VA Tech tragedy. 33 dead. *Shooter sent photos and video to NBC*

[quote name='rapsodist']Great, until the SOB's identity is revealed every Asian male is gonna be suspected by the internet.

Guess it's time to pack up my bags and get ready for the internment camp.[/QUOTE]


Its sad that its happened. But we can't do anything but just say


The guy that did this had to be a hell of a shot. I think for the better of America they need to close VAT.
[quote name='crazytalkx']Oh, awesome, Dr. Phil was just talking about video games glorifying violence on CNN. "The murderers of tomorrow could be the children of today"

Fat sonofa[/QUOTE]

fuck Phil

Well no shit the murders of tomorrow are going to be the children of today. Whose going to kill people in the future? The zombies of yesteryear?

Sorta disturbing video

[quote name='rapsodist']Great, until the SOB's identity is revealed every Asian male is gonna be suspected by the internet.

Guess it's time to pack up my bags and get ready for the internment camp.[/QUOTE]

I'm just happy it wasn't a muslim otherwise Iran would have been bombed from now.

At least China can kick our ass.
White Supremist Groups are already up in a fray. I guess they are happy they finally have a reason to hate Asians even more.

On a funny side some are even conjuring up conspiracy theories about how the liberals have conjured up this "black ops" mission by brainwashing a Chinese person to give the Gun Bans more fuel.

Anyway....... Being asian all I can say is wtf? Even our Serial Killers are keeping up the stereotypes of overachievment. What a motherfucker....
This is just sick. How can someone just go psycho and kill so many innocent people? I can't imagine how VT students are feeling right now. I don't even feel all that great and I am states away.

Where were the damn authorties?!?! How in the hell do you let a shooter go from once play to another! This is on a school campus!!!!!!!!!! Thousands of people are at risk.

Is anyone esle having a hard time undestanding this whole thing? Nothing makes sense here at all.

All Schools better take this seriosuly and review their own plans. I will be leaving to a major university this fall and thigns better be in review now!

[quote name='kevzik']This is just sick. How can someone just go psycho and kill so many innocent people? I can't imagine how VT students are feeling right now. I don't even feel all that great and I am states away.

Where were the damn authorties?!?! How in the hell do you let a shooter go from once play to another! This is on a school campus!!!!!!!!!! Thousands of people are at risk.

Is anyone esle having a hard time undestanding this whole thing? Nothing makes sense here at all.

All Schools better take this seriosuly and review their own plans. I will be leaving to a major university this fall and thigns better be in review now!


Dood you need to read the facts

How can people not do this? Psychotic nature happens naturally, or it could have been a moment of rage where all hesitations are held back. Some people enjoy killing others (I'm sure there's at least a few of them in the military). Why is a school campus any different............ You sound really naive on this whole situation

And the school and police did what they felt was correct at the time. Sure they might have been right but hindsight is 20/20 and all indications initially pointed to a domestic dispute where the killer probably ran off.

Bottom line, we're only human. We aren't perfect.

Speaking of which the douchey CNN has this title in one of the videos "Expert: Not enough security"
WELL DURRRRRRRRr, Maybe it's because we don't expect a Crazy asian dood to suddenly come up and shoot the crap out of our schools every day... or much anywhere else.
[quote name='Zoglog']Dood you need to read the facts

How can people not do this? Psychotic nature happens naturally, or it could have been a moment of rage where all hesitations are held back. Some people enjoy killing others (I'm sure there's at least a few of them in the military). Why is a school campus any different............ You sound really naive on this whole situation

And the school and police did what they felt was correct at the time. Sure they might have been right but hindsight is 20/20 and all indications initially pointed to a domestic dispute where the killer probably ran off.

Bottom line, we're only human. We aren't perfect.

Speaking of which the douchey CNN has this title in one of the videos "Expert: Not enough security"
WELL DURRRRRRRRr, Maybe it's because we don't expect a Crazy asian dood to suddenly come up and shoot the crap out of our schools every day... or much anywhere else.[/quote]

Yes, we are human, but come on man...something more could of been done and it wasn't! WHY?
This is so fucked up. I have two friends that go to VTech, but thankfully they're both safe.

Oh, and fuck, Jack Thompson, fuck Dr. Phil, and fuck that cuntrage what's-his-face and his inbred church.
Add Geraldo to the list of idots. He went on his show and pointed to facebook link of Asian guy with guns saying thats the killer. Turns out the guy is still alive .
[quote name='62t']Add Geraldo to the list of idots. He went on his show and pointed to facebook link of Asian guy with guns saying thats the killer. Turns out the guy is still alive .[/quote]

It's certainly not the first time he got his facts wrong on live TV...

Man, it's hard to tell what the story is--the awful tragedy itself or the fuck ing asinine media coverage of it...
OMG! Some student was just saying how the school told him to "procede cautiously to class" after the first shooting!!!!! YOU DON'T TELL STUDENTS THIS WTF!

I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS, THESE VT AUTHORITIES....okay...I am just going to stop here.
If the initial scenario was built around the fact that a RA was contacted to get in between the gunman and his ex-girlfriend, odds are the gunman was asked to leave the premises before he went apeshit. The guy had a relationship with this woman and when this RA decided to step in, it crosses a line in the mind of the shooter. Who is this son of a bitch telling me to leave?

In a case of obsessiveness such as this, this is pretty much the most offensive thing a guy can experience and entails a sense of helplessness for the shooter since he has no control over the woman he loves. Hence he produces the gun as a equalizer of power. He was probably already told by the ex-girlfriend not to contact her again and this is why he showed up armed.

When the realization came to him that she would not return to him, especially since she had the RA interject himself into the relationship, the emotions would be tantamount to finding her in bed with another man. He snapped and fell into a void of misery and killed both people. I'm sure they have the shooting on the dormitory security videos.

Afterwards, in his misery, he wanted to everyone around him to understand and experience the pain he was feeling. Hence the calculated killing spree that took place afterwards. The woman he loved was dead, why should he bother living? He was going to make everyone else feel his pain however...

At least that's what I take from it. VA Tech just met up with the ultimate emo kid today.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']If the initial scenario was built around the fact that a RA was contacted to get in between the gunman and his ex-girlfriend, odds are the gunman was asked to leave the premises before he went apeshit. The guy had a relationship with this woman and when this RA decided to step in, it crosses a line in the mind of the shooter. Who is this son of a bitch telling me to leave?

In a case of obsessiveness such as this, this is pretty much the most offensive thing a guy can experience and entails a sense of helplessness for the shooter since he has no control over the woman he loves. Hence he produces the gun as a equalizer of power. He was probably already told by the ex-girlfriend not to contact her again and this is why he showed up armed.

When the realization came to him that she would not return to him, especially since she had the RA interject himself into the relationship, the emotions would be tantamount to finding her in bed with another man. He snapped and fell into a void of misery and killed both people. I'm sure they have the shooting on the dormitory security videos.

Afterwards, in his misery, he wanted to everyone around him to understand and experience the pain he was feeling. Hence the calculated killing spree that took place afterwards. The woman he loved was dead, why should he bother living? He was going to make everyone else feel his pain however...

At least that's what I take from it. VA Tech just met up with the ultimate emo kid today.

No, you're incorrect. Emo kids do not kill others. They just write poems and talk about killing themselves. They usually don't have the balls to go through with this kind of stunt. If he was emo he wouldve just went on his Live Journal and Wrote poems about death and darkness and aching hearts.

This is just a guy injected with the poison of love... except he's asian.
MSNBC keeps showing a clip of "supposed VA Tech" fans at a game but its actually fans of our rival school UVA before it shows another image of real VA Tech fans and football players. Yeah, the news needs to get their facts straight before going on air.
[quote name='MadFlava']MSNBC keeps showing a clip of "supposed VA Tech" fans at a game but its actually fans of our rival school UVA before it shows another image of real VA Tech fans and football players. Yeah, the news needs to get their facts straight before going on air.[/QUOTE]
Oh, the horror!

Douchebag McGee (Thompson) is on MSNBC right now. Cited Super Columbine Massacre as a "murder simulator."

Edit: I think David Gregory was suspended in disbelief during that entire interview. I'll post it on Youtube tomorrow (today).
If the campus was not locked down after the first shooting, which it obviously wasn't, there were probably hundreds of people walking around campus that morning. Unless the shooter was all decked out in body armor, you're not going to be able to identify a random Asian dude as the shooter, so how do you stop him from going around campus?

And even if they did lock down the campus, people have to go somewhere to be locked down - including the student who was the shooter. So rather than that particular class room, he ends up in another building with other innocent people.

The local news talked to the head of security at my alma matter last night (we had a deranged 60-year-old Indian grad student shoot up the business school 4 years ago, one person killed -, and he admitted that even after going through training for future events like that and beefing up security with armed officers, there's not a whole lot you can do to prevent it.
[quote name='kevzik']This is just sick. How can someone just go psycho and kill so many innocent people? I can't imagine how VT students are feeling right now. I don't even feel all that great and I am states away.

Where were the damn authorties?!?! How in the hell do you let a shooter go from once play to another! This is on a school campus!!!!!!!!!! Thousands of people are at risk.

Is anyone esle having a hard time undestanding this whole thing? Nothing makes sense here at all.

All Schools better take this seriosuly and review their own plans. I will be leaving to a major university this fall and thigns better be in review now!

[quote name='Ugamer_X']Douchebag McGee (Thompson) is on MSNBC right now. Cited Super Columbine Massacre as a "murder simulator."

Edit: I think David Gregory was suspended in disbelief during that entire interview. I'll post it on Youtube tomorrow (today).[/QUOTE]

Please do so. I happen to like Gregory a lot. I'd hate to have to lose respect for him.
[quote name='Zoglog']No, you're incorrect. Emo kids do not kill others. They just write poems and talk about killing themselves. They usually don't have the balls to go through with this kind of stunt. If he was emo he wouldve just went on his Live Journal and Wrote poems about death and darkness and aching hearts.

This is just a guy injected with the poison of love... except he's asian.[/quote]

That's why he was the ULTIMATE emo kid.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']
And what is up with the media's hard-on for listing the ethnicity of the killer every second? How the fuck is that relevant to anything?[/QUOTE]

Yesterday it would have been because they would need to know what they were looknig for.

[quote name='botticus']Unless the shooter was all decked out in body armor.[/QUOTE]

Actually he was.
thats funny that all these people sopeak of this Great VIOLENT Video Game industry. I remember a story (no time to find it) where a city was providing Xboxes to kids to keep them out of trouble. Guess what happened......Crime went down. You can also look and see where many cities are doing the "Trade you gun for an Xbox" program.

If these cities are doing this, then why are Video games so bad?
So, I'm an RA at my college. And hearing this story of at least one RA getting shot is pretty scary.

If something like this happened in my building (and similar stuff has happened), I'd probably be confronting that student in the hall and asking him to return to his room.
[quote name='David85']Yesterday it would have been because they would need to know what they were looknig for.

Actually he was.[/quote]Source?

She said the gunman "was just a normal-looking kid, Asian, but he had on a Boy Scout-type outfit. He wore a tan button-up vest, and this black vest, maybe it was for ammo or something."

My point was that unless he was wearing a few inches of Kevlar or carrying automatic weapons, he probably wouldn't really look out of the ordinary.
News just came out with the name of the gunman. He was South Korean. Resident in Centerville. 23 year old English major Cho Seung-Hui is the name of the coward.
[quote name='botticus']

The local news talked to the head of security at my alma matter last night (we had a deranged 60-year-old Indian grad student shoot up the business school 4 years ago, one person killed -, and he admitted that even after going through training for future events like that and beefing up security with armed officers, there's not a whole lot you can do to prevent it.[/QUOTE]
Oh wow, I wonder why I didn't hear of this when I applied to the Case business school!!! That's terrible...
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Oh wow, I wonder why I didn't hear of this when I applied to the Case business school!!! That's terrible...[/quote]I think it was lucky for everyone (other than the one victim) that it was on a weekend and a day after final exams ended. It was pretty unreal driving from Case to my parents' cottage that day, turning on the TV, flipping through channels and randomly seeing my school on CNN.


Looks like Cho was the shooter in both cases, though not definitive - same gun was used in the dorm. And he committed suicide after the killings.
Sweet fucking Jesus.

I just read on CNN that one of the victims who died was from my hometown, Saugus, MA, and likely would have been in my classes in Saugus had I stayed there past 2nd grade.

Ross Alameddine, a student from Saugus, Massachusetts.

I don't know him, but that really does hit very close to home. :cry:
Yesterday a cop said that he was wearing armor. You can look like a "normal" person and still have body armor on.
I don't know what's the saddest...

The tragedy itself....

The fact that it took Jack Thompson mere hours to make an ass out of himself by blaming this on video games.

Or the fact that I even have to sit and ponder which is the sadder of the two.
[quote name='lordwow']So, I'm an RA at my college. And hearing this story of at least one RA getting shot is pretty scary.[/QUOTE]

Why? What's the likelihood of this happening to you?
It's very unfortunate this happened, but a lot of you guys here can't let it control your life. This type of thing does not happen often obviously. I hope everyone here (unless you had some direct ties to the victims) still goes to class today, and has no fear walking around campus.
I was watching CNN this morning and they said there were two gunmen.

