XBLA - Perfect Dark - Now available - Controls/achievement patch out now

I absolutely loved Perfect Dark on N64. I was planning to get this one but man.. the trial was giving me a headache. I don't know If I can handle it lol..
[quote name='timesplitt']wait how disarm? im tired of punching people 7 times only to get killed by their uzi[/QUOTE]
Right shoulder button goes into secondary function for weapon. So when unarmed, tap right shoulder, press right trigger and you'll go disarm them.
If you punch them from behind and they don't notice you, you can knock them out with one punch. But yeah, disarming > punching for most of the time I think.
Just like 10 years ago, I can't stop playing this.

Anyway, stupid question about something I might just be missing... how do you set the teams in a private match? I see the options for Free For All, Two Teams, H vs. S, etc... but once those are set, is there a way to place people and sims on SPECIFIC teams?

I want to break it down into 5 teams, but I want my friend and I to be on the same one, which it doesn't seem to be letting me do.

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So is there anyway to do a party system against random players? Or am I just going to be setting up private matches to play with my friends?
[quote name='YodaEXE']So, has anyone figured out how you get the cheats to unlock from PDZ? I've got the game, got a save, got the game installed, but still don't have the cheats unlocked. Is there some trick to it that I'm missing? [/QUOTE]

Has it even been confirmed anywhere *what* exactly having a PDZ file unlocks? The consensus seems to be that having a PDZ file clearly does something, but I've not seen it confirmed anywhere specifically what it unlocks.
[quote name='Matt Young']Damn... I never knew that. So regular punching is completely worthless, except against other weaponless foes.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't just roam around punching/disarming anybody (armed or otherwise) as I've gotten my ass handed to me squaring off against shielded foes. Your best bet when unarmed is retreating unless you have no other choice. In that case always try to disarm from an angle or behind if you can't box them into a corner. It'll give you enough time to pick up their weapon before they rearm because opponents will only drop what they have equipped at the moment.
[quote name='Cheapskate']Has it even been confirmed anywhere *what* exactly having a PDZ file unlocks? The consensus seems to be that having a PDZ file clearly does something, but I've not seen it confirmed anywhere specifically what it unlocks.[/QUOTE]
From what I've seen while browsing GameFAQs looking for an answer, if the unlock actually works you get a couple cheats unlocked right from the start, namely things like unlocking All Guns in Solo.
Game is as awesome as I remember, but is it just me or are the bright lights just a tad too bright? It was giving me a headache after about an hour of play.

Played one online match so far last night and kicked ass, got 1st place right off the bat :cool:
[quote name='Yamato']Not even sure how you activate cheats..[/QUOTE]
In the main menu screen go to Help & Options and then Settings and Cheats should be there.
I think it's somewhere in the Carrington Institute. When the menu pops up, press B and you can walk around the institute...go to different rooms, I believe one of them has the cheat menu.
[quote name='bardockkun']In the main menu screen go to Help & Options and then Settings and Cheats should be there.[/QUOTE]

That's the N64 version iirc. To access the cheats on the 360 version, you have to go to "Hacker's Central". I believe it's the room on the far right on the 2nd floor. You'll see two computers. You want the one furthest away from you and the cheat menu is right there.
I'm pretty sure the cheats are still in the options menu on the 360. Just make sure it's the main options menu (with stuff like How to Play, Leaderboards, etc.) because they might not be in the mode select one you access from Joanna's terminal.
[quote name='JStryke']That's the N64 version iirc. To access the cheats on the 360 version, you have to go to "Hacker's Central". I believe it's the room on the far right on the 2nd floor. You'll see two computers. You want the one furthest away from you and the cheat menu is right there.[/QUOTE]
Bleh, meant to say after logging on with gamertag and choosing storage device, just press B to wander Carrington Institute then pause again and you should be able to go to options and settings from there without wandering anywhere. Plus main menu is there as well so can jump straight to game with them.

