The Summerfest Wrestling Thread ;)

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Par for the course with Raw. Great first hour, but the second hour fell off a cliff. Orton attacking Prinze was great, and if Prinze meant a damn thing this decade, I'm sure it would get press like the deal with Piven did. Santino coming out as the fisherman and selling himself as an actor was funny and didn't go on too long - and they at least acknowledged how outdated the stuff was, and I loved the sign behind Santino asking what Prinze did last summer. They sure did make their fanbase seem like a bunch of dorks by having him state that he, like all of the fans, still has 100s of figures in his closet, a million tapes, and even loved the shitty ice cream because his life revolved around the WWE Universe.

Kofi-Carlito was one of Carlito's better matches this year, but I'm glad he lost. He doesn't deserve the belt, and I'm much happier with Miz in the title hunt than him. I misses Miz's match with Bourne due to a pone call, so I'll catch that later, but I liked Miz's pre-match promo and his new look. The DX stuff was bad, but then got better. The bit with Santino was funny...especially when Shawn missed by a mile with the superkick. DX's pre-match spiel getting broken up by a Legacy beating was great - it did SOMETHING to make Legacy seem somewhat legit, and gave DX a reason to kill them dead at the PPV - revenge. Legacy definitely needed to do more than beat a midget to get people excited about this match - and they did it tonight.

Mickie-Gail was rolling along until the final few spots where things just fell apart to Survivor Chick levels. Jesus that was embarrassing. I don't think I've ever seen the Mickie-T fucked up so badly, and then the kick missed, and you could just tell that Mickie wanted to dig a hole under the building and crawl into it after that. She sure looked pissed after the match. Hopefully neither chicks is punished for this.

MVP-Swagger was good for the minute it lasted. If they were building up a PPV match, they did a horrid job as we didn't even have a bit where MVP wanted revenge at the PPV - instead, he just came out as a lumberjack all happy and shit. Hornswoggle-Chavo was its usual brutal self until the Home Alone gag ended revealing Macaulay Culkin...and then they cut to King talking about how hip WWE is for having all of these Hollywood names on the show. That part was stupid, but I did love seeing the Home Alone kid on Raw for a brief instant. Maybe after the SBTB cast does the Fallon show, they can host Raw and Chavo can win a match against Screech.

The main event was decent, although the pre-match poll results showing that, in a landslide, two people who hate each other could beat the tag champs made me sad as it showed the belts still have no credibility - and neither do the champions despite both being former world champs. The post-match deal was just annoying - Orton hitting the RKO was great, but I didn't like Jerishow tossing MVP and Kofi out like they were, well, Noble, nor did I like Cena GETTING UP LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED AFTER THE WORLD CHAMPION'S FINISHER and disposing of the tag champs like they too were nothing. Very annoying stuff.

