The myth of "Islamophobia" in America

[quote name='SgtMurder']you guys just don't understand.[/QUOTE]
Being white is so much worse than being black. It's like...being black x2!!!!

How about you help us understand your racist bullshit then asshole.
[quote name='mykevermin']^ Murder, got some data to back up your claim about reverse racism?

In other news:[/QUOTE]

I think someone has whiteophobia.

Musta been a white christian man right?

Quit singling out a race or religion on hate crimes, its not like all members of the race or religion are commiting them therefore you cannot make the logical jump that this was one.

(its ok when you do it because whites and christians are the majority here and they don't often suffer, so we can racially discriminate them more often)

/sarcasm or more like /pretending im you guys.

So anyone can answer this honestly, but I would like to know who your first thought was the perpetrator of this attack? Why is this not ok to do? (in your world of pc rules of course)

[quote name='Clak']You're going to have a hell of a hard time convincing anyone with half a brain that white Christians are unfairly picked on. They're the single most powerful group of people in this country, give me a fucking break. Let me know when white Christians are being sprayed with fire hoses in the street,being lynched for talking to black women, or being killed because they were wearing a nascar hat.[/QUOTE]

That's the message to send! Right on man! "why shouldn't we discriminate against whites? they havent been discriminated against enough yet!"
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I have always loved the logic that in order to fight discrimination we need to sponsor discrimination against those not as discriminated against.

Just like the left handles racism, I guess as long as we keep trying to equalize all forms of discrimination it's as good as fixed.
[quote name='Knoell']So anyone can answer this honestly, but I would like to know who your first thought was the perpetrator of this attack? Why is this not ok to do? (in your world of pc rules of course)[/QUOTE]

Christian male. If you want to tell me what I thought in my head (i.e., that my mind immediately thought "white person"), you're wrong. Islamophobia comes from many sources in the US.

But I do think it was a male, if you want to call me sexist. You can feel better about yourself that way, yes?

Thrustbucket, I know you live in Arizona, but we speak English here. You might rearrange those English words you cut and paste above such that they make a coherent point.
[quote name='SgtMurder']you guys just don't understand.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Knoell']I think someone has whiteophobia.

Musta been a white christian man right?

Quit singling out a race or religion on hate crimes, its not like all members of the race or religion are commiting them therefore you cannot make the logical jump that this was one.

(its ok when you do it because whites and christians are the majority here and they don't often suffer, so we can racially discriminate them more often)

/sarcasm or more like /pretending im you guys.

So anyone can answer this honestly, but I would like to know who your first thought was the perpetrator of this attack? Why is this not ok to do? (in your world of pc rules of course)

That's the message to send! Right on man! "why shouldn't we discriminate against whites? they havent been discriminated against enough yet!"[/QUOTE]

[quote name='thrustbucket']I have always loved the logic that in order to fight discrimination we need to sponsor discrimination against those not as discriminated against.

Just like the left handles racism, I guess as long as we keep trying to equalize all forms of discrimination it's as good as fixed.[/QUOTE]



[quote name='mykevermin']Christian male. If you want to tell me what I thought in my head (i.e., that my mind immediately thought "white person"), you're wrong. Islamophobia comes from many sources in the US.

But I do think it was a male, if you want to call me sexist. You can feel better about yourself that way, yes?

Thrustbucket, I know you live in Arizona, but we speak English here. You might rearrange those English words you cut and paste above such that they make a coherent point.[/QUOTE]

Why christian? Do you think most christians are out to kill muslims?
[quote name='dohdough']And one more:


Quit spamming the thread with your nonsensical comics.

"Hey let me dig up 10 dumb things white people do/say, and then make a comic and apply it to 230,000,000. Har har har, your racist cuz your white."
[quote name='Knoell']Why christian? Do you think most christians are out to kill muslims?[/QUOTE]

Same reason as I think he's a male. Probability based on a combination of representation in the us combined with a likelihood of motivation.
[quote name='Knoell']Quit spamming the thread with your nonsensical comics.

"Hey let me dig up 10 dumb things white people do, and then apply it to everyone. Har har har"[/QUOTE]
I suppose in your mind, it's a good thing that white people brought Africans over to be slaves because look at how good their decendants have it now!

