The Steam Deal Thread V6. We're all pumped for CAG 3.0!

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Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V6! You can find link to past threads at the bottom of this post. Read post #2 of this thread for Steam FAQs and more.

With the V6 Thread, we're trying a slight formatting change. We used to list every possible Steam deal in the OP, but they change too frequently for anyone to keep up with (even in the Wiki format). So now, we'll leave regular minor sales out of the OP. This post will keep track of major sales (Winter sale, etc.), Steam deals available through other sellers (like Amazon), Preorder deals, and Group Buys.

I would still greatly appreciate help from you folks at home in keeping this smaller-scale OP up-to-date. This is a Wiki post so anyone can contribute. Wiki instructions:
Thanks for your help! If you notice a sale has ended, feel free to delete its line from the sale list. Of course, if you see something does need to be added, then kindly add it to the list.

Make sure your changes match the thread's format! For example, every game that's on sale is part of an unordered list. When adding a game to the list, copy an existing line and update the link, title, and prices. That way, the format stays correct. Do not list percentages off! We list the original price and the sale price here. If you have any suggestions for major changes to the post/thread, PM me (EastX) about them.

Steam Sales - Updated 1/22

CAG Threads Featuring Steam Games on Sale Elsewhere - Updated 1/9

Preorder Deals - Updated 1/10
Group Buy Deals - Updated 1/9/13

Free Stuff - List needs updating with F2P games!
There are several free games and mods on Steam. These are a few choice ones; you can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.

Steam around CAG

If you are interested in joining the Steam CAG Community or participating in a trade or group buy with fellow Cheap Ass Gamers, please do so in the dedicated threads and not in the deal discussion thread. In the dedicated threads you will find CAGers with the same specialized interest who will be much quicker (and happier) to respond than in the Deals thread.

Past Special Sales

Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:

Steam Retail Key List

What is a CD key and where can I find it?

Steam's explanation and list of Steam-activatable keys

The CD Key is a serial number with a combination of 13, 18, or 25 letters and numbers - it can be found on a sticker inside your game's case or printed on the game's quick reference card. The CD Key acts as your proof of purchase for the game - Steam Support may ask for it if you need to establish your ownership of an account. It is recommended that you keep your CD Key in a safe place to ensure the security of your account.

Other Keys that can be redeemed on Steam (CAG tested & verified)

  • The Ball (bought @D2D, tested by voken)
  • Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (gives both FA and original, bought @amazon, tested by vism)

Indie Bundles thread on Steam forums (link)

Past CAG Steam Deal Threads
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[quote name='Syntax Error']Yeah, it's in a weird place. "Real" PC gamers aren't going to be impressed by a gimpy little computer but I don't know how much name-power Steam has outside that class. No one who is a dedicated console player seems likely to say "Wow, a Steam box!". 12 year old kids won't be asking for a Steam box for Christmas. The idea that it's more computer-y than a straight console seems like it would worry/deter the "Just want it to work" set versus the proven console alternatives (God forbid they know just enough to get scared at the word "Linux"). I'm sure there's some number of Steam users who think this would be the bee's knees but it feels like a real niche product, not a "take the world by storm and revolutionize gaming" sort of thing.

But then I thought the iPad looked like a big silly iPhone so no one should listen to me about any tech predictions.[/QUOTE]

I might catch some flak for this but I really don't get the whole tablet craze. I have my PC and I have my smartphone why do I need something in between?
[quote name='oman19']I might catch some flak for this but I really don't get the whole tablet craze. I have my PC and I have my smartphone why do I need something in between?[/QUOTE]

I use mine to watch Hulu while I play Civ 5.

I'm trying to think of a more valid use, but that's basically what I do with it. I carry it to the kitchen while I'm making dinner. I take it to the garage when I'm doing my laundry. I have it on the exercise bike while I'm exercising. It's just a portable internet/television thing. Sometimes I even read this thread with it. So, I guess it's cause the screen's bigger than my phone, and it's lighter than my PC.
[quote name='oman19']I might catch some flak for this but I really don't get the whole tablet craze. I have my PC and I have my smartphone why do I need something in between?[/QUOTE]
I thought the same thing until I got into digital books/comics.:)
[quote name='oman19']I might catch some flak for this but I really don't get the whole tablet craze. I have my PC and I have my smartphone why do I need something in between?[/QUOTE]

Browsing CheapAssGamer in bed before going to sleep, obviously.
[quote name='oman19']I might catch some flak for this but I really don't get the whole tablet craze. I have my PC and I have my smartphone why do I need something in between?[/QUOTE]

Hm. Well, I'm a nutter who doesn't believe in smartphones, so I find the Nexus 7 to be a pretty handy gadget. My Samsung m240 is a phone and my Nexus does (almost) everything that an iPad can do. Because I don't like Apple products and I can't afford them, that works for me.