Screens -

Quotes -
Cole - Freddie Prinze, Jr., a star of many movies, like Scooby-Doo, I Knew What You Did Last Summer, She’s All That…
Prinze - I’m a lifelong WWE fine like all of you! From the 100s of action figures still in my closet, to the Coliseum Videos hosted by Mean Gene, and the ICE CREAM BARS WITH THE CRUNCH THAT MADE YOU VOMIT IF YOU ATE IT, BUT YOU STILL DID CUZ WWE WAS YOUR LIFE! TONIGHT, WE’RE GONNA GET SUMMERSLAM STARTED TONIGHT WITH THE DEFENSE OF BOTH THE DIVAS AND US TITLES!
(the guy from a 12 year old movie comes out)Lawler - I KNOW YOU SAW I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, RIGHT!?
Prinze - I think it’s good, but you need a little help.
Snatino - Let’s make it more current…you’re going to be in 24 right? You need a partner…(he reveals a Kevlar vest) WHERE DID YOU PUT THE BOMB, LILIANS!? TELEVISION IS VERY SERIOUS BUSINESSES! IT’S JUST A MATTER OF TIME AND HOW MUCH PAIN YOU WANT TO FEEL! AND SCENE! What you thinks? You have your phone? Call Keifer and your wife the werewolf killer - TELL THEM THAT SANTINO IS A REAL AC-TOR!
Lawler - His wife…the werewolf killer? I loved the evil fisherman.
Prinze - Well, at least it wasn’t a Scooby Doo joke.
(in his gear)Orton - Tonight, I am teaming with the man I am facing this Sunday - John Cena. I don’t like it - I won’t do it. As a matter of fact, Summerslam’s only 6 days away - I don’t feel like competing at all tonight.
Prinze - Orton, this is St. Louis… This is your hometown! And you don’t wanna work!? WHAT YOU THINK, that I’m gonna disappoint all these people?
Orton - You must be confusing me with someone who actually cares. I’m not here to please these people - I have NOTHING IN COMMON WITH ANY OF YOU! THIS IS ABOUT ME! IT’S ALL ABOUT ME! I AM THE WWE CHAMPION! And Freddie - I’m not going to ask you again! Now, take me out of this match!
Prinze - Do I look like Seth Green or Jeremy Piven? Don’t try to bully me! Sgt. Slaughter made a match last week and I am not gonna change it! YOU WILL TEAM UP WITH JOHN CENA AND FACE JERICHO AND THE BIG SHOW! Sorry! (Orton hits the 3.0 on him, fans chant RKO loudly)
Cole - No less than a dozen WWE Hall of Famers have held the U.S. title!
King - Carlito might be joining that list soon.
(after Carlito sandbags Kofi on a move)King - OH, WHAT A PUNCH FROM KOFI!
Miz - Two weeks ago, I was banned from Raw! So now I stand before you a new man - new attitude, new look - same mouth! And in a few short moments, I will be embarking on the most remarkable turnaround in WWE HISTORY! I WILL BECOME UNITED STATES CHAMPION!
HHH - Nothing changes around here - there’s always some idiot standing around…
(jumping out of the shadows at DX)Santino - CTU! PUT THEM UP! (Shawn superkicks him and misses by a mile)
HHH - You know, I don’t think he meant to hurt us.
HBK - Oh, I know…
HHH - How’s the hair? In one piece?
HBK - Oh yeah.
(DX comes out, the crowd roars, and a heavy-set, balding middle-aged man throws his arms up in joy)HHH - WOW! Shawn, is it good to be back? He can’t hear you… Is it good to be back, Shawn?
HHH - There’s one important thing we’d like to know…(chick yells SUCK IT!) Are ya ready? I SAID ARE YOU READYYYYYYYYYY!?
DiBiase - There’s the answer to your question - YES! WE ARE READY!
King - Summerslam is sponsored by Boost…SEVEN ELEVEN!
Cole - Gail Kim is very elastic!
King - I like that…SHE’S VERY BENDY!
(after Chavo gets hit with a paint can)Henry - Wasn’t me…
(to Chavo)Macaulay Culkin - Sup, punk?
(Cena does the shoulder blocks, fan holds up big VINTAGE sign)
I stopped buying wrestling figures a while ago. The only exceptions I will make are for the Unmatched Fury and classic superstars line, and those are few and far between. When I stumbled upon this, I couldn't pass it up.


Now.. the only choice.. to open it or leave it sealed?

I also have British Bulldog and Mankind.
It took stores over a year to get the Sabu one off the shelves, I believe 99 percent of them are either at Big Lots or were sent to Goodwill
[quote name='mykevermin']I see those dudes on clearance at WM all the time.[/QUOTE]

You couldn't pay me enough money to set foot in a Wal-Mart store.
Well yeah, my TRU still has Lashley. I've seen Sabu recently as well. But there's some that are harder to find than others. I definitely didn't know there was a Razor Ramon one. I might get that one as well.
Has anyone else noticed that at TRU as soon as a WWE guy is released their figures go on sale? I was there 2 days after Mr Kennedy was released and ALL of his figures were on sale
They were on sale before he was released too.