Get fucked you racist prick.

edit: conservatards are too dumb to even know when to be embarrased. I'm not applying that commentary to everyone in that context, I'm applying it to YOU.
[quote name='mykevermin']Same reason as I think he's a male. Probability based on a combination of representation in the us combined with a likelihood of motivation.[/QUOTE]

so you are profiling then? If police were at the scene and saw a christian looking fella walking down the street should they question him?
[quote name='dohdough']I suppose in your mind, it's a good thing that white people brought Africans over to be slaves because look at how good their decendants have it now!

Get fucked you racist prick.

edit: conservatards are too dumb to even know when to be embarrased. I'm not applying that commentary to everyone in that context, I'm applying it to YOU.[/QUOTE]

.....keep going, get it allllll out.
[quote name='Knoell']so you are profiling then? If police were at the scene and saw a christian looking fella walking down the street should they question him?[/QUOTE]

I would think they would question everyone around the scene, Christian or not.
[quote name='Knoell']so you are profiling then? If police were at the scene and saw a christian looking fella walking down the street should they question him?[/QUOTE]

i don't think you understand how policing is done.

[quote name='docvinh']I would think they would question everyone around the scene, Christian or not.[/QUOTE]

they would try to, perhaps. it was a public location. they might also simply let a local public tip line get them access to witnesses if there weren't any around.
[quote name='mykevermin']i don't think you understand how policing is done.

they would try to, perhaps. it was a public location. they might also simply let a local public tip line get them access to witnesses if there weren't any around.[/QUOTE]

That must be it. Somehow I am not surprised that there is no outrage in the thread. Now flip it around and assume a terrorist attack was a muslim and you get the "how dare you say such things about such a peaceful religion" speech.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Thrustbucket, I know you live in Arizona, but we speak English here. You might rearrange those English words you cut and paste above such that they make a coherent point.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how you "know" that, but that's one more item for the growing list of things you "know" wrong.
It's such a shame we have dohdough spamming the thread with his blantly left-wing comics and he gets a pass, but let one of us on here post a snippet from news week, you lefties cry racism.

That's the sad thing about video game message boards. You think everyone is on the same page with personal opinion and being able to speak your mind without facing ridicule, and yet, it's the same sad story. Anyone who has an opinion that isn't P.C. are in tune with liberalism, is either ignored, dismissed, or labeled racist. It's just like the other places, Giant bomb, Systemwars and that liberal cesspool Shamespot (Gamespot for those of you not wise to the ways of a good jabbing)

Now as for the whole "Islamaphobia" debate, let's get one thing straight. I don't think ALL muslims are terrorist, however, there is a very SMALL population of muslims, that make others label them as a violent people. So why is it that the blame must always be shipped back on us Americans? WE didn't do anything that allowed those towers to be knocked out of the fucking sky, to have planes be plowed into the ground like shovels did we? NO. So why is that we're building profiles on people who you all know are more likely to commit an act of terrorism as oppse to someone else. You call it "racial/religious profiling" , you'd sure to call it something different when it saves lives.
[quote name='SgtMurder']It's such a shame we have dohdough spamming the thread with his blantly left-wing comics and he gets a pass, but let one of us on here post a snippet from news week, you lefties cry racism.

liberal cesspool Shamespot (Gamespot for those of you not wise to the ways of a good jabbing)


You sound much better then the "lefties" when you say stuff like that. Who said all Americans were to blame? Also, would you be cool if they started profiling white American Christian males like Knoell said?
[quote name='docvinh']You sound much better then the "lefties" when you say stuff like that. Who said all Americans were to blame? Also, would you be cool if they started profiling white American Christian males like Knoell said?[/QUOTE]

No, but as i stated earlier, the chance of a Christian male committed an act of domestic or foreign terrorism is extremely low. But if such an act did come to pass, I would have no problem with it. Honest to god.

Btw, I'm an Atheist.
When did acting like a decent fucking human being become "being P.C."? I'm sick of hearing about how something is "liberally biased". If the truth has a liberal bias then so be it, but all you folks want to do is complain about being "P.C.".

