The "Oil of Olay! All Day and Every Day!" Disco Inferno Wrestling Thread

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"Hmph, come back when you've squashed as many guys as I have."

And for those of you who thought that Kane would never headline a Wrestlemania, think again!

Aaron sent word that the new WWE Magazine definitive guide to WrestleMania does not have any Chris Benoit WrestleMania matches. They list the main event of WrestleMania 20 as Kane vs. The Undertaker instead of Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels.
The latest leaked contestant for Tough Enough is
"M-Dogg 20" Matt Cross
. Kinda torpedoes the size argument against Aries, but I wish him the best of luck.
Jim Ross' thoughts on the HHH/Taker segment.

Triple H and Undertaker:
"It's been years since I witnessed a more effective TV segment on any wrestling program where not a word was said as I experienced Monday night between the Undertaker and HHH. Amazing stuff for this old schooler as the two, future WWE Hall of Fame icons sold tickets and PPV's with their eyes and well earned reputations. This segment was so good that I went back and watched it again and then had to show the 'moment' to my wife when she arrived home."
I thought the segment worked alright, and I personally don't want to see streak vs. career again so soon.

I am way more upset that Rock/Cena won't be happening. That would have lead me to purchase WM, but now I'll just download it and watch it Monday morning like the rest of WWE's PPV's.
[quote name='lombarvm']Did people really think The Rock was going to be wrestling at Mania?[/QUOTE]

In a way, I did. I think the mark in me hoped deep down that Rocky would have one more match, but the realist in me knew that he was making way too much cash NOT wrestling and risking his body to go up against Cena. It seems I have many of these internal debates with myself (Mark vs. Realist) and usually, the realist is right. I do love it when the mark in me is right though (like when Punk won those 2 MITB matches back to back, or when Delirious beat Bryan Danielson in an 8 man tag back in 2006. Chicago Spectacular Night 2, I think.)
Has anyone seen/heard/read what "one of the biggest moments of the year" is going to be on TNA tomorrow night? I'm guessing maybe something to do with a big name coming in/returning or something.
Tomorrow's TNA Spoilers:

* Gunner and Murphy defeat Eric Young and Orlando Jordan with Beer Money on commentary.

* Brother Devon comes out and talks about Brother Ray's attack on his kids at Against All Odds. We see Ray backstage. He taunts Devon for the attack and rips them. Ray is getting ready to powerbomb someone through a table backstage but Tommy Dreamer makes the save. They fight out to the ring. Devon accidently punches Dreamer as security breaks everything up.

* Mr. Anderson comes out and sits in a chair, saying he's calling the shots now. Anderson wants his world title rematch. Rob Van Dam comes out and they go back and forth on the mic before getting into a fist fight.

* Immortal comes out and Bischoff makes it RVD vs. Anderson for the main event. Jeff Jarrett whispers to Bischoff and he makes it RVD vs. Anderson vs. Kurt Angle.

* Crimson defeats Magnus.

* Scott Steiner vs. Rob Terry in a posedown is up next. Terry comes out with workout equipment. Terry cuts a promo on Steiner. Steiner comes out in a suit and they talk trash. Terry attacks Steiner from behind and chokes him with a tension band. Security breaks it up.

* Ric Flair comes out and tells AJ Styles to come get on his hands and knees to apologize. AJ comes out and says he's been avoiding Flair because he wants to beat him up. Flair goes to hit AJ but it's blocked. AJ attacks Flair until Hernandez makes the save. AJ eliminates him. AJ low blows Flair and kicks Hernandez. Flair is bleeding bad here. Hernandez launches AJ back into the ring. AJ comes back and takes out Hernandez on the floor. AJ goes for a Styles Clash on Flair but Hernandez makes the save. Fortune comes down to help Styles. Hernandez goes to retreat but is attacked by Matt Morgan.

* Madison Rayne comes out for a non-title match and says she will knock out who ever is put in front of her. ODB comes out to answer Madison's challenge in her TNA return. Madison gets the win with her finisher.

* Mr. Anderson defeats Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam in a solid main event. The match is interrupted by Karen and Jeff Jarrett, distracting Angle. Anderson hits the Mic Check for the win.
You know, I started a post here with the intention of mocking TNA and their announcements, and I realized that I just don't have it in me anymore. It's like kicking a 3-legged dog.