For those who care to follow Smackdown vs. Raw 2010: - apparently they're going to reveal the roster, set of features, etcetcetc..

Triple H on Jimmy Fallon, talking about tweeting his twat and playing Smackdown vs. Raw 2010.. Jimmy Fallon is a downloadable character? Wtf..

Really disappointed that it looks exactly the same. I mean, it normally has some tiny upgrade visually or something, but damn, it doesn't appear to have one this year. Looks like announce tables are returning to the top part of the screen unless it's just that specific venue.

Who am I kidding, I'll buy it at full price anyway.
Myke, I'm pretty sure the WarGames concept could work in a single ring. If not in a single ring, maybe inside the HIAC cage. That could be fun and a fair trade between the WWE gimmick and the WCW one, and it'd be a decent way to freshen up the Cell matches.

I remember them doing the original Survivor Series PPV with a 10-on-10 tag match (five teams on each side, eliminations worked for both team members). That was packed, but the WWE ring is huge and a five on five match wouldn't be that bad.
Okay, just saw the Culkin Raw appearance.. I really hope they do more random things like that in the future.. that was hilarious
[quote name='Scorch']Okay, just saw the Culkin Raw appearance.. I really hope they do more random things like that in the future.. that was hilarious[/QUOTE]
At least he is more relevant than Prinze since he was apart of a show on NBC last season called Kings (It was cancelled after like 5 episodes). So, I will look out for this when I watch RAW when I get home on my DVR.

Good to hear that Don West just got moved to a different part of TNA. Hopefully, Taz can adjust to the TNA style of doing things. I wonder how they are going to play this out on TV?
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[quote name='darkdaze73']I was really enjoying Don West lately.[/QUOTE]

Me too, I used to hate him but ever since his heel turn I've found him pretty damn amusing. Just about every show now he says something to crack me up.
Jim Ross:

Seriously, the WWE has major plans for the Summerslam weekend and it is the most ambitious Summerslam that I can remember. I am doing something "special" very early Sunday morning but I have been promised to secrecy
- According to, The Undertaker is expected to feud with CM Punk upon returning. WWE had originally planned for him to return by Summerslam, but that's been pushed back. WWE creative has been told to come up with ways to slowly build towards Undertaker's return, including lights flickering, and so forth.
I'm conflicted. It'd be interesting to see how an Undertaker/Punk feud would look, but I'm also a little...bored with 'Taker.

Maybe "bored" isn't the right word, but I dunno, it's hard to get really excited for something like that.
If UT *wrestles* Punk, it could be close to matching some of the amazing Undertaker/Angle matches.

It UT *sportz entertainmentz* Punk, then, yes, it will be a shitshow like the UT/Kane vs. Kronik feud.
Funny F4W stuff -
They said weapons were legal. So why didn't Jethro bring a chainsaw? There is $50,000 on the line. How about a firearm or an axe? Instead, he hit him a few times with the baton and then put it away and went back to wrestling holds.

Cody Deaner and ODB did a promo backstage. He said there was concern that he would be sexually molested by the Beautiful People, then noted that he only had eyes for his woman. She mentioned something about her huge boobs. Yes, "BOOBS." Not the kids' show here.
This amused me because iCarly, which is a kids' show, mentions "BOOBS" a lot.

Why Eugene was axed -
Eugene was released this week. Swear to God. He was just hired back about a month ago. WWE wished him well in his future endeavors and didn't announce a drug test failure or anything, so it's not believed to have been anything like that. From talking to several sources, the feeling is that he showed up at Raw Monday looking terribly out of shape and Vince decided then and there to axe him. It sounds incredible but Vince is big on first impressions, and that was pretty much what killed all interest in Takeshi Morishima when he got his tryout a while back. I do know the creative team wanted to get him on TV very quickly, so the fact that he was fired after the first TV adds further credence to this theory.

