[quote name='Kevfactor']cata was fun at the start but honestly i hate the whole patch system as most the patches just add more loot and grind and not really more content. and you're relaly stuck without fresh content till an expansion comes out.
At this point wow for me is like eq. been there, done that.I raided eq for about 6 years hardcore but after a certain point i just moved on as the game engine gets old and while there usally isn't a games thats better, its just different than doing the same ond thing in the old game.
im really looking for a good mmo taht will breaks away from the trend of theme park model and also gets rid fo healers! =p[/QUOTE]
Well I actually have good news for you -- a lot of people just hate "insert patch here" patches. What they want to do is essentially make sequels to the previous patch. When patch 5.1 releases we will understand WHY we have the content. When patch 5.2 releases, the lore behind it will be from the end of patch 5.1. Etc. Etc etc.
Now I understand grinding can be a pain, and WoW has done a terrific job of trying to fix that. Your weekly dungeons are now dungeons that can happen 7x throughout the week so you can do them whenever, instead of daily. Daily quests can be a pain, but it also provides something to do.
When people (not you!) complain about daily quests, and "Pokemon", and "Farmville" and all of the other "casual" things in the game -- and THEN they complain about "Nothing to do".. I don't understand what they are looking for.
Oh and why get rid of healers?! Are people never supposed to die?! LOL I agree that the "trinity" is a bit dry these days (tank/heals/dps) which is why I think more support roles should be mandatory. I did enjoy that in Rift. It's just that, I didn't really enjoy Rift overall. :lol: