The Spirit Squad Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='Matt Young']Son of a bitch. That Justin TV page I linked to has been suspended for violating the ToS. I was just about to watch the ROH PPV, too.

According to PWI, Mickie James and John Cena are dating for real, and it was Vince's idea to bring it to TV. But I just saw photos of Cena proposing a few months ago. That can't be right.[/quote]

I thought Mickie was with one of the Spirit Squad guys? Oh well, Cena and Mickie make a good looking couple IMO.
[quote name='Matt Young']Son of a bitch. That Justin TV page I linked to has been suspended for violating the ToS. I was just about to watch the ROH PPV, too.

According to PWI, Mickie James and John Cena are dating for real, and it was Vince's idea to bring it to TV. But I just saw photos of Cena proposing a few months ago. That can't be right.[/quote]

yeah as guile said i was fairly certain mickie was engaged to kenny when they both first entered the WWE, i never really saw or cared about cena dating someone just read a few tidbits on LOP about a girl on his myspace who he had pictures with... but oh well, good for them.

and purple flames, if you pick it up let me know how it is, i get paid this week but that check is nearly spoken for already so it may be a while before i can pick it up.
[quote name='Matt Young']For Night of Champions, what with all the older, former stars they brought in last year, it'd be cool to see DiBiase junior and senior team to win the belts. But the elder Ted doesn't look to be in the best shape right now. [/quote]

Don't expect him to team with his dad. Ted Dibase Sr. had the same type of surgery Arn Anderson had(spinal fusion) and is retired. That's actually why WWE released him as a agent a couple years ago. Because they wanted him to wrestle a couple matches, but he said no and got canned. Remember Survivor Series a couple years ago with Flair and a legends team against the Spirit Squad(at least I think it was the SS)? That's when they tried to get him to wrestle in a match.

As for Orton, I'm guessing now either Jericho goes full heel in a feud with HHH. Or HHH will be turning heel and feuding with Cena or HBK.
I got an feeling that the WWE is going to drag out HHH/Orton even longer. The preview for tonight's RAW leaves the question of if Orton will ever be able to rise up against Triple H. They can easily keep the fued going even with Orton's injury via promos, interviews, etc. Once Orton is cleared... then they can have at it once more in the ring.

We'll see what happens tonight. I'll comment on RAW after I watch it via TiVo tonight since I gotta work.
[quote name='Demolition Man']I got an feeling that the WWE is going to drag out HHH/Orton even longer. The preview for tonight's RAW leaves the question of if Orton will ever be able to rise up against Triple H. They can easily keep the fued going even with Orton's injury via promos, interviews, etc. Once Orton is cleared... then they can have at it once more in the ring.

We'll see what happens tonight. I'll comment on RAW after I watch it via TiVo tonight since I gotta work.[/quote]

I'm hoping not. Last report I read, Orton won't need surgery, but should still be out around 3 months (unsure whether that's real time or fake WWE time).

I figure, let the man rest, have HHH take on someone else (*cough*fully heel Jericho*cough*) and then have him make his big comeback. When he comes back, have him be supremely pissed off, and we'll be good to go. That's sort of the problem, though... Raw doesn't have any top heels now that HHH is face, Regal is suspended (he had potential), and Orton is injured. I love JBL, but... I mean, really. I swear to god that I'd tune in faithfully every week if JBL got ONE clean one-on-one pin over HHH. It'd never happen.

I'm assuming that the draft would remedy this problem, but I'm even unsure of who to bring over from Smackdown, unless they want to bring back the newly heel Big Dave, which is basically the worst idea ever. I'm of the opinion that a heel Big Show might be a nice summer distraction, but he seems entrenched back in ECW already.

... just, dear god, anything to prevent a HHH heel turn. I'm sick of the man BOTH ways, but at this point I'd rather not have to suffer through 20 minutes of heel HHH promos per HOUR of Raw.
Friday AWA show thoughts - Cousin Luke dancing with Larry Nelson ruled, while Big K burying both Luke and Rocky Mountain Thunder for being overweight ruled more. Madusa's promo was (surprise, surprise) God-awful. That "Boo!" sign was awesome - I hope it keeps popping up on these shows. Also, I'm disappointed that ESPN Classic is finally getting around to editing the video on here, because the bird-flipping edits are horrid and cover up way too much of the screen. There was a Ustinov promo, and another Baron one where he yelled that he wanted Ustinov one on one in Las Vegas in the Showboat Hotel. 'Twas awesome. What's the deal with the clown? He/she/it's been shown for a week, and it's never been acknowledged by the commentators once despite how insane it is. Also, Pat Boone and Gary DeRusha got a birthday wish.