Nikki Finke's site talked about Piven's appearance on "that WWE wrestling horror Raw." Well, that's a decent description of late.

Got a report out of WWE that "by the end of the night, everyone was sick of Piven and thought he was a douche".

Interesting stuff -
Paul Lazenby, Ken Kennedy, Tony Garea and Droz are among those who have offered to donate their brains after death to the Sports Legacy Institute. Chris Nowinski on our show noted that of the nearly dozen brains they've studied, in people who have done contact sports for more than ten years (football, hockey, etc.), 100 percent show some sign of brain damage.

Funny bit from today's news update -
-- Don "The Predator" Frye will face "Pee Wee" Herman at "Shark Fights 6- Stars & Stripes" on September 12th in Amarillo Texas. Frye better beat him or he'll never live it down.
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[quote name='Mr. Beef']I'm conflicted. It'd be interesting to see how an Undertaker/Punk feud would look, but I'm also a little...bored with 'Taker.

Maybe "bored" isn't the right word, but I dunno, it's hard to get really excited for something like that.[/QUOTE]

I wonder how that fued is supposed to play out. Is Punk gonna go after Taker for his embalming fluid addiction or something?

Also, I realistically don't see any way for Punk to not get buried in that fued.
Well, they're going to be teasing his return with blackouts or whatever, so maybe Punk'll start talking about how he doesn't rely on "scare tactics," or that 'Taker should face him "man-to-man," I dunno.

When was the last time he buried (heheh) someone? I can't recall him winning and killing off someone's run, unless it was at a Wrestlemania. I don't think they would have Undertaker pull a Cena and stop Punk's run like they did with Miz.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Well, they're going to be teasing his return with blackouts or whatever, so maybe Punk'll start talking about how he doesn't rely on "scare tactics," or that 'Taker should face him "man-to-man," I dunno.

When was the last time he buried (heheh) someone? I can't recall him winning and killing off someone's run, unless it was at a Wrestlemania. I don't think they would have Undertaker pull a Cena and stop Punk's run like they did with Miz.[/QUOTE]

I think Punk/Taker could be interesting. The one thing I'll give the Punk/Hardy fued was it felt different. Didn't have that standard 'I want to destroy you for x' (cost me a match, ran me over with a car, etc). It really felt like you had 2 diametrically opposed characters that didn't like each other. They didn't respect each other, they were just there, and each wanted the title. I think Punk brought some of that to the table.

I'd be interested to see if Punk can pull the same off with Taker.
Punk vs Taker will probably have Punk acting 2 cool 4 school against the Undertaker, the Undertaker using mind games to crack him, etc. I can't wait, I love Taker.

Also, Angle

Tearful Kurt Angle Blames Robinson Twp. Arrest On Ex-Girlfriend

Olympic gold medalist and professional wrestling champion Kurt Angle says his live-in girlfriend got him arrested over the weekend on an alleged violation of a protection-from-abuse order after the two had broken up.
"I'm just going to let the judicial system take its course and I'll be vindicated," Angle told B-94's "Buckhead and Bubba in the Morning" radio show on Wednesday. "I spent nine hours in the (Allegheny) county jail. I mean, it was degrading."
Angle told B-94 that the alleged victim -- who he said he wasn't allowed to name, but who WTAE identified as Trenesha Biggers -- asked to take his car and go to the store early Saturday morning. Soon after that, he says Moon police were at his door.
"The cops told me I had to leave. I didn't even know why. I got out of there. If they tell me I've got to get out of my house, I'm leaving, I'm gone, and this girl ended up following me," Angle said.
In the criminal complaint, Biggers -- a pro wrestler who performs under the name "Rhaka Khan" -- told police that she went to a Starbucks Coffee in Robinson Town Centre so she could use the Internet, and then she saw Angle circle the parking lot three times and stare at her while she was outside, so she called 911 and said Angle was stalking her. But Angle told the radio show that the woman had actually left his gated community after he did that morning.
"We got surveillance tape that shows she followed me out, and then she had me restrict the PFA by following me, so basically in a nutshell, that's pretty much what happened," Angle said.
Robinson Township police eventually pulled Angle over and found a capped syringe in his car and two vials of human growth hormone, for which Angle said he has a prescription related to a neck injury. He was charged with harassment, possessing the drugs and driving on a suspended license.
"The whole thing was just crazy," Angle said. "I told the girl it wasn't going to work out. She asked me for my car to go to the store, went to police, got a PFA. The police came to my door, kicked me out, put her in, and it's been like that ever since, and I spent nine hours in the county jail."
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Intensity, Integrity, Intelligence.[/QUOTE]

