GGT 197: The Offical DOA5 Swimsuit Screenshot Thread

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[quote name='corrosivefrost']Then there's the Gamespot review which gave it the 45.[/QUOTE]

That's an amazing score.

[quote name='whoknows'] Gonna grab it as soon as Best Buy opens tomorrow :bouncy:[/QUOTE]

fuck you.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It has nothing to do with the old REs. If that was the case RE4 wouldn't be one of my favorite games and I even thought RE5 was ok. RE6 is just a bad game.[/QUOTE]

And you know this from the demo?
[quote name='corrosivefrost']And you know this from the demo? Good to know![/QUOTE]

So what you're saying is that you don't think DmC is a bad game then?
[quote name='Indignate']So what you're saying is that you don't think DmC is a bad game then?[/QUOTE]

Do I think it will be a bad game? Yes.
Have I played the final product and can I say for sure that I believe it is? No.

So I guess the answer to your question is: Not yet, at least.
DmC is tight yo.

Platforming at its finest.

/edit: Got into the alpha 2 beta for Hawken. Need a mech game, but I might lean towards Mechwarrior...
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Do I think it will be a bad game? Yes.
Have I played the final product and can I say for sure that I believe it is? No.

So I guess the answer to your question is: Not yet, at least.[/QUOTE]


I'm just glad you agree that it's not a bad game.

The thing about RE6 though, is that there is a demo out. The demo being a portion of the final product. I have played the demo to Vampire Rain. I can tell you from that demo that that is a piss poor shitty fuckin game. I do not need to go out and get the whole product in order to come
to that conclusion.

Saying that Rei can't decide on whether he believes RE6 is a bad game after having played the demo is like saying Uraizen is right when he says DmC is a terrible game by looking at footage of it. Now, we don't want to say Uraizen is right ever, so we have to let Rei be able to decide on the quality of RE6 based upon a portion of the game that he played of the final product.

Or maybe he can't, I don't fuckin know. I just think you like to fight with him a lot and I just want to get in on that shit. I've been asking for some GGT brawls for a while now.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']And you know this from the demo?[/QUOTE]
Yes I do. I know it from two demos. A demo is what a company uses to get me to purchase their product. If that is what they chose to show me, then that is one of the things I'm going to use to form my opinion. Why else does it exist? Combine this with the fact that all the impressions seem to echo all the problems I had with the demos, trailers, developer comments, and videos of gameplay and I think it's safe to say that RE6 is a bad game.

So I used research from multiple sources then combined that with my knowledge of what kinds of games and gameplay I enjoy and was able to deduce whether or not I would like a game. Amazing I know!

EDIT: Also when I say "_____ is a bad game" I think it goes without saying that it is my opinion. If you enjoy shitty games, then by all means continue to enjoy them (For fuck's sake I'm playing the Game of Thrones game and kind of enjoying it). I don't think I need to add "IMO" after everything I post for that to be understood.
[quote name='Indignate']I've been asking for some GGT brawls for a while now.[/QUOTE]

That's a good idea because
is uraizen's favorite fighting game.
[quote name='Indignate']
Saying that Rei can't decide on whether he believes RE6 is a bad game after having played the demo is like saying Uraizen is right when he says DmC is a terrible game by looking at footage of it. Now, we don't want to say Uraizen is right ever, so we have to let Rei be able to decide on the quality of RE6 based upon a portion of the game that he played of the final product.

Or maybe he can't, I don't fuckin know. I just think you like to fight with him a lot and I just want to get in on that shit. I've been asking for some GGT brawls for a while now.[/QUOTE]

Rei can decide whatever he wants. I was merely commenting that it doesn't seem like a good set of criteria for judging a finished product.

Besides, maybe the demo has changed since it was released and the game went gold (God of War 3) or maybe the demo is some mish mash of particular scenarios without context that isn't even in the final game (Ninja Gaiden Sigma) or could just be a poor selection of what the game actually has to offer (Uncharted).

