XBL DotW Sales 2013 | 1/1 EA SPORTS (Gold) | MORE! | Now-Wiki

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Was playing the demo for Expendables 2 (in anticipation of its presumed sale on Monday) and got an error. The game isn't very well done, but I'll probably bite if it's marked down to 320 or less..... I thought the demo for Quantum Conundrum indicated a pretty good game, but I'll borrow Portal 2 from a friend if/when I need a first person action puzzle game fix.
[quote name='Saren Arterius']I assure you it is the best buy you can do, those who are undecided read this article to save myself write a lot.


Two days ago I finished the Hell (+150 hours) and I'm so happy and you were the only person in quote my post that I will make you a proposal, if you decide to buy Spelunky and finish the game (real finish, Hell level) I'll give you 200 MSP (making the game will cost you 400 MSP) a very small reward for such a great feat.

I don't know you and don't know how good player you can be but I make this proposal almost sure that the money will never be claimed.[/QUOTE]
Cool offer, I'll eventually play this game so it was nice to get the review link. Thanks!
[quote name='bajingo']
edit: i have 2 worms games that ive bought, and played not much of either-but i believe those are like MS games, if you really like the gameplay, you will probably like each incarnation of the series[/QUOTE]
The issue in comparing Worms: Ultimate Mayhem to other games in the Worms series is that it is 3D, whereas the others are all 2D. I adore the 2D Worms games. I've never played one of the 3D Worms games. I suppose I could try a demo of it, but laziness prevails.
I got a question about the map passes. I use to recover my gt on my bros console then download a map pack on his console then recover my gt back to my console and download the map pack on mine so that we both have the map pack on both our console but only having to purchase it once. My question is would this be possible to work on map passses? I never bought one so im not sure how it would work? I want to buy halo and black ops 2 map passes but i want to share with bro. Any info would be helpful
[quote name='Lonedragon87']Any recommendations. On dead island ryder white or sega vintage monster saga one?[/QUOTE]

Just grab the GOTY Dead Island cheap instead.

A big yes for Monster World.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Just grab the GOTY Dead Island cheap instead.

A big yes for Monster World.[/QUOTE]

Already have a vanilla version of dead island still in the backlog
Here[quote name='Bosamba']For anybody on the fence about the Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC Sale, buy it now.The Arrival DLC for Mass Effect 2 was only on sale once, and if you missed it, too bad.

I picked up the Raven Strike DLC and Leviathan from the one day sale. I'm hoping Microsoft puts up Dragon Age 2 DLC or more Mass Effect 3 DLC on sale later this year.[/QUOTE]

Good point. I always try to pick up anything I want the first and possibly only time they're on sale for this reason.

This week I've only picked up Spelunky and the ME3 Leviathan DLC. After playing all the SVC packs I decided nostalgia wasn't enough to buy the Golden Axe and Streets of Rage packs again if they're all on the Sonic Genesis Collection disc. I didn't dig the other two packs that I was unfamiliar with. Even though I just ordered GRFS for $10 through the MS Store I don't see myself playing the MP much so I passed on the DLC.

A generous CAG hooked me up with a ton of the cheap Target cards but I'm still a cheapass and aren't going on a buying spree of things. I'll still probably only buy things on sale or that I want at launch. I remember I picked up a bunch of points years ago during that Circuit City screw up where it was BOGO on 1600 MSP cards and I thought I'd never run out. That was early in the console cycle where there wasn't a lot on the Marketplace and few games had DLC. Now is a different story and points and HDD space are precious.
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Anyone played NFS Most Wanted 2012? What exactly the Passcode offer? Multiplayer / match making online? I'm considering buying used. As buying Passcode on XBL marketplace would cost me 800 MSP right?

Same question for Tiger Goods 13.
Just read the last 5 or so pages of this topic and keep seeing things about a sale on Monday. I got a ton of MSP to burn, can anyone help me out? Link? List of items on sale?

Edit: NVM, I found it.
This is the first Black Friday XBL sale I didn't buy anything during. These deals are for things that don't interest me in the least aside from Spelunky but I can't buy that because I know it will piss me off so much. Same reason I won't buy Super Meat Boy.
I meant to pick up a few more cards from Target after work last night, but it slipped my mind. Rats!