I saw this in one of the chats: "Kurt Angle's girlfriend had 3 I's, but he blackened two of them".
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I saw this in one of the chats: "Kurt Angle's girlfriend had 3 I's, but he blackened two of them".[/QUOTE]
Damn. :lol:
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I saw this in one of the chats: "Kurt Angle's girlfriend had 3 I's, but he blackened two of them".[/QUOTE]

Cold blooded. :lol:
Jeff Hardy leaving the WWE

Jeff Hardy will be leaving the WWE within the next month or so. Jeff Hardy gave his notice and informed the WWE that he was leaving due to scheduling conflicts, mainly wanting to work less days. Vince McMahon has informed the creative team to scrap future plans with Jeff Hardy and to create an angle for the Undertaker's comeback, as he will fill in for Hardy.

Mike Johnson from PWInsider reported in the Elite Section that Jeff Hardy will have his last WWE appearance on the first Smackdown show after Summerslam.
Not that it's that big of a surprise (there've been rumors for a few weeks), but I'll miss those diabolical hand sleeves.
Watching Luger/Sting from SuperBrawl 1992 on that channel. Before this match was a classic with Steamboat/Rude where Paul E. showed up as a ninja and bashed Steamboat with the Zack Morris phone.

WrestleReunion is planned for the LA Hilton in January, and ROH is making their SoCal debut that weekend. Also on the card for the weekend is a PWG/Dragon Gate co-promoted show featuring the return to pro wrestling by Rob Van Dam.

Picked up a few WWE DVD's (Foley's Greatest Hits & Misses, the 3-disc Tombstone set, and The Stone Cold Truth) for $2.99 each at Goodwill this morning. Kinda stoked.
that channel is awesome. even when wcw was bad, it was pretty funny.

i hope to catch the "Masters of the Powerbomb" angle where they blew up their castle at the sea, and at some point, cheatum the midget is disguised as a shark in the middle of the ocean.
My idea? CM Punk wins TLC, we find out Jeff has to retire due to the injuries sustained in the match. Teddy Long allows him to pass his rematch to Matt, which he uses and wins for the feel good surprise moment. He then loses it back to Punk the next week, or at Breaking Point, leading to Punk/Undertaker.

This gives them time to do at least 4 weeks of Undertaker teases before his return as well.
My only real exposure to WCW was the occasional WCW Saturday Night or the Clash Of The Champions supershows TBS ran. This is a killer way to catch up on everything I missed out, since much of it is brand new to me.

WrestleWar 1992 on now, main event is WarGames with Sting, Windham, Dustin Rhodes, Steamboat, and Nikita Koloff against Austin, Rude, Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, and Larry Zbyszko. Opening contest is The Fabulous Freebirds (Garvin & Hayes) against Terry Taylor and Greg Valentine for the US Tag belts, with Pillman/Zenk for the Light Heavyweight belt still to come.
New info on SvR 2010

If creativity is your thing, WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2010 has got you covered. More than covered, in fact. From top to bottom, the creation tools in THQ's upcoming wrestling game have been either overhauled, upgraded, or, in some cases, re-made from the ground up. The result will be a game that is more open-ended and flexible than ever before. Recently, THQ producers visited GameSpot HQ to give us an exclusive first look at the new modes in SmackDown! 2010, which is the 11th game in the long-running wrestling series. After watching the demo and getting the briefest of tastes of what the new creation tools will allow you to do in the game, we can't wait to see what people come up with.