But for what it's worth, if I did have an iPhone, I can't see investing in an iPad too, unless I just had that problem where I have way too much money and not enough things to spend it on, like millionaires. Sadly I've never been cursed with that particular affliction.
I honestly hope that the steambox doesn't catch on because I enjoy gaming with people who are all mature. Plus running Linux on a gaming machine would be a huge flop because there's
[quote name='aShufflinZombie']I honestly hope that the steambox doesn't catch on because I enjoy gaming with people who are all mature. Plus running Linux on a gaming machine would be a huge flop because there's
[quote name='aShufflinZombie']I honestly hope that the steambox doesn't catch on because I enjoy gaming with people who are all mature. Plus running Linux on a gaming machine would be a huge flop because there's
[quote name='oman19']I might catch some flak for this but I really don't get the whole tablet craze. I have my PC and I have my smartphone why do I need something in between?[/QUOTE]
It's a pure convenience device for me. Reading websites in the bathroom or reading comics (strips, not books) in bed before hitting the lights. Load a few movies on it and toss it in the bag before taking a trip, etc.

I have a firesale era HP Touchpad I got for $150 and had it cost more I probably wouldn't have bought it. If it broke, I certainly wouldn't spend $500+ to replace it. Fortunately, Android tablet costs have come down enough that I could consider replacing it with some $199 model and not be buying garbage.
[quote name='imac2much']I may catch some flack for saying this, but I do agree that I have noticed the average maturity of random players on XBOX Live and PSN to be quite lower than when I play random games on PC. Maybe this sounds elitist or arrogant (I don't mean to sound like that, I swear!), but perhaps this comes from the fact that it takes more work to get a good gaming PC up and running than a console. I'm not saying I haven't met good, intelligent players on PSN/XBL or the inverse on PC, but just the trend I've personally noticed.

However, I still welcome more people being exposed to PC gaming. Cross-platform play would allow me to play with friends regardless of what we're playing games on.[/QUOTE]

If every PC component came with a headset and each game had fully functioning VoIP, and no alternatives although now Xbox LIVE does, then I would imagine it would seem just about as bad as the Xbox LIVE.

Typing tends to tone down the horribleness because it takes longer and saying something about your mom is apparently far better via voice.

Even though I was originally a PC gamer gone console gamer and now both I will never agree that PC gamers are more mature. And I don't think this community, CAG, is a good representation of all PC gamers because when I read the Gamespot PC forums, which I rarely do now, I want to start shanking people within seconds.
[quote name='oman19']I might catch some flak for this but I really don't get the whole tablet craze. I have my PC and I have my smartphone why do I need something in between?[/QUOTE]

Aside from internet usage and the ability to play music and videos remotely from my server, I actually bought it for work (service based mechanical contractor). Anything I used a clipboard/notepad for previously has been replaced by iPad functionality. (FYI: I used to carry an aluminum clipboard that held about 100 datasheets/checklists, so this is WAY more convenient.)
[quote name='elessar123']Steam can easily add lots of Linux games. I have a lot of indie games with Linux versions. And you can easily add all old Dosbox games. And games that run out of the box on wine.[/QUOTE]
Again, if you're appealing to a mass market/console crowd, "Plays 150 indie titles you've never heard of and some DOSbox stuff" isn't exactly marketing gold.
[quote name='imac2much']I may catch some flack for saying this, but I do agree that I have noticed the average maturity of random players on XBOX Live and PSN to be quite lower than when I play random games on PC. Maybe this sounds elitist or arrogant (I don't mean to sound like that, I swear!), but perhaps this comes from the fact that it takes more work to get a good gaming PC up and running than a console. I'm not saying I haven't met good, intelligent players on PSN/XBL or the inverse on PC, but just the trend I've personally noticed.

