[quote name='Sath666']I heard it's tough as nails, oldschool game. No hand holding. Pretty excited for this one. Always good to see developers release such a games in years, where most of the games are piss easy qte ''rail-shooters''.
I wonder how many "hard" games need to actually get released before we can put to rest that stupid canard. Clearly at least one more...
Much less the amount of people who say it and have never even breathed on the harder difficulties of said shooters.
[quote name='sicsonic']The thing about it though is, you'll never be upset at the game for dying because it's always feels like your fault, something you most likely will have learned for the next time. It's all about trial and error, in a way that never gets frustrating. In fact it's put many more smiles on my face then me getting mad. [/QUOTE]
Spelunky was fun, but I'd disagree with you on that, at least the part you said that actually meant something and COULD NOT ALSO APPLY TO EVERY GAME EVER MADE. Spelunky always felt rather brittle to me, like Binding of Isaac except instead of randomly getting freakishly overpowered, you just died instantly in one misstep, so I hope you weren't expecting to find anything good in that treasure chest or I hope you are really good at eyeballing which leap of faith is actually the height-safe jump you need to make and that it isn't loaded with yetis... (Which I guess is not a dichotomy anywhere approaching what I had hoped that sentence would say but... whatever.). Combine that with the fact that a randomly generated platformer may as well be a randomly generated Contra game; as in, it will never ever give you levels worth your time to play, and Spelunky was decent as something I didn't have to pay for and I still do not predict it offering value worth the dollar.
That said, I will say shopkeepers in Spelunky are the single most delightfully evil mechanic known to man. You can't NOT steal from them and you will invariably either become a shopkeep slaying master or you will die a lot.
Speaking of not having to pay for it, is Spelunky coming back to PC with these updates? More likely, when? Then you can save $14 and get it in the next HIB.