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    White House Manual: President Shouldn't See Protesters

    For all those who still think Bush is a tough guy with a clear grasp of reality, who can take criticism and deal with those who disagree with him: By Peter Baker Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, August...
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    Iraq War Wearing Down Our Soldiers -- An Anecdote

    I read this and just shook my head, thinking how the right-wingers talk so big about supporting our troops even as they send them back into the meat grinder over and over again. You want to support our troops, either initiate a draft to get them more help or shut down the Iraq War and get them...
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    U.S. Government Gave Airtime To Terrorists

    Is there anything the Bush Administration does right? And before the trolls can respond: yes, I understand that holding the folks in power responsible for things that go on during their watch is completely unfair and deluded.....if they are Republican...
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    "No Spin Zone" poorly named, study shows BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- Bill O'Reilly may proclaim at the beginning of his program that viewers are entering the "No Spin Zone," but a new study by Indiana University media researchers found that the Fox News personality consistently paints certain...
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    Fascist America, in 10 Easy Steps

    Posting this to see what your thoughts are on it. The article mirrors many of my observations regarding where this country is headed under the Bush Administration.,,2064157,00.html Last autumn, there was a military coup in Thailand. The leaders of the...
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    Baghdad in the Midwest cornfields

    And I read this and I think, exactly how much kool-aid do you have to drink to become as delusional as these dead-ender right-wing nutjobs? And do they know just how much of a laughingstock they are becoming to the rest of America, which is sane enough to know a folly when they see it...
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    "Traitors don't get to question my patriotism"

    Watch, and be in awe. :)
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    Christians Attempting Takeover of U.S. Military

    I find this really frightening, that a pack of religious kooks are subverting our military. I've never been a gun nut up to now, but this makes me think twice about owning a personal weapon. Of particular interest is the last link, an interview with the jewish former JAG who is fighting the...
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    Limbaugh admits playing his listeners for chumps

    We all knew that Limbaugh listeners were easily led dupes, but now Big Pharma himself has admitted that he's been telling him things that he didn't personally believe in order to prop up unworthy leaders -- a practice known in some circles as LYING...
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    Bush Administration Posts Nuke Building Plans Online

    Just in case you weren't sure this is the most incompetent administration in American history, led by the nose by arrogant and idiotic neocon boobs...
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    Who Supports the Troops? Democrats!

    At least, according to the non-partisan Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran's Association, which worked up a Congressional report card based on actual votes, rather than flag-waving rhetoric. Here's the original grade list:
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    More Republican corruption -- Ney pleads guilty

    I love the fact that even though he's pled guilty in federal court, and is now an admitted felon, the Republican leadership will allow him to keep his job until after the election. Why not kick his ass out now, if they're trying to make it look like they can clean up their own house...
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    North Korean Nukes

    I'm suprised there isn't a thread up for North Korea's nuke test. So here's the question: How much crap gets spattered onto Bush and the Republican Party as a result of this? I would say heaping helpings, as they neglected North Korea's clear signals that it would pursue nuclear arms in favor...
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    In case there were any doubts about Fox News' bias.....

    ......check out this deconstruction of their coverage of what was meant to be a joke on the Colbert Report. Why does this channel have any credibility with anyone anymore?
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    Bill O. Slanders WWII War Dead

    What a true piece of shit.
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    NSA killed system that sifted phone data legally,0,5970724.story?coll=bal-home-headlines By Siobhan Gorman Sun Reporter May 17, 2006, 10:27 PM EDT WASHINGTON -- The National Security Agency developed a pilot program in the late 1990s that would have enabled it to gather and...
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    Confidence In GOP Is At New Low in Poll Public confidence in GOP governance has plunged to the lowest levels of the Bush presidency, with Americans saying by wide margins that they now trust Democrats more than Republicans to deal with Iraq, the...
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    Rove to Voters: Vote Republican, or They'll Investigate Us!

    This is an interesting strategy, but I can't help but think it's going to backfire. When this many people are unhappy about the direction the country's going in, they might welcome some oversight from, well, the people who have been supposed to provide oversight all along. I think folks are sick...
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    Bush's Greatest Moment In Office

    This is so pathetic.
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    Investigators Slip Nuclear Material Past Border Guards

    This, in my mind, is the true cost of Iraq. Rather than spending all those billions to make sure our ports and our borders are secure, we're spending the money rebuilding and providing security for Iraq, a country that had no WMDs, never sponsored terrorism against America, and had nothing...
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