Also, at least I know that if Uraizen says something's a bad game, usually he at least gets a copy of the full game and plays it for several hours. Hell, he got a copy of NG3 and played the whole game... plus he was willing to put several hours into FF13 and actually said it wasn't a terrible game. :cool:
[quote name='BlueScrote']I'm always looking for people to play Halo with.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='The Crotch']For what it's worth, I can appreciate, but do not particularly like, both survival horror and third-person shooters.

So I've got no Mexican fighting cock in this back-alley betting ring.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='corrosivefrost']
Rei can decide whatever he wants. I was merely commenting that it doesn't seem like a good set of criteria for judging a finished product.

Besides, maybe the demo has changed since it was released and the game went gold (God of War 3) or maybe the demo is some mish mash of particular scenarios without context that isn't even in the final game (Ninja Gaiden Sigma) or could just be a poor selection of what the game actually has to offer (Uncharted).

Also, at least I know that if Uraizen says something's a bad game, usually he at least gets a copy of the full game and plays it for several hours. Hell, he got a copy of NG3 and played the whole game... plus he was willing to put several hours into FF13 and actually said it wasn't a terrible game. :cool:
I agree with all of this.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Rei can decide whatever he wants. I was merely commenting that it doesn't seem like a good set of criteria for judging a finished product.

Besides, maybe the demo has changed since it was released and the game went gold (God of War 3) or maybe the demo is some mish mash of particular scenarios without context that isn't even in the final game (Ninja Gaiden Sigma) or could just be a poor selection of what the game actually has to offer (Uncharted).

Also, at least I know that if Uraizen says something's a bad game, usually he at least gets a copy of the full game and plays it for several hours. Hell, he got a copy of NG3 and played the whole game... plus he was willing to put several hours into FF13 and actually said it wasn't a terrible game. :cool:[/QUOTE]
A demo isn't a good criteria for judging whether or not to purchase a game? I can't think of any stronger criteria than that. You get to actually play the game and judge how it is yourself. That's not my problem if they cut a bad demo. Even if that is the case, that's not a fucking excuse. I've played terrible demos (Kingdoms of Amalur) and knew I'd love the final product. That's absolutely ridiculous to say that one can't use a demo as judgement of a product. That's its entire purpose!!

I'm sorry if I'm not going to waste my time playing games that left a poor impression on me and that I MIGHT like. I'm on track to purchase about 10 games this month alone (5 on of the 30th...). 10 games I know I'll like. 10 games that deserve my time because they didn't do everything in their power to leave a bad taste in my mouth. Why should I waste my time and my money? Oh that's right, because every single piece of media and info about this game being released to me could be an elaborate lie :roll:

Look, if you're so attached to RE6 and me not playing it makes you feel badly. I'm definitely going to play it. I'll pick it up next month when it's sitting used at Gamestop. When that time comes I'll let you know exactly how I feel about it. It's not my job to give companies money because they might have made a good game. It's their job to prove to me why I should spend my time and money on what they're selling.
RE5 was awful because it was built around the same intensity philosophy of RE4 and yet lacked any such kinds of encounters that made that design shine. There was a reason the stop and shoot mechanic worked in RE4 and why it doesn't in RE5. But people stupidly claim that the design is showing its age, when in reality it was just handled incompetently by Capcom in RE5.

It never had a moment where you felt under pressure, it was just a slow, boring, and constant act of kiting horribly designed enemies through rather expansive environments. Co-op was enjoyable, as playing with friends tends to be, but it only exploited how broken the design of the game's encounters were. Game was a total circus, especially the boss fights.

And I couldn't care less about what an RE game is considered these days. Halo could be an RPG series tomorrow and if it was good I'd give it credit. The thing about RE5 though is I have no idea what it was trying to do in the first place.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Rei can decide whatever he wants. I was merely commenting that it doesn't seem like a good set of criteria for judging a finished product.