And you're right SgtDipShit, nothing we've done in the last century had anything whatsoever to do with what happened on 9/11, we were completely innocent and were attacked out of nowhere without provocation. Crack a damn history book sometime.
[quote name='SgtMurder']No, but as i stated earlier, the chance of a Christian male committed an act of domestic or foreign terrorism is extremely low. But if such an act did come to pass, I would have no problem with it. Honest to god.

Btw, I'm an Atheist.[/QUOTE]

Well, a white guy was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing, I dunno about his religious affiliation though. Honestly, I just don't like the thought of profiling period, maybe that's just because I'm a minority and I see it through my particular lens of life.
[quote name='Clak']When did acting like a decent fucking human being become "being P.C."? I'm sick of hearing about how something is "liberally biased". If the truth has a liberal bias then so be it, but all you folks want to do is complain about being "P.C.".

And you're right SgtDipShit, nothing we've done in the last century had anything whatsoever to do with what happened on 9/11, we were completely innocent and were attacked out of nowhere without provocation. Crack a damn history book sometime.[/QUOTE]

There's a complete difference between being a decent human being compared to rubbing someones tummy and giving them a candy every time they cry. That's what the left does. People give to charities all the time and yet some of you people actually wanna just keep on giving more that's socially and fiscally responsible. There is a such thing as caring for your own self and well-being (along with family) as oppose to just giving things away and crying about it each and every time.

I have read my history books guy, I have. American did some shady deals in it's past, yes, but when didn't deserve to have fucking towers knocked out of the sky and people's only solution being to jump from hundreds of stories and being flatten by the concrete. Go ahead, tell some child who lost a parent, brother or sister that day that it's all America's fault that WE got attacked, see how much logic and respect you'll get out of them.

Also, if you can't tell when somethings in this country are over the top, knee-jerk reaction to things, then you honest to god need to wake the hell up bro, seriously.
[quote name='docvinh']Well, a white guy was responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing, I dunno about his religious affiliation though. Honestly, I just don't like the thought of profiling period, maybe that's just because I'm a minority and I see it through my particular lens of life.[/QUOTE]

But you see, that's your bias objecting something can save people's lives.
[quote name='SgtMurder']But you see, that's your bias objecting something can save people's lives.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but it's that thought process that got Japanese people who were American citizens put into internment camps for no other reason except that they were Japanese and living in America. It still doesn't make it right.

Quick Edit, it's surprising how many domestic attacks were commited by ex-military people.
[quote name='docvinh']Yeah, but it's that thought process that got Japanese people who were American citizens put into internment camps for no other reason except that they were Japanese and living in America. It still doesn't make it right.[/QUOTE]

Different time period, different atmosphere, the ends justify the means. If we stop the next plane from being blown up , and we had to profile, then there's nothing else we can do.
[quote name='SgtMurder']There's a complete difference between being a decent human being compared to rubbing someones tummy and giving them a candy every time they cry. That's what the left does. People give to charities all the time and yet some of you people actually wanna just keep on giving more that's socially and fiscally responsible. There is a such thing as caring for your own self and well-being (along with family) as oppose to just giving things away and crying about it each and every time.

I have read my history books guy, I have. American did some shady deals in it's past, yes, but when didn't deserve to have fucking towers knocked out of the sky and people's only solution being to jump from hundreds of stories and being flatten by the concrete. Go ahead, tell some child who lost a parent, brother or sister that day that it's all America's fault that WE got attacked, see how much logic and respect you'll get out of them.

Also, if you can't tell when somethings in this country are over the top, knee-jerk reaction to things, then you honest to god need to wake the hell up bro, seriously.[/QUOTE]Tell the same fucking thing to to scores of people we've directly or indirectly killed all over the middle east both before and after the attacks. Tell them, "I'm sorry we bombed your home and killed your husband and children, but our foreign policy calls for it". See how much love or respect you get from that.

We get attacked, and we bring the full force of the U.S. military to bear on the people we held responsible for it. We do all of those "shady deals" and get attacked for it. Just be glad most of these places have next to no military power or we might have been attacked by a professional military.
[quote name='Clak']When did acting like a decent fucking human being become "being P.C."? I'm sick of hearing about how something is "liberally biased". If the truth has a liberal bias then so be it, but all you folks want to do is complain about being "P.C.".

