The Dwayne Johnson Appreciation (Wrestling) Thread

That was a great finish. I was nervous that someone would botch it and ruin it. I like how Lance Cade's interference had little effect on the ending. The way they chose to end it made Jericho look good---even with the run-in.

And, holy crepes, Jericho lost a tooth! :shock:
A terrible PPV saved by a MOTY candidate main event.

Which is, of course, what we all knew it would be going in. Oh, and WWE... if Jericho and HBK really do have a plan to keep this running until Mania: DO IT.
[quote name='007']A terrible PPV saved by a MOTY candidate main event.

Which is, of course, what we all knew it would be going in. Oh, and WWE... if Jericho and HBK really do have a plan to keep this running until Mania: DO IT.[/QUOTE]

WHAT? Almost every match was good. Only the Show/Taker match wasn't so good.
[quote name='Matt Young']WHAT? Almost every match was good. Only the Show/Taker match wasn't so good.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree on that one.

- Hardy/Henry was passable, but I still don't give enough of a shit about Hardy, Henry, or the ECW title.

- The Women's match was a throw-away, period. I mean, it had Candice Michelle in it.

- Rey/Kane was better than I expected, and that chair shot was actually a nice ending and a fantastic spot.

- Pointless segment that would have been better on Raw or Smackdown. If anything, it just pointed out that there was NO REASON that at least 4 of those guys weren't in a match at the PPV (Priceless/Punk&Kofi)... especially since that (and the later JBL) segments took MORE than enough time to have squeezed in another match instead.

- Batista/JBL was short and pointless. We knew Batista was going to win, and then we got an admittedly amusing segment that may have actually ended up being longer than the match. Good speech by JBL (still one of the best talkers they have, if not THE best), but yet another pointless pop-up by Cryme Tyme. Would it kill WWE to give them a damn program with someone?

- Taker/Show, you already covered. There's only so much of big men punching each other in the head I can take.

- HHH/Hardy was good, but completely loses ALL points for that utterly bullshit ego-fueled ending.

... so, yeah, I'm just not seeing how this was any more than a slightly under mediocre PPV if you eliminate the main event.
Any interest in the Super Dragon/Kevin Steen "Guerrilla Warfare" match from PWG? I'm testing out Handbrake. ;)

EDIT - Handbrake works like a charm. I'll probably throw a few other matches from the DVD's into a "mixtape" of sorts and get it here in a day or two. Generico/Danielson was fantastic, and there's a fun Joey Ryan/Human Tornado match as well I think comes off great.
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I thought the PPV was pretty good. From Taker/Show to the end of the PPV I thought it was really good.

I thought the HHH/Hardy match was great. Yeah Hardy didn't win, but I think HHH made Hardy look pretty good. I think he gets a little too much hate. I see no reason why Jeff couldn't have just won, but I thought the match was great.

Jericho and HBK was awesome as well. I feel bad for Jericho. Looks like he lost a couple of teeth. Batista/Jericho is going to be completely terrible. I don't even think Jericho can save that one.
[quote name='JJSP']Any interest in the Super Dragon/Kevin Steen "Guerrilla Warfare" match from PWG? I'm testing out Handbrake. ;)

That match blew my mind when I saw it on my PWG sells out DVD. It was like they were channeling Raven/Tommy Dreamer from 1996 in terms of how convincing their haterd for one another was. Pretty impressive when one of the guys wears a mask.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']

One of my friends noticed my cracking up when I saw this pic and gave me a weird look... That's actually the second time this week something like this has happened.

Time #1:
I really like how the product has been lately. Ever since they took this "PG" turn, they've focused more on the wrestling and storylines.

Granted, it's nowhere near where it used to be, but it's a huge improvement compared to the last two years or so
[quote name='Halo05']That match blew my mind when I saw it on my PWG sells out DVD. It was like they were channeling Raven/Tommy Dreamer from 1996 in terms of how convincing their haterd for one another was. Pretty impressive when one of the guys wears a mask.[/quote]

It was indeed an Astonishing X-Mas. The pacing and storytelling was tops. To me, it's a five-star match.
[quote name='Scorch']I really like how the product has been lately. Ever since they took this "PG" turn, they've focused more on the wrestling and storylines.

