GGT 216 Is Full of Spam Posting Bots & Leda & Zeki Quotes

DCUO has one of the better character/class customizations of a MMORPG. Alas their stubbornness to allow PS3 and PC users play together really splits their player base. I actually like their capped level system, where level 30 is the highest, but you keep leveling to increase your combat rating.

However their combat system is pretty bland in PvE and even worse in PvP. Such much promise with no execution.
[quote name='j-cart']Well, all of the videos are of her "playing" but not actually playing her violin. She has gone on live tours and "the show" is her dancing, the music is there to complement her dancing, but not the other way around. Lindsey is a very talented musician and I commend her for her ability to get people interested into a classic string instrument.

However the violin is this beautiful string instrument that is the only instrument that can be named "First Chair, First Violin" of an orchestra. That means this is the conductor's "right hand man" despite sitting directly to the left of the conductor. There are only a few people that can hold this position and the orchestra is really there to accompany the first violin to bring out the its immaculate tone for the melody. That is how important this string instrument is.

The violin has this perfect balance that sits in this sound range that allows it to hit high pitched notes at high speeds and can still bring its melody back to a low if it wanted to. This balance is the reason why an orchestra is centered around the violins, they are the source of all that makes the melody and the rest of the orchestra is there to complete it.

I am speaking strictly in terms of the classical violin and I do so because it is an instrument of history. Its purpose was to be classical, not artsy in dupstep and the likes. Sure the violin has made its way into jazz, folk and fiddle music, but those genres do not bring out the purpose of the violin.

Lindsey's music is her own take on how to implement the violin into the modern age of music. That is the problem, the violin is not meant to be modern. Let it be this old perfect instrument of the past. Let it shine where it shines best and not hold it back by trying to fuse with other genres.

And of course classical music just doesn't click with people and that's a much bigger problem than the one I have with Lindsey Sterling's music :D

Fun fact about me. I was trained to be a classical violinist, alas because I didn't give a shit about it, I went nowhere in it. I can still play (terribly) and I can still sight read sheet music. My favorite part of being musically trained in the violin was being able to play the music of the Final Fantasy games.[/QUOTE]
fuck that shit. Klezmer fiddling or get the fuck out.
[quote name='Indignate']I kind of want to play DCUO again.

Maybe I should go to sleep so that feeling goes away.[/QUOTE]

DCUO ain't too bad for being free-to-play. I preferred City of Heroes, tho. RIP

Played a ton of Ni no kuni all weekend. Lovin it.

Also played the MGRR demo a few times. I'm getting pretty good at the blade-cutting. Whys it and Game of Thrones season 2 gotta hit on the same week making me choose?
Not sure about that Final Fantasy X HD remake. Recent screens dont look too flattering. I would rather have X-2 anyway. I hope they are upscaling the international version, tho.
[quote name='Krymner']Not sure about that Final Fantasy X HD remake. Recent screens dont look too flattering. I would rather have X-2 anyway. I hope they are upscaling the international version, tho.[/QUOTE]
fuck X where is 7 remake? why is square being such assholes?
[quote name='Krymner']DCUO ain't too bad for being free-to-play. I preferred City of Heroes, tho. RIP

Played a ton of Ni no kuni all weekend. Lovin it.

Also played the MGRR demo a few times. I'm getting pretty good at the blade-cutting. Whys it and Game of Thrones season 2 gotta hit on the same week making me choose?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Krymner']Not sure about that Final Fantasy X HD remake. Recent screens dont look too flattering. I would rather have X-2 anyway. I hope they are upscaling the international version, tho.[/QUOTE]

Easy choice:
Buy MGR:R, take Game of Thrones: Clash of Kings out of the library and read it.

Also, the FFX HD remaster (the word is important, it's not a remake, it's like the rest of the HD collections -- same game it always was, ported and upscaled with trophies). The footage I saw just now looks fine -- the models are relatively clear, the anti-aliasing is good so there's not a lot of jaggies, etc. Plus keep in mind too, that if you're looking at screenshots, they may be from the Vita version. In that case, they don't scale to viewing on a PC very well at all. If you go watch the conference from last night, they were showing it off on Vita and I thought it looked fine.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Easy choice:
Buy MGR:R, take Game of Thrones: Clash of Kings out of the library and read it.

Also, the FFX HD remaster (the word is important, it's not a remake, it's like the rest of the HD collections -- same game it always was, ported and upscaled with trophies). The footage I saw just now looks fine -- the models are relatively clear, the anti-aliasing is good so there's not a lot of jaggies, etc. Plus keep in mind too, that if you're looking at screenshots, they may be from the Vita version. In that case, they don't scale to viewing on a PC very well at all. If you go watch the conference from last night, they were showing it off on Vita and I thought it looked fine.[/QUOTE]

Oh man, to read Storm of Swords again for the first time.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Easy choice:
Buy MGR:R, take Game of Thrones: Clash of Kings out of the library and read it.

Also, the FFX HD remaster (the word is important, it's not a remake, it's like the rest of the HD collections -- same game it always was, ported and upscaled with trophies). The footage I saw just now looks fine -- the models are relatively clear, the anti-aliasing is good so there's not a lot of jaggies, etc. Plus keep in mind too, that if you're looking at screenshots, they may be from the Vita version. In that case, they don't scale to viewing on a PC very well at all. If you go watch the conference from last night, they were showing it off on Vita and I thought it looked fine.[/QUOTE]

That sounds better. The pics i saw must have been from the Vita version. I still wish they would have included X-2.

I personally have only played a few of the HD upscaled ports from last gen (Tomb Raider, ZOE, Beyond G & E). So far, I haven't been too impressed. Are there any that have really turned out exceptional when upscaled? I just don't see much improvement.
[quote name='Krymner']That sounds better. The pics i saw must have been from the Vita version. I still wish they would have included X-2.

I personally have only played a few of the HD upscaled ports from last gen (Tomb Raider, ZOE, Beyond G & E). So far, I haven't been too impressed. Are there any that have really turned out exceptional when upscaled? I just don't see much improvement.[/QUOTE]

Metal Gear HD. Though I liked the look of the MGSHD on the PSVita more so than on the PS3/X360. The Ico Collection is pretty top notch in offering very high frame rate.

[quote name='The Crotch']fuck that shit. Klezmer fiddling or get the fuck out.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't consider Klezmer fiddling apart of the "fiddle" genre.
[quote name='Indignate']I kind of want to play DCUO again.

Maybe I should go to sleep so that feeling goes away.[/QUOTE]
We should play, dawg.

[quote name='j-cart']DCUO has one of the better character/class customizations of a MMORPG. Alas their stubbornness to allow PS3 and PC users play together really splits their player base. I actually like their capped level system, where level 30 is the highest, but you keep leveling to increase your combat rating.

However their combat system is pretty bland in PvE and even worse in PvP. Such much promise with no execution.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, the combat was my only real problem with it besides the horrible lockups I've experienced on PS3.

[quote name='Krymner']Not sure about that Final Fantasy X HD remake. Recent screens dont look too flattering. I would rather have X-2 anyway. I hope they are upscaling the international version, tho.[/QUOTE]
It'll be amazing. Can't wait to fuckin' dodge lightning strikes forever.

[quote name='GUNNM']fuck X where is 7 remake? why is square being such assholes?[/QUOTE]
They wanted to put the better FF out, can't blame them. I think they're waiting till they hit bankruptcy to put out a 7 HD remake.
So my dog bit my wireless ear mic now all I have is my halo reach wireless mic without an ear piece so I was rocking tape 360 around my head to hold it up while I played co-op on dead space 3.
[quote name='Krymner']That sounds better. The pics i saw must have been from the Vita version. I still wish they would have included X-2.

I personally have only played a few of the HD upscaled ports from last gen (Tomb Raider, ZOE, Beyond G & E). So far, I haven't been too impressed. Are there any that have really turned out exceptional when upscaled? I just don't see much improvement.[/QUOTE]

All of the Sony made ones of the Sony IP's are excellent as is MGS HD Collection.
[quote name='CaptainJoel'] It'll be amazing. Can't wait to fuckin' dodge lightning strikes forever. [/QUOTE]

Don't remind me. I started freaking out towards the end and messed up at 198 I believe. Not worth trying again. Screw you, Lulu.

[quote name='j-cart'] Though I liked the look of the MGSHD on the PSVita more so than on the PS3/X360. [/QUOTE]

As did I. It looks and runs beautifully on the Vita.

[quote name='distgfx']

Heck yeah, Vanquish and a Mega-man game I've never heard of. I wouldn't mind playing Vanquish again.
[quote name='j-cart']I wouldn't consider Klezmer fiddling apart of the "fiddle" genre.[/QUOTE]
Why not? And what about Metis fiddling?
[quote name='Luxuria']

Heck yeah, Vanquish and a Mega-man game I've never heard of. I wouldn't mind playing Vanquish again.[/QUOTE]
Its a remake of MM X1 you can play as vile
[quote name='distgfx']
fuck YEAH! I was hesitant on whether or not to download it with my UK account, but I'll definitely download it with my US account and get rid of my hardcopy.

[quote name='Luxuria']Don't remind me. I started freaking out towards the end and messed up at 198 I believe. Not worth trying again. Screw you, Lulu.[/QUOTE]
If you drink a lot of caffeine it's easy. I've done it a few times.

Man, I went to GameStop earlier to trade stuff to pay off my Rising and I was able to sweet talk the chick to stack trade bonuses for me so I got 90% trade boost, paid off Rising, half of Injustice (unsure of whether or not I'll get the ultimate edition), and a little less than half of Bioshock Infinite.
Everybody should play Vanquish. Shit's great.

[quote name='The Crotch']fuck that shit. Klezmer fiddling or get the fuck out.[/QUOTE]

I was worried. I thought you pulled a Panzerfist on us.

[quote name='j-cart']DCUO has one of the better character/class customizations of a MMORPG. Alas their stubbornness to allow PS3 and PC users play together really splits their player base. I actually like their capped level system, where level 30 is the highest, but you keep leveling to increase your combat rating.

However their combat system is pretty bland in PvE and even worse in PvP. Such much promise with no execution.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the character stuff is what I really liked about it. I also thought that making it more action game esque with different fighting moves was pretty cool too, but maybe I'm in the minority on that.

I also like to fly around.

[quote name='Krymner']DCUO ain't too bad for being free-to-play. I preferred City of Heroes, tho. RIP

I like flying around.

[quote name='Krymner']Also played the MGRR demo a few times. I'm getting pretty good at the blade-cutting. Whys it and Game of Thrones season 2 gotta hit on the same week making me choose?[/QUOTE]

Easy, get Game of Thrones cuz it's cheaper and will last longer.

Also, there's sex in it.

[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Missed ya yet again Indignate, feel free to post in here if you wanna play, I should be around all day[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was on for a little bit just practicing or something like that.

I probably won't be able to play today though.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']Easy choice:
Buy MGR:R, take Game of Thrones: Clash of Kings out of the library and read it.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='corrosivefrost']Also, the FFX HD remaster (the word is important, it's not a remake, it's like the rest of the HD collections -- same game it always was, ported and upscaled with trophies). The footage I saw just now looks fine -- the models are relatively clear, the anti-aliasing is good so there's not a lot of jaggies, etc. Plus keep in mind too, that if you're looking at screenshots, they may be from the Vita version. In that case, they don't scale to viewing on a PC very well at all. If you go watch the conference from last night, they were showing it off on Vita and I thought it looked fine.[/QUOTE]

Too bad it's a bad game.

[quote name='CaptainJoel']We should play, dawg.[/QUOTE]

I'll be down if you play it with me, dawg.

[quote name='CaptainJoel']Yeah, the combat was my only real problem with it besides the horrible lockups I've experienced on PS3.[/QUOTE]

I like flying around.

[quote name='CaptainJoel']They wanted to put the better FF out, can't blame them.[/QUOTE]

As in it looks better? Sure.
[quote name='GUNNM']shittest artbook ever[/QUOTE]
What did you honestly expect from a last minute preorder bonus? I still want it though since I love the art.

Man, really can't fucking wait for tomorrow.
[quote name='distgfx']

Should I tell them you wanted it on the 21st instead, Indignate?[/QUOTE]

I'm not ready.

[quote name='CaptainJoel']Man, really can't fucking wait for tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Apparently neither can I now.
[quote name='MSUHitman']All of the Sony made ones of the Sony IP's are excellent as is MGS HD Collection.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, pretty much.
R&C HD collection is good.
ICO/SotC HD is good.
I've heard Jak and Daxter is good, but haven't played it.
What I've played of MGS HD is good.
Devil May Cry HD is good (save the menus).
Still have yet to watch S2 of Game of Thrones. Season 1 was pretty sick though. fuck Joffrey. I hate him.

I'm still debating on whether or not I want to get MG:R or not. Crysis 3 is out tomorrow, too. Hmm....
[quote name='GUNNM']OMG you guys! tomorrow is the big day!

oh shit speaking of good platinum games[/QUOTE]

Welp, I guess I'm signing back up for PS+. I've been looking at Vanquish for PS3 and the going prices is like $25 anyways.

[quote name='distgfx']

Should I tell them you wanted it on the 21st instead, Indignate?[/QUOTE]

Emilia Clark gets top billing? WTF is this shit.
Yeah, I thought that was weird too.

You'd think it would be Lena Headey or Peter Dinklage.

He gets it in the opening credits though. So maybe Amazon is just weird.
[quote name='Indignate']
I was worried. I thought you pulled a Panzerfist on us.
You were worried I played the worst game of CAH ever?
[quote name='Indignate']You keep posting more than me.

I had to go into overtime last night to pass you up and secure a sizable lead.[/QUOTE]
stop showing off in front of uriazen
[quote name='Indignate']You keep posting more than me.

I had to go into overtime last night to pass you up and secure a sizable lead.[/QUOTE]
I could make a whole bunch of posts about New Vegas if you want.
bread's done