While existing features like create-a-wrestler and create-a-finisher have received important upgrades, the big news for creative types will be the design-a-story mode. Using what looks to be a flexible set of tools, you'll be able to unleash your inner Vince McMahon (or, if you're evil, your inner Vince Russo) and design broadcasts of RAW, SmackDown, and ECW from the ground up. This is much more than just an extension of GM mode from a few years ago--you'll have control of everything: matches that appear in your show, backstage fights, interviews galore, and even the words each Superstar speaks will be from your specific script.

Using a variety of preset choices that you can edit to your heart's content, you can create scenarios that will make up your individual weekly show. Create a slow-building feud between two Superstars; build a love story between your created wrestler and your favorite WWE Diva; or go completely nuts and feature an entire show that is nothing but Triple H screaming nursery rhymes at the crowd from the middle of the ring. It's up to you.

When setting up a show, you'll have the choice to create either a scene or a match. Creating a match is straightforward--you'll be able to choose from any of the available match types in the game, set the competitors, and set any specific win conditions. Creating scenes takes a bit more work, and you'll have complete control over the scene, including the setting which can include backstage antics with exploding cars, to more traditional sequences featuring interviews between WWE announcers and talent. There's even a luminous white background that looks like something out of a hallucination, perfect for creating a dreamscape for your favorite sleepy Superstar.

Once you've got a setting and some general action points added in (in one backstage scene, for example, you can cause the star of the scene to get hit by a speeding car), you'll have the ability to add text to your scene, which will appear on the bottom of the screen. There's a character limit you'll need to be mindful of, but from what we saw, there's plenty of room to get a decent amount of back and forth going. Reading text instead of hearing the voices of the wrestlers feels a bit retro, but considering that you can write anything you want, the novelty factor probably outweighs the lack of voice acting.

While you can choose from anyone on the SVR 2010 roster to star in your original stories, why not use a Superstar of your own creation? Create-a-wrestler is nothing new in the SmackDown series, but like so many of the creation tools in this year's game, it has been expanded and improved into something better. There's a ton of new fully 3D-modeled apparel for your wrestler--no more painted-on ties or shirts, for example. If you put a robe or jacket on your created star, the fabric will move realistically. There's also plenty of variety--just in headgear alone we saw everything from traditional luchadore masks to eyeless hoods, samurai headgear, and even a giant chicken head. All of it looks like great fun to experiment with, but to our eyes, the best feature of the "new" CAW was the speedy menus; the developers at Yuke's have spent time on improving the loading time in screens--so the long delays while waiting for parts to load up in the CAW menu look to be a thing of the past. For existing WWE Superstars, there's a "Superstar Threads" tool to customize their outfits--such as changing up the colors of Rey Mysterio Jr.'s masks and ring attire to something completely of your choosing.

Create-a-finisher, introduced in last year's game, has seen its own share of improvements. THQ producers told us there is about 30 percent more content in the standard front grapple finishers, as well as an entirely new category of finishers, this time from the top rope. As with the standard finishers, you create your top-rope finisher by stringing together a bunch of separate animations, the taunt you use to start things off, the dismount off the top rope, any flips or kicks you perform in the air, and finally your crunching landing on the mat. You can even make minor adjustments to animation speed and jump trajectory to create just the kind of move you're looking for.