Granted, it's nowhere near where it used to be, but it's a huge improvement compared to the last two years or so[/QUOTE]

The move to a kid-friendly product has been great irrespective of the improved angles and matches, simply because there is a drastically noticeable absence of that "we want to boost ratings, so let's do something dumb or vulgar, like promote lesbian action or kill of Mr McMahon!"
[quote name='mykevermin']The move to a kid-friendly product has been great irrespective of the improved angles and matches, simply because there is a drastically noticeable absence of that "we want to boost ratings, so let's do something dumb or vulgar, like promote lesbian action or kill of Mr McMahon!"[/quote]

Yep, other than some of the Glamarella stuff, they have kept to the wrestling.
Monday news - SD's debut on MNTV did a 2.4 rating - the highest rating in the history of the network. Matt Striker missed the PPV due to the death of his father, while HBK was banged up pretty badly, and Terry Funk, who was scheduled to wrestle at an indy show over the weekend, canceled due to a knee injury - and was replaced by Jake Roberts. Also, it's 36 years to the day since the first NJPW show.

NM thoughts -
Henry vs. Hardy was quite good. It had a much faster pace than most Mark Henry matches, and Hardy's offense concentrating on Henry's leg was logical and looked good. It also tied in nicely to the end, with Hardy battering the knee during the World's Strongest Slam attempt, leading to the twist of fate. Lawler added to the match with his commentary, noting that he win Henry's first match and that he'd never felt power like that before. While it would've been nice if he'd said "and he's only stronger/better now!" to further put him over, but what he did worked well on its own.

Beth vs. Candice was Candice’s best match since return. It still wasn’t, you know, good, but I expected much worse. Candice's selling consisting of SCREAMING REALLY LOUDLY was annoying, but it was so bad it that it was almost good (like RVD yelling "OW!" to sell stuff). Beth looked dominant and Santino was an amusing second, so the match served its purpose.

Rey vs. Kane was good stuff, although Rey’s blue and yellow attire looked ridiculous. Rey’s bump on the barricade was sick, but luckily, Rey seemed to be okay afterwards. Rey’s offense was nice and logical here, although not all of it hit perfectly (his kicks were off and he nearly missed the moonsault block). While I’m not fond of them doing another copout DQ ending, this one at least looked incredible - with Rey taking the chairshot flush. This ended up being much better than expected, and can easily lead into Kane vs. Rey at Cyber Sunday with fans either choosing that Rey’s mask be on the line, or that Kane has to put his mask on if he loses. I’m glad that WWE didn’t take Rey’s mask off him tonight. If they did that, would Rey be the first luchador to lose it more than once?

The MVP/Orton/Priceless segment was productive filler. It seemingly turned MVP into a face (or at least into a sympathetic character) without neutering his act, and set up some possible matches for the future, including MVP-Orton, MVP and Punk or Kofi against Priceless, MVP-Manu, and furthered the Orton-Punk match they’ve been teasing for a while.

Batista vs. JBL was much better than I expected, and it was definitely helped by being so short. Batista came out of this looking like a million bucks, so it about as perfect a number one contender’s match as WWE could hope for - he came off looking like a world-beater, and after losing so many world title matches over the past year, this is exactly the kind of win he needed. JBL’s post-match promo was some of his most amusing work, as he went from seemingly getting ready to re-announce his retirement (which wouldn’t shock me at all), to then thanking Congress for the bailout, as it’ll ensure that he says rich. Perfect heel move right there, and it worked nicely to get the crowd to hate him so they’d appreciate Cryme Tyme even more. Fortunately, their skit didn’t go on too long - a nice change of pace as they usually do.

Between the horrid build-up, ‘Taker’s injured knee, and Show’s career stagnation over the past six months, I wasn’t really looking forward to Show-Taker, but it also wound up being good overall. Show was moving around very well, and I loved seeing him break out the pump splash, as I don’t recall him doing that since his days as the Giant in WCW a decade ago. I also loved the Old School counter into the choke slam as it was a nice change from the usual spot where ‘Taker either gets crotched on the ropes or pulled down off of them. I loved the KO finish, with Show making use of the ring (something he doesn’t do very often) to smash ‘Taker’s head into the exposed steel before hitting two knockout right hooks and then the final blow to the back of the head. A perfectly believable finish, and one that made Show look strong without damaging ‘Taker.

