Comic Book Discussion Thread (Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, Top Cow, IDW, Indy, etc)

[quote name='kongfunk']I also liked Battle for the Cowl a lot more the I thought, I agree with you no one knows what to do with Damian. I also thought it was a little strange he didn't want to fight Croc or Ivy just for the reason the last time we saw him he wanted to kill all of Batman's villians. And shouldn't he at least stood a chance aganist them?[/quote]
Was questioning the same thing. Pretty cowardly for the son raised by The League of Assassins and supposed to be Bruce's biological son. That and why the hell was he hanging out with the gutter slut?

Though besides Damian I always hated the resurrection of Jason Todd as well because he's been doing nothing (especially with Morisson saying Countdown isn't in continuity). That and what's the point of having him AND Hush around? Both are basically the same personality wise and it wouldn't be a stretch to give Hush the anti-hero treatment as well. Then again I HATE Judd Winick's writing.
[quote name='bardockkun']Was questioning the same thing. Pretty cowardly for the son raised by The League of Assassins and supposed to be Bruce's biological son. That and why the hell was he hanging out with the gutter slut?

Though besides Damian I always hated the resurrection of Jason Todd as well because he's been doing nothing (especially with Morisson saying Countdown isn't in continuity). That and what's the point of having him AND Hush around? Both are basically the same personality wise and it wouldn't be a stretch to give Hush the anti-hero treatment as well. Then again I HATE Judd Winick's writing.[/quote]

damn batmans got some kids out there? itd be interesting to know how many especially if theres more than one. itd be kinda like that comic where the superhero had a ton of kids with diff chicks, dies and then the kids join up to make a team. Bastards of the Bat would be a cool comic title.
[quote name='lokizz']damn batmans got some kids out there? itd be interesting to know how many especially if theres more than one. itd be kinda like that comic where the superhero had a ton of kids with diff chicks, dies and then the kids join up to make a team. Bastards of the Bat would be a cool comic title.[/quote]
Batman has a son named Damian they introduced about three years ago after he knocked boots with Talia a few years back in a one shot. Even without him, there are too many costumed characters in the Bat family.
I Hope Damian gets killed. Same with either Jason Todd and/or Hush. No one knows what to do with either of these characters and it feels like they were brought as spur of the moment "SHOCKING TWIST" kinda thing.

Besides that the new Walking Dead was awesome. No other comic fills me with such terror and joy right before I even open the book. That and Green Lantern Corps is definitely picking up now with everything leading to Blackest Night and the Mongul fight scenes were bliss.
I need to order some more comic book boxes. Last time I used BCW and their site. I'll probably use them again unless anyone knows a better deal?
[quote name='bsmithillustration']yeah, wrong Ralph -- I was actually an Associate Editor under "Marvel" Ralph a few years back. I think he's working on the Stephen King stuff now.[/quote]

Do you still work for Marvel?
When they introduced Damian, I thought he was going to be more of a Robin villian or a oh shit he's back again charcter not a part of the already crowed Bat family.

I refuse acknowledge Jason Todd as being alive ether I skip stories with him in it or just think to my self don't worry he's just a ghost or robot or a clone.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Hope Damian gets killed. Same with either Jason Todd and/or Hush. No one knows what to do with either of these characters and it feels like they were brought as spur of the moment "SHOCKING TWIST" kinda thing.

Besides that the new Walking Dead was awesome. No other comic fills me with such terror and joy right before I even open the book. That and Green Lantern Corps is definitely picking up now with everything leading to Blackest Night and the Mongul fight scenes were bliss.[/QUOTE]

The general thought is that Dick becomes Batman and Damien becomes Robin and Tim beacome Red Robin and Jason dies, again.
wow batmans son is a bit of a bitch. in the end its gonna be between dick and tim for who will be batman but i wonder where azraeil( yeah i know i butchered it) during all this. and if someone could tell me in a spoiler how did batman die?is it worth reading?
Is anyone reading marvel's Ultimatum or other ultimate line of books.

I used to love the ultimate universe but god ultimatum is just horrid beyond all belife.

I keep expecting them to go "hey were EXTREME, we will kill anybody" sometime during each issue.