Enveloping all of these enhanced creation modes is the idea of sharing online. Anything you create in SVR 2010--be it your favorite create-a-wrestler, your insane top-rope finishing move, or your epic series of RAW episodes--will be able to be uploaded and shared with the online world. You will be able to rate content you download too, allowing the best content (and its respective creators) to rise to the top--and you'll be able to add tags to your creations for easy browsing purposes. In essence, THQ is blowing out online content and every SmackDown fan is a potential contributor.

Elsewhere in the game, the developers are throwing a bone to players who might have been away from the SmackDown series for a while with an interactive tutorial that will provide a primer of sorts for the sometimes complex controls that are part of the game. You can use whomever you want in the ring, and you can choose to play either solo or against a friend. As you move around the ring, pop-ups will appear onscreen with instructions on how to pull off different context-sensitive maneuvers--for instance, which types of moves will be available to you in a front grapple or what you can do when moving on the apron. In all, there are more than 100 training tips available, and you can choose to play the tutorial with several AI settings--including the AI turned completely off, if you like.

When in the ring, you can expect to see a back-to-basics approach in terms of presentation. The game's sometimes cluttered HUD from previous years has been stripped down. Gone are the health meter and location-specific damage meters that sat in the upper corners of the screen. Instead, the game is focusing much more on the body language of the wrestlers to convey their relative health. The only HUD elements that will remain are a small halo appearing underneath each wrestler that acts as a momentum meter, and the occasional reversal timing indicator that will pop onscreen above the wrestlers' heads.

Speaking of reversals, the reversal system has been tweaked for SVR 2010 as well. Previous games had separate buttons for strike and grapple reverses--this year that's whittled down to a single reversal button, which should simplify the process. The timing of reversals--or, more accurately, the length of a reversal window--has been tweaked as well in order to prevent reversals from becoming too easy to execute. Other control changes include a new pinfall kickout system borrowed from THQ's Legends of WrestleMania game (which requires you to fill up a meter in order to kick out of a pin), a load of new moves available to players when standing on the apron (such as Triple H yanking people into the ring, or Rey Mysterio Jr. performing a springboard leap into the ring), four "strong" grapple holds available to players (up from two in last year's game)--collar and elbow, side headlock, wrist lock, and rear waste lock, each of which triggers a different set moves. In addition, you'll be able to manually transition between grapples by holding down the right bumper and moving the right stick.

In keeping with the game's customization theme, it will be easy to record your own match highlights this time around. At the end of a match, you'll be able to see a list of defining moments in the match you just completed. You can choose to rewatch any of these defining moments--anything from bloodying your opponent to sending him (or her) through a stack of tables--and save them for later use.

Last year's Road to WrestleMania mode returns this year with six brand-new stories from around the WWE stable of wrestlers. This time around, there will be a Diva-centric storyline, as well as a story specifically meant to focus on your created wrestler, which is all the more reason to bust out that giant chicken head for your created grappler.
It took them about 10 years but it's about damn time they finally let us edit the original superstar's attires like in No Mercy.
I -hate- the Legends pinfall system, but everything else sounds good.

I really, really, really wish they'd include online leagues. How awesome would it be for the storyline creator to combine with an online league - one of us could book everything, and everyone else could work the matches.
fuck, why are they using that awful pin system from LoW? Words can't describe how much I hated that.

One other thing that bugs me... when they say a 'halo' underneath each wrestler for momentum, I sincerely hope they mean under the NAME, not under the actual wrestler. I'm all for cleaning up the HUD, but putting things on or around the wrestlers/ring is a no-go for me.

I can something positive, though... thank fuck they are bringing back some kind of GM mode. I missed that so much in 2009. That's the mode I always put a ton of time into and, as a result, have played 2009 way less than any of the ones that had some kind of GM mode. So, hearing that something like that is coming back, I'm there day one, awful Legends kick-out system be damned.
[quote name='mykevermin']Not buying SvR10. Not interested.[/QUOTE]

I'm not buying "My Makeup," "Imagine: Teacher Class Trip," or "The Clique: Diss and Make Up." Not interested.
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