1up officially bought by UGO. Goodbye EGM :(

[quote name='JEKKI']oh man, yesterday I was all tired and shyt coz of other real life stuff...

I was like "damn 1up shutting down, this sucks coz I love 1up and their staff"

but now I'm all rested up, digesting a delicious In-N-Out lunch, saving all my energy up to get sum exercise after work...

... and I'm PISSED!!!

like, I'm finally in the appropriate physical and mental state to realize and process wtf jus happened.

:bomb: :bomb:

now I'm motivated to do something about this[/quote]

is it cuz of Tina?
[quote name='blackjaw']Am I the only person on this site that doesn't watch video reviews/shows or listen to podcasts? The only time I went to 1up was when looking up reviews from Gamerankings or Metacritic and most of them seemed to be a hit or miss.[/quote]

Not at all a big loss for me either. All Gaming websites and magazines kind of blur together in their sameness, and who knows...maybe this will make way for a better 1up. Anyone ever think of that?
[quote name='blackjaw']Am I the only person on this site that doesn't watch video reviews/shows or listen to podcasts? The only time I went to 1up was when looking up reviews from Gamerankings or Metacritic and most of them seemed to be a hit or miss.

Honestly I can't get into the idea of podcasts at all. Really, most of the ones I've tried sound plain awkward to listen to. They're all rambly and stupid. Of course I don't listen to the radio for the exact same reason.
[quote name='blackjaw']Am I the only person on this site that doesn't watch video reviews/shows or listen to podcasts? [/quote]

No. I don't listen to podcasts either. I've yet to see one worth listening to.
I saw all of the people getting laid off, and I saw a lot of people who did the podcasts in the list. Shane Bettenhausen, Ryan O'Donnell, Andrew Pfister, Greg Ford, Cesar Quintero, James Mielke. Basically this is the end of 1UP Yours, The 1UP Show, my personal favorite Broken Pixels, and a bunch of other podcasts. This makes me really sad.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Honestly I can't get into the idea of podcasts at all. Really, most of the ones I've tried sound plain awkward to listen to. They're all rambly and stupid. Of course I don't listen to the radio for the exact same reason.[/QUOTE]

Give Invisible walls a shot. I dislike most podcasts for the exact same reason, I tried a lot of the ones people suggested today and just did not like them. It seems like Invisible Walls has a good flow and its better if you watch it in video form.
[quote name='VioletArrows']Honestly I can't get into the idea of podcasts at all. Really, most of the ones I've tried sound plain awkward to listen to. They're all rambly and stupid. Of course I don't listen to the radio for the exact same reason.[/QUOTE]

I dont listen to any video game podcast.
If I could, I would hire the people who got laid off and make another podcast show just like the ones they used to make.
Yeah, to be fair I don't listen to Podcasts period. For stuff I'm interested in I'd rather read something (or watch something) than listen to something.

I don't have the attention span to just sit and listen to something. I tried listening to a few while working, but it's kind of pointless to listen to it in the background while not paying any real attention. I'd rather just listen to music. Same with trying to listen while working out at the gym.

Driving I probably could do since I listen to NPR pretty often. But my commute is only 15-30 minutes depending on traffic so not worth the hassle of loading podcasts on to my mp3 player and hooking it up to the car stereo.
I don't know if that has been mentioned or not, but they already have an accompanying link for 1up on UGO's horrible, horrible site. I found it yesterday just by toying around with the url.

Also, Jeff Green's blog post about the whole thing was just dead on. He couldn't be more right about the whole thing.
So anybody know what's going to happen to everyone who had a subscription to EGM? And is the Jan 09 issue already out? I haven't received a mag in a while.

I know they have been in a rut in recent years but I still think back to the good old days, before the internet boom, when they were good. I hope they make it a goodbye issue, with a look back at their run.

*sigh* I'll miss them, I've been a EGM subscriber for longer than any other magazine.