What they did to the ultimate version of Wasp, just wretched.
[quote name='lokizz']wow batmans son is a bit of a bitch. in the end its gonna be between dick and tim for who will be batman but i wonder where azraeil( yeah i know i butchered it) during all this. and if someone could tell me in a spoiler how did batman die?is it worth reading?[/quote]
I Can tell you off hand with no spoilers it was one of the most stupid written things known to man.
Batman gets "killed" by Darksied who has inhabited the body of Dan Turpin and was blasted with his Omega beams after Batman made a special exception and shot him. Though there is proof that somehow he was instead transported to an alternative universe OR left behind on the original earth. Trust me it makes even less sense if you factor in all of RIP and rest of Final Crisis.

[quote name='Mendoza']Is anyone reading marvel's Ultimatum or other ultimate line of books.

I used to love the ultimate universe but god ultimatum is just horrid beyond all belife.

I keep expecting them to go "hey were EXTREME, we will kill anybody" sometime during each issue.

What they did to the ultimate version of Wasp, just wretched.[/quote]
Jeph Loeb should just stay away from comics if it isn't with Tim Sale. It really feels like shit being shaken up for the sake of it. That or somehow justify $3.99 price tag for that shit.
I think the death of the ultiamte universe is what will push me to go soley trades from now on.

I have four long running on going

Red Sonja, Punisher MAX, Uncanny X-Men, and X-Men Legacy, i think ill continue to get them in singles and trade everything else, though for the xmen books im tempted to sell them off and just get them back in hard covers and trades since there all available.
I for one loved Battle for the Cowl. I will reserve judgment when its done. Someone brought up the point that the armed Batman from BftC could be Azrael. That's what I am thinking too. But, what about Two Face. He loves to use a gun, but I doubt he would wear the armor. He did a pretty good job of watching over Gotham City during the year when Bruce was gone (after the series 52 concluded).
[quote name='Mendoza']Is anyone reading marvel's Ultimatum or other ultimate line of books.

I used to love the ultimate universe but god ultimatum is just horrid beyond all belife.

I keep expecting them to go "hey were EXTREME, we will kill anybody" sometime during each issue.

What they did to the ultimate version of Wasp, just wretched.[/quote]

Jeph Loeb is absolutely wretched. He's been coasting on his reputation for years now and he needs to get out of comics (and TV as well). His books are ALWAYS late and he has no concern for the readership. Being late could be excused (but only to a point) if his stories were any good. The sooner he's not writing any books I read the better.
The only Ultimate book I still look forward to is Spider-Man. Ultimatum could kill off the entire FF and X-Men, just don't mess with Spidey.

Ultimatum's initial job was to kill off some things, this includes your attention..
another question this time from the marvel side of things. i dunno if any of you remember the limited series the new green goblin but if you do i was curious did that guy ( i believe his name was phil ulrich or urich) ever come back in any kind of heroic form? i remember him doing soemthing in that first spidergirl series but thats around the time i stopped collecting comics. id be curious to know if he always had the goblin abilities in him since he got soaked in the formula.

also am i the only one who wishes theyd use kraven in a spiderman movie already? that bit where he was stalking spiderman and buried him alive was pretty sick. the what if version of that was cool as well.

oh yeah thanks to you all for answering my questions. like i said before i only recent got back into reading comics because of the walking dead and angel after the fall and much like drug abuse once you start it kinda snowballs into something bigger than it started lol.
I remember Phil Urich trying to become some kinda good Green Goblin but I haven't seen him in recent years. I don't think he became much of anything. If he ever fought Spider-Girl then I wouldn't know since I was never interested in that MC2 alternive future.

I was never a Kraven fan. I always tought we was one of Spidey's less exciting villians. I'd like to see them bring back Toxin.
[quote name='Dante Devil']I for one loved Battle for the Cowl. I will reserve judgment when its done. Someone brought up the point that the armed Batman from BftC could be Azrael. That's what I am thinking too. But, what about Two Face. He loves to use a gun, but I doubt he would wear the armor. He did a pretty good job of watching over Gotham City during the year when Bruce was gone (after the series 52 concluded).[/quote]
I Say Jason Todd. Jason Todd has skills with the batarang and was trained by Bruce himself, but also uses the gun. You going to pick up the tie ins? Kinda curious as to how they'll turn out or if just cheap filler (looking at you Azrael).
Some Avengers Rants & Raves:

Since the registration act is no longer the major focus both The Mighty Avengers & The Intiative Avengers seem to be scrambling for relevance. I'll continue to pick up Mighty Avengers only because of Herc & Cho. New Avengers is still awesome, but I want them to drop the "New" already. After 4 years & 50 issues I'm not sure how "new" they are anymore.