And you're right SgtDipShit, nothing we've done in the last century had anything whatsoever to do with what happened on 9/11, we were completely innocent and were attacked out of nowhere without provocation. Crack a damn history book sometime.[/QUOTE]

We had it coming right? Those people in the WTC just had it coming for our government getting their hands into things right?

This goes along the lines of those innocents in those iraqi buildings had it coming, did you see what saddam did to kuwait?

It is also funny because it goes along the same lines with your views on race. You have zoomed out soooo much to see the whole race picture, you cannot see any other factors that contribute to the picture on a case by case basis.
[quote name='Clak']Tell the same fucking thing to to scores of people we've directly or indirectly killed all over the middle east both before and after the attacks. Tell them, "I'm sorry we bombed your home and killed your husband and children, but our foreign policy calls for it". See how much love or respect you get from that.[/QUOTE]

Yup, sounds like someones mad I proved them wrong.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I'm pretty sure the majority of attacks within the US since 9/11 have been white guys.[/QUOTE]

This is hilarious. It could be true, it might not. The fact of the matter is that if it turns out that most recent attacks have been muslims, then it doesn't mean anything right?

Not to mention there is a bit of a population difference between christians and muslims. (Or whites and muslims.) But I don't need to mention that right?
[quote name='SgtMurder']Different time period, different atmosphere, the ends justify the means. If we stop the next plane from being blown up , and we had to profile, then there's nothing else we can do.[/QUOTE]

Are you white? I'm seriously asking, just to get a perspective. See, I'm Asian, so I know if anything from China ever goes down (or even North Korea, since people can't seem to differentiate between Asians :)) I might as well just leave the United States because I figure something like that might happen again. I don't really think the ends always justify the means, generally the people who aren't being persecuted say that.
[quote name='docvinh']Are you white? I'm seriously asking, just to get a perspective. See, I'm Asian, so I know if anything from China ever goes down (or even North Korea, since people can't seem to differentiate between Asians :)) I might as well just leave the United States because I figure something like that might happen again. I don't really think the ends always justify the means, generally the people who aren't being persecuted say that.[/QUOTE]

White and proud.

Sometimes they have to friend, life isn't perfect. :whistle2:#
[quote name='SgtMurder']There's a complete difference between being a decent human being compared to rubbing someones tummy and giving them a candy every time they cry. That's what the left does. People give to charities all the time and yet some of you people actually wanna just keep on giving more that's socially and fiscally responsible. There is a such thing as caring for your own self and well-being (along with family) as oppose to just giving things away and crying about it each and every time.

I have read my history books guy, I have. American did some shady deals in it's past, yes, but when didn't deserve to have fucking towers knocked out of the sky and people's only solution being to jump from hundreds of stories and being flatten by the concrete. Go ahead, tell some child who lost a parent, brother or sister that day that it's all America's fault that WE got attacked, see how much logic and respect you'll get out of them.

Also, if you can't tell when somethings in this country are over the top, knee-jerk reaction to things, then you honest to god need to wake the hell up bro, seriously.[/QUOTE]
Iran/Contra, the Taliban were freedom fighters, Saddam Hussein is our friend. The support of those three things alone contributed to more deaths than what happened that morning on September 11. Go tell that to all the dead in the Middle-East and see how much logic and respect you'll get.

[quote name='SgtMurder']But you see, that's your bias objecting something can save people's lives.[/QUOTE]
Right! So the fact that 1 in 4 black males have been or are incarcerated means that black people are criminals and that racial profiling is justified! Racist much? Eat a fucking donkey dick smothered in shit.

If you really cared, and I know you don't, every one of those panels from those "blatantly liberal" comics is based on years of historical fact AND current acts of racism in this country.

So tell me, how many times have you made those "non-racist" comments from the comics?

Lets play a game:


[quote name='SgtMurder']White and proud.

