(Mini-Con)test: Win Transformers (PS2) from CheapAssGamer! [CONTEST OVER]


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Here is your chance to win the new PS2 Transformers game that comes out May 11, 2004.

To enter, post your entry in this thread and tell us who is your favorite Transformer and why.
It can be from any Transformers series.
The winning entry will be chose at random.

One entry per person. Rules subject to change.
Contest ends Monday, April 19th at 11:59PM.

Check out my hands-on preview here:

Bumblebee is my hero.

He gives all short, round, yellow people a hope for the future.
dood, my favorite transformer of all time was bumblebee. bumblebee was just such a tool. he would always do whatever anyone else wanted him to do, basically didnt stand up for himself.

i also think he was gay....i mean, if autobots can be gay...he was the gayest. i know being gay wasnt cool in the 80s and early 90s, but bumblebee tried to make it in style....hahahaha.

Old school, how can you not like Jazz? Prowl was gtood too. My favorite old school was soundwave. My parents wouldn't let me have a Megatron. Got a rerlease dicast Megatron a couple years ago though.

New school: Beast wars is by far the best and most underrated Transformer series. I know, animals isn't as cool as cars and tanks and planes. But the scriptwriting, voice acting, character developmen, all were top notch. The violence level was serious, not just cartoony. It paid homage to old school, great CG effects that look better than some of the latest Transformer series from Japan.

My favorite of that group was Rinox. He was a genius, he was a combat specialist, and he was a zen master. Whenever he wanted to kick ass he could...

HOUND! He was my most fav transformer of all time, when I was a kid it took my day and me and my bro 3weeks of scouring all our local stores like a couple times a week to finally find hound, my dad really was tired of it and many times tried to and insisted that I get one of the many transformers they had but I held out and finally got Hound! I dont know why I liked him so much he just seemed cool with his shoulder missle launcher and his jeep transformation was just the coolest. And not part of the contest but my most hated was Bumblebee, most annoying thing next to starscreams voice HAHA!

My fave is Jazz. Why? Because you have to love the Black Autobot. He was even voiced by Scatman Crouthers!

-- Howard
For me, my favorite of the Transformers crew has got to be Silverbolt from the Beast Wars series. Sure, I love the Autobots and Decepticons of old, but the feud between the Maximals and the Predacons was waged millions of years before that, while the Earth was still young and Energon was plentiful..

Anyway, I ramble. What I love about Silverbolt was his always chivalrous attitude toward his allies like a Medieval Knight, and the other side of the coin, his rage toward the Predacons except for one in particular, that of course being the lovely yet deadly Blackarachnia.

Also, what better Fuzor could there have been but of two of my favorite animals, a Wolf and an Eagle? A wolf's strong body, intimidating head and hind legs, coupled with the strong (not to mention sharp) front legs and talons of an eagle and the powerful wings to hold him aloft.

His robot mode is just as handsome as his animal mode, with a wolfish anthropomorphic head with a shortened snout, never ending missiles from his wingtips, and that weird little red orb in his belt. I always wondered about that..

And last, but certainly not least, his voice. All-around voice acting great Scott McNeil lent his soft, yet strong voice to the wolf eagle, whose great howls and screams really reflected Silverbolt's emotions. I call Scott great simply because he not only did Silverbolt in the series, but also the cowardly Waspinator, deadly serious Dinobot, and the quick witted Rattrap. At first listen, one would never know that all those different voices came from the same man!

So, all in all Silverbolt is my 'bot, although I really don't like what they did to the poor thing in Beast Machines..
Ratchet is my favorite Transformer. The reason is simple: in issues #6-8 or so of the original comic series, all the other Autobots were disabled, and Ratchet alone reawakened the Dinobots, made a deal (and sucessfully double-crossed) Megatron, and single-handedly saved the rest of the Autobots (minus Optimus Prime's head - his real head, that is).
Jazz is probably my favorite because he always plays that same cheesy guitar music every time he tries to rock out and disorient the decepticons. It makes me regret listening to totally rad 80's rock while playing with my tubular to the max transformers.
I'd have to go with Seaspray because he turned into a hovercraft and his voice sounded like he was always under water. Warpath, Cosmos and Trailblazer were cool too.

Remember the autobot/decepticon spies? They had the black symbols that you had to rub to find out which side the robot was on.

I still cry everytime I watch Optimus die in Transformers the Movie and I've got an autobot sticker on my Durango (or should I say Durangobot). My girlfriend just doesn't understand...

I heard that a "live action" Transformers movie is in the works...maybe John Goodman could play Sparkplug... :roll:
My favorite...the biggest, baddest Autobot around, Fortress Maximus. He was so friggin' huge, his HEAD was it's own Transformer. And that Transformer's head...that's right, ANOTHER TRANSFORMER! You can't beat that. He was like $100 retail, the fan boy's wet dream.

Other than that, I'd say Rodimus Prime. He was like General Patton to Optimus Prime's FDR.
I'm going to be a little different and not name one of the G1 characters, instead I will pull one out of Beast Wars. I always felt that Optimus Primal was a stronger leader. You have to take in consideration that during Beast Wars they were under a far more dire situation and Optimus Primal was able to maintain control until the very end...
my favorite is Optimus Prime because he is a truck and truckers are cool because they get to travel across America, transporting stuff that everyone uses, like combs, pies, rope.
I think I have to go with Dinobot from Beast Wars cause you never really knew if you could trust him or not and then in the end he was one of the most honorable characters in the show.

I don't remember why, but that was one of the guys I remember long after my childhood... so much so that I named my silver sports car after it.
I guess I would have to say that Optimus Prime is my favortie Transformer. I remember the only transformer toy I ever had was old Optimus Prime himself. I would really love that game. Besides I never win a this contests anyway. I guess I am due sometime.
I'd have to go with the kid "spike" I think his name was he was always getting into trouble and he probably was an honorary autobot. Loved the cartoon as a kid but never got the good transformers for christmas and the like and even got that crappy jet plane GO-BOT. That was the worst!
My vote goes to the Autobot Headmaster Leader, Fortress Maximus (or Brave Maximus in Japan).

Fort. max was built from an old Nebulon factory to help the Autobots battle Galvatron's Headmaster General - Scorponok (Mega Zara in Japan).

Comprised of the human Spike, who forms the head of Cerebro, who in turns forms the head to Fortress Maximus - Fort. Max is one of the most powerful Autobots ever created.

From there lies Fort.'s biggest downfall - his overwhelming pacifism. Yet he knows for peace to exist - evil must be stopped.

I choose him, I think it would suck to be one of the most powerful weapons ever made and then be hesitant to use them - even if it means saving his comrades.
Mine will always be Rumble; "First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside!"

It was fun having cassette wars i.e. Ravage vs. Steeljaw, Frenzy vs. Eject, Soundwave vs. Blaster, etc., etc.

Now I watch the old and new cartoons with my 5 year old and buy him the toys so that I can relive my youth.

It's wierd how time passes...

P.S. I wish they'd put the seriousness back into the shows, I can't stand it when their faces go "big-eyed anime style"

And why is CheapyD's picture of Optimus standing on a Decepticon logo?
My favorite Transformer is Jetfire from Transformers: Armada. He is a space shuttle which is awesome. I have a Jetfire figure which is really cool. His gun has sound, and when he is in vechicle mode it is one of his thrusters so the gun also makes a engine sound. If you stick the mini-con on the gun the gun noise sounds different, and more powerful. He can also fuse with Optimus Prime (Convoy) to make a powerful Transformer called Jet Optimus.


My favorite transformer is Starscream. He was a little backstabbing bastard who always wanted to usurp power from both Galvatron and Megatron. He had the same voice as cobra commander as well which was damn cool.
My favorite when I was younger was Jazz. I just always liked the way he looked in robot form and the fact that he transformed into a Porsche 911. It's a shame that you can hardly find a vintage Jazz without at least one of the back windows being broken off though.
Devestator is my favorite transformer. He was a huge robot made up of the smaller contruction vehicles. At the time he was the largest transformer and giant robot of destruction. Man, that transformer was awesome. Soundwave finishes a close second because he was dark blue and had a cool voice. Not to mention the fake batteries in the radio became his gun and a missle pod. My third favorite whould have to be hound. The coolest autobot in my opinion. A classic army jeep with a mounted gun in the back and removable gas cans.
bread's done