[quote name='billydeewilliams']anybody doing the halo 4 xbox rewards promo thingy. I think i am up to 102 hours with only 6 days left. i swear im done with halo after november lol[/QUOTE]

I should be eligible for the first prize, maybe even the second (doubtful), but there was no way in hell I could vie for the full 800 MSP bounty and stay sane. The MP is great but not life-consuming great.
I want opinions on spending these 3000 pts I have... out of everything REVEALED to be on sale (yes im a sad sap and im still hoping for a 100-200 pt sale on a game) I honestly want some things but dont know if i can swing it.

L4D2 + All of its DLCs (with Cold Stream being on sale Monday)... along with the game (1600) which TWO DLCs (560) would you recommend if i had to leave one behind? I have one of the DLCs for L4D1 I believe... The Sacrifice? I dont own L4D1 anymore though.

I used to love Metal Slug to death, i have only played the demo on this game but i noticed all of the added extra stuff (never owned a MS disc game, only played in arcades), for someone who puts Contra on his top 5 list is this a must buy sale price? 600 MSP

The Walking Dead Episode 5 - Yeah I know its not on sale, but honestly I have done this well to not trip over spoilers, i fear my luck may be running out :( 400 MSP

Im gonna go crank out work on my bing rewards accounts, i hope you guys can sway me with some advice. Im interested in Shadow Complex, but not for 600 msp, its been that point a few times. Though I do love Metroidvania style games. Let me know what you guys think I should do. The only thing im on the table iffy over is Metal Slug XX, I havnt tried the Worms 2 demo yet though.

Im happy these sales popped up for one, i was planning on just downloading the halo map pack ffs
[quote name='Juice el Savior']
L4D2 + All of its DLCs (with Cold Stream being on sale Monday)... along with the game (1600) which TWO DLCs (560) would you recommend if i had to leave one behind? I have one of the DLCs for L4D1 I believe... The Sacrifice? I dont own L4D1 anymore though.[/QUOTE]

Well, if you've already played The Sacrifice enough that seems like the most sensible one to skip. Cold Stream is the best deal, especially if you've sold L4D1, because it contains most of those campaingns, plus Crash Course which itself was a DLC campaign.

Here are the campaigns that come in the DLC packs:

The Passing
  • only The Passing

The Sacrifice
  • The Sacrifice
  • No Mercy

Cold Stream
  • Cold Stream
  • Death Toll
  • Dead Air
  • Blood Harvest
  • Crash Course
[quote name='cthomer5000']Well, if you've already played The Sacrifice enough that seems like the most sensible one to skip. Cold Stream is the best deal, especially if you've sold L4D1, because it contains most of those campaingns, plus Crash Course which itself was a DLC campaign.

Here are the campaigns that come in the DLC packs:

The Passing
  • only The Passing

The Sacrifice
  • The Sacrifice
  • No Mercy

Cold Stream
  • Cold Stream
  • Death Toll
  • Dead Air
  • Blood Harvest
  • Crash Course

I dont even remember playing the sacrifice its been so long... i might not have even played lol, i might have just bought it on sale. I guess what i am really asking for is a little more detail on the campaigns themselves.

I never understood the L4D system. Isnt there a way to have the entire disc game via DLC for L4d2?

also, if i cut out TWD i guess i have enough to snag L4D2 (1600) 3 dlc (280)x3 and MSXX (600) ... I have exactly 3070 MSP doesnt that put me at 3040?

i really want an honest opinion on MS before i pull the trigger on it, and are any of those campaigns not really played that much? That could help me save some points. No point in buying unused DLC right?
Anybody? Now im kinda foaming for a different game, because my rank in Halo 4 was reset for no reason. I might use swear words during a match, but i dont cheat or threaten anyone, nor am i racist... i just dont understand this system 343i has set up...
[quote name='Cleaner7']
After playing all the SVC packs I decided nostalgia wasn't enough to buy the Golden Axe and Streets of Rage packs again if they're all on the Sonic Genesis Collection disc.[/QUOTE]

Same thought.

[quote name='Cleaner7']
I didn't dig the other two packs that I was unfamiliar with.
At first (and as I said in a previous post) I was going to skip these... but eventually I digged the 2 packs that had games missing from the disc collection.