Screens -

Also, some disgusting shots of Show's head post-cane match.

The final picture in particular is completely revolting.
Wow, this is exciting, watching people move money from one box to another.

Anything can happen in the WWE :roll:

EDIT - Well I'm done with this crap for the night, thats longer than I can usually suffer.
Lawler getting a "service unavailable" message while trying to sign up was easily the highlight of Raw tonight.

Edit - A fan just jumped the rail during Hardy-Cena.
that fan busted out a "HIYA!" and got tackled with the quickness
Not that i want to see a naked man. But I wanna see a fan start at the top of the ramp and strip down while running to the ring and slide in butt naked during a match. They do it all the time at soccer matches. Sometimes football. I just want to see the wrestlers like WTF or some would be like HEY. What you doing??>???
Memorable Raw tonight, although not an altogether great one. Vince's promo about the million dollar mania contest was both honest (admitting that it's nothing but a ploy to increase ratings) and bizarre (his weird rant against "snobs and elitists"). Much like TNA, this long-winded announcement led to something that still isn't quite clear, namely the amount of money he'll give away next week. He stated it might be $100,000, then said it was a million, and then the announcers didn't know.

Wrestling-wise, Cade-Murdoch was a fine mid-card feud blow-off, JBL-Jericho had their best match yet with a finish that played off of last week's chair shot tease and combined with Jericho's hilarious HBK rah-rah-rah! promo from before, made me eagerly anticipate his heel turn, and Hardy-Cena was Jeff's best match since returning, and had a memorable moment that will no doubt be excised from all future re-airings when a fan jumped into the ring, causing the crowd to be nuclear for the rest of the match. J.R.'s comment about WWE not having a 10 point-must system got a chuckle out of me - someone watched a big MMA show this weekend. Raw's funniest moment was easily Lawler getting a "service unavailable" message when he tried to sign into the contest. That was some fine television right there.