Sometimes they have to friend, life isn't perfect. :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

We'll agree to disagree then.:) You can see why I don't agree though, right? I don't want to be locked up just because I'm not white and some nutjob in another country decided to do something crazy.
[quote name='SgtMurder']Different time period, different atmosphere, the ends justify the means. If we stop the next plane from being blown up , and we had to profile, then there's nothing else we can do.[/QUOTE]
Utilitarianism? Seriously? That's the way you think? Alright, i can hang with that. So utilitarianism would dictate that if the end result brings increased pleasure then the means are justified. So if for some reason you being killed would bring a large number of people pleasure, they would justified in killing you. Is this seriously the way your mind works?
[quote name='SgtMurder']Yup, sounds like someones mad I proved them wrong.[/QUOTE]
You didn't prove a motherfucking you dumbshit. fucking hell man, bob and knoell are like fucking geniuses compared to you. You give atheists a horrible name. You prove that we can still be ignorant and illogical.
I disagree with Sgtmurder by the way. The ends do not justify the means, and among other things he has said. I know how you guys love to loop anyone whose opinion differs from yours in with each other.
[quote name='Knoell']I disagree with Sgtmurder by the way. The ends do not justify the means, and among other things he has said. I know how you guys love to loop anyone whose opinion differs from yours in with each other.[/QUOTE]

Just for the record, I wasn't accusing you in any way, I just wanted to have some genuine discussion here, which can sometimes be hard in the Vs. forum.
[quote name='dohdough']Iran/Contra, the Taliban were freedom fighters, Saddam Hussein is our friend. The support of those three things alone contributed to more deaths than what happened that morning on September 11. Go tell that to all the dead in the Middle-East and see how much logic and respect you'll get.

Right! So the fact that 1 in 4 black males have been or are incarcerated means that black people are criminals and that racial profiling is justified! Racist much? Eat a fucking donkey dick smothered in shit.

If you really cared, and I know you don't, every one of those panels from those "blatantly liberal" comics is based on years of historical fact AND current acts of racism in this country.

So tell me, how many times have you made those "non-racist" comments from the comics?

Lets play a game:



What happened 20 years ago, doesn't matter now. What matters now is, we have people in our crosshairs that are dangerous and we are doing the best thing we can (which is profiling) to stop them before the next attack.

Also, please spare me the whole "da bwack man is still oppressed,depressed,obsessed etc." It's the 2010's, shut the fuck up complaining and get your shit together as a community.
[quote name='Knoell']We had it coming right? Those people in the WTC just had it coming for our government getting their hands into things right?

This goes along the lines of those innocents in those iraqi buildings had it coming, did you see what saddam did to kuwait?

It is also funny because it goes along the same lines with your views on race. You have zoomed out soooo much to see the whole race picture, you cannot see any other factors that contribute to the picture on a case by case basis.[/QUOTE]
Government of the people, by the people, for the people, right? It's our government, if we aren't doing anyhting to reign in their stupid actions than we're just as responsible as the people carrying out the government's orders. See, people in that part of the world understand this, they see us as being responsible because we do nothing to stop our government. in their eyes the guy on the street is just as responsible as the politician in the government.
[quote name='Clak']Government of the people, by the people, for the people, right? It's our government, if we aren't doing anyhting to reign in their stupid actions than we're just as responsible as the people carrying out the government's orders. See, people in that part of the world understand this, they see us as being responsible because we do nothing to stop our government. in their eyes the guy on the street is just as responsible as the politician in the government.[/QUOTE]

Most of those countries own leaders have done far worse to them than the US will ever do.

Do not try to sell terrorism as freedom fighting.
[quote name='SgtMurder']What happened 20 years ago, doesn't matter now. What matters now is, we have people in our crosshairs that are dangerous and we are doing the best thing we can (which is profiling) to stop them before the next attack. [/quote]
BINGO! You win a punch in the mouth.

Also, please spare me the whole "da bwack man is still oppressed,depressed,obsessed etc." It's the 2010's, shut the fuck up complaining and get your shit together as a community.
What makes you think I'm black? Do I have to be black to understand that there has been a concerted effort to disenfranchise black people, hell more like anyone not white, since the before the country's inception? Does generational wealth not exist? Did those millions of Black, Chinese, Japanese, Latino soldiers from WW2 get to take advantage of the GI Bill when they got home? We're they given loans to buy a home? You're the one that needs to shut the fuck up and learn some goddamn history about this country and think about what's so great that you're "white and proud." Nothing like a little white supremacy to lily-up one's day.
bread's done