XBLA - Perfect Dark - Now available - Controls/achievement patch out now

I loved GoldenEye back then, but I never actually played Perfect Dark. Definitely might get this.

Still recommended even if you won't be doing multiplayer?
[quote name='Matt Young']Is anyone going to start off with single player like I am? Even though the game will have the COD controls, I need to re-familiarize myself with things before I take it online.[/QUOTE]

I know I will, but I've almost always played single player before online play. Duke Nukem was the only recent exception I think.

[quote name='DiscoDuck8k']I loved GoldenEye back then, but I never actually played Perfect Dark. Definitely might get this.

Still recommended even if you won't be doing multiplayer?[/QUOTE]

It's hard for me personally to recommend any shooter just for singe player (as to me, the real fun is playing the multiplayer. Plus, how else will you get to experience proxy mined bathrooms? :razz: ) But if you enjoyed goldeneye, for $10, I don't really see how you could be wrong.
[quote name='Matt Young']Is anyone going to start off with single player like I am? Even though the game will have the COD controls, I need to re-familiarize myself with things before I take it online.[/QUOTE]

I probably won't be doing the online immediately. Like you, I'd like to adjust to the controls a little bit. I just can't decide whether I should play the campaign or go straight to the combat sim.

[quote name='DiscoDuck8k']I loved GoldenEye back then, but I never actually played Perfect Dark. Definitely might get this.

Still recommended even if you won't be doing multiplayer?[/QUOTE]

The single player is pretty lengthy and diverse. I'd say it's worth it if you enjoyed GoldenEye's story mode at all.

Just curious, are you not planning to play the multiplayer at all, or did you just mean multiplayer online?
i personally thought the single player for perfect dark sucked balls halfway through, escort missions and ugh, i remember some annoying mission, multiplayer though. boner metropolis.
unfortunately, like most xbl arcade games the online multiplayer will die after about 30 days. I've purchased so many games and noticed that of 95% of them I rarely find an online match so i'm skeptical on purchasing this now..
[quote name='metaly']The single player is pretty lengthy and diverse. I'd say it's worth it if you enjoyed GoldenEye's story mode at all.

Just curious, are you not planning to play the multiplayer at all, or did you just mean multiplayer online?[/QUOTE]

At all. I generally shy away and I don't think either of my friends are getting it.
[quote name='intoxicated662']unfortunately, like most xbl arcade games the online multiplayer will die after about 30 days. I've purchased so many games and noticed that of 95% of them I rarely find an online match so i'm skeptical on purchasing this now..[/QUOTE]

I guarantee you'll always find people playing pd multiplayer, don't compare other xbla releases to it,

Yeah, according to the forum on GameFAQs, which is where I got that link, many people are having trouble unlocking the full game. :( I'm downloading the trial now.
I used the download link to download the trial and, picked "unlock full game" from the dashboard, and now it's up and running. BONER TIME.

[quote name='Matt Young']Yeah, according to the forum on GameFAQs, which is where I got that link, many people are having trouble unlocking the full game. :( I'm downloading the trial now.[/QUOTE]

maybe they should stop being moronic inability to wait morons spoiled non waiters.

give it some time and play the game refreshed later dammit
(none of this is directed towards you)
i got it myself to. but having to download the demo via pc and then having to unlock the full game from the demo! not the best/easiest method but still easy
I have never played this game for more than 5 minutes before downloading this game. and i already have a win under my belt where i was head by like 6 kills!

[quote name='timesplitt']I have never played this game for more than 5 minutes before downloading this game. and i already have a win under my belt where i was head by like 6 kills!


Maybe your opponents were in the exact same boat?
im just being arrogant with it because of how much i suck with the controls. but really this games controls put me off so much. the manual aim feature.. they should call that the holy crap i cant lock onto u feature. thank god for this cheap auto-aim.

im going to bed and i will play single player later.. of course I'll get stuck at the high tech shooting range with my bad aim
Wow. For anyone that's not played through the story before, some of the computer terminals at the beginning of single player now have detailed spoilers in them. I'd advise against reading them, if you haven't played through before. They include character, location and story spoilers.
[quote name='timesplitt']maybe they should stop being moronic inability to wait morons spoiled non waiters.[/QUOTE]
I think someone should take your keyboard and put it on top of the refrigerator for a while.
Controls seemed pretty loose at first but I'm slowly getting used to them. I think they should tighten up the movement when you're using manual aim, though. I used to be able to bullseye security cameras with an assault rifle anndd... not so much anymore.

The game is still so much fun, though. Also it's been long enough since I seriously played it that I'd forgotten what to do in some of the campaign levels, so that was exciting. The multiplayer came back to me much faster, at least. Now to speed through the campaign so I can unlock some guns!

Eeeeeeeeeeeee Summer 2000, it's good to be back!

So, I played the first 3 levels before joining my friend Eric for a fun team co-op game. Then he decided to go to bed, so I joined up with some randoms for some 8 man free-for-alls. Aside from the game on Temple (I've always hated that map) where I went something like 6-14, I placed in the top half of the standings in every game.

The only complaints I have are that you don't start out with a weapon and it's sometimes hard to find one, and half the time, I spawn right into the same area as 2-3 opponents who have guns. But I know both of those issues were present in the original game.

If I hadn't taken a sleeping pill a few hours ago, I'd probably be up all morning long playing this game. As it is, it's 20 after 5 and I'm so hyped up that I don't know if I can sleep.

I have barely played any games in the past 3 weeks and haven't really had any desire to do so, but that's definitely changed now. I love Perfect Dark!

I only have 3 open spots, but if anyone wants to add me for this game, my Gamertag is X Matt Young X.

BONUS QUESTION: How old were you when the original game was released? I was 2 months shy of turning 16.
This. is. going. to. be. the. longest. workday. ever.

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I guess I was probably 11. Holy crap I feel young.

I'd be playing right now, but I saw a movie last night before work so extremely tired. I'll have to satisfy myself later. Also, feel free to add me as well if you guys would like.
I had just turned 14 the year PD came out as well and now my download is finished! Good times indeed. Add me at your leisure people.
I was a Sophomore in high-school and had a friend drive me the mall so I could buy this game... I was the only person there for it.

Anyway, I downloaded it this morning and got into a match that was only grenade launchers. Now I'm at work...
I was 16 when the original PD came out. I had never really been interested in video games prior to playing the game during an all-nighter at a friend's house.

When the sun came up we drove to Babbage's where I bought Perfect Dark and a Nintendo 64 (and a Jumper Pack, of course).
Played a little bit before work today. It's going to take a bit to get used to the controls again (regardless if using Duty Calls or Classic), but the visuals are REALLY nice compared to the Blur 64 version. I have really been enjoying classic FPS on XBLA though. Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Marathon, and now Perfect Dark. Lovin' the nostalgia. :D
I was about 9 years old when I bought it, but I didn't have enough money for an expansion pak, so I never really played it all that much. As for this XBLA release, I was sort of excited about the multiplayer, so I downloaded the trial, but I realized this game doesn't have the ability to jump, and aiming sure is a pain in the ass, even against the normal level-ed bots! I think I will still buy the full game eventually, though.
I think I had just turned 16 when this launched. One of my favorite games of all-time, so many hours lost to this game. I am very much looking forward to putting many hours into this XBLA remake as well.
I think I was 17 when the original came out. I had rented it from Blockbuster and ended up going back almost immediately to get the expansion pack after being surprised how limited the game felt without it.

It would have been sort of funny if Rare had put out the limited version for 500 points and then made people pay another 300 for a virtual expansion pak.
bread's done