Quotes -
J.R. - Thank you for being with us here tonight, on the aftermath of the EXTREMENESS at One Night Stand.
HHH - Well, the Age of Orton is officially broken. It’s as if it never existed. Randy Orton and I both knew that we wouldn’t be the same coming out as we were coming in, and right now, he watches me from a hospital bed with a broken collar bone. Now, Orton’s out of the way, and I don’t know who’s next, and I don’t care…(Cena comes out)
Cena - I know how ya feel, but I don’t need to be Miss Cleo to see the future - THE FUTURE IS NOW! Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t come out to tell you that I hate you, in fact, we see eye to eye on many things, except the WWE Championship. King of Kings, you have truly conquered them all! Except for me. And with the next WWE draft looming among us, this is an opportunity that may never happen again. Are ya ready? ARE YOU READY FOR THE BIGGEST EVENT IN THIS BUSINESS!? ARE YOU READY FOR THE LAKERS-CELTICS, THE LOTTERY, THE SUPER BOWL ALL ROLLED INTO ONE!? HHH, are you ready to fight?
HHH - Cena, a very big star in this industry once said “You want some? Come get some!” (Jeff Hardy comes out)
Jeff - Wait a minute, guys, you weren’t the only guys on Raw who won matches - there were three, and here we are. John, you beat JBL. I beat Umaga in a falls count anywhere match! And don’t get me wrong, John, I respect the fact that you’re a former WWE Champion, but we’re both in line for that.
HHH - If this is between y’all, I don’t care who I face. Go beg Vince for a match. It’s up to you two, it don’t matter to me.
Jeff - That’s cool. There’s 2 things about Vince I know - he wants to give the people what they want, and he loves first time evers, so tonight, for the first time ever, JEFF HARDY VERSUS JOHN CENA!
HHH - Works for me.
Vince - Hang on a second, I think I know what everyone wants - they want details about how next week, I’m gonna give away a million dollars in cash! Jeff, your idea isn’t bad, but I have a better one! What if HHH defended at Night of Champions, and what if we had a match tonight that would pit, for the first time ever, and the winner faces HHH at NoC. It’ll be John Cena versus Jeff Hardy - that’s a hell of an idea!
J.R. - What’s Birchill gonna do to help his sister prepare? Jumping jacks? Deep knee bends?
Lawler - Well, deep knee bends are good before a match.
Lawler - Umaga may have broken ribs, and just be unable to communicate that to the medical people.
Vince - I’ve never seen a million dollars in cash before in my life! OH YEAH, OH BABY! To anyone thinking about doing something funny, I’ve got some plain clothes up here, and there are uniformed police all around, as I’m sure you’ve seen. To get the money, all you have to do is register at Just register, we’ll ask you for your phone number, your address, and speaking of which, you must be a U.S. resident, which may be of concern for a few of you here in Bakersfield, California. I’m just teasing! Loosen up! Why would I give away a million dollars in cash!? Maybe it’s because I’m eccentric, generous, or maybe I want to attract more people to enjoy what you enjoy each and every week on Raw. People who watched years ago and stopped, I want to invite them back. Those who haven’t watched before, I’d like to get them to watch, although some won’t like it - we’re not everyone’s cup of tea. Then there are people who just won’t watch - they’re elitists, they look down on WWE, and you. They don’t get that you come here on Monday night and enjoy yourself - THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND THAT! They’re in a special club, no, not that one. They’re in a club in which none of you are invited, and that’s fine, because we’re not gonna invite them to our WWE club! On the marquee, it should read “no snobs allowed”. In fact, let’s show those snobs what they’re missing, we’re talking BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA! BOO, CHEER! GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY! Next week on Raw, IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MOOONNEEEEYYYYY!
J.R. - Hey kids, do you like the McMoney?
Lawler - I think Santino’s the reason God gave us a middle finger.
Lawler - Have you ever seen a million dollars in cash, J.R.?
J.R. - Are you kiddin? HECK NO!
Cody - We can’t have this match - there’s no time keeper - there’s a special time keener assigned for this match! (Piper comes out)
J.R. - Something scares me…Piper with a hammer…
J.R. - Nice judo throw by Carlito.
Lawler - Santino…
J.R. - I’m just amazed by the money.
Lawler - The last time you opened your wallet, Ric Flair was just been named the most popular newcomer.
J.R. - Carlito’s the one with the goofy hair, right?
Lawler - Yeah. I think I’m gonna register at
J.R. - I might join ya.
(Santino wins with a sunset flip)J.R. - CARLITO PINS HOLLY!
J.R. - I think Piper’s gonna get kicked out of the time keeper’s union.
Grisham - That’s Letterman…
Grisham - That’s Leno…
Grisham - That’s Conan O’Brien…
Santino - Grishams, nice suit…for me to poop on! I’M SO FUNNY!
DiBiase Jr. - Cody, when I win the world tag titles, the look on yours and Holly’s face will be like me - priceless!
J.R. - Lariat from Hades…
Lawler - MISSED!
J.R. - Micke off the top with the Thesz press! I don’t know if that’s what Lou had in mind, but it worked.
Lawler - I’m gonna register right now! What’s this - service unavailable!? I know what’s happened - too many people have tried to register and it’s taken the site down!
Trevor - Lance, you embarrassed me in front of millions, and now ya wanna fight - WELL BRING IT ON, I AIN’T SCARED…!
J.R. - Murdoch expressing himself in lyric…
Lawler - There’s a fan...people are so excited about the million dollars that one just jumped into the ring.
J.R. - Hardy would be ahead on points, but we don’t have a 10 point-must system here.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Not that i want to see a naked man. But I wanna see a fan start at the top of the ramp and strip down while running to the ring and slide in butt naked during a match. They do it all the time at soccer matches. Sometimes football. I just want to see the wrestlers like WTF or some would be like HEY. What you doing??>???[/QUOTE]

That almost happened at Wrestlemania 23(?) but security tackled him before he could get his pants off.

[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Memorable Raw tonight, although not an altogether great one. Vince's promo about the million dollar mania contest was both honest (admitting that it's nothing but a ploy to increase ratings) and bizarre (his weird rant against "snobs and elitists"). Much like TNA, this long-winded announcement led to something that still isn't quite clear, namely the amount of money he'll give away next week. He stated it might be $100,000, then said it was a million, and then the announcers didn't know. [/QUOTE]

It's in the rules.

ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: Two-hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check.
TWO (2) FIRST PRIZES: Each consisting of two-hundred thousand dollars ($200,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check.
ONE (1) SECOND PRIZE: One-hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($125,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check.
ONE (1) THIRD PRIZE: Ninety-eight thousand dollars ($98,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check.
ONE (1) FOURTH PRIZE: Seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check.
ONE (1) FIFTH PRIZE: Fifty-one thousand nine hundred ninety-eight dollars ($51,998 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check.
ONE (1) SIXTH PRIZE: Two dollars ($2.00 USD) to be awarded in the form of a check.
From the official rules, and knowing my luck, i'll be called and win the 2.00


Oops, posted at the same time, sorry :D, but theres the amounts for those averse to reading the whole thing
HHH vs Cena eh.....