Anyway, jumping back to the WrestleMania magazine for a minute... I've agreed with most of what they've done thus far in regards to Benoit. I have to admit, though, that this time I'm not fully behind that decision. Jokingly talking about how he 'doesn't exist' anymore is one thing, but not listing an entire match and replacing it with another is something else entirely. Plus, they went with Undertaker/Kane? Seems like a stretch, though I guess I understand why they wouldn't have chosen Angle/Guerrero either.

I actually sat down and watched some Benoit stuff last night for the first time in a really long while, and that was a little weird. The first thing was the Angle/Benoit match from the 2003 Rumble, which is still amazing. It did take me out of it, however, when Taz on commentary said something like this: "Benoit's sacrificed everything to get to this moment. His family, his life, everything." If not verbatim, that was pretty damn close. Still, it's an amazing match, and one that underlines what an amazing talent both men were in the ring. Definitely something that deserved to remain on compilations for a long time, but will never see the light of day again.

Next up was the 3-way from WM20. The match itself didn't do much for me, but man... that end celebration was rough. That should been a moment that was in highlight reels until the company closed. That moment encompassed everything great about the business, the struggles of two best friends who were constantly told they'd never make it, and one of the moments that really was just such a 'feel-good' thing. To watch it now, knowing what happened, is really hard. Guerrero would be dead in a little over a year and a half. Benoit destroyed his life, legacy, and all goodwill towards him a little over 3 years after that celebration. It's just a huge dark cloud over what should still be one of the best moments in the history of the business, and to watch it now is utterly gut-wrenching. That moment used to fill me with such joy, and now... now it's just unrelentingly tragic.

Random thoughts. Sorry.
[quote name='007']You know, I started a post here with the intention of mocking TNA and their announcements, and I realized that I just don't have it in me anymore. It's like kicking a 3-legged dog.

Anyway, jumping back to the WrestleMania magazine for a minute... I've agreed with most of what they've done thus far in regards to Benoit. I have to admit, though, that this time I'm not fully behind that decision. Jokingly talking about how he 'doesn't exist' anymore is one thing, but not listing an entire match and replacing it with another is something else entirely. Plus, they went with Undertaker/Kane? Seems like a stretch, though I guess I understand why they wouldn't have chosen Angle/Guerrero either.

I actually sat down and watched some Benoit stuff last night for the first time in a really long while, and that was a little weird. The first thing was the Angle/Benoit match from the 2003 Rumble, which is still amazing. It did take me out of it, however, when Taz on commentary said something like this: "Benoit's sacrificed everything to get to this moment. His family, his life, everything." If not verbatim, that was pretty damn close. Still, it's an amazing match, and one that underlines what an amazing talent both men were in the ring. Definitely something that deserved to remain on compilations for a long time, but will never see the light of day again.

Next up was the 3-way from WM20. The match itself didn't do much for me, but man... that end celebration was rough. That should been a moment that was in highlight reels until the company closed. That moment encompassed everything great about the business, the struggles of two best friends who were constantly told they'd never make it, and one of the moments that really was just such a 'feel-good' thing. To watch it now, knowing what happened, is really hard. Guerrero would be dead in a little over a year and a half. Benoit destroyed his life, legacy, and all goodwill towards him a little over 3 years after that celebration. It's just a huge dark cloud over what should still be one of the best moments in the history of the business, and to watch it now is utterly gut-wrenching. That moment used to fill me with such joy, and now... now it's just unrelentingly tragic.

Random thoughts. Sorry.[/QUOTE]

No apologies needed. I just watched those very same matches and my thoughts echo yours exactly. When the Benoit tradgedy happened I asked a ton of stupid questions: "Why did it have to be someone as talented as Benoit?" (Not that I wish those events happening to anyone mind you.)
[quote name='Psykoboy2']Random Picture:


I truly LOL'ed at that for a good 5 minutes. Been a while since I've had a good laugh like that.

EDIT: hey, if anyone could help me out with finding an animated GIF of CM Punk mocking Orton's fist to ground pound, I'd truly appreciate it.
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I know TNA's Big Announcement!
The Jeff Hardy TNA World Title is really Megatron and the Decpticons are the real power behind TNA.

I'm late on this since I've been out of town, but that HHH/Taker return segment was awful. "Don't need Sting" my ass. 'Taker is doing the same exact tired character, and HHH is so boring it feels like he never left. And DOUBLE-fuck THEM IN THE FACE for teasing that 'Taker was going to use the Cash song for his entrance before switching it to his usual theme.
[quote name='KaneRobot']And DOUBLE-fuck THEM IN THE FACE for teasing that 'Taker was going to use the Cash song for his entrance before switching it to his usual theme.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: You and I don't agree on much, but we both vehemently agreed that such a move would have been brilliant.

