Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

Wow we get to decide Clayton Carmines fate....

The Carmine family is something of a running gag in the Gears of War franchise. More of a dying gag, really, considering a Carmine brother has suffered an undignified death in each game thus far. Naturally, we were all set to see another Carmine brother bite the big one in Gears of War 3 ... and then developer Epic Games threw a curve ball. Rather than putting a red shirt on the latest Carmine -- Clayton, the hulking brute you see above -- Epic is leaving his fate in your hands.

Starting July 29, players will be able to buy two new shirts on Avatar Marketplace, one emblazoned with "Save Carmine" and the other with "Carmine Must Die." Each shirt purchased counts as a vote toward one fate or the other. The winning vote will then be implemented in Gears of War 3. We'd call it shameless ploy to sell virtua-shirts, but the proceeds will go to the Child's Play charity.

If you're headed to Comic-Con this week, the NECA booth (#3145) will also be selling real versions of both shirts for $20. And yes, they do count as votes. Frankly, we'd like to see the Carmine family redeem itself, but we get the feeling that real Gears fans are kind of sadistic. We've placed a poll after the break to confirm our suspicions.

source: Joystiq

At first i thought he should die, but looking at the pictures he looks badass. The other two carmines were weak, this guy will fuck you up! I think im going to vote to let him live.
I'd honestly prefer this Carmine to break the family curse but I'm not going to waste money casting a vote that surely won't matter in the long run. I would however bet good money he'll die. ;\
Cool, Claudia Black is the voice for the brown haired woman in gears 3. I know her mostly from Stargate SG-1, but she was also the voice in Uncharted 2. Hope she is a MP character. :D

And in case you didnt know it Jace, the new black character is voiced by Ice T.

Source: Gearsviking phone stream.

EDIT: LOL he got banned, and he works for Epic, i think he does the voice work recording.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Cool, Claudia Black is the voice for the brown haired woman in gears 3. I know her mostly from Stargate SG-1, but she was also the voice in Uncharted 2. Hope she is a MP character. :D

And in case you didnt know it Jace, the new black character is voiced by Ice T.

Source: Gearsviking phone stream.

EDIT: LOL he got banned, and he works for Epic, i think he does the voice work recording.[/QUOTE]
Actually Jace is being voiced by Drake.;)
personally, I don't think plot points, regarding Clay Carmine, should be decided by fans or popular vote. these decisions are key pivotal moments affecting story, atmosphere, and canon. The creative team ought to retain these decisions. Selling real or virtual shirt just screams poor taste; and disappoints.

Epic could always let the player decide during the moment, e.g. gameplay, to save Carmine or not. Just like they did with choosing a path. But then this method goes against interpretation of storyline. I would be surprised at this point if the entire Gears 3 plot-line wasn't laid out by this time. There's just over 8 months to go. And two books to be release before that. I'd like to see more of the back-stories fleshed out during Gear 3's in-game cinematics. The touching moments in Gears 2 were very well done.

If they start resurrecting dead characters like in the comics, that would be a major letdown.
I dont think they will announce if he will live or die, we will have to see it for ourselves in the game. At least i hope they wouldnt announce it before the games release. Either way it doesnt bother me.
What's the big deal with letting fans vote on it? DC did the same thing with Jason Todd and it turned out to be a huge part of Batman's canon.

Also, either way Carmine is going to die.
Around 24 hours or so till we can buy our avatar a Carmine must die, or Save Carmine shirt. Hopefully these will only cost 80 points like most other shirts. Initially i was going to buy a save carmine shirt. But its tradition to kill carmine, so i might change my mind and buy a carmine must die. Maybe ill buy both LOL.
Yeah I just saw that too... tbh I always figured it was sorta odd that we were supposed to get it in april. This move probably helps MS bolster their holiday lineup, still sucks though
LOL. If they plan on delaying it just to provide us with more garbage net code then I won't buy another Gears title ever again.
Yeah, coming out in spring really did seem odd.

But still sucks ass that it's delayed as it's the only upcoming game I'm really excited about. Plenty others I want to play, but no others I was anxiously waiting for.
And they say the, let's just call it a delay, has nothing to do with development time and everything to do with marketing.

Its ALL Marketing they want to put their big gun up against SONY's big gun Kill Zone 3.

Look at the Failure that happened to God of War 3 when it released on March 16, 2010

Its a AAA title but here we are in October and can anyone remember it? No

Because of you hold your MAJOR release til the Holiday buying rush insanity , people spend more money.