I love the Dark Avengers. Mike Deodato's work is amazing. And I just love the fact of Venom being an Avenger. I know Daken is a relatively new character but I'm glad that he's being included in the mainstream Marvel story. I'm hoping he grows up and stops acting like a little bitch to Wolverine.
Any recommendations for me? I recently enjoyed Supermarket (IDW) and Revelations (Dark Horse). I'm not big into super heroes, but I'll read anything creative or interesting.
^ Not sure what you have and haven't read but I'll make some suggestions for non-hero comics I've enjoyed over the years.

Locke & Key
The Stand
Y The Last Man
Buddha (this is an old Manga)

I'm sure there's more, I just can't remember without skimming over my collection.
I read a ton of Dreamwave and Studio XD books back when they existed. Also I followed Studio XD/Udon's run on Deadpool/Agent X. I've read Evangelion, FLCL and Blade of the Immortal and I also have a bunch of Calvin and Hobbes anthologies.

I'm thinking of trying The Goon, Hellboy and The Walking Dead.

I was a big fan of Cliffhanger's Out There.
[quote name='willardhaven']I read a ton of Dreamwave and Studio XD books back when they existed. Also I followed Studio XD/Udon's run on Deadpool/Agent X. I've read Evangelion, FLCL and Blade of the Immortal and I also have a bunch of Calvin and Hobbes anthologies.

I'm thinking of trying The Goon, Hellboy and The Walking Dead.

I was a big fan of Cliffhanger's Out There.[/quote]
Those are good choices. I Say add The Umbrella Academy to that list as well. It's a superhero book, but it feels nothing like what's out from the big companies right now.

If you enjoy Calvin and Hobbes you may enjoy Tiny Titans or Franklyn Richards.
I started reading the Goon but I need to go back and read some of the earlier issues cause I'm kinda lost in the story. But I do like it.

How about the Street Fighter comic by Udon. You can get the TPBs on Amazon pretty cheap and a new series just came out. The story is pretty much what you'd expect from SF but I just love the art.

I just got done reading the first 8 issues of Skaar: Son of Hulk and I don't like it. I loved Planet Hulk but Skaar isn't doing it. Plus I'm not a fan of the art. I don't mind sketchy looking pencils (like John Romita Jr.) but this just looks sloppy.
Frank Cho was cool at Megacon, h signed Mighty Avengers 1-5 for me

Hope you had a chance to meet Claremont while you were there, that i one passionate comic writer. X Men Forever seems to be extremley important to him, he as more excited talking about that than any other comic
Has Y the last man wrapped? I'm eager to buy up the trades. And 100 bullets is almost over isn't it?

Currently starting Cerebus, that'll take a long time and good money to plow through that series.

Thinking about getting back into monthly titles but it's still up in the air as I like to read an arc in one sitting and won't forget what happened month after month or more. Was a giant X-men fan since Uncanny 248 and read through mid 300's, have the rest, started reading again around 400 through 430. How is the series going and the other X-titles?

Never dabbled in Avengers, how's that?

I guess what are people thinking about Spiderman, Batman, this New Krypton thing (never really was a superman reader but did like some of the movies), Iron Man (never read but movie made me interested), etc? Oh, and how's Fables now? Started it before I quit comics the second time. Other Vertigo I should know about?

And finally, cheapest ways to get everything. I know DCBS is 40% off, anything else? Does anyone get their subscription direct from Marvel? I know it'll probably be damaged, but I'm not a crazed collector anymore, I just want to enjoy some reading and it looks the cheapest way to go for those titles. Especially if everything jumps to $3.99.
[quote name='SithFran']Has Y the last man wrapped? I'm eager to buy up the trades. And 100 bullets is almost over isn't it?

Currently starting Cerebus, that'll take a long time and good money to plow through that series.

Thinking about getting back into monthly titles but it's still up in the air as I like to read an arc in one sitting and won't forget what happened month after month or more. Was a giant X-men fan since Uncanny 248 and read through mid 300's, have the rest, started reading again around 400 through 430. How is the series going and the other X-titles?

Never dabbled in Avengers, how's that?

I guess what are people thinking about Spiderman, Batman, this New Krypton thing (never really was a superman reader but did like some of the movies), Iron Man (never read but movie made me interested), etc? Oh, and how's Fables now? Started it before I quit comics the second time. Other Vertigo I should know about?

