XBLA - Perfect Dark - Now available - Controls/achievement patch out now

OMG I don't have a 360, but no joke I'm buying one for this. Though I do own the Burger King games, so I guess I'll get to play those too.

EDIT: I wonder how melee will look at 1080p. I love punching people blind.
[quote name='HydroX']I expected this to be 1200 or even 1600 .. but at 800, day one purchase for this.

In for 2![/QUOTE]

Same. I figured it would be 1200 points for sure. I would have paid that for it. At 800 it seems like a steal. xD
I just realized that I had bought this game day one the first time it was released. Hell... I even bought PDZ the first day it had come out. Pretty sure I was the only person/first person at EB Games when it came out on the N64.
Guess I'm the only one not feeling the video. It really showed the age of the game and the design aspects back in the N64 days.

Might pick it up down the line, since I can't see the online component honestly lasting against things like MW2 and so forth.
[quote name='Strell']Guess I'm the only one not feeling the video. It really showed the age of the game and the design aspects back in the N64 days.

Might pick it up down the line, since I can't see the online component honestly lasting against things like MW2 and so forth.[/QUOTE]

Well, no. Like all releases like this, it will be a novelty play for awhile -- but I have a feeling this one will last a little longer than the majority.

A lot of people played Duke Nukem when it was first released on XBLA but I haven't seen anyone SNIFF that game since maybe 2 weeks after it was released. It's nostalgic flavor was lost real fast -- and as soon as people are done with Perfect Dark, you'll hear them saying "now where's my Goldeneye?!"
[quote name='Doomed']I loved TSFP and TS2 - Will going back be too difficult, or is it similar enough to be enjoyable?[/QUOTE]

Timesplitters and Perfect Dark are very different beasts...some people will try to convince you they're really similar, and they'd be wrong.

I'm not saying they AREN'T similar in anyway, I mean some of the shit Free Radical took from Goldeneye and PD and put into the TS series is just obvious...but the games are from different generations.

DL the demo at least and see how you like it would be my suggestion.

I wish Free Radical was still around :( I want my Timesplitters 3...
So can the Challenges and Campaign be done in co-op? If they can, then I'll definitely buy this.

Also, there should be a single stick control method and an online mode that requires you to use a stick stick.
[quote name='KingBroly']So can the Challenges and Campaign be done in co-op? If they can, then I'll definitely buy this.

Also, there should be a single stick control method and an online mode that requires you to use a stick stick.[/QUOTE]

Everything from before is intact according to Rare, so both are in. I think the controls are single stick so to speak. the second analog stick is said to act like the C buttons not a dual stick.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Everything from before is intact according to Rare, so both are in. I think the controls are single stick so to speak. the second analog stick is said to act like the C buttons not a dual stick.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='KingBroly']That's not what the control options say.[/QUOTE]

He's right, at least according to IGN. The second analog stick works like the C buttons.
[quote name='uglyteradon']I just realized that I had bought this game day one the first time it was released. Hell... I even bought PDZ the first day it had come out. Pretty sure I was the only person/first person at EB Games when it came out on the N64.[/QUOTE]

PD Zero was little rushed because of the 360 launch but loved it nevertheless.
I always have been supporting Rareware.
Even though I own all of Rare games on older platforms, I'm rebuying them all(first Banjo K/T, now PD and hopefully more will follow in footsteps).
Remakes just look, sound and play better on 360, and because Rareware was always pushing systems to its full potential(back in Snes/N64 days), games suffered from an awful framerate problems that were at times unbareable.

Oh and it's confirmed, three maps as well as complete arsenal of weapons from Goldeneye will be included in PD XBLA!!!

So yeah, we got Goldeneye, sort of ^_~
Been 4 years or so since I last played Perfect Dark. Got stuck at a part, can't remember what level and never got back to beating it. Who knows, maybe with this I will....
[quote name='A Happy Panda']I wish Free Radical was still around :( I want my Timesplitters 3...[/QUOTE]

You mean Timesplitters 4 :)

Future Perfect was considered 3 by FR, as Timesplitters 4 was in development.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']
I wish Free Radical was still around :( I want my Timesplitters 3...[/QUOTE]
You mean TS4. TS3 is TS:FP. (And it's awesome)
THis seems like a pretty decent deal to me, it'd be fun to play this especially since I thought it was so choppy in some parts on the N64 that it was unplayable. But the funny thing about "old-school" games is that they rarely are as much fun as they were at the time they were released, sometimes the gameplay doesn't stack up to what we are used to today.
Hey I registered at this site for this forum for one question. Does anyone know if the legacy control option will be available for this game? I'll rage if it doesn't considering that's where the legacy feature was originated...
Yea they already announced they will not fuck with the original control schemes. There will also be the option of "Spartan" controls and "Duty Calls" lol. I'll mainly be pissed though if I cannot play southpaw, I HATE aiming with the right stick.
I think he means will there be an option to swap the left/right sticks, as in your southpaw option. I don't think that's been explicitly confirmed (and it isn't shown in the control diagrams), but I'd be surprised if the game doesn't have it.
Automatic GOTY 2010.

[quote name='JDKnuckles']Hey I registered at this site for this forum for one question. Does anyone know if the legacy control option will be available for this game? I'll rage if it doesn't considering that's where the legacy feature was originated...[/QUOTE]

Absolutely. Even more important, all the underlying math of how the game controls and moves is all being kept the same, as well. The acceleration and angles of rotation and all that stuff are the same as the N64 version.
Perfect Dark, 17 March
800 MSP
The celebrated action adventure from Rare, starring Joanna Dark in her landmark first mission. Newly ‘re-mastered’ in high-definition and upgraded character models, you can play this classic shooter solo, 2-player split-screen or 8-player online.
Looks like I won't be celebrating my niece and nephew's birthday this year. :razz:

(Both born on the 17th if it wasn't obvious).
400mspoints for the maps boooo (pd:zero)

for something that looks so good in screens, perfect dark zero looks TERRIBLE in motion. the way the multiplayer woks is just horrible the movement/ player models whatever.

i am glad i only had to pay $5.
bread's done