Besides, maybe the demo has changed since it was released and the game went gold (God of War 3) or maybe the demo is some mish mash of particular scenarios without context that isn't even in the final game (Ninja Gaiden Sigma) or could just be a poor selection of what the game actually has to offer (Uncharted). [/QUOTE]

Those first two are some big maybes that are most likely not the case (I don't even recall seeing a difference between the demo of GoW3 and the retail product). The last one is the only one I can see as possibly being true, but this already six sections that Capcom has released as demos. Now either they are absolutely fuckin terrible at demoing their games or they just make terrible games and really, neither option is good cuz if it's the former, that's six 10-20 minutes of poor sections of a game, that honestly is enough to say something about the final game itself.

I do want to throw out there that I did enjoy the demos. It seems like stupid fun you can have with a friend and I'll pick the game up whenever it reaches my price point. I'm just saying that there is enough out there right now to properly judge RE6. I should not have to play several hours of Neverdead to tell you that it's bad. I shouldn't have to watch an entire season of Jersey Shore to tell you that the show is stupid and I shouldn't have to watch more than a few scenes of Twilight to tell you that they're terrible films.
What makes it especially funny to me is that this is Resident Evil. A series that I have purchased every installment of day 1 since RE2. Is there was every any series that would get the benefit of the doubt from me, it's this one. That's how bad this game looks to me.
Hey guys, wouldn't it be cool if we put a mind control ability in this game as one of the top-tier abilities and it didn't fucking work?
My biggest complaint with the new demo is the camera is still too far zoomed in IMO. I still need to try the parts besides Leon in the demo after work.

My plan is still to play this game for a month, then trade it in towards BLOPS 2, and pick RE 6 back up cheap if there's any single-player DLC next year.
[quote name='Indignate']Those first two are some big maybes that are most likely not the case (I don't even recall seeing a difference between the demo of GoW3 and the retail product). The last one is the only one I can see as possibly being true, but this already six sections that Capcom has released as demos. Now either they are absolutely fuckin terrible at demoing their games or they just make terrible games and really, neither option is good cuz if it's the former, that's six 10-20 minutes of poor sections of a game, that honestly is enough to say something about the final game itself.

I do want to throw out there that I did enjoy the demos. It seems like stupid fun you can have with a friend and I'll pick the game up whenever it reaches my price point. I'm just saying that there is enough out there right now to properly judge RE6. I should not have to play several hours of Neverdead to tell you that it's bad. I shouldn't have to watch an entire season of Jersey Shore to tell you that the show is stupid and I shouldn't have to watch more than a few scenes of Twilight to tell you that they're terrible films.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't care less what Rei actually thinks of RE6. It's not like we share a lot of common opinions on games. I mean, he has ME3 as his GOTY and has played through DA2 multiple times. Definitely not like I can base my purchases off his opinions on games I'm interested in... and if he likes those games, that's just fine by me, whatever floats your boat, right? I just thought it was a hell of a leap to outright claim the game is horrible having only played the demo. Especially from someone who continually targets me for expressing my opinions about things like the quality of freebies and discounts provided by PS+. What was it he told me? Don't like it, don't buy it, but stop whining about it? :rofl:

And I can guarantee the first two are valid. The God of War 3 demo that was released to PSN was an early build and not only did the graphics engine greatly improve by the final release, but I believe the level layout was altered. If I feel motivated enough, I'll have to youtube it to recall the specific differences, but I recall that when I hit the part of the game that was in the demo, I remember thinking I knew where I was going and what was coming and having it be incorrect. The NGS demo on PSN had you playing through the first level, but they gave you a powered up Ryu, not the beginning of the game no powers Ryu. So when you bought the game and popped it in, you were in for a hell of a surprise. I still remember trying to figure out why the Ryu I was controlling looked like the Ryu from the NG arcade game rather than the Ryu I played as in the demo...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I've played terrible demos (Kingdoms of Amalur) and knew I'd love the final product.[/QUOTE]

I'm confused... wasn't that demo just a time restricted version of the full game (like an hour limit or something like that)? (Maybe it was different on consoles, but on PC that is what it was, and the full game was basically just replaying what I'd already done in the demo).
[quote name='The Crotch']Hey guys, wouldn't it be cool if we put a mind control ability in this game as one of the top-tier abilities and it didn't fucking work?[/QUOTE]
To clarify, I'm talking about Borderlands 2.