And finally, cheapest ways to get everything. I know DCBS is 40% off, anything else? Does anyone get their subscription direct from Marvel? I know it'll probably be damaged, but I'm not a crazed collector anymore, I just want to enjoy some reading and it looks the cheapest way to go for those titles. Especially if everything jumps to $3.99.[/quote]
Y The Last Man finished up last year and is all available in trade paperback form. 100 Bullets I'm pretty sure is finished by now, I remember issue 100 being advertised awhile ago so it should be done as well.

As for X-Men, you're not missing much. Really only X title worth reading is Wolverine because of Old Man Logan and X-Factor. As for Spider-man, it's still a mess. Joey Q has bitched for years the biggest problem with Spider-man was him marrying Mary Jane and since they got rid of her, the stories haven't really improved. That and the Barack Obama 6-page story is one of the stupidest things ever. Batman right now makes no sense if you focus on Bruce Wayne because nobody knows why or exactly what he did to him after RIP/Last Rites/Final Crisis. Battle for the Cowl itself is only starting up right now and it isn't so bad. Superman/New Krypton is good, but then again if it has Geoff Johns on the cover it's bound to have a good story. As for Iron Man, the feel of the books has changed now since now he's a fugitive, if you're a long time fan you may not like what they do to Pepper Potts' character.
[quote name='Otherguy676']Frank Cho was cool at Megacon, h signed Mighty Avengers 1-5 for me[/quote]

I bet it took him at least a half hour to sign all of them.
the new ghost rider series is pretty cool too. some of the earlier bits were kind sslow but its cool to see how they use bits and pieces from other marvel comics series for stories. im only up to 17 now but i like where its going.
Spider-Man started out very bad, but honestly it's getting rather enjoyable. If you want to skip all the fluff then go strait for the "New Ways to Die" arc and the "Character Assassination" arc which is about to finish up.

I wasn't feeling X-Factor up until the last page of the previous issue. Now I'm hooked again. The issue where Siryn gives birth is pretty messed up. I really enjoy both Wolverine & Wolverine Orgins. Unncany X-Men is okay, but it's not great.

I don't think issue #100 of 100 Bullets is out yet. I should be out in less than a month.
does anyone know of a good software that allows you to make your own comics? ive always wanted to try but i draw for shit but the story part of it i can do.
[quote name='Otherguy676']Frank Cho was cool at Megacon, h signed Mighty Avengers 1-5 for me

Hope you had a chance to meet Claremont while you were there, that i one passionate comic writer. X Men Forever seems to be extremley important to him, he as more excited talking about that than any other comic[/QUOTE]

I had sent my brother in law the comic. I couldn't make it. We had gotten him and his daughter tickets for Christmas. I only got the first issue signed.

[quote name='Rodimus']Frank Cho's knows how to draw butts.[/QUOTE]

He makes Spiderwoman interesting.

I really can't wait to meet Yu. If he ever comes, I will definitely go.
[quote name='SithFran']Well, then what are the good books out now?[/quote]
Personally I'm enjoying:

Walking Dead
Astounding Wolfman
The Umbrella Academy
Wolverine (Old Man Logan)
Captain America
Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk

Those are basically ongoing, but I'm sure I've left a few out.
heres a question for you xfactor and naruto fans. which series had the idea that multiple copies of a person can be used to gain knowledge? its a cool premise and its good to see that marvel characters are still evolving ( last one i saw before my recent reinduction into comics was iceman).
[quote name='bardockkun']Personally I'm enjoying:

Walking Dead
Astounding Wolfman
The Umbrella Academy
Wolverine (Old Man Logan)
Captain America
Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk

Those are basically ongoing, but I'm sure I've left a few out.[/QUOTE]

What's Umbrella Academy?

And how's Green Lantern/Corps? I've been hearing about them but I've never read a Lantern book before.
[quote name='Rodimus']

I wasn't feeling X-Factor up until the last page of the previous issue. Now I'm hooked again. The issue where Siryn gives birth is pretty messed up. I really enjoy both Wolverine & Wolverine Orgins. Unncany X-Men is okay, but it's not great.


X-Factor was quite great for the first 20ish issues. Since then they have suffered from cross-over disruptions and bad art. It appears to be righting itself now and getting good again. Peter David has said he wants to double sales in the year, through good writing apparently, so a very motivated David could certainly bring the back to the great level of the earlier part of the run. I'm crossing my fingers for less X-men big event cross overs (which help derail David's first X-factor run as well).
[quote name='SithFran']What's Umbrella Academy?