EDIT* Damn, supposedly, the Feb 09 issue was their 20th anniversary issue...
I can understand the fact that many of you may not listen to any of the shows/podcasts produced by 1up but clearly you do have to acknowledge that this is a loss for some us personally including myself as I was an avid listener of 1up Yours and 1upFM as well as a loss to the gaming industry as a whole. Although I think many would agree that the site was poor as a news site it excelled at creating great content like the 1up Show, which there is nothing even remotely like on the interwebs.

What about all the great, talented and devoted people that lost their jobs? Is there no sympathy for them? Or is the only thing people care about the balance of their subscription to EGM?

I'm embarrassed and ashamed to be a member of this site when there are so many selfish comments being littered throughout this forum.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']No. I don't listen to podcasts either. I've yet to see one worth listening to.[/quote]

same here. I can't stand podcasts to be honest. The 1UP video show was damn good though and something that I wish more sites would do instead of reviews: discussions.
The main reason I listen and watch the podcast is for the staff. I enjoy watching the 1up show and listening to 1up yours. I just can't believe that they let go of the main part of the staff.
[quote name='leveskikesko']maybe this will make way for a better 1up. Anyone ever think of that?[/quote]

If they had kept the staff, I would agree with you. They were the most well-spoken people in the business, and poor-ass ghetto Ziff Davis only held them back. When I heard that Hearst Corp bought them, I hadn't heard about the firings yet and thought, "Hey, this could be a good opportunity for those guys!" But that's clearly not the case now.

Who do they plan on hiring? Find some random schmoes on Craigslist? They already had the most well-known people in their field, and they fired them. Their actions baffle me, because if they just wanted to take out the competition, they would have fired everyone.
[quote name='ivanctorres']
What about all the great, talented and devoted people that lost their jobs? Is there no sympathy for them? Or is the only thing people care about the balance of their subscription to EGM?

I defintely care about them and will miss reading their reviews, articles etc. on 1up.com and EGM.

I wasn't being dismissive of the Podcasts etc., just saying I didn't personally listen to them. But it definitely sucks ass for the people who did listen to them and the people who lost their jobs.
I totally understand the people who don't like to listen gaming podcasts.

Unfortunately I'm not one of them. It's pretty disappointing news but really, I feel bad for everyone who just lost their jobs. It's especially heartbreaking since most of their staff were new people who just recently landed their dream jobs.

I really enjoyed 1up yours and 1up FM and I do wish them the best of luck.

Still, you just got to look at their competitors. Gamespot is owned by CNET which in turn is owned by Viacom. IGN is part of the Murdoch empire.1up just doesn't have the kind backing like they did.

Also this: Initially I really resented UGO for firing everybody. But have you guys ever thought about how incompetent ZD must be to be losing so much money when the video game industry is thriving?
[quote name='DQT']Also this: Initially I really resented UGO for firing everybody. But have you guys ever thought about how incompetent ZD must be to be losing so much money when the video game industry is thriving?[/quote]

Very fucking incompetent is how incompetent.
Well, I guess what you're really asking is, "Was ZD incompetent, or were the employees incompetent?" I honestly don't think that 1up crew could have worked any harder than they already did. Those guys wrote magazine articles, wrote online content for the website, recorded numerous audio and video podcasts, and even made constant appearances on other peoples' podcasts. Those guys kept busy. What a hard-working crew.
The hate against UGO is very simple: They got rid of A LOT of high-ranking personalities from 1up. A website has their names and personalities. That's it. If you don't have the personalities, the name loses meaning and value.
I asked "Was ZD incompetent or what?" If the editorial were incompetent I wouldn't have mentioned how much I enjoyed their content. I kinda wish I could be indifferent but podcasts have a way of making you feel like you know these people and are vested in them. (probably didn't use vested properly)
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I just realized that this had to happen the week that Broken Pixels returned. D'oh.

Broken Pixels torrent link went up in this thread.[/quote]I'm downloading it now. I'll be sure to seed it for a while for other Broken Pixels fans.
Sorry but I don't think anyone really cares about EGM and 1up dieing (I mean I loved both, but not really a big loss, there are so many damn game sites) it's mainly everyone working there, their podcasts and 1upShow. It's super devastating to see those go away and everyone there become like family because you listen to them SO DAMN much... than when they are all gone it's like they just died.

