Recent content by BSman

  1. B

    The food and cooking thread.

    I made some good honey wheat bread yesterday...turned out great. Lately, I've also been brewing my own beer. I've made a coffee stout and the batch i'm waiting on right now is a dark summer wheat beer.
  2. B

    Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter for Xbox 360: $47.99 at Fry's

    Shipping...atleast for me is $6.50, but i still don't have to pay tax on it. Still is a good deal though. Sorry if this has already been posted.
  3. B

    Help! What do I want for my B-day?

    Elder Scrolls: Oblivion!!!1!!1
  4. B

    6 Sequels for Guitar Hero?!

    I love this game, but i was a little dissapointed with some titles being left out like led zeppelin,pink floyd, metallica, system of a down, tool, disturbed, godsmack, guns and roses, and others. I guess it just gives them more songs to use in the sequel
  5. B

    It will cost almost $2,000 bucks for 2 people to go to E3 This year?? THAT IS NUTS

    Yeah that is nuts. My friend from digipen who usually gets his tickets for free every year has to pay this year. Last year when i went, i believe i payed 200-250 for the 3 day pass + 350 for hotel + food + my mom paid the plane ticket. I guess i won't be going for a long while with these...
  6. B

    Free USB Drive from Microsoft

    Thanks man...i'll definetly be using this
  7. B

    My friend just puked on my two beds, blankets and all over my room

    Yeah it being a friday and all last night, of course people were drinking, and of course some guy puked in out house too...3 times. WTF?!...seriously they should control their drinking drinking
  8. B

    Cheap place to get a Passport photo taken???

    don't even get me started about passports. I had a trip to Germany last may and realized only a day before my trip that my passport was expired. So i flew down to chicago (from minneapolis) to have them renew it and had to delay my flight a day. And then over christmas break i somehow managed...
  9. B

    The official lets bitch because we're still in college THREAD!

    javeryh - what do you grades have to be to even get into law school. i guess it probably depends where you go to school, but what is the average? I have 46 credits now and taking 15 this semester. I am in an electrical engineering program right now and know someone else who did the same...
  10. B

    PS3's.. graphic (violent) display

    I think the idea is very cool and should be implemented. Granted, don't give people the crazy tools to rip people's faces off, but if a person shoots a person enough times, start to see the muscles in the skin. I hate it when i shoot a person and i can't see any damage when i go up and examine...
  11. B

    You're mildly screwed, but we'll help you out...

    After a month of hasseling around, I finally got my refurbished system back today. I am really hoping i won't have the same problems as you...but who knows. I also waited 13 hours outside in 0 degree weather (in wisconsin) to get mine and it reported dirty disk errors the second day i had it...
  12. B

    Cop tells unarmed airman to get up, airman gets up, cop shoots him

    well someone's out of a job after screwing up that badly
  13. B

    Wisconsin's Official CAG Deals, News & Discussion Thread

    Does anyone know how many packages ebgames gets in on their shipments? I pre-ordered one from them in Madison in september...thinking i would get one before christmas...but as a week ago, I am still 28th in line. It may be a good thing though...the 360 might be the demise of my college grades...
bread's done