Golgo 13's No Pantsu Anime & Manga Thread

Is anyone else reading and loving Chunchu? Due to the high-quality of Chunchu, I forgive the Koreans for the abomination that is Alive.
[quote name='assassinX']I guess 3 Yes', is good enough for me.[/quote]

imo it was just o.k. it's worth watching though as it's pretty odd in a good way
samurai 7 was awesome . cool deaths very nice villian twist. anyone know if there is a samurai champloo manga and if there will ever be any more anime in that series?
Camu Tao, the guy that did the amazing song for [adult swim]'s Blood+ promo has passed away. Here's the promo...

Just read the latest chapter of Claymore...

Holy crap!

I'm reading/watching too much crap right now.

All I know is I love me some Macross animation+music. Go frontier. See you next deculture!
I haven't really bought any new anime I just watched the first episode of Moon Phase from a promo disc I liked it so far, but is it worth buying the whole set and how's the story of it?

Thanks for any help.
[quote name='meerkatgamer']I haven't really bought any new anime I just watched the first episode of Moon Phase from a promo disc I liked it so far, but is it worth buying the whole set and how's the story of it?

Thanks for any help.[/QUOTE]
Fairly average and nothing to write home about. Save your money for something else.

Reviews for each disc can be found on AnimeOnDVD.com, and a couple general reviews for the show can be found here:
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Fairly average and nothing to write home about. Save your money for something else.[/quote]


I... I actually agree w/ Kirin... THE WORLD'S ENDING! REPENT! THE END IS NIGH!


While I initially liked Moon Phase, upon 2nd viewing of the series, I must say, upon further introspection, that it hasn't aged well for me. I sort my anime into 2 categories - stuff that you can torrent & trash and stuff you buy the dvds for. This is one of the former.

Pros: Nekomimi loli vampires - kyute, decent background

Cons: Average story that could be told in OVA format instead of serial.
Thanks for the tip I still need to get melancholy of haruhi suzumiya 3 & 4..

I was also wondering is hell girl worth it too I hear it's a bit repetitive, but from the look of it seems interesting sadly I can't download anime or anything like that since I have slow dailup at the time so I try to only buy things that are good..

I liked paranoia agent, boogiebop phantom, mushi-shi and other anime sorta like that any suggestions of anime to get besides the above anime?
Are those your only experience with anime?
Make a short list so we can see your tastes and base our recommendations on that.
[quote name='meerkatgamer']Thanks for the tip I still need to get melancholy of haruhi suzumiya 3 & 4..

I was also wondering is hell girl worth it too I hear it's a bit repetitive, but from the look of it seems interesting sadly I can't download anime or anything like that since I have slow dailup at the time so I try to only buy things that are good..

I liked paranoia agent, boogiebop phantom, mushi-shi and other anime sorta like that any suggestions of anime to get besides the above anime?[/quote]

I like hell girl (Jigoku Shoujo) a lot but admittedly, it's more to do w/ the voice actress than the show. This is almost every episode:

Person A is physically/verbally abusing Person B.

Person B contemplates killing him/herself/Person A.

Person B overhears (usually from a classmate or coworker) about a website that fulfills your wish but it will cost you something dear to you*

Person B goes to website, usually as a joke to make themselves feel better and says "revenge on Person A"

No sooner than Person B finishes typing the words, hell girl shows up to make a deal - sending Person A (or more) to hell at the cost of *.

Person B agonizes over the decision but decides to go through anyway, pulling on a string attached to a straw doll (not quite voodoo but more Shinto) to confirm the deal.

Hell Girl then rides on a horseless chariot w/ firewheels and finds Person A.

Person A is first tricked into thinking that hell girl & her cohorts (an old man, a geisha, & a young punk) are just random people but then torture/bully Person A in a similar manner that A did to Person B.

Person A is belligerent and usually sez something along the lines of "Who the fcuk are you to mess w/ me? I'm someone important (usually the son of the school superintendent or the daughter of a conglomerate chief)."

Hell girl chides Person A and then sez in one of the sexiest sounding voices I've ever heard (in Japanese): "Just once, wanna try dying?"


Person A screams then realizes he/she is on a boat and hell girl is steering. Person A doesn't know that she's steering them into hell.

Cut to Person B who is happy and moved on w/ his/her life but then, in a moment of weakness look at/touch their own chests and know the hell mark is there to stay until they themselves are claimed to go to hell.

your soul goes to hell

Anyway, there's a season 3 coming this october. Also, if you like that stuff you might like Ghost Hunt & Ghost Hound (not related).
[quote name='help1']Hi guys, I liked Samurai Champloo and am currently enjoying Cowboy Bebop. Where should I go next?[/quote]

I recommend Monster. While it doesn't feature Steven Jay Blum or Steve Kramer, the manga is phenomenal and its anime provides a pretty good adaptation. The manga is in my Top 5 (with Eden, Oldboy, Kamiyadori, and Akira). :D
[quote name='SeanAmI122886']Are those your only experience with anime?
Make a short list so we can see your tastes and base our recommendations on that.[/quote]

Great Teacher Onizuka (loved it!)
Naruto (Watched 200 episodes and realized it was never going to fucking end.)
Bleach (Watched up to the Bounto, really nice anime, just I hate these never ending animes)
Samurai Champloo
Cowboy Bebop

After I finish Cowboy Bebop, I am probably going to watch Death Note (unless you guys deter me away from it) but I am curious to see what other anime I should be on the look out for.
[quote name='help1']Great Teacher Onizuka (loved it!)
Naruto (Watched 200 episodes and realized it was never going to fucking end.)
Bleach (Watched up to the Bounto, really nice anime, just I hate these never ending animes)
Samurai Champloo
Cowboy Bebop

After I finish Cowboy Bebop, I am probably going to watch Death Note (unless you guys deter me away from it) but I am curious to see what other anime I should be on the look out for.[/quote]

From your description & short list, I'm assuming you like short-to-moderate length action anime so you might consider these few off the top of my head:

- Baccano (1920s train heist... but everything is not as it seems)
- Claymore (yeah, it's got girls w/ big swords but the action ain't bad either)
- Kurenai (less action than most but still, a cool story & a cute lil girl)
- Read or Die (Kirin Lemon's favorite)
- Soul Eater (girl w/ a 'cool' scythe, a loud stealth assassin, & an OCD son of Death, nuff said)
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (a robot show that I like... and I hate robot shows)
[quote name='SeanAmI122886']jaykrue, you're gonna have to change sasuke's eye in your avatar :p[/quote]

I will eventually but his damn eye keeps changing. :bomb: Even though he has
the 'perfect sharingