

PS quit bickering with him, he iis saying irrational things and being verbally abusive, he is going to get this lovely thread closed, or worse all of our posts deleted.
If the mods never closed a thread over what I've said to you and your ilk, I doubt they'll do it for him unless he goes KKK on us. I find it interesting that you're distancing yourself from him though. Very interesting.
[quote name='Knoell']F ing hilarious. Ever hear of the cuban missile crisis? It was the fucking cold war, if you are going to start ranting about how the USSR didn't do much of anything during it because they assumed they were doomed anyway, I am going to point and laugh at you. Don't make me point and laugh at you.[/QUOTE]
You don't know as much as you think about the Cuban Missle Crisis asyou think.

Here's a primer:

Whoops...looks like the US never did anything at all!:roll:
[quote name='dohdough']You don't know as much as you think about the Cuban Missle Crisis asyou think.

Here's a primer:

Whoops...looks like the US never did anything at all!:roll:[/QUOTE]

In September 1962, after some unsuccessful operations by the U.S. to overthrow the Cuban regime (Bay of Pigs, Operation Mongoose), the Cuban and Soviet governments began to surreptitiously build bases in Cuba for a number of medium-range and intermediate-range ballistic nuclear missiles (MRBMs and IRBMs) with the ability to strike most of the continental United States
[quote name='dohdough']What's the difference between flying 2 planes into 2 buildings and using the resources of the largest military in the world with unmatched funding and equipment? One of those kills a lot more people. Guess which one.


Purpose and reasoning.
[quote name='dohdough']You do realize that you just proved my point that the US precipitated, instigated, and escalated it right?[/QUOTE]

You do realize that communism was actually spreading, and the US feared cuba would only lead to it spreading to latin america. Not to mention it violated the monroe doctrine.

Communism was not a myth.

During the Cold War, the Monroe Doctrine was applied to Latin America by the framers of U.S. foreign policy.[21] When the Cuban Revolution established a socialist government with ties to the Soviet Union, after trying to establish fruitful relations with the U.S., it was argued that the spirit of the Monroe Doctrine should be again invoked, this time to prevent the further spreading of Soviet-backed Communism in Latin America.[22]

But somehow, just somehow I don't think the USSR has ANY justification for building NUCLEAR MISSILE silos within firing range of the US, regardless of what we did with cuba. Do you? I thought the whole point of this argument was that the USSR did take part in the cold war. Do you still disagree, or do we deserve to be nuked too?
[quote name='Knoell']The USSR invaded afghanistan.......[/QUOTE]
Is this before or after the US "interceeded" in the internal politics of that area.

Here's another primer to prove that you don't know shit about it except movies from the 80's and Mccarthyism:

Also, the US had the capability of bombing the hell out of the USSR from Europe. We didn't need ICBM's to do it.
[quote name='dohdough']

Also, the US had the capability of bombing the hell out of the USSR from Europe. We didn't need ICBM's to do it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah we should be fair! Let the soviets have nuclear missiles with in striking distance of our homeland. Its only fair! And if they don't fire on us, they most certainly won't use it to exert pressure on us.

I love how you live in such an ideological world that the US is the only one running around screwing things up, and if the US wasn't around, the world would be at peace. I would think WW2 would have woken most people up from that dream, but that is surely fading from our memories.
WTF...are you arguing with yourself or something?

"On July 3, 1979, U.S. President Carter signed a presidential finding authorizing funding for anticommunist guerrillas in Afghanistan.[3] Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December(1979) Operation Storm-333 and installation of a more pro-Soviet president, Babrak Karmal, Carter announced, "The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War"."

One of these is before the other.
[quote name='Knoell']Yeah we should be fair! Let the soviets have nuclear missiles with in striking distance of our homeland. Its only fair! And if they don't fire on us, they most certainly won't use it to exert pressure on us.[/QUOTE]
You're an idiot. It's not a question of "letting" them have nukes. The fact is that they have them and there's nothing we can do change that while we're busy stockpiling. Why is it so unreasonable that they'd try to enact the same type of "deterence" as we have. It isn't, but to say that the US doesn't have the biggest hand in manipulating the situation it outright wrong.

I love how you live in such an ideological world that the US is the only one running around screwing things up, and if the US wasn't around, the world would be at peace. I would think WW2 would have woken most people up from that dream, but that is surely fading from our memories.
I don't and I never said that. The British have just as much to answer for. The US just kept going where as Britian was stopped. The US isn't as innocent as think it is when it comes to war mongering and intervening*installing dictators* in foreign governments.

And dammit, do you even read your links or realize what you're arguing? You keep making my points.
[quote name='dohdough']WTF...are you arguing with yourself or something?

"On July 3, 1979, U.S. President Carter signed a presidential finding authorizing funding for anticommunist guerrillas in Afghanistan.[3] Following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December(1979) Operation Storm-333 and installation of a more pro-Soviet president, Babrak Karmal, Carter announced, "The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is the greatest threat to peace since the Second World War"."

One of these is before the other.[/QUOTE]

Again, you are zooming way too far out. You are omitting years of soviet aggressiveness in eastern europe, and the reasoning behind why the soviets would like to spread to afghanistan, and eventually pakistan or iran.

Do you think the American revolution started with the shot heard round the world as well? Or did events preceding it affect things?

Sigh.... I have to go to bed. Yep how much do you want to bet that every major country in the world has instilled revolution in its neighbors? How much do you want to bet that the US has the cleanest record?
[quote name='dohdough']Name them.[/QUOTE]

There is a better chance Knoell has ridden a Unicorn than cracked open a history book. Yet you "argue" with him why?
Through all of this I get the feeling that, because other countries also interfere with the internal politics of various regions, that means it's ok for us to as well. Is this right, Knoell?
[quote name='Knoell']Again, you are zooming way too far out. You are omitting years of soviet aggressiveness in eastern europe, and the reasoning behind why the soviets would like to spread to afghanistan, and eventually pakistan or iran.[/quote]
Which they were given control of after WW2 by the Allies, who got everything west of Berlin.

Do you think the American revolution started with the shot heard round the world as well? Or did events preceding it affect things?
This is not what you're arguing. You're arguing that the US is the "good guy" and everyone against it is the "bad guy."

Sigh.... I have to go to bed. Yep how much do you want to bet that every major country in the world has instilled revolution in its neighbors? How much do you want to bet that the US has the cleanest record?
LOLZ. Compared to who? This is a bet you'd lose homie.
[quote name='Msut77']There is a better chance Knoell has ridden a Unicorn than cracked open a history book. Yet you "argue" with him why?[/QUOTE]
I have a lot of free time this morning.:lol:
At great risk of bringing this back on topic, I present:;_ylt=Atq.ybqulGCxcVeYhQIpf0ys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTFlYWI3cWRkBHBvcwMyMTYEc2VjA2FjY29yZGlvbl9vcGluaW9uBHNsawNwZXRlcmtpbmd5b3U-

"As Attorney General Eric Holder stated recently, “The cooperation of Muslim and Arab-American communities has been absolutely essential in identifying, and preventing, terrorist threats.” According to the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, Muslim American cooperation led to thwarted terrorist plots in 48 of 120 cases involving Muslim Americans."

In the face of this research, King still insists that 85 percent of American mosques have “extremist leadership” and that ordinary American Muslims are not opposed to terrorism. But a 2004 survey of mosque congregations in greater Detroit conducted by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding found that the vast majority of mosque participants shun extremist views (92 percent) and are virtually unanimous (93 percent) in supporting community service and political involvement.

In the wake of 9/11, Gallup polls found that one-third of New Yorkers supported the internment of Arab Americans and that even the majority of African Americans surveyed (71 percent) supported the racial profiling of Arabs. A 2006 Gallup poll showed that 39 percent of Americans believe all Muslims, even US citizens, should be forced to carry special identification cards.

Recently, more than a dozen states have introduced or approved measures to “ban sharia.” Republican Tennessee state Senator Bill Ketron claims his proposed “sharia ban” is “a powerful counter-terrorism tool.” However, the language of his bill is so sweeping and so misguided about what sharia is and is not, that, if passed, it would essentially make it a felony to be a devout Muslim in Tennessee."

*Peter King rapes livestock 85% of the time. Still waiting on facts to back that up, but for now, I'll just run around telling local authorities that it's true.
bread's done