And how its mind control ability doesn't work half the time.

Like, at all.
[quote name='corrosivefrost'] What was it he told me? Don't like it, don't buy it, but stop whining about it? :rofl:[/QUOTE]
Well if you want to misquote me that's fine. I said if you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't just complain about it (here's the important part which interestingly is kind of the same situation with RE6) while giving companies your money because the message you're sending is wrong. YOU'RE the one telling Sony it's ok to keep the service going as it is. Sony isn't reading CAG going "Well corrosivefrost doesn't like the fact Tokyo Jungle isn't free. We better change that!" They're saying "Corrosivefrost paid us our $50 for the year, guess everything is A-Ok!" You can bitch all you want about PS+. I just found it amusing you still paid for a product yet continued to bash the free things it gives you. Now if I buy RE6 and continue to bitch about it, by all means, call that kettle black. Until then, we're talking about two different scenarios.

And you've yet to prove anything with your flimsy demo argument. I played the GoW3 demo and liked it and liked the final game. Same thing with Sigma (this one is really funny because it's the complete opposite of the point you're trying to make) and Uncharted. Demos still seem like a damn good way to judge a product.
[quote name='icebeast']I'm confused... wasn't that demo just a time restricted version of the full game (like an hour limit or something like that)? (Maybe it was different on consoles, but on PC that is what it was, and the full game was basically just replaying what I'd already done in the demo).[/QUOTE]
I don't know how it was on PC, but on consoles it was glitchier than a Bethesda game. Almost unplayable for a lot of people.
Maya. Top of the Motion (left) tier.

When it does work - when you get a crowd of EXP Loaders or some shit - it's awesome as can be.

But it's so damn inconsistent. Some enemies go batshit crazy and run around being useless. Some enemies keep doing what they were doing, they just don't shoot at you (see: the tea party quest). Some enemies seem to only use certain attacks when mind controlled. Some fail to notice the bullets whizzing by their heads and the enemies all around them and revert to their "non-aggressive" AI.
You know what mind control works the best? Shooting a goliath in the head and watching him kill his former friends.
RE6? $10 on Steam.

PSN+? Getting a year free when I get my PSN credit card. Holla.

Sold some shit and sent out two packages.

I'm having meatloaf for dinner.

I'm quite content right now. ^__^
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I don't know how it was on PC, but on consoles it was glitchier than a Bethesda game. Almost unplayable for a lot of people.[/QUOTE]

Ah, I can see how that would be a terrible demo then, haha. I think I played for maybe 30-45 minutes on the PC version demo and didn't run into any major issues, but maybe that version was more stable, or just having a powerful machine was masking bugs that they had in that build.
[quote name='GUNNM']You know what mind control works the best? Shooting a goliath in the head and watching him kill his former friends.[/QUOTE]
Way more effective than "thoughtlock".

EDIT: Though also kind of annoying when you just want to kill the god damn goliath. Do they have a non-berserker-related critical hit spot? 'Cause I ain't found it.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I couldn't care less what Rei actually thinks of RE6.[/QUOTE]

You do care, cuz you say things like this:

[quote name='corrosivefrost']I just thought it was a hell of a leap to outright claim the game is horrible having only played the demo. [/QUOTE]

But I think the root of the problem is simply this:

[quote name='corrosivefrost']Especially from someone who continually targets me for expressing my opinions about things like the quality of freebies and discounts provided by PS+. What was it he told me? Don't like it, don't buy it, but stop whining about it? :rofl: [/QUOTE]

You guys just like to fight each other.