This way I have a complete sega pack + disc and now I'm gonna just wait for ToeJam & Earl to go on sale. Of course there's always a chance for a disc based Sega collection vol 2 as well as more SVC releases to pop up in the future... so you decide. I just couldn't wait... :(
Should I call you OJ the Juiceman or Juicy J? Either way, I'd say bite on Metal Slug XX just because a) I love Metal Slug, even if it does suffer from a Dynasty Warriors-esque syndrome in which the franchise barely evolves, and b) after this long it doesn't look like it's going to be due another sale very soon, or a price cut ever.

I am DYING to find out these Cyber Monday deals. Expendables 2 and Real Steel have such horrible Metacritic scores that I can't bring myself to bite at 50% off, but if they're dirt cheap then chances are it's the cheapest they'll ever be and I'll be prompted to bite then.
Didn't get the SVC Packs Golden Axe and Streets of Rage too but bought Monster World and Alex Kidd..already have them on my Genesis Collection too and both are not that interesting for me...the other two games collectiosn were more appealing =P Also got a copy of Joetam & Earl so I probably have my SVCs for now =) hum

Didn't buy anything on BF, maybe will dig some stuff tomorrow..also looking at amazon cyber monday deals will last until 30. (at least over here) maybe I will find some stuff on there...
[quote name='dark_inchworm']Should I call you OJ the Juiceman or Juicy J? Either way, I'd say bite on Metal Slug XX just because a) I love Metal Slug, even if it does suffer from a Dynasty Warriors-esque syndrome in which the franchise barely evolves, and b) after this long it doesn't look like it's going to be due another sale very soon, or a price cut ever.

I am DYING to find out these Cyber Monday deals. Expendables 2 and Real Steel have such horrible Metacritic scores that I can't bring myself to bite at 50% off, but if they're dirt cheap then chances are it's the cheapest they'll ever be and I'll be prompted to bite then.[/QUOTE]

i also accept big juicy jizz bomb!

nah srsly... you trying to co-op if i pull the trigger?
[quote name='krushnine']Looks like the Monday deals are in effect.

Shadow Complex is 800 pts instead of 1200. I was hoping for 600, but oh well.[/QUOTE]

God dammit. How long is it going to take for this game to drop lower? How old is it now?

And yeah, the prices are in effect. Real Steel is 400. Haven't checked the others though.

EDIT: Yep, prices confirmed. All of the prices in the OP are correct aside from Shadow Complex which is 800 instead of 600.
[quote name='Royal High Knight']Wow M$ can suck it big time for this crappy sale. Their 13 days of Christmas sale better be fucking good. Im talking no more than 600 MSP for Dust good.[/QUOTE]

you and i both brother

im still on the fence about L4D2, i wanna know what DLCs are played the most, but its looking like im in for Metal SLug XX and thats surprising, considering its a S&S app deal and not one of the holiday deals :p

granted, i woulda cashed in on that 10th anny sale if i didnt have everything i wanted.

im not pissed, i can just nab that map pack and get more points for playing halo!
How do XBLA sales usually operate? Do they regularly revive old games and put them up for sale?

I was looking at the price history for Shadow Complex, and it went on sale several times during 2011 (cheaper than 800 pts....), but it hadn't gone on sale at all for this year until today's lukewarm discount.

[quote name='Royal High Knight']Wow M$ can suck it big time for this crappy sale. Their 13 days of Christmas sale better be fucking good. Im talking no more than 600 MSP for Dust good.[/QUOTE]

I'm fine with just getting Cold Stream since Black Friday (or dealmageddon week on this site) wiped out money and gave me more backlog then I can ever try to conquer.
Well I feel victim to the DLC gumbo of Darksiders II. I knew I had codes for Argul's Tomb yet for some reason I bought that 2 days ago instead of the Death Rides DLC. So today I am looking at Death Rides thinking why it does not show up as purchased and Argul's Tomb does when it dawns on me I bought the wrong dam DLC. My fault but when you have so many pieces of DLC it is a pain to keep everything straight.
[quote name='Juice el Savior']

im still on the fence about L4D2, i wanna know what DLCs are played the most[/QUOTE]

i would also like to know this, can anyone who owns them all already chime in before end of the night? its an old game so some of those small dlc packs have to be kinda empty right? i kinda want to just get the GoD and the one thats on sale tomorrow, since its the biggest.
[quote name='Juice el Savior']you and i both brother

im still on the fence about L4D2, i wanna know what DLCs are played the most

[quote name='bajingo']i would also like to know this, can anyone who owns them all already chime in before end of the night? its an old game so some of those small dlc packs have to be kinda empty right? i kinda want to just get the GoD and the one thats on sale tomorrow, since its the biggest.[/QUOTE]

I can't answer these questions, but I've grabbed the GoD and all of the DLC, so if you two are looking for some co-op you know where to find me.
[quote name='KrayzieKMF']I stopped buying the L4D2 dlc. I ended up buying L4D2 on the pc as it was cheaper during a sale than buying the cold stream dlc...[/QUOTE]

Everyone who is on this site is aware of steam sales.
[quote name='tylerh1701']Quantum Conundrum is a quality game for $7.50. The biggest annoyance is definitely the first-person platforming, it's not way too bad for trying to beat a level, but I expect trying to beat the level under the par time, it will cause a decent amount of cursing.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Javery']Agreed. I just powered up the first generator and I'm not even sure I'm going to see it through - there's no way I'm doing any speed runs or shift runs. No chance. This game has a ton of unrealized potential. The first person puzzles are really fun but they seem kind of the same from room to room. Gee, another safe and another cardboard box?[/QUOTE]

Holy crap... just died about 3000 times trying to jump across a pit on to furniture that was moving in slow motion. Ugh.....
I can confirm that Gotham City Imposters is indeed on sale for 600 MSP right now. What everyone's thoughts on it for Xbox? (I know of steam version already) Sucks Shadow Complex is 800 MSP, because i saved 600 exactly, thinking it would be half-off.
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Wow, more like Cyber Mundane, amirite? I thought for sure at least ONE item out of TWO days of one-day deals would get a super-steep drop, but nope. A few more points saved I guess.

[quote name='Juice el Savior']nah srsly... you trying to co-op if i pull the trigger?[/QUOTE]

You make it sound like I'm propositioning you. :p But I'm down to co-op Metal Slug XX or just about any damn thing; I've bought almost every XBLA game that's ever gone on sale and have a pretty hefty physical library also. It's just a matter of when I have the time.

[quote name='cancerman1120']Well I feel victim to the DLC gumbo of Darksiders II. I knew I had codes for Argul's Tomb yet for some reason I bought that 2 days ago instead of the Death Rides DLC. So today I am looking at Death Rides thinking why it does not show up as purchased and Argul's Tomb does when it dawns on me I bought the wrong dam DLC. My fault but when you have so many pieces of DLC it is a pain to keep everything straight.[/QUOTE]

Have you tried calling Microsoft about a refund? It may end in disappointment but reaching out is better than nothin'.
I'm interested in the monster world collection, just for monster world IV. Not sure if it would be worth it just for that.

I would wait for a disc release of the vintage collection, but i'm not interested in much else aside from Toejam and Earl
[quote name='bajingo']i would also like to know this, can anyone who owns them all already chime in before end of the night? its an old game so some of those small dlc packs have to be kinda empty right? i kinda want to just get the GoD and the one thats on sale tomorrow, since its the biggest.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Juice el Savior']im still on the fence about L4D2, i wanna know what DLCs are played the most[/QUOTE]

I have it on Steam, so I can't really say for sure because all the DLC is free and downloads automatically, but out of the listed DLC, almost everyone plays No Mercy. Over half of all active games in Versus and Scavenge are No Mercy maps, outdoing even the regular L4D2 maps. It's a given that the Cold Stream DLC pack is more enjoyable to play, but if you want lots of MP, buy The Sacrifice + No Mercy.

Passing and Sacrifice go hand-in-hand. Both end on the same level, in Port.
Passing has the original survivors help the new survivors get across a bridge, and Sacrifice is about how the original survivors get on the bridge in the first place. They each play different levels to get there, though.
[quote name='sweatysides']I can confirm that Gotham City Imposters is indeed on sale for 600 MSP right now. What everyone's thoughts on it for Xbox? (I know of steam version already) Sucks Shadow Complex is 800 MSP, because i saved 600 exactly, thinking it would be half-off.[/QUOTE]

I've learned to be very wary of MP only games on xbla. There's just too many games out there right now, a community dies to fast on those (exceptions such as bf1943).

Cainiac, I'm sold, adding stuff to que now. Cold stream sale is up I believe too.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Everyone who is on this site is aware of steam sales.[/QUOTE]
So you must agree that the pc version is the way to go if you have a computer that can run L4D2! I bought the 360 version on release as well as all the dlc up until cold stream. Once cold stream came out I jump shipped to the PC version.
So Shadow Complex appears to have been slashed by 33% only -___- (so it's 800 MSP).
Bloodforge and Gotham City Imposters are also on sale for 600 MSP each along with the rest of the stuff listed on the main page.
[quote name='harry hood']I would wait for a disc release of the vintage collection, but i'm not interested in much else aside from Toejam and Earl[/QUOTE]

Don't say that! I already bought half the Dreamcast collection and 3/8s of the Capcom collection before their respective discs were released, and I'm still kicking myself for it. Even though the load times on the DC disc are not good, if I remember correctly.

[quote name='Masters_93']Bloodforge and Gotham City Imposters are also on sale for 600 MSP each along with the rest of the stuff listed on the main page.[/QUOTE]

O rly? I could go for Bloodforge.
someone please explain what you mean by the left 4 dead 2 sale? Will it go cheaper than $19.99 or why are you mentioning packaging the DLC with it? Basically, $19.99 and 280 for DLC is what it will be on Cyber Monday right? or is there another promotion that will lower the dlc cost??
[quote name='lakers2008']someone please explain what you mean by the left 4 dead 2 sale? Will it go cheaper than $19.99 or why are you mentioning packaging the DLC with it? Basically, $19.99 and 280 for DLC is what it will be on Cyber Monday right? or is there another promotion that will lower the dlc cost??[/QUOTE]

Here, I'll quote straight from the OP for you:

[quote name='reddjoey']
11/20 - 11/26 ... Black Friday Sale
See the Black Friday Sales page for official listings.

Does that answer your question? (Sorry if this comes off dickish-trying to be as helpful as I can while eliminating any confusion)
[quote name='Chrono Gear']I want to get Bloodforge and Gotham City Imposters but they just feel like 400msp games to me.[/QUOTE]

I picked up Bloodforge last time it was on sale (or maybe I bought a cheap code... I don't remember) and it remains deep in my backlog...

GCI, on the other hand, I got when it first came out as I really loved the demo. If you really want a zany FPS to brake up the CoD blues I cannot recommend it enough. (I've invested 73 hours into it according to Raptr.)

All that good said... I've not played it recently so I have no idea how populated the servers are... So I really recommend trying the demo.

As for the XBL sales.... Looks like MS had all their good deals in their stores this time... :cry:
[quote name='Chrono Gear']Here, I'll quote straight from the OP for you:

Does that answer your question? (Sorry if this comes off dickish-trying to be as helpful as I can while eliminating any confusion)[/QUOTE]plus cold stream DLC is now 280 points
So I played a few demos...

Real Steel: Robot fighting game. Woo. I am possibly the worst player of fighting games that ever lived, so for this game to feel way too easy is mind-blowing. I'm sure it's more difficult as it progresses but it still gives me pause, still makes me wonder how entertaining it would be over the course of a few hours. I just don't think I'd dig it, so at 400 I'm passing.

The Expendables 2: Isometric run-n'-gun action, my cup of tea! It has low-budget written all over it but I think I could actually enjoy it if I can cope with how vanilla it is. Really the only thing that bothers me is not being able to easily discern where my bullets are flying. Seems like cheap thrills. 600 points still seems like too much for it, but I have to admit I'm considering it.

Bloodforge: Like the other two games, this one has an atrocious Metascore - but for what it's worth, it does have the added benefit of a title update that tweaks the much-maligned camera and smooths out the difficulty. It's unashamed in its straight-up ripping of concepts from God of War, 300, etc. but I thought the combat was fun enough. There's no blocking, only attack after attack with the occasional dodge, though I almost never remember to use the block function in games anyway. heh. The art style leaves a little to be desired but I appreciate the graphic novel vibe they were apparently going for. I think I'll be picking this up to satisfy my hack and slash cravings. There's almost no sense in skipping the demo since it only lasts for about five minutes... no joke.
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