However, I still welcome more people being exposed to PC gaming. Cross-platform play would allow me to play with friends regardless of what we're playing games on.[/QUOTE]

I totally get what you are saying. If a little kid tells their parents that they want a $250 system for christmas, they are a lot less hesitant than if the child asks for a $800+ computer.

I'm NOT an elitist either, I own a 360, PS3 and a gaming pc.
Almost all of my friends only own a 360 because it is pick up and play.

Let's create a situation here.

Little Johnny says that he wants a game for his computer. He goes home and it doesn't work right so he goes back to the store and they say that they can't help him.

Let's reimagine the same situation the only difference is that he bought a console game. It doesn't work so the store replaces it and Johnny is happy.

The game problem could have been fixed but Johnny didn't understand computers. It's not his fault but now he has a sour taste in his mouth and will probably be less likely to buy a PC game again.
This kind of situation is why many of my friends won't play games on PC, they are not stupid, it's just that they were never formally taught about computers. (and the average consumer is in the same situation as well)
[quote name='Syntax Error']Again, if you're appealing to a mass market/console crowd, "Plays 150 indie titles you've never heard of and some DOSbox stuff" isn't exactly marketing gold.[/QUOTE]

Plus using Wine isn't ideal either. A console gamer would want a similar experience and similar games. DOSbox and Wine aren't exactly for the computer illierate.
[quote name='Kaltic']Typing tends to tone down the horribleness because it takes longer and saying something about your mom is apparently far better via voice.[/QUOTE]

I think it's more the community than the gaming platform. Back when I played CS 1.6 hardcore, I started out sucking harder than a Dyson. Nobody ever tried to t-bag me, nobody ever called me a noob, in fact, most of the time they gave me tips like aiming for the neck and not the head.

I hop on Call of Duty, and some kid who was hiding in the corner sprays like a maniac the second I walk by, jumps up and down over my body, and t-bags my corpse. No headset necessary, giant douchebaggery achieved.

Then there's the League of Legends crowd, they all seem to think they're pro gamers, and are quick to shit on anyone, even when they've died like fifty times themselves. They will literally stop laning to sit there and type the worst, most horrid insults at people they've never met over a meaningless match in a video game.
[quote name='Mooby']The idea is that Valve's marketshare will be used to coerce more AAA developers to release Linux versions.[/QUOTE]
Sure, but if I was a publisher, I wouldn't be interested in developing the titles until I saw people actually putting the Linux boxes in their living rooms. Catch-22 and all that.

But then, I'm not a software publisher or Valve so I'm sure there's some carrots involved that I just don't know about.
[quote name='Syntax Error']Sure, but if I was a publisher, I wouldn't be interested in developing the titles until I saw people actually putting the Linux boxes in their living rooms. Catch-22 and all that.

But then, I'm not a software publisher or Valve so I'm sure there's some carrots involved that I just don't know about.[/QUOTE]

I imagine that it's A LOT easier to make a 100mb game run on linux vs. a 9gb game.
[quote name='imac2much']I may catch some flack for saying this, but I do agree that I have noticed the average maturity of random players on XBOX Live and PSN to be quite lower than when I play random games on PC. Maybe this sounds elitist or arrogant (I don't mean to sound like that, I swear!), but perhaps this comes from the fact that it takes more work to get a good gaming PC up and running than a console. I'm not saying I haven't met good, intelligent players on PSN/XBL or the inverse on PC, but just the trend I've personally noticed.

However, I still welcome more people being exposed to PC gaming. Cross-platform play would allow me to play with friends regardless of what we're playing games on.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Broken Cage']I think it's more the community than the gaming platform. Back when I played CS 1.6 hardcore, I started out sucking harder than a Dyson. Nobody ever tried to t-bag me, nobody ever called me a noob, in fact, most of the time they gave me tips like aiming for the neck and not the head.

I hop on Call of Duty, and some kid who was hiding in the corner sprays like a maniac the second I walk by, jumps up and down over my body, and t-bags my corpse. No headset necessary, giant douchebaggery achieved.

Then there's the League of Legends crowd, they all seem to think they're pro gamers, and are quick to shit on anyone, even when they've died like fifty times themselves. They will literally stop laning to sit there and type the worst, most horrid insults at people they've never met over a meaningless match in a video game.[/QUOTE]

I think there's some merit to both of these points.

On the one hand, there is simply a larger installed userbase of consoles than gaming PCs. That means more kids and more adults with the intellectual capacity of small children.

On the other hand, it's a somewhat platform-independent phenomenon in the sense that (especially in FPS games, but really in any genre) multiplayer communities tend to be populated with folks like the ones that Broken Cage characterizes. My working hypothesis is that internet anonymity leads far too many people who may otherwise be relatively well-adjusted and even decent human beings to act like Class I dicks at every turn.
[quote name='asheskitty']The Journey Down was in IR's summer bundle with Gundemonium Collection.

I can't believe no one has posted the steambox prototype being shown at CES.

Yeah, lousy photo, from the engadget staff -- their photographic incompetence makes me wonder how many photos that take with the camera pointing the wrong way.[/QUOTE]
Wow, it's hideous. My 7 year did a better job building his first, lol.
I picked up The Journey Down off some time ago. I wish I could remember the link to desura that allowed you to get Steam key off (was gonna check it)

[quote name='Kaltic']If every PC component came with a headset and each game had fully functioning VoIP, and no alternatives although now Xbox LIVE does, then I would imagine it would seem just about as bad as the Xbox LIVE.

Typing tends to tone down the horribleness because it takes longer and saying something about your mom is apparently far better via voice.

Even though I was originally a PC gamer gone console gamer and now both I will never agree that PC gamers are more mature. And I don't think this community, CAG, is a good representation of all PC gamers because when I read the Gamespot PC forums, which I rarely do now, I want to start shanking people within seconds.[/QUOTE]

Your Momma
is probably pretty cool
hmmm, apparently you were right.

Shank away!!!! ;)
I would buy a Steam box at around $100 and it would like have to guarantee to play every single game on Steam and every game released within the next two years and come with a wireless xbox controller and mouse/keyboard combo.

So I doubt that is going to happen. Probably some overprice/underpowered box that will piss off a lot of people a year or two later when they are all like BORDERLANDS 5 WONT RUN ON MY STEAMBOX WTF!!!
[quote name='asheskitty']The Journey Down was in IR's summer bundle with Gundemonium Collection.

I can't believe no one has posted the steambox prototype being shown at CES.

Yeah, lousy photo, from the engadget staff -- their photographic incompetence makes me wonder how many photos that take with the camera pointing the wrong way.[/QUOTE]


Isn't that the exact same comtroller Steam uses to advertise their Big Picture mode?! o_O
[quote name='walkonshadows']Meow! Isn't that the exact same comtroller Steam uses to advertise their Big Picture mode?! o_O[/QUOTE]

It's just a Logitech Gamepad.
It's not so much the platform, rather, the game itself that's going to determine the community. If you play Call of Derpies there's going to be throngs of immature people regardless of what you play it on. Same is true for most multiplayer communities these days.

Of course, True PC Gamers™ tend to play single player games hunched over their monitors with their hands claw gripped around a mouse.

That isn't sarcasm.
[quote name='aShufflinZombie']Plus using Wine isn't ideal either. A console gamer would want a similar experience and similar games. DOSbox and Wine aren't exactly for the computer illierate.[/QUOTE]

No, they can be. Some games, like a lot of GOG games, are running Dosbox. They don't require configuring, because GOG packaged the configuration. Wine can be done the same way. From the users' perspectives, it's transparent.

But yes, it's not as appealing as AAA titles, though Wine can run even Borderlands 2 and Walking Dead easily. Those do have appeal.

Edit: It's not ideal, and I'm not saying it is, but it's a way to bridge that gap to avoid the catch 22. Obviously native Linux versions would be better.

Edit 2: Oh, and Physx doesn't work in BL2 through Wine, but it's not like console versions have it either.
I'm building a new box, does anyone know of a site like CAG, but exclusive to PC hardware deals?
(Yes, this is on topic. Got to have something to play Steam on!).
A lot of the most commonly used engines for games support porting over to Linux. It isn't that difficult in most cases. Only reason we don't see it happen currently is, why bother? But with the Steambox, it could be very well worth the the small cost of the port over to Linux now. Valve may even offer publishers a better rate if they have Linux version available as well.
I know I probably shouldn't do this... but

[quote name='Motoki']You know what you guys? It was my money that I paid. Without a product being delivered or knowing what was going on for weeks.