And how's Green Lantern/Corps? I've been hearing about them but I've never read a Lantern book before.[/quote]
Umbrella Academy is written by Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance fame. Personally, I hate his band, but he writes a damn good comic. It basically is like X-Men (the original five), but is more character oriented and takes place around the sixties or so. Lot of action (betrayal, character deaths, destruction) as well and it won an Eisner Award as well and it's basically on volume two of the series right now (first is avaliable in trades).

Green Lantern, if anything pick up Green Lantern: Rebirth trade then the other trades with Geoff Johns' name on it and you should be good. To me it's easily one of the best comic book series right now out of Marvel and DC. The stories are great, never really any sense of filler as every small detail becomes significant later on. My friend was never into Green Lantern as well, but once he read some of the later issues (Sinestro Corps) he basically got addicted to it as well.

Green Lantern Corps started out slow with Dave Gibbons writing it, but once Peter Tomsai became the writer it basically became an all out action book. Pat Gleason is AMAZING at drawing fight scenes (with occasion brutality) and it always feels so vibrant with the colors.

If you are interested in Green Lantern though just pick up the trades by Geoff Johns (I believe there are six or seven out so far) and for the most part that's all the continuity you need to read because they do a good job explaining the history of anything if it's long winded. As of right now in both GL and Corps they're just kinda preparing for the big Green Lantern crossover sometime next year so, but still just a great read.
Got the first few issues of Umbrella Academy vol 2. I think I should go back and read the begining cause I feel a little lost. Plus I got nothing for the characters yet, it just hasn't grabed me.

I got my stack of comics in the mail yesterday and I gots lots of reading to do. The last few months I always jump right into Dark Avengers, New Avengers then anything War of Kings first. Anyone else reading War of Kings? I've become such a huge fan of Marvel's cosmic stuff. Can't wait to see how Skaar will fit in with WoK.
Alright, got to say it. I'm enjoying the shit out of Battle for the Cowl. The possibility it maybe Jason as the gun totting Batman seems a bit too obvious though, but either way awhole lot of fun.
I'm just starting to get back into comics after being gone basically since the end of the Batman Knightfall storyline.

This new Batman storyline has me interested again. What books, preferably trade paper backs, should I pick up to get caught up on the big events that have happened since Knightfall and this new battle for the cowl storyline?

I already picked up the whole No Man's Land series but I haven't read it yet.
[quote name='BillyBob29']I'm just starting to get back into comics after being gone basically since the end of the Batman Knightfall storyline.

This new Batman storyline has me interested again. What books, preferably trade paper backs, should I pick up to get caught up on the big events that have happened since Knightfall and this new battle for the cowl storyline?

I already picked up the whole No Man's Land series but I haven't read it yet.[/quote]
The Grant Morrison run recently (that should all be in trades) introduces Damian and leads to the storyline of Batman's "death." In all honesty, it may have put Batman where is now, but the writing on that, to say the least, is inconsistent. Like once you get a firm grip on the story they feel the need to pull another "what the fuck?" Moment.

Other then that, I think it was Gang War that had the predominant changes on characters like Gordan. So maybe that and other then that everything's really secondary...

What's everyone reading? I'm still very much enjoying the current Dark Reign arc by Marvel. Just got the word from the latest Wizard that Millar is going back to work on the Ultimate Avengers. Hopefully he can bring the brand out of the slump since Ultimates 3 fucked everything up.

I'm egearly awaiting the Dark X-Men and The Sinister Spider-Man.
[quote name='Rodimus']BUMP

What's everyone reading? I'm still very much enjoying the current Dark Reign arc by Marvel. Just got the word from the latest Wizard that Millar is going back to work on the Ultimate Avengers. Hopefully he can bring the brand out of the slump since Ultimates 3 fucked everything up.

I'm egearly awaiting the Dark X-Men and The Sinister Spider-Man.[/QUOTE]
I'm with you on the dark reign stuff.keep look out for Zodiac, supposed to be some new villain..
I had thought Fables would be wrapping up soon so had stopped following it. Turns out we are only about halfway through the overall storyline or something like that. It should be interesting to see what happens now.

Still reading Invincible which is probably one of the best comics out right now. Otherwise there's not much else I follow. Oh yeah I'm still waiting for the last issue of Planetary. It should be out in 2 or 3 years if we're lucky. I hope I live long enough to see it be released.

Edit: Figured it had been long enough since those issues came out. Didn't mean to spoil anything. Sorry about that.
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