Man, games have changed alot from back in the day in sniping missions where your enemies are doing a pose off for you to shoot them down.
lol stupid me figures disarming would be the RB button

oh anyone esle experiencing "red blockyness(sqaureboxes)" in the online AND SINGLE player! because i am. if its normal in multi then ok. but i dont think that the boxes should show up IN CUTSCENES!!!!
so I got XBLA version yesterday.
man is this remake awesome!
framerate is silky smooth(60 frames per second), dolby surround in 5.1, graphics in full 1080, looks and feels remarkably good.
I've played four missions on hardest difficulty(really you'll get most out of it on secret agent because missions are much more complex and you won't breeze through it like you would on agent).
I got used to controls in a snap (aiming cursor is actually essential if you're going for headshots, etc...).
so what else there is to say, it's what I've expected and game delivered it in spades.
N64 weighed 32mb's, XBLA version is 240mb's, - that should give you good indication of how much love and work went into it.
I wish Nintendo treated their Virtual Console releases this way.
It's hard to believe that decade old title puts majority of currently released shooters to shame in terms of options, complexity for single player and multiplayer modes.
System seller for sure (just the way Banjo Kazooie and Tooie remakes were).
Trilogy is complete, now we need Conker(not live and reloaded), Killer Instincts, Jet Force Gemini, Battletoads, Blast Corps and we're set ^^
[quote name='seanr1221']Is there anyway to adjust the brightness?[/QUOTE]

TV settings...I couldn't find anything in game either. Such a shame as I'm prone to migraines and super bright lights tend to trigger them sometimes.
[quote name='bardockkun']Bleh, meant to say after logging on with gamertag and choosing storage device, just press B to wander Carrington Institute then pause again and you should be able to go to options and settings from there without wandering anywhere. Plus main menu is there as well so can jump straight to game with them.

Man, games have changed alot from back in the day in sniping missions where your enemies are doing a pose off for you to shoot them down.[/QUOTE]

You would be correct. I never even noticed that. They are kind of tucked away in there, aren't they?
[quote name='timesplitt']lol stupid me figures disarming would be the RB button

oh anyone esle experiencing "red blockyness(sqaureboxes)" in the online AND SINGLE player! because i am. if its normal in multi then ok. but i dont think that the boxes should show up IN CUTSCENES!!!![/QUOTE]
If you're referring to the red boxes around the characters, those are to represent that you've got a shield active.
[quote name='JStryke']You would be correct. I never even noticed that. They are kind of tucked away in there, aren't they?[/QUOTE]
I Still enjoy the fact that when you do activate a cheat it clearly tells you. CHEAT SOLO CAMPAIGN, CHEAT COOPERATIVE and etc. It's like it's there to intentionally tell you, you should be ashamed.
[quote name='pRINCESS-iSABELA']so I got XBLA version yesterday.
It's hard to believe that decade old title puts majority of currently released shooters to shame in terms of options, complexity for single player and multiplayer modes.
System seller for sure (just the way Banjo Kazooie and Tooie remakes were).[/QUOTE]

[quote name='bardockkun']I Still enjoy the fact that when you do activate a cheat it clearly tells you. CHEAT SOLO CAMPAIGN, CHEAT COOPERATIVE and etc. It's like it's there to intentionally tell you, you should be ashamed.[/QUOTE]

...and probably block achievements.
[quote name='pRINCESS-iSABELA']so I got XBLA version yesterday.
man is this remake awesome!
framerate is silky smooth(60 frames per second), dolby surround in 5.1, graphics in full 1080, looks and feels remarkably good.
I've played four missions on hardest difficulty(really you'll get most out of it on secret agent because missions are much more complex and you won't breeze through it like you would on agent).
I got used to controls in a snap (aiming cursor is actually essential if you're going for headshots, etc...).
so what else there is to say, it's what I've expected and game delivered it in spades.
N64 weighed 32mb's, XBLA version is 240mb's, - that should give you good indication of how much love and work went into it.
I wish Nintendo treated their Virtual Console releases this way.
It's hard to believe that decade old title puts majority of currently released shooters to shame in terms of options, complexity for single player and multiplayer modes.
System seller for sure (just the way Banjo Kazooie and Tooie remakes were).
Trilogy is complete, now we need Conker(not live and reloaded), Killer Instincts, Jet Force Gemini, Battletoads, Blast Corps and we're set ^^[/QUOTE]

Well I don't know about being a system seller but everything else I agree with.:bouncy:

Am I missing something or do you climb up ladders really slow?
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[quote name='Spybreak8']
Am I missing something or do you climb up ladders really slow?[/QUOTE]

Don't think it's any different myself. Or if it is, I never noticed.
is anybody else havgin issues with nausea? i couldnt play for more than 10 minutes i had to go lay down. the only other game ive ever had this issue with was the marathon xbla release. what causes that? im really bummed. i didnt even test the demo as i loved the og pd.
[quote name='Cheapskate']Has it even been confirmed anywhere *what* exactly having a PDZ file unlocks? The consensus seems to be that having a PDZ file clearly does something, but I've not seen it confirmed anywhere specifically what it unlocks.[/QUOTE]

It's the exact same stuff that you'd unlock in the 64 version if you connected the Gameboy Color Perfect Dark game via the Transfer Pak. Here's what they are:

All Guns
Cloaking Device
Hurricane Fists
R-Tracker/Weapon Cache Locations
Holy fuck, I guess I didn't use the Magnum enough back in the day to realize how powerful that damn thing is. Some dude one-shot me when I had a shield active! :bomb:
Yeah I was just messin' around with dual magnums, ohahahaha my desert eagle Counterstrike days!

As for the extras I checked the options menu and looked at the extras, man there is a bunch to unlock!:bouncy:

I have PDZ data as well, do you need to have it installed?
Ahh, co-op'ing with someone through Perfect Agent who actually knows what they're doing is fantastic! Only bummer was that there was a "Synchronization Error" on the third mission we got to. :cry:

If anyone feels like co-op'ing through the story mode, shoot me a friend request! I'd love to get some more co-op going.
wtf is with the stats. i had more deaths. and now i have less deaths and more kills + i was in a match got 14 kills and i HAD a total of 123 now its BACK to 109!!
fucking shit.

I can't beat Challenges 26 or 28. I beat all of the others.
It is quite unbelievable,

This game managed to remain my favorite FPS after a decade(and I played them all).

Single player story (on perfect agent difficulty with imaginative mission briefings, cool gadgets at your disposal), countless multiplayer options, and the most impressive arsenal of weapons at your disposal.

The best $10 you'll ever spend.
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I still like the game, but the campaign is nowhere near as good as I remember. The campaign kinda sucks, in my opinion.

GoldenEye's campaign poops all over Perfect Dark's.
[quote name='Brak']I still like the game, but the campaign is nowhere near as good as I remember. The campaign kinda sucks, in my opinion.

GoldenEye's campaign poops all over Perfect Dark's.[/QUOTE]

hmm, for some reason I think you're playing it on easy difficulty.
if you do, single player is very easy and missions are very straightforward.
changing it to medium or perfect agent will lets you appreciate amount of work it went into it.
rooms suddenly don't feel as empty as they did, you have lots of things to do, mission briefings are getting complex.
it's awesome, but challenging.
[quote name='Jek Porkins']It's the exact same stuff that you'd unlock in the 64 version if you connected the Gameboy Color Perfect Dark game via the Transfer Pak. Here's what they are:

All Guns
Cloaking Device
Hurricane Fists
R-Tracker/Weapon Cache Locations[/QUOTE]

So... here's the thing, when I first downloaded and played PD, those cheats were there. I used them, no problems.

Now when I play, they *aren't* there anymore.

Anybody have a clue on that?
Someone clue me in all the way back to the first mission with the ECM Mines.

You can scream noob if there's an easy button and I just haven't noticed it.

But, it seems the only way to equip a mine is to hit select->scroll right->choose ECM Mines from inventory. On the normal popup screen to choose weapons, ECM is redded out and can't be selected.

Am I missing something?
[quote name='Jek Porkins']It's the exact same stuff that you'd unlock in the 64 version if you connected the Gameboy Color Perfect Dark game via the Transfer Pak. Here's what they are:[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the confirmation :) I don't have a PDZ save file, so I wasn't sure if I could trust the Google results I was getting of people saying "well, i *think* it probably unlocks..."

On a different note: has anyone figured out if it's still possible to detonate remote mines without manually switching to the detonator? On N64, you'd just press A and B simultaneously, but I haven't been able to get it to work with this remaster yet.
[quote name='Cheapskate']Thanks for the confirmation :) I don't have a PDZ save file, so I wasn't sure if I could trust the Google results I was getting of people saying "well, i *think* it probably unlocks..."

On a different note: has anyone figured out if it's still possible to detonate remote mines without manually switching to the detonator? On N64, you'd just press A and B simultaneously, but I haven't been able to get it to work with this remaster yet.[/QUOTE]

Yup, just hit X+A at the same time.
Anyone else having issues with the Tools of the Trade achievement? I guess there are issues with it getting applied right.
bread's done