I've softened my hatred of the Taker/HHH segment since Monday. A few reviers pointed out that there was already a boatload of talking on the show (Cena, a replay of Rock, a Miz promo, a Punk promo, etc.). Additionally, the announcers shut their yaps during that segment, making it more poignant and memorable.

WWE probably thinks this: if they had mouthed off to each other, would we still be talking about it on Wednesday night? And us talking about it = good, in the mind of the WWE corporation.

I still think it was a bad segment - not for the lack of talking, but because two deeply serious wrestlers communicated using body language. Not a bad idea, honestly. But to use body language that was corny as fuck - UT smirking (SMIRKING!), using the WM sign as a character/focal point, HHH pointing to his dick (yes, yes, he was in DX - but he's alone now, and he's always been iamthegameiamthatdamngood superserious guy as a loner), it came off as ham fisted to me. It wasn't subtle at all, and WWE was trying to get the point across subtly.

If the motivation behind the storyline is that HHH is seeking revenge for UT retiring HBK, there are better ways, there are subtle ways, to communicate that. They neglected to reference that as the focal issue, however, and looked like two goofballs in the process.
WWE has always been the complete opposite of subtle. Heck, I'm not sure there's even been one time EVER where something big has been understated. It's definitely a cross between Vince's ego and that he thinks his fans are dumber than a bag of rocks.
lol what..

- Top WWE stars like The Undertaker, Edge, Triple H, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Big Show and others are traveling in top of the line tour buses, which is a tax deductible business expense. For televised WWE events, Cena travels with Michael Cole as the two are best friends.
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl: You and I don't agree on much, but we both vehemently agreed that such a move would have been brilliant.

I've softened my hatred of the Taker/HHH segment since Monday. A few reviers pointed out that there was already a boatload of talking on the show (Cena, a replay of Rock, a Miz promo, a Punk promo, etc.). Additionally, the announcers shut their yaps during that segment, making it more poignant and memorable.

WWE probably thinks this: if they had mouthed off to each other, would we still be talking about it on Wednesday night? And us talking about it = good, in the mind of the WWE corporation.

I still think it was a bad segment - not for the lack of talking, but because two deeply serious wrestlers communicated using body language. Not a bad idea, honestly. But to use body language that was corny as fuck - UT smirking (SMIRKING!), using the WM sign as a character/focal point, HHH pointing to his dick (yes, yes, he was in DX - but he's alone now, and he's always been iamthegameiamthatdamngood superserious guy as a loner), it came off as ham fisted to me. It wasn't subtle at all, and WWE was trying to get the point across subtly.

If the motivation behind the storyline is that HHH is seeking revenge for UT retiring HBK, there are better ways, there are subtle ways, to communicate that. They neglected to reference that as the focal issue, however, and looked like two goofballs in the process.[/QUOTE]

Like I said before, I really feel like the segment fell apart when they resorted to their respective gesture taunts. Until then I enjoyed it, particularly the camera angles and most particularly the one of HHH on the turnbuckle and 'Taker glancing over his shoulder. I like the DX crotch chop, but really like you mentioned it doesn't make much sense any more as every single other member that's ever been in DX is now gone from the company. The only person still in the company from any interation of DX is HHH (and no, I'm not counting Hornswoggle), so are they saying DX is HHH now? Probably not, the only explanation is that it is avenging Michaels. Like you said though, there were better ways to handle that angle.
[quote name='Halo05']Goddammit, that little booger is never going to get fired. Why can't Cena be friends with Angle?[/QUOTE]
Since when have rappers ever been friends with rival rappers?
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl: You and I don't agree on much, but we both vehemently agreed that such a move would have been brilliant.

I've softened my hatred of the Taker/HHH segment since Monday. A few reviers pointed out that there was already a boatload of talking on the show (Cena, a replay of Rock, a Miz promo, a Punk promo, etc.). Additionally, the announcers shut their yaps during that segment, making it more poignant and memorable.

WWE probably thinks this: if they had mouthed off to each other, would we still be talking about it on Wednesday night? And us talking about it = good, in the mind of the WWE corporation.

I still think it was a bad segment - not for the lack of talking, but because two deeply serious wrestlers communicated using body language. Not a bad idea, honestly. But to use body language that was corny as fuck - UT smirking (SMIRKING!), using the WM sign as a character/focal point, HHH pointing to his dick (yes, yes, he was in DX - but he's alone now, and he's always been iamthegameiamthatdamngood superserious guy as a loner), it came off as ham fisted to me. It wasn't subtle at all, and WWE was trying to get the point across subtly.

If the motivation behind the storyline is that HHH is seeking revenge for UT retiring HBK, there are better ways, there are subtle ways, to communicate that. They neglected to reference that as the focal issue, however, and looked like two goofballs in the process.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you and others have not caught on yet, but the whole reason neither of them said a single word was they both have come down with laryngitis, which caused a last minute change to what was supposed to be a 20 minute confrontation. Hence the reason for the immediate tag title rematch as they had to fill time at the end of the show.
[quote name='Spyder187']Maybe you and others have not caught on yet, but the whole reason neither of them said a single word was they both have come down with laryngitis, which caused a last minute change to what was supposed to be a 20 minute confrontation. Hence the reason for the immediate tag title rematch as they had to fill time at the end of the show.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Spyder187']Maybe you and others have not caught on yet, but the whole reason neither of them said a single word was they both have come down with laryngitis, which caused a last minute change to what was supposed to be a 20 minute confrontation. Hence the reason for the immediate tag title rematch as they had to fill time at the end of the show.[/QUOTE]


Someone wanna clue this guy in?
[quote name='Spyder187']Maybe you and others have not caught on yet, but the whole reason neither of them said a single word was they both have come down with laryngitis, which caused a last minute change to what was supposed to be a 20 minute confrontation. Hence the reason for the immediate tag title rematch as they had to fill time at the end of the show.[/QUOTE]


In the world of real pro wrestling entertainment news, looks like Taker and Trips are using their backstage pull to set up their own match:

Triple H and The Undertaker are the ones putting together their current program for WrestleMania 27, with minimal input from WWE creative.

Taker was originally scheduled to face Wade Barrett and Triple H was set to face Sheamus at WrestleMania but the two got together and realized that WrestleMania 27 had no special match. As WWE’s two most power political forces, they felt they could take control of their own angle without much in the way of outside influence.

Shawn Michaels is still expected to be introduced into the storyline and have a role at WrestleMania, possibly as a referee or an enforcer. The idea behind the storyline is that Triple H is going at Taker for revenge after Taker ended his best friend’s career.

If nothing else, this makes me curious for the buildup over the coming weeks.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Like I said before, I really feel like the segment fell apart when they resorted to their respective gesture taunts. Until then I enjoyed it, particularly the camera angles and most particularly the one of HHH on the turnbuckle and 'Taker glancing over his shoulder. I like the DX crotch chop, but really like you mentioned it doesn't make much sense any more as every single other member that's ever been in DX is now gone from the company. The only person still in the company from any interation of DX is HHH (and no, I'm not counting Hornswoggle), so are they saying DX is HHH now? Probably not, the only explanation is that it is avenging Michaels. Like you said though, there were better ways to handle that angle.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Hell, I'd even say Taker's cutthroat didn't kill the segment because it just showed he was pissed that someone not only interrupted him, but has the balls to think they can take him on at WM. Triple H's crotch chop was just.... I dunno.
[quote name='TheRock88']Ummmmmm

Someone wanna clue this guy in?[/QUOTE]

It can't be me, I was the first one to step in that puddle. I was practically delirious from lack of sleep but still...

Big Show has the tour bus so he doesn't run himself off the road (according to the documentary)

Id rather have Trips and Taker in separate matches. They were rumored for a while and I have wanted to see both nice those rumors started.
Wonder if they'll just go nuts with stacking the deck against Taker by having Michaels be the ref and Nash as the outside enforcer or something along those lines. Any excuse to break out that clip of Taker dragging Diesel through the ring.
Kevin Nash signed a 5-year contract with the WWE, according to his official Twitter. I assume it's a Legends deal.
I have a 5 year contract with the WWE. I'm sure in the next 5 yrears, You All will hear the Diesel engine
Couple of things re: EC & Raw (yes, I'm still catching up)

Cena's promo was ok from a "Ha! Remember when he used to do this?" standpoint and I guess it did what it needed to, but I've seen some people say he obliterated The Rock (not necessarily on this board). Come on. Good for Cena that he managed to put together something that had the crowd cheering him, but crap like Cena eating Fruity Pebbles is like gays co-opting "$$$$$$" from the bigots: "If we repeat what you called us, we're empowered and your words can't hurt us anymore!" If somebody I was dating had an ex-boyfriend show up and confront me and call me a piece of shit who's not as good as him, I wouldn't laugh it off and send him a picture of me smiling next to dog poop. It doesn't make Cena look like a good sport, it make him looks like an idiot who just doesn't get it.