If I want to complain about NOT BEING GIVEN A PRODUCT OR A REFUND AND BEING KEPT IN THE DARK and then after giving MORE THAN AMPLE TIME AND TRYING TO COMMUNICATE WITH NO ANSWER FOR OVER A WEEK do a chargeback, I will. And Fox or Provis or Blade or anyone else can just kiss my ass and join the ignore list if they don't like it.

I don't know what bug crawled up all of your asses but it's generally not acceptable to take someone's money, not give a product, not give a refund and be vague and unclear about what is going on or what is intended.

I am sorry some people are so butthurt that Gamersgate got called to task for this but that is to be expected.[/QUOTE]

Dang... you have some emotional issues to deal with next to your judgementability (is that a word?) problem...

[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Don't worry about it. Motoki has some sort of victim complex and thinks every post about about Gamersgate, Steam, or anything else is about him.[/QUOTE]

Him? ... Are you sure? Judging from all those posts I read I kinda figured he was a she... I'm not kidding, and I'm not trying to be a jerk.

On another topic:

[quote name='oman19']I might catch some flak for this but I really don't get the whole tablet craze. I have my PC and I have my smartphone why do I need something in between?[/QUOTE]

I feel the same way. I don't get the whole tablet fever either. The only useful thing I can think of is making notes during college. Saves a lot of paper and your notes are easy to find when you actually need them. (I tend to lose mine at critical moments).

And then the steambox... well I'm really interested in how it will turn out. Up to now it doesn't sound all that interesting but who knows what Valve has in store. Get that? I made a pun. w00p!
[quote name='Therapy']
Him? Judging from all those posts I read I kinda figured he was a she... I'm not kidding, and I'm not trying to be a jerk.[/QUOTE]

And yet you managed to insult so many so quickly. You probably should have taken your own advice.
I updated the OP. The most obvious solution during non-supersales is to link to the Steam specials page! Hey Twizted or whatever your name was: the OP is updated FOREVER!

I also added links to CAG threads for other retailers replacing the bullet points that relied on us adding individual games. I think my solution works well enough. And finally, I cut out the list of keys because the link to Steam's key page has everything right there, they update it, and it was redundant to paste everything in the OP as well.

Hope you like it!
[quote name='Broken Cage']
I think it's more the community than the gaming platform. Back when I played CS 1.6 hardcore, I started out sucking harder than a Dyson. Nobody ever tried to t-bag me, nobody ever called me a noob, in fact, most of the time they gave me tips like aiming for the neck and not the head.

I hop on Call of Duty, and some kid who was hiding in the corner sprays like a maniac the second I walk by, jumps up and down over my body, and t-bags my corpse. No headset necessary, giant douchebaggery achieved.

Then there's the League of Legends crowd, they all seem to think they're pro gamers, and are quick to shit on anyone, even when they've died like fifty times themselves. They will literally stop laning to sit there and type the worst, most horrid insults at people they've never met over a meaningless match in a video game.

Great points, maybe it does depend more on community than platform, though I think both sides have some influence. Back when I played DOTA with friends, I never understood the bad reputation these ARTS/MOBA type games got. However, as soon as I started playing with randoms in LoL, I was immediately put off by the amount of vitriol and anger spewed in my direction... and this is on PC! The Master Race! Sigh...

Plus, some of my best co-op moments occurred in Journey, a PSN game (which admittedly removed all methods of griefing possible). Then again, it was weird when I beat the game to find out I had been playing with potential nobel peace candidates such as LagBallz2001 and aZnFraZier69 or something similar.
[quote name='gilby']And yet you managed to insult so many so quickly. You probably should have taken your own advice.[/QUOTE]

Especially when the shit was already dead. We've moved on.

I was going to randomly insult something, but I'm running on empty. It's been a long day. Work is stupid. There we go.
[quote name='Mooby']It's not so much the platform, rather, the game itself that's going to determine the community. If you play Call of Derpies there's going to be throngs of immature people regardless of what you play it on. Same is true for most multiplayer communities these days.

Of course, True PC Gamers™ tend to play single player games hunched over their monitors with their hands claw gripped around a mouse.

That isn't sarcasm.