HHH-Hardy was an excellent, slow-paced affair that was actually worked like a major world title match - even though it didn‘t feel like one going in. Aside from some shaky stuff (like Hardy struggling to get HHH over for a headlock takeover), this was a solidly-worked match. HHH played the role of the heelish face very well, while Jeff played the underdog well. The show-long hot crowd really helped this match out, as they got into every near fall, and it sounded like the place might explode if Jeff had actually won the match. Hell, they were even popping for the Hat Rack Crack as the match-ender for a WWE Title match. HHH’s slam counter for the Whisper in the Wind was excellent - I don’t recall that ever being done before, it looked good, and again, provided the crowd with another chance to erupt due to a near-fall.

The finish was about as perfect as could be, with Hardy hitting his Twist of Fate/Swanton sequence, leading to the crowd working themselves into a frenzy as this was IT - he hit his moves, had the cover…but it wasn’t to be - HHH cradled him up due to Hardy’s positioning and won the match. Just like last month, Hardy was one second away from the gold. Excellent match - easily my favorite HHH match since Hunter’s reign began, and it definitely Jeff’s best match all year. The post-match cameo from An Anderson was quite fitting, as HHH channeled Flair in the match, although I was a bit saddened to see some grey in Arn’s beard - it took over a decade, but his face has finally aged after retirement. Kozlov’s cameo worked at establishing him as the new top threat to the title, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they throw Hardy into the mix for a Cyber Sunday three-way as he would make Kozlov’s offense look devastating on PPV, and would also serve as someone to have Kozlov pin for the belt to hold off on Kozlov actually pinning HHH for the belt . I still think it’s too soon to have Kozlov as the champion, but it would be a daring move and would certainly make SD’s title scene seem fresh again after it went back to the norm post-Unforgiven, where it seemed fresh again due to the new blood in the Scramble.

HBK vs. Jericho was tremendous. It started off with a lot more technical wrestling than I was expecting, which was definitely a good thing, as it allowed the match to be something more than just the usual highspot-filled ladder match. I feel that Cole added something to this by rattling off each man’s title win statistics - the info served as a nice compliment to the in-ring action. I dug the spot early on with Jericho trying to whip Michaels into the ladder on the floor, only to have HBK climb it and dive onto him from it - I don’t recall that being done before, it looked good, and made actually hitting the ladder mean more later on since they didn’t give away immediately.

HBK’s fall off the ladder onto the ropes after the slingshot>climb up was frightening - his knees had to be killing him after that. The back suplex/cross body counter off the ladder through the table looked ugly. It was realistic-looking, which was good, but looked like a very rough landing for each man. Similarly, Jericho’s landing off the HBK ladder push, where he went sailing over the top to the floor was terrifying. So many things could’ve gone wrong there, but fortunately, things went well and he seemed to land about as safely as humanly possible. The crowd went absolutely insane for that, and deservedly so.

Cade’s interference was excellently-done - he served his purpose as the crony and not only distracted Michaels, but nearly gave Jericho the win. I’m glad he didn’t play into the finish directly, as it would’ve hurt Jericho to do that. The tug of war finish was yet another new twist on the norm on this show, as each held onto that belt for dear life (and I’m sure there’s a bit of reality to that as things could’ve gone badly had either man had a hand slip off the belt). The head butt finish wasn’t the most visually-stunning one ever, but it was realistic and fit into Jericho winning with a mix of luck and skill.

Each of the main event matches was incredible, and they each told a different story than one another. HHH-Hardy was a better traditional world title match, while Jericho-HBK was slightly more highlight-oriented, but was closer to the more grounded HBK-Hart ladder match than the more spot-laden HBK-Razor ones. Both were very satisfying to watch, and everyone involved in them should be proud of their performances. This one definitely one of WWE’s best shows on all year - easily better than any show since ‘Mania, and aside from the women’s match, this was a fantastic show from beginning to end.