... where's that yawn smiley when you need it?

Thank god at least we still got Jericho as the IC champ, Santino's comedy, and Beth Phoenix. Otherwise I'd have no reason why to care about RAW.
yay... triple h and cena. now we just get this (and only this) til we finally get the rematch of the titans at wrestlemania 25 :roll:
I really don't watch Raw anymore and was reminded why when Cena won tonight. With all of the injuries, suspensions, and guys taking time off, you would think that they would at least try SOMETHING different.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']If you ever want to win a quick bet -- whenever a surprise opponent is announced on RAW, put $10 down on Umaga, you'll never lose.[/QUOTE]

And double or nothing, Umaga will lose the match.
Cody Rhodes turning heel, teaming up with DiBiase Jr., and possibly starting a new second generation faction has a lot of fun potential. I am hyped. :drool:
[quote name='chasemurata']Cody Rhodes turning heel, teaming up with DiBiase Jr., and possibly starting a new second generation faction has a lot of fun potential. I am hyped. :drool:[/quote]

Part of me feels like they'll bring back Orton early to be the mouthpiece for them just to keep him on tv
[quote name='diddy310']Part of me feels like they'll bring back Orton early to be the mouthpiece for them just to keep him on tv[/quote]

I dig that idea. Orton, the established wrestler, would definitely be of benefit to a new faction. He will get them a lot of cheap heat. Plus, it keeps Orton fresh in everyone's mind, which is good for WWE. One has to figure if they will establish a face faction to deal with this impressive team. I just don't want it to be a Legends team. The last thing I want to see on television is another Millionaire's Club/New Blood feud.
so where do all the pompous smarks stand on force fed g-rated white boy rapper john cena vs. over the hill over booked king of kings triple h?
[quote name='Demolition Man']HHH vs Cena eh...

... where's that yawn smiley when you need it?
Gotcha covered, DemoMan.

A Triple H/John Cena feud is painful. The only prospect of Cena/Nosey I like is if Nosey uses his airtime to bury Cena again. One would figure they would use the opportunity to push some of the newer talent. However, it does seem like they're in progress of doing something with Jericho and Michaels. I was a bit worried they were going to rekindle the JBL/Jericho feud. Here's hoping the Second Generation Heel faction storyline does not falter or fall apart. That would be worse than it becoming another Millionaire's Club/New Blood storyline.
AWA thoughts - The show-closing brawl, Manny Fernandez once again doing a backdrop driver, and the Craig "THE PITBULL" Pittman mention ruled. Godamn that brawl was great. It just went on forever, Ustinov bled, fans scurried, and Larry Nelson was terrified. Glorious stuff. I loved the burial of Ricky Morton, and wise usage of the RnR member who didn't no-show in an effort to try and give some kind of rub to either "the Top Guns" or "the Edina Connection", depending on which name Lee Marshall felt like using. God, their attire looked simply awful, but THE EDINA CONNECTION!? Jesus Christ what an awesomely horrid name that is.
Hey guys, I fell asleep about 3/4 of the way into Raw due to being awake for over 24 hours straight at that point. As a result, I missed not only a great finish to the hockey game, but also the last 2 matches/last half hour of Raw.

Dailymotion rarely has shows up anymore. They don't have this one. I still can't figure out the torrents. Can anyone tell em how I can see this? There has to be some site that hasn't been raped like Dailymotion.

EDIT: Jay, you're just everywhere, aren't you? Since it was mentioned at The Smart Marks Forums, the other forum I post at regularly besides CAG, I visited DVDVR for the first time in a year and a half and found a Raw topic posted by you. I need to visit that board more. It's excellent.
[quote name='Matt Young'] need to visit that board more. It's excellent.[/QUOTE]

And pretentious!

...but yeah, it can be fun. That thread with the hilarious Observer quotes is possibly the greatest wrestling-related thing on the internet.

*Edit* If anyone cares...

[quote name='Booker T during TNA conference call']"I don't look at Michael as a racist myself. I've heard him use the N-word before...he's one of the people who can use the word around me because I know there's no malice behind it."[/quote]

If they are friends and it's cool between them...that's their business. Not sure how that excuses him throwing it out at Mark Henry, MVP, et al
[quote name='Matt Young']EDIT: Jay, you're just everywhere, aren't you? Since it was mentioned at The Smart Marks Forums, the other forum I post at regularly besides CAG, I visited DVDVR for the first time in a year and a half and found a Raw topic posted by you. I need to visit that board more. It's excellent.[/QUOTE]

You should get a SomethingAwful account. They have a whole subforum for wrestling (Wrestlehut 2000) and it's pretty good.
I checked that forum out a few days ago since Busta posted a link to a thread there where he gets wrestling gifs. I've read it, but I doubt I'll register. I post here and at TSM, and occasionally at GameFAQs. Now I'm getting into DVDR... I don't have time for all these (admittedly addicting) forums!
I was watching the Muta show that Jay uploaded a while back. Very fun, especially watching Muta team with Tajiri. They had a cool visual before their match where they would both mist at the same time. If someone could make a me a gif of this (or has the patience to teach me how to do it) I would really appreciate it.