SO, basically everyone just died.

And about the quote from Jeff Green; right on! Sam's comments are so annoying, "This is best for the company I am happy we have a way to keep 1up alive!" What?! Like I said, it isn't the damn name its the people... and yes, fuck UGO it's not like I have seen a public comment from them... they aren't trying to "keep 1up alive" they were quickly going in and gutting it out. It's like when your car is breaking down and right when it's about to explode some guy runs in and buys all the parts from you (for dirt cheap) he's not helping you out and the car, he's just jacking as much as he can for a low cost. Ugo is just like, "Oh shit! Our competition is dieing... YOINK!"

The hate against UGO is very simple: They got rid of A LOT of high-ranking personalities from 1up. A website has their names and personalities. That's it. If you don't have the personalities, the name loses meaning and value.
Exactly, they weren't "saving" 1up. They were just taking advantage of their situation... just let 1up die a peaceful death, no need to run in and steal it's shoes.

*One more analogy* It's like those young women crying at their super old husbands funereal. You know she's not sad... she's just counting the money in her head.
I've been reading EGM since issue 7 (no bull, I collect gaming magazines and still have all of my EGM's). Today is a sucky day. I'm really bummed out about this.

It is telling how MTV is a more credible resource for gaming news than UGO. Totilo by himself is better than any and every editor at UGO.

I hope Shane landed something big. He deserves it.

If this Moses douche thinks I will visit UGO for their butchered version of 1UP, he is dead wrong.
I just want to know why new people like that Tina chick(who is useless IMHO, she may be a nice person but she has no exp. mind you I dont listen to anyone younger than me tell me about games, esp since I have been playing video games longer than some of them have been alive, man im getting old lol) but seriously how can all those people who have been with Ziff a long time be gone and new people able to stay. I said the writing was on the wall when most people left on their own and when Ziff into chapter 11. But that Sam guy should have made a thank you comment and left it at that, the more he speaks, the more he sounds like he threw all of them under the bus.
being an enthusiast hobby, gamers take the crap too personally. The sites exist to make money just like the gaming companies, and you can praise 1up all you want but 1up was never profitable and was obviously overstaffed. w/o UGO, 1up would have just failed completely
“We really have largely left it alone,” Moses replied. “We kept, we believe, the core editorial group that can continue to do great things. What we’re adding is 1up.com as an editorial site that will sit on top of the UGO publishing site. And we kept who we believe are the critical people who can make up a great site.”

lol They canned all the best personalities and kept the people no one has ever heard of.

“I think you will continue to see video-casts and podcasts,” Moses said. “It may not be on the exact same schedule that it was. It may not be the exact same people. But it will continue being a part of 1UP.”

No. It won't. Because that was 1up.

"A lot of people lost their jobs yesterday which was really unfortunate. But UGO was the cause of none of it. What we did is we offered 24 people jobs who may not have had jobs otherwise."

Wow, the guy's a regular saint.
RebelFM FTW! I love how it is characterized as Death Metal.

Honestly I don't think UGO deserves the hate for the EGM firings. UGO didn't want the magazine and ZD decided that EGM wasn't worth the expense for them anymore. If you check Milke's latest blog entry, he stated that when they were making the February issue that they knew it might not ever come out because of not getting enough ads in the magazine. That was pre-UGO.

The writing is on the wall for most gaming magazines in the United States. Unless you are like Game Informer which is basically subsidized by GameStop, you are not going to be able to survive the costs that it takes to ship magazines all over the country - especially when you can get the same content online, quicker (or when someone just posts the review scores or scans from the mags - that doesn't help either).

Either way it sucks. I listened to 1Up Yours (since it started)/1Up FM and to a lesser extent Retronauts and now some or all of those will be gone or at least changed forever. You feel like you get to know these guys after all of these years and it just sucks to see this happen to them. I feel that some really cool stuff is going to come out of these guys in the future. RebelFM is already the start of that.
I think I might like RebelFm better then 1up show. It gets rid of the stupid skits and the few guys that talk like such huge geeks that I can hardly stand watching them.
These links are taken directly from the 1UP Message Boards.