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Sorry to hear about Striker's dad. He has my condolences.

I had a feeling HBK (ad Jericho for that matter) would get pretty banged up from that ladder match. I didn't like the way he landed during that table spot. It looked like he almost completely missed the table and hit the floor face-first.
So is Jericho going to go with the Toothless Aggression look or is he going to get that fixed up?
LOP says Jericho is getting it fixed, and that the tooth actually broke, it didn't get knocked out completely

Also, some gems from the Palace of Wisdom during the No Mercy live chat

-- John Morrison and The Miz took part in the No Mercy Live Blog on the WWE Universe site last night during the pay-per-view. During the chat session, Morrison made a remark saying that Candice Michelle looks like she's had too much plastic surgery. Morrison said: "she looks like she's had way too much, plastic surgery, ... and actually when Jenny McCarthy came to WWE to support autism she thought Candace was special because of how spastically she moves." He also said she can't jump while watching her match with Beth Phoenix last night. "I think Candace is vertically challenged... I mean seriously, she can't jump!" Additionally, WWE moderates everything that gets asked, and this question actually showed up during the live blog: [Comment From Jeremy M.] "Miz and Morrison, do you guys plan on going to RAW and teaching Cryme Tyme that the Palace does not support African Americans?" Miz didn't say anything, but Morrison said: "The palace of Wisdom supports everyone.... Everyone that's not a complete douche bag, and constantly talking about all the things that wish were true."
[quote name='Blackout']So is Jericho going to go with the Toothless Aggression look or is he going to get that fixed up?[/quote]

I hope he gets it fixed it. It just looks wrong. :whistle2:(

[quote name='Jay']I was a bit saddened to see some grey in Arn’s beard - it took over a decade, but his face has finally aged after retirement.[/quote]

That was a bit depressing. I think his face was a little more worn too. Some people should be immortal, and Arn's one of them.
lol @ Miz and Morrison.

Candice Michelle's face is absolutely disgusting.
[quote name='Chase']It was indeed an Astonishing X-Mas. The pacing and storytelling was tops. To me, it's a five-star match.[/quote]
I'm glad that people dig it. There's a few other fun ones on the set (that I finally got around to cracking open yesterday), but the Steen/Dragon bout stands out.
[quote name='Brak']Candice Michelle's face is absolutely disgusting.[/QUOTE]

Her "theme" is awful as well. Its even worse when you are at an live event like I was last week. Right up there with Jillian's horrific singing which thank the heavens was limited to about a few seconds tops.
Let me show you how I move my bah-day
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[quote name='diddy310']LOP says Jericho is getting it fixed, and that the tooth actually broke, it didn't get knocked out completely

Also, some gems from the Palace of Wisdom during the No Mercy live chat

-- John Morrison and The Miz took part in the No Mercy Live Blog on the WWE Universe site last night during the pay-per-view. During the chat session, Morrison made a remark saying that Candice Michelle looks like she's had too much plastic surgery. Morrison said: "she looks like she's had way too much, plastic surgery, ... and actually when Jenny McCarthy came to WWE to support autism she thought Candace was special because of how spastically she moves." He also said she can't jump while watching her match with Beth Phoenix last night. "I think Candace is vertically challenged... I mean seriously, she can't jump!" Additionally, WWE moderates everything that gets asked, and this question actually showed up during the live blog: [Comment From Jeremy M.] "Miz and Morrison, do you guys plan on going to RAW and teaching Cryme Tyme that the Palace does not support African Americans?" Miz didn't say anything, but Morrison said: "The palace of Wisdom supports everyone.... Everyone that's not a complete douche bag, and constantly talking about all the things that wish were true."[/quote]

Oh Mr. Morrison, you make my knees weak. :drool:

[quote name='JJSP']I'm glad that people dig it. There's a few other fun ones on the set (that I finally got around to cracking open yesterday), but the Steen/Dragon bout stands out.[/quote]

PWG Sells Out is a great deal and compilation DVD. I think every match on the discs is at least a very good match. I cannot remember a single complaint about the set. If I were to fabricate something for the sake of complaining, I could have used at least one more Chris Bosh match. ;) I love that guy. :bouncy:
Man I hope Batista/Jericho draws. Batista better not screw up Jericho's title reign or make him look like a little bitch.
RAW is better, sans-Cena.