Myke - you didn't like 'Taker's smirk to H? That was pretty much the only thing I did like. "Ain't got time for your ego trip challenge, son." Biker era-ish.

Cole's commentary on the replay was fucking hilarious though. "Will this be the fate of Triple H?" ::throat slash:: "Or will THIS be the fate of the Undertaker??" ::crotch chop:: So...there's a chance that Undertaker will suck Triple H's dick at Wrestlemania?

Miz playing face-in-peril during that tag was great. Don't want him to turn or anything, but for that match it was fun as hell.

Lawler will probably bust out the piledriver for Cole, but it would be really cool if we got a fireball. I'm guessing that won't happen since "kids would try to imitate it" or whatever. Lawler and Cole definitely brought the heat in that promo (I'm sure Lawler was fine with the dead mother stuff so that didn't bug me) and whatever 5 minute mess they put together at 'Mania should be fun.
In regards to the Nash thing... I'd still like to see some kind of one-off match at WM27. Show seemed fairly complimentary to Nash in the new DVD, and I noticed there was the glaring omission of any talk about the 'getting powerbombed on his neck' incident. I have very little desire to see them face each other, but I could live with it. Something where The Corre destroys Show for weeks could work, and then have Show recruit a 'friend' to help him. Do something like Corre vs. Show/Nash, or maybe even just Barrett/Jackson vs. Show/Nash.

The most disappointing thing for me with the HHH/Taker showdown was actually the fact that Taker hasn't changed at all. With the promos, I was hoping that Taker would change up the gimmick a little bit, since I'm sort of getting tired of the same Deadman thing he's been doing since 2004 now. Not even a full overhaul like Biker Taker, just even a small change where he used the Cash song and sort of a more human undead cowboy thing. Or something. I didn't really think that through. I just sort of miss humanized Taker, which is why it's tough for me to get excited about anything he does now... the Deadman gimmick is just so "BOOM", that it's tough to even book a program against it now that seems reasonable. Give the man some vulnerability again, that's all I ask.

Of course, given that he generally only stays uninjured for about 6 months anyway, maybe it doesn't matter.
I don't get why they drag Lawler's ass out of mothballs every so often. I mean it was cool back when him and Bret Hart were at odds, but dude isn't exactly getting younger. They should have a geezer match and pit Lawler and Flair against each other.
This might be a dumb question, but the song they used for Taker, the Cash song... that's not some kind of remix or anything, is it?

I'm going to use it on SvR 11 if I can find it.
^ Nope, just the title track from the album American VI: Ain't No Grave.

Speaking of sucking dick, TNA's "shocking" surprise tonight has been spoiled.
Ok, if i was wrong about the whole laryngitis thing then my apologies. I swore i read it somewhere, but it has been a long tough week here at my house. Either way, the promo worked and got its point across.
[quote name='Spyder187']Ok, if i was wrong about the whole laryngitis thing then my apologies. I swore i read it somewhere, but it has been a long tough week here at my house. Either way, the promo worked and got its point across.[/QUOTE]

You did read it somewhere, the pro wrestling equivalent of The Onion, PWPotato.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']You did read it somewhere, the pro wrestling equivalent of The Onion, PWPotato.[/QUOTE]

Gos to show how much I know about the dirstsheets then. I dont read them often and when I do it isnt that one. Guess I got the marks equivilant of RickRolled.
[quote name='Spyder187']Gos to show how much I know about the dirstsheets then. I dont read them often and when I do it isnt that one. Guess I got the marks equivilant of RickRolled.[/QUOTE]

Never gonna give, never gonna give.... \\:D/
[quote name='RedvsBlue']You did read it somewhere, the pro wrestling equivalent of The Onion, PWPotato.[/QUOTE]

That's giving Keller's shitty humor site far too much credit.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Full All Stars lineup is up over at IGN.[/QUOTE]

DLC annoyance aside, I can't complain about that roster much. Well, aside from one thing... why does it have to be 2009 DX HBK? I wasn't happy with it in Smackdown2011, and I'm really not happy about it in a Legends game. Hopefully, like Smackdown, there will be an old outfit for him.
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