[quote name='corrosivefrost'] The God of War 3 demo that was released to PSN was an early build and not only did the graphics engine greatly improve by the final release, but I believe the level layout was altered. If I feel motivated enough, I'll have to youtube it to recall the specific differences, but I recall that when I hit the part of the game that was in the demo, I remember thinking I knew where I was going and what
was coming and having it be incorrect. [/QUOTE]

There was only one demo right? Cuz the demo I'm thinking of wasn't much different from the game itself. And does improving the graphics engine really even matter if it's about gameplay? Yeah, there are those people who put graphics on top of everything else, but they're not in this thread.

[quote name='corrosivefrost'] The NGS demo on PSN had you playing through the first level, but they gave you a powered up Ryu, not the beginning of the game no powers Ryu. So when you bought the game and popped it in, you were in for a hell of a surprise. I still remember trying to figure out why the Ryu I was controlling looked like the Ryu from the NG arcade game rather than the Ryu I played as in the demo...[/QUOTE]

I don't see how that's a "mish mash of particular scenarios."
Why was there the sound of running water in the background of that video, does she have a fountain next to her, or was someone drawing a bath?
[quote name='icebeast']Why was there the sound of running water in the background of that video, does she have a fountain next to her, or was someone drawing a bath?[/QUOTE]

I don't see how this is important. You need to look out your window and see the world for it's butterflies, man.
People watch those things? Does she support herself by making these videos? Is it decent pay? I would totally be lazy like that if it could make me a living.
I got a small sample packet of some aftershave lotion at the mall yesterday so I shaved today and used it and holy fuck. Bitches have been touching my face allll day.
[quote name='j-cart']People watch those things? Does she support herself by making these videos? Is it decent pay? I would totally be lazy like that if it could make me a living.[/QUOTE]
You're not an attractive lady, so you're fucked from the start.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I got a small sample packet of some aftershave lotion at the mall yesterday so I shaved today and used it and holy fuck. Bitches have been touching my face allll day.[/QUOTE]
You should've used it on your balls instead.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Until then, we're talking about two different scenarios.

And you've yet to prove anything with your flimsy demo argument. I played the GoW3 demo and liked it and liked the final game. Same thing with Sigma (this one is really funny because it's the complete opposite of the point you're trying to make) and Uncharted. Demos still seem like a damn good way to judge a product.

Not really, but keep thinking that.

And if you don't understand the point I'm trying to make, that's not really my problem.
But just to help you out a little, the point I was discussing with Indignate was that game demos don't always represent the final product accurately. A lot of times they can, sure. But not always, and that's a fact, no matter how much you try to argue otherwise.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']not really, but keep thinking that.

And if you don't understand the point i'm trying to make, that's not really my problem.
But just to help you out a little, the point i was discussing with indig
was that game demos don't always represent the final product accurately. A lot of times they can, sure. But not always, and that's a fact, no matter how much you try to argue otherwise.[/quote]

[quote name='Indignate']I don't see how that's a "mish mash of particular scenarios."[/QUOTE]

Because at no point in the game do you actually get to play that level with those abilities.
It makes for a good demo in the vein that the demo gives you a good idea of what some of the alternate weapons and magics are like, but when Johnny AverageGamer goes out and buys it based off the demo and can't get those abilities because he's no longer playing as an powered up Ryu and can't beat the boss, he's probably going to be upset.