Also, CNN said Bush was going to VTech today. So now Bush will also use this to push his agenda somehow.
[quote name='seanr1221']It's very unfortunate this happened, but a lot of you guys here can't let it control your life. This type of thing does not happen often obviously. I hope everyone here (unless you had some direct ties to the victims) still goes to class today, and has no fear walking around campus.[/QUOTE]

Some people will do this anyway. It is shooting that affects the nation (say, like the DC sniper shooting), if only for a moment. Immediately following a crisis, you'll see people try to make a tragedy "their own" by finding and extrapolating even the most obscure relations.

Like the DC shooting, up until the moment the two snipers were caught (which happened *extremely* abruptly), many Americans feared that this was a new terrorist threat. As a result, even if isolated around DC and other parts of the east coast, everyone felt unsafe on their interstates. In retrospect, however, people tend to forget that it held the nation in a grip of fear for the 30 or so days it went down. It's looked back upon as something isolated to DC.

So, it's a two-stage process, I suppose. Immediately following, you have the linkages, both real and imagined. As years go by, however, the linkages (for the most part) disappear. We no longer consider Columbine in that regard. But it sure did (and still does) affect us as a nation. Major exceptions include massive incidents, such as 9/11, the JFK assassination, and others. I do not think this will be one of those.
[quote name='ananag112']I was watching CNN this morning and they said there were two gunmen.

Also, CNN said Bush was going to VTech today. So now Bush will also use this to push his agenda somehow.[/QUOTE]

that would make sense. seems like a lot for one guy to hit almost 50 people without something happening first.
[quote name='Apossum']that would make sense. seems like a lot for one guy to hit almost 50 people without something happening first.[/QUOTE]

It does make sense, but this means the second shooter is still alive (probably) and on the loose.
English major? I called Engineering... :(
Too early to poke fun huh... anyway, I want to know more about this guy... Apparently South Korean huh? Where's the motive? Come on Associated Press, give me something...
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Sweet fucking Jesus.

I just read on CNN that one of the victims who died was from my hometown, Saugus, MA, and likely would have been in my classes in Saugus had I stayed there past 2nd grade.

I don't know him, but that really does hit very close to home. :cry:[/quote]

No no no, please don't do that. 33 people died, that's what sucks, not where they came from, who they were, or who knew them. Because he came from your hometown or something doesn't make it anymore connected to you than some guy in Wyoming that didn't even know that VA Tech existed.

I don't mean to say that you shouldn't care or attack you personally, I just hate when people care because of some fucking connection that they can find. 33 people die in Iraq like everyday, not to mention Sudan, etc. You should care about them all.
[quote name='SpazX']No no no, please don't do that. 33 people died, that's what sucks, not where they came from, who they were, or who knew them. Because he came from your hometown or something doesn't make it anymore connected to you than some guy in Wyoming that didn't even know that VA Tech existed.

I don't mean to say that you shouldn't care or attack you personally, I just hate when people care because of some fucking connection that they can find. 33 people die in Iraq like everyday, not to mention Sudan, etc. You should care about them all.[/quote]

You're right on point 1... Point 2 I'd have to disagree. Yeah, you should care about the soldiers that die in Iraq, they fight for our country, you should care for the Iraqi civilians who are just casualties of war... but this is different. This is home field terrorism. Some guy started popping open lecture hall doors and blasting... WHILE PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO LEARN. It just doesn't make sense... The troops in Iraq know why they are there... they volunteered. Those students just wanted to learn some engineering. :\
[quote name='lordwow']So, I'm an RA at my college. And hearing this story of at least one RA getting shot is pretty scary. [/quote]
You're also a human being in life. People get shot randomly every day. This is no different. You know how you're not scared to go to Wal-Mart or the grocery store? This is the same deal.

And Spaz, you can't really tell a person how to feel. If one of the victims was from around me, it'd hit a little closer to home as well. If she (I think DoK is a girl.. if not.. sorry) feels a connection, let her feel it, it shouldn't bother you any.
[quote name='Scorch']You're also a human being in life. People get shot randomly every day. This is no different. You know how you're not scared to go to Wal-Mart or the grocery store? This is the same deal.[/QUOTE]

To hell with that, you're a hell of a lot more likely to die in a car accident than get shot anyway but its not like that's something sensational the news media can report about to scare people.
[quote name='PhrostByte']English major? I called Engineering... :(

Dude. Us English majors are muthaf*ckin' crazy.

But yeah this is a little early. :/
bread's done