1UPYours 2005-2009 (I think that's complete?): http://www.mininova.org/tor/2158049 Courtesy XSeparatedxByxXsx

EGM Live*: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2157993 Courtesy Svantk

1up FM: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2155494 Courtesy rexstardust

Retronauts: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2157406 Courtesy Iqon

Sports Anomaly: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2157488 Courtesy mdub0814

Broken Pixels: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2154939 Courtesy of bboston72

GFW Radio AND LAN Party!: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2157523 Couresty I HAVE NO fuckING IDEA! I just did a search on mininova and there it was, or so it seems. It went up today. Kirolm? Was this you? Whoever it was, thank you, stranger!

The Retronauts torrent isn't downloading for me right now but the 1UP Yours, GFW Radio, and 1UP FM are all downloading. I'm just assuming its ok to post these links......these shows are free to distribute so....?
A lot of updates/free music/legitimate uses exist both for torrents and that site. It can be used for piracy, but so can Google, if you try.

I think he should be okay.
[quote name='yukine']I don't think you can post those, even if they are legit you are linking to a piracy site.

I'm not a mod though, so I dunno.[/quote]

Mini nova is not a pirate site, it's a torrent site. Torrents are not illegal on everything, such as podcast and other freeware.
[quote name='jer7583']A lot of updates/free music/legitimate uses exist both for torrents and that site. It can be used for piracy, but so can Google, if you try.

I think he should be okay.[/quote]
I'm aware of that, it's just that moderation regarding this sort of stuff tends to be a bit inconsistent.

I forgot to say thanks for the links, cgarb.
Did rebel fm just cut off for anybody else? Mine is an hour and 41 min. and 53 sec. and it just ends while ryan was talking about street fighter 4. May need to re download it.
[quote name='sotc1988']Did rebel fm just cut off for anybody else? Mine is an hour and 41 min. and 53 sec. and it just ends while ryan was talking about street fighter 4. May need to re download it.[/quote]

I was at 1 hour and 38 mins when I read this and got all scared but mine continued so you should redownload it.

Cheapy should buy Nick's reviews of Skate 2 and Killzone 2 and post them in the blogs to get some major traffic to that section of the website.
I like the roommate guy. He is pretty funny. Ryan, Anthony, Matt, Roommate Guy, and Nick, and the others who chime in throughout the show, work well together. I dig the 'out of apartment' setting, and found this first episode of Rebel FM really enjoyable.

Anthony: "I'm sure there are racist groups out there already putting together a mod where 'you shoot nothing but black people coming at you, or white people, or what ever you want', like--"

Roommate Guy: "I really wish you hadn't taken this there."

I was an EGM subscriber for 6 years. I stopped ordering their magazines since they reduced them to the size of a dr. seuss book. Like Dr. Seuss however, I practically grew up on the magazine.

By turning to the internet however, my magazine subscription was quickly forgotten because of the great quality that is the 1up website and one of my favorite podcasts, 1up FM.


I listened to the rebel.fm podcast today which was rather good. I guess you can take the game reviewer out of the podcast but you can't really take the podcasting away from the game reviewer. Um, I guess this makes sense somehow.

I MISS EGM/1UP Magazine/Podcasts!!
I liked Nick's explanation for the atrocious final issue cover. I remember getting it in the mail and thinking what the hell at the blurry, pixelated, 3d model of wolverine's face. Damn that street fighter 4 cover looked good. fuck ziff davis, they should have released the god damn 20th anniversary issue. I think they could have sold enough news stand issues to people that would want to own the final issue.
[quote name='sotc1988']I liked Nick's explanation for the atrocious final issue cover. I remember getting it in the mail and thinking what the hell at the blurry, pixelated, 3d model of wolverine's face. Damn that street fighter 4 cover looked good. fuck ziff davis, they should have released the god damn 20th anniversary issue. I think they could have sold enough news stand issues to people that would want to own the final issue.[/quote]

What was the explanation?

What a shitty way to go out, too. That last issue blew.
There is still one issue being send out correct? Anyone that's paid for a subscription know of what will happen to their remaining subscription?
bread's done