[quote name='Indignate']
There was only one demo right? Cuz the demo I'm thinking of wasn't much different from the game itself. And does improving the graphics engine really even matter if it's about gameplay? Yeah, there are those people who put graphics on top of everything else, but they're not in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think so. But the level design was still a bit different, if I recall correctly. Enemy placement, layout, etc. Plus I think at that point you don't have some of the weapons they give you either. Not that it changes the core gameplay of the game, but still, the demo was not representative of the final product in that case as well.
As far as the graphics go -- yes, gameplay is king, as uraizen will tell you -- but if you don't like the game's visuals, it can be hard to play a game for hours on end when you hate looking at it... and I'm not talking about just fidelity here, but technical issues as well (that deal with the graphics engine: tearing, stuttering, etc.) .
What the fuck, you guys, don't argue so much. I'll post since Joel said my opinion is absolute last night on Skype.

Demos are supposed to sell you on the game and if a demo sucks then you have every right to assume that the full game sucks. If the demo isn't a good representation of the final product then the developer has failed to sell you on their product and it's usually safe to assume that it's bad. There are very few demos where the final product is radically different from the demo. The core game is always the same and if you didn't like it then it's safe to assume you won't like the final game. Unless one of those weird people who didn't like the Bulletstorm demo, but liked the full game. It's the same fucking thing, you guys.
[quote name='distgfx']Unless one of those weird people who didn't like the Bulletstorm demo, but liked the full game.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Indignate']I don't see how this is important.[/QUOTE]

Where that sound was coming from was all I wanted to know for the entire movie, and it was never explained. Forget the tattoos, just tell me about the water sound.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Not really, but keep thinking that.

And if you don't understand the point I'm trying to make, that's not really my problem.
But just to help you out a little, the point I was discussing with Indignate was that game demos don't always represent the final product accurately. A lot of times they can, sure. But not always, and that's a fact, no matter how much you try to argue otherwise.[/QUOTE]

I don't think Rei's point is that demos are always 100% accurate to the full game. I think his point is that he can use even an inaccurate demo to get an idea of what a game's core design philosophy is like. Compare that with the text of reviews, and I'd say that's a pretty good way to tell if you'll like the full game or not.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Because at no point in the game do you actually get to play that level with those abilities.
It makes for a good demo in the vein that the demo gives you a good idea of what some of the alternate weapons and magics are like, but when Johnny AverageGamer goes out and buys it based off the demo and can't get those abilities because he's no longer playing as an powered up Ryu and can't beat the boss, he's probably going to be upset.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. The demo is meant to sell you on the game by providing you a portion of it. JAG, as he is known by his friends, got to experience much of what the game offered in terms of gameplay that convinced him to purchase the game. Because of that, he deemed the game as good and went out to purchase it. Sure, he might be pissed that he doesn't start off that way, but he knows that he will enjoy the game based off the demo. JAG's brother on the other hand, let's call him Fred, can play the same demo and decide that it either controls sloppily or doesn't have enough variety or something or another and decide that the game simply isn't worth his time. He can call it a bad game because of these factors and playing the actual product probably wouldn't change his mind.

[quote name='distgfx']Demos are supposed to sell you on the game and if a demo sucks then you have every right to assume that the full game sucks. If the demo isn't a good representation of the final product then the developer has failed to sell you on their product and it's usually safe to assume that it's bad. There are very few demos where the final product is radically different from the demo. The core game is always the same and if you didn't like it then it's safe to assume you won't like the final game. Unless one of those weird people who didn't like the Bulletstorm demo, but liked the full game. It's the same fucking thing, you guys.[/QUOTE]

Well I can't admit you're right, cuz as I said before, we never want to do that, but by not admitting that you're right, I can't defend Rei's right to call out a shitty game based on it's demo.

I'm at a crossroads.
[quote name='icebeast']:wave:[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Indignate']Well I can't admit you're right, cuz as I said before, we never want to do that, but by not admitting that you're right, I can't defend Rei's right to call out a shitty game based on it's demo.

I'm at a crossroads.[/QUOTE]

Submit to the truth.
I don't think I have ever bought a game based on a demo impression.

So obviously I play shitty games :D

Also how dare you not call me attractive Hank. Ruined my dreams to make youtube videos.
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