Had God of War 3 been held til a November 2nd 2010 Launch it would be putting HALO REACH to shame right now.

But SONY wasted their shot. Its all marketing and hype and Gamers have a short memory.

This has to do with MONEY, when a Developer like EPIC says the game will be ready thats when the game will be ready. This is Microsoft pushing it back as is their Right as the publisher. Once the Disk Goes GOLD, its out of EPIC's hands for all EPIC cares and is required to do Microsoft can print and mass produce Millions of copies and have the game Gears 3 sit in a Warehouse for 5 months. EPIC is done they don't have to touch it. When EPIC says its done its done. This idea that all of a sudden they will spend 5 months polishing is a fantasy. Gears 3 WILL ship with What they should do is have a Public BETA.

There is a slight chance that EPIC is having problems with BULLET STORM (timed PS3 exclusive) and ask for a time extension but this is unlikely.
Epic hasn't said the delay was because it wasn't ready:

"I know fans are going to be disappointed with the new release date, but rest assured that this is a business decision between partners, and not a quality issue. Gears 3 was on track to be the most polished Gears of War game ever when it released in April, and this additional time allows us to polish it that much more before it hits shelves next fall."
Well at least they'll use the time to enhance the game.

I guess this gives me a lot more time to play Dragon Age II before Gears monopolizes my time.
I am first to Pre-order the $99.99 Ultra Edition, that features an Exclusive code for the Golden Double barrel Shot gun.

And few Extra in Game characters, like an extra Marine female soldier, and a new Locust character. Both that the regular $59.99 edition will not have.

Heck I know that code alone, will re-sell on ebay for $50 bucks.

And Microsoft customer support all you have to do is call them up say your code was damaged and boom they will ship you out a new code.
[quote name='MrYouTube']I am first to Pre-order the $99.99 Ultra Edition, that features an Exclusive code for the Golden Double barrel Shot gun.

And few Extra in Game characters, like an extra Marine female soldier, and a new Locust character. Both that the regular $59.99 edition will not have.

Heck I know that code alone, will re-sell on ebay for $50 bucks.

And Microsoft customer support all you have to do is call them up say your code was damaged and boom they will ship you out a new code.[/QUOTE]

Is this true, i didnt see anything about this yet. Would be nice if you pointed me to a source.

Also i read that they are going to be showing off MP vs mode this tuesday.... cant wait to see that.
Here is a Rumor I just heard on Xbox Live by someone at Microsoft that I know works there.

Unofficial word is , Microsoft wants EPIC to add in some type of KINECT feature into Gears 3.
[quote name='MrYouTube']And they say the, let's just call it a delay, has nothing to do with development time and everything to do with marketing.

Its ALL Marketing they want to put their big gun up against SONY's big gun Kill Zone 3.

Look at the Failure that happened to God of War 3 when it released on March 16, 2010

Its a AAA title but here we are in October and can anyone remember it? No

Because of you hold your MAJOR release til the Holiday buying rush insanity , people spend more money.

Had God of War 3 been held til a November 2nd 2010 Launch it would be putting HALO REACH to shame right now.

But SONY wasted their shot. Its all marketing and hype and Gamers have a short memory.

This has to do with MONEY, when a Developer like EPIC says the game will be ready thats when the game will be ready. This is Microsoft pushing it back as is their Right as the publisher. Once the Disk Goes GOLD, its out of EPIC's hands for all EPIC cares and is required to do Microsoft can print and mass produce Millions of copies and have the game Gears 3 sit in a Warehouse for 5 months. EPIC is done they don't have to touch it. When EPIC says its done its done. This idea that all of a sudden they will spend 5 months polishing is a fantasy. Gears 3 WILL ship with What they should do is have a Public BETA.

There is a slight chance that EPIC is having problems with BULLET STORM (timed PS3 exclusive) and ask for a time extension but this is unlikely.
So much bullshit in one post :applause:

Anyways, not terribly surprised by the delay. I didn't quite get the April release date, unless they had a Halo game or something scheduled for holiday (given Gears' delay, I'm guessing they don't).

I'll still be looking forward to this. The first quarter of 2011 is already stacked anyways.
[quote name='MrYouTube']I am first to Pre-order the $99.99 Ultra Edition, that features an Exclusive code for the Golden Double barrel Shot gun.

And few Extra in Game characters, like an extra Marine female soldier, and a new Locust character. Both that the regular $59.99 edition will not have.

Heck I know that code alone, will re-sell on ebay for $50 bucks.