Muta appeared at ICP's show, Jugalow Championship Wrestling. That part made me dislike ICP fans even more and I wasn't sure that was possible. These idiots were throwing trash in the ring from the beginning of the match to end.

I was going through some old magazines the other day and came across an ad for Day of Reckoning that featured just Eddie and Benoit. It was both depressing and nostalgic.
[quote name='Matt Young']I checked that forum out a few days ago since Busta posted a link to a thread there where he gets wrestling gifs. I've read it, but I doubt I'll register. I post here and at TSM, and occasionally at GameFAQs. Now I'm getting into DVDR... I don't have time for all these (admittedly addicting) forums![/quote]

On top of Wrestlehut (and I've posted there all of twice), there's SA-mart where you can find people getting rid of games at insanely cheap prices. I won't say it's better than CAG, but lots of times those guys are just desparate for a buck and will let stuff go cheap.
Vince McMahon is strongly searching for new African American Talent. Vince wants an all-American, clean-cut baby face; essentially what he wanted Bobby Lashley to be.

Goddamn it Vince, fuck off with that shit.

[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']On top of Wrestlehut (and I've posted there all of twice), there's SA-mart where you can find people getting rid of games at insanely cheap prices. I won't say it's better than CAG, but lots of times those guys are just desparate for a buck and will let stuff go cheap.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I love SA-Mart.

A vast majority of users seem to be college aged and every once in a while you can find awesome deals on DVDs/games from where they need to pay for booze/drugs/rent or are just sick of looking at the stuff.

That's were I scored the 5 RoH DVDs (along with Royal Rumble 2001/2 that the guy threw in as a surprise) for only $35 shipped.

Although, I'm mainly a Cinema Discusso/No Music Discussion guy myself.
Sydal was big in ROH, was also in WSX and OVW. I'm glad that WWE let him keep his regular name, and since they protected him with a count out loss (and an awesome-looking one at that), I think they'll start using him regularly.

Matt, I post fairly often on DVDVR, although I don't recall ever visiting the Smart Mark board. I also post every now and that at the Kayfabe Memories board.

Mike Adamle's e-mail address just appeared on TV - I pity his spam folder.

ECW Quotes -

Adamle - Punk hits Tommy Morrison.
Adamle - Punk with a little Tarzan action - pounding his chest.
Adamle - Tommy Morrison…Dreamer goes for a kick. THE DREAM MACHINE HITS A KICK.
(after Kofi beats up Shelton)Adamle - JAMAICAN ME CRAZY!
Tazz - Estrada, a former EC-Dentalya, double ya general manager.

Raw screens -
Vince becoming far, far, far too excited by money.

Sydal looked really good out there with Shelton, and that knee drop-looking spot he pulled during the match was sweet (that move have a name?)
Very good ECW show. I'm happy to see Long as GM, and the stuff with Estrada was entertaining. Delaney now getting the full HD-tron treatment, with his name and bandages appearing underneath the main tron, rules. The Matt Hardy squash was fine, but paled in comparison to the Shelton-Sydal match, which did an excellent job of building up Shelton, furthering the Shelton-Kofi feud, and protected and showcased Sydal, should WWE choose to have him on the show as a regular.

I was also happy to see him keep his "Matt Sydal" name, given that there were TWO MATTS!!!~ on this show and WWE has an annoying tendency to change names if there's more than one person on the roster with the same first name (changing Lance Cade to the far-worse GARRISON Cade, and changing Shane Helms to Gregory Helms come to mind). The main event was very good, and the best Kane match I've seen since his one with 'Taker on SD about a month and a half ago.

If anyone wants to watch the AWA shows on ESPN Classic, but misses them for whatever reason, there's a youtube poster who puts up stuff from them regularly.
TNA's bringing in Kamala, Koko B. Ware, George "The Animal" Steele, and Jake "The Snake" Roberts (in what seems like a "thanks for rehab, WWE") for the Lethal/Val wedding. That should be...interesting.

In other news, I picked up a sweet vintage Freebirds shirt.

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