SmackDown! would be better, sans-Triple H.
Wow. I thought Cena was only out 4 months from the time of the surgery.

I like Cena and Triple H both. Almost always have. The only time they become intolerable to me is when they hold the titles for an extended period of time as faces, like Triple H now or Cena in 2007. I don't mind Triple H as a long term heel champion whatsoever.
I think SD has been the best show since they mixed up the roster. I've really liked the HHH/Jeff Hardy matches.
[quote name='Brak']RAW is better, sans-Cena.

SmackDown! would be better, sans-Triple H.[/quote]

Quoted for truth.

Even Batista versus Jericho doesn't seem that bad because we know Jericho will eventually end up back with Michaels. Hopefully, Batista doesn't kill Jericho's mega-heel buzz or win the WWE title. While it's not important to Michaels and Jericho's feud, it is still important for how people perceive Chris Jericho.

Imagine if Triple H weren't in the World Heavyweight title picture. Perhaps MVP would finally get a main event push against, World Heavyweight champion, Jeff Hardy. The World title picture would be a lot fresher if Triple H weren't involved.

It all comes down to Cena and Triple H being stale and their staleness spreading where ever they go. WWE proved that they can go on without Cena and Triple H. Raw's present situation proves this. The next step is continuing the creation of new stars or allowing talents to finally bloom (see: Jericho). While implausible, I would like to see Cena and Triple H take the role Shawn Michaels plays in his feud with Chris Jericho. The veteran who helps rising stars bloom into superstars.

SD's been hit or miss, as has ECW, but less so. PWG Sells Out is awesome - the only problems I had with the set were the shoddy packaging (discs stacked on top of each other and no match listing). They can be remedied just by using the disc separators that come with DVDRs and a home printer, respectively, but are still things I'd like to see remedied in future sets.

The final SD rating is in - it did a 1.9 - still the highest rating in the history of the network. The first rating was the fast national one.

My review of the TNA game is up at!.html The line "morphing into a tale of betrayal, back alley beatings, and attempted murder." about the story mode was originally "morphing into a tale of betrayal, back alley beatings, attempted murder, and implied sodomy.", but I nixed the last part because I felt it was a little too strong.

Raw thoughts -
I had Raw largely on in the background this week, and it just seemed to meander along most of the time. Jericho's promo was quite good, Santino's was hilarious, but slightly less so than usual (the next time they're in Jersey, Santino totally needs to do Sheiky's "... the great COUNTRY OF NEW JERSEY! line), and the matches tended to be short and unspectacular. Kofi-DiBiase had good chemistry and Kofi's high energy helped it a lot - I didn't so much like him getting distracted easily leading to the loss, but he'll be fine after it and DiBiase at least got a chance to get his finisher over on TV. Cade-Michaels was a waste of a possible Cyber Sunday match, as HBK just killed him dead in under 4 minutes. I'd have much preferred a non-match and them just having Cade get beaten down with the chair, which looked safely-done, but intense, and HBK's facial expressions during and after it were fantastic.

The Rey/Matt vs. Kane/Henry match was okay - I didn't like Matt dropping the fall to Kane as it makes the ECW Champion look weak, but it's not like it'll hurt Matt's crowd reactions or anything. The main event right out of '98 was a good way to get Regal back in the mix with the major players on Raw - the match itself did nothing for me, but served its purpose story-wise. The match itself wasn't really needed since Batista won the contendership last night and Jericho, instead of just stripping him of it, gave him a chance to regain it - what a dumb heel move.

Otherwise, I love the IC title opponents. Goldust would be fun to see again (hopefully Dustin actually SHOWS UP this time around), while Piper...should really just not be in a match, and of course, THE HONKA DONK MAN could face Santino. Please God allow this to happen. If it doesn't, they need to do a skit on the PPV. Oh, and Khali hosting the Kiss Cam was epic win.

Quotes -
Lawler - The city of Oklahoma?
Sign - HBK - he’s just a sexy girl!

"When you...took me by the made me understand...I was the luckkkyyy onnneee...."

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bread's done