And Microsoft customer support all you have to do is call them up say your code was damaged and boom they will ship you out a new code.[/QUOTE]
Haha I call bullshit there is nothing on the internet about a so called Ultra Edition. plus you failed to back it up with a legit source or with any source at all. stop lying kid.
WOW just saw the new video and i cant wait. Cole in thrashball uniform, locust queen in MP, pink lancers. I really hope i can get into the beta. I am not sure about the new guardian/submission game, since i mostly played guardian in gears 2. But it might actually make it better. But hell yes to dedicated servers, i really cant wait for this game.
[quote name='The 7th Number']WOW just saw the new video and i cant wait. Cole in thrashball uniform, locust queen in MP, pink lancers. I really hope i can get into the beta. I am not sure about the new guardian/submission game, since i mostly played guardian in gears 2. But it might actually make it better. But hell yes to dedicated servers, i really cant wait for this game.[/QUOTE]

They will probably pull an EA and make you preorder and you can guarantee your spot in the beta, which significantly drives the legitimacy of the game actually being "beta tested" down.

Either way I would still bite since I'm still a semi-fan of the franchise.
Never thought I'd receive solid confirmation of dedicated servers and host migration for a Gears title at launch in the same day I was brought to speed on them being included in the beta. I guess I've officially ran out of excuses to buy this game. I just pray it doesn't turn into a MW2 hack fest with host advantage finally dying a horrible well deserved death now that the fake MLG morons can't use it as a crutch. I also hope they didn't nix wall bouncing out of the game completely as well. Not exactly happy about the Sawed-Off being a spawn choice but if you have to get more than just up close and personal with your target then it shouldn't be that bad.

All that's left now is to inform my Gears fam of the beta and see who is on board. I'm looking forward to showing off my ridiculous accuracy via title with every explosive based weapon available.
All the new info sounds so good. Dedicated servers is incredible news and the videos on Kotaku look great. Those new executions are brutal.

I wonder how Epic will get people for the beta. Maybe a code in new copies of Bulletstorm?
[quote name='Fjordson']All the new info sounds so good. Dedicated servers is incredible news and the videos on Kotaku look great. Those new executions are brutal.

I wonder how Epic will get people for the beta. Maybe a code in new copies of Bulletstorm?[/QUOTE]

People were posting on the Gears 3 board that, that won't happen because something to do with EA and Bulletstorm, EA owns the rights to it or something and MS owns the rights to Gears so they won't put codes in Bulletstorm due to conflict of interest and MS wouldn't want to give sales to EA as Gears 3 beta invitation would be a huge enticement for people to buy Bulletstorm.

I personally don't buy that theory but who really knows.
#1. Did anyone see the jump and roll double barrel shotgun double kill during the video, they will have to fix that.

#2. A PINK Lancer ???

#3. They are modeling the Multiplayer based on individual characters to Quote "Like a fighting game" each person has their own fighting style like in street fighter. So now if I want to be a super quick faster runner I have to pick Cole Train and his football outfit. Or I want to play like a heavy guy with armor I have to pick Carmine. I was use to every character playing the same they were just skins.

HOW do I apply to get in the BETA??? No doubt it will be one of those Buy this game .....KINECT and be part of the Gears of War 3 BETA ONLY for KINECT owners.
The new trailer alone is better than anything that has come out in the past year or more. Heck, probably better alone than anything since call of duty 4. That trailer has me pumped up and anticipating gears of war 3 now. It looks crazy, fun, challenging and all that good stuff.
[quote name='MrYouTube']

HOW do I apply to get in the BETA??? No doubt it will be one of those Buy this game .....KINECT and be part of the Gears of War 3 BETA ONLY for KINECT owners.[/QUOTE]

Do be that guy, they just announced they were having a beta and it doesn't start till next year.
[quote name='MrYouTube']
#3. They are modeling the Multiplayer based on individual characters to Quote "Like a fighting game" each person has their own fighting style like in street fighter. So now if I want to be a super quick faster runner I have to pick Cole Train and his football outfit. Or I want to play like a heavy guy with armor I have to pick Carmine. I was use to every character playing the same they were just skins. [/QUOTE]

Really are you serious? I didnt read that part. Personally i think gears is better without customized stuff. I dont mind a gold lancer, or pink. But i seen like 10 different colors/camo patters you can use on guns. I also dont really want to see a ton of alternate skins for each character. And i really dont want to see what you talked about in #3 comments. I want balance, and gears of war. Not gears of war + COD.
bread's done