.... my girlfriend always asked me if i was uncomfortable while playing games on my pc like that.... 100 hours later in new vegas and she too has apparently contracted scoliosis

[quote name='Broken Cage']Then there's the League of Legends crowd, they all seem to think they're pro gamers, and are quick to shit on anyone, even when they've died like fifty times themselves. They will literally stop laning to sit there and type the worst, most horrid insults at people they've never met over a meaningless match in a video game.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Therapy']
On another topic:

I feel the same way. I don't get the whole tablet fever either. The only useful thing I can think of is making notes during college. Saves a lot of paper and your notes are easy to find when you actually need them. (I tend to lose mine at critical moments).

I used to feel that way too. I got a Nexus 7 to replace my kindle and I've found that the tablet does fill an area between the phone and the computer. You don't use it all the time but it's nice. I do my comic reading, book reading, non tv netflix watching, blog reading, and a lot of mobile gaming on the tablet. Since the tablets always on and bigger than the phone I go for that when I'm at home for casual web browsing as well.

Edit: Also, I have a bunch of emulators on there so I plug my 360 controller into it for some on the road Super Metroid action!
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[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']The first one off the top of my head would be to add a list of upcoming scheduled group events to the main group page. Right now, they can only be seen if you go to the events page.[/QUOTE]

Like this?


(this just puts the "events" tab stuff on the overview tab)
[quote name='aus_nacht']I used to feel that way too. I got a Nexus 7 to replace my kindle and I've found that the tablet does fill an area between the phone and the computer. You don't use it all the time but it's nice. I do my comic reading, book reading, non tv netflix watching, blog reading, and a lot of mobile gaming on the tablet. Since the tablets always on and bigger than the phone I go for that when I'm at home for casual web browsing as well.[/QUOTE]

Well I suppose I just don't know the benefits that well because I haven't felt the need to try it (yet). The prices are keeping me from trying out that which I think I don't really need yet. Though I see your points too. And well, I suppose your situation counts for a lot of people because damn, those things do sell pretty well.
[quote name='walkonshadows']I'm building a new box, does anyone know of a site like CAG, but exclusive to PC hardware deals?
(Yes, this is on topic. Got to have something to play Steam on!).[/QUOTE]

Just get a Steambox. It's the future of gaming.
[quote name='jshackles']Like this?


(this just puts the "events" tab stuff on the overview tab)[/QUOTE]

That looks like good! What sort of wizardry do you practice? Once you've committed the update, I'll test it out.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']That looks like good! What sort of wizardry do you practice? Once you've committed the update, I'll test it out.[/QUOTE]

Wizardry = javascript :lol:

I was a little impressed, as Steam actually commented this section of their coding properly: something I haven't seen yet in any of the changes I've made with Enhanced Steam.

This will be in Update v1.6 which I'll be uploading soon.
I just finished episode 2 of The Walking Dead. Man that game is... horribly awesome!

the part in the barn was sick, although somewhat predictable from the moment they got suspicious

Some horrible choices had to be made. I like it.

Indiegala 11 doesn't look interesting unfortunately. I already got all games except Deponia (not interested) and You Are Empty (never heard of it). Hoping the BTA stuff will be worthwhile.
[quote name='Therapy']I just finished episode 2 of The Walking Dead. Man that game is... horribly awesome!

the part in the barn was sick, although somewhat predictable from the moment they got suspicious

Some horrible choices had to be made. I like it.[/QUOTE]

This. I love TWD :applause:
Enhanced Steam is now up to v1.6 which includes the Community Events in the Group Overview page.

You can also turn this off (if you want to) by Going to Extensions -> Enhanced Steam -> Options -> Community and changing "Show Events on Group Overview:" to "No".
[quote name='jshackles']Enhanced Steam is now up to v1.6 which includes the Community Events in the Group Overview page.

You can also turn this off (if you want to) by Going to Extensions -> Enhanced Steam -> Options -> Community and changing "Show Events on Group Overview:" to "No".[/QUOTE]

Thanks jshackles :applause:
[quote name='jshackles']Enhanced Steam is now up to v1.6 which includes the Community Events in the Group Overview page.

You can also turn this off (if you want to) by Going to Extensions -> Enhanced Steam -> Options -> Community and changing "Show Events on Group Overview:" to "No".[/QUOTE]

1.6? Weren't you in Beta, like 3 days ago?!?! Get some sleep man!
[quote name='Broken Cage']Especially when the shit was already dead. We've moved on.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, after I read that I was sitting here crying.

That probably had more to do with the onions I had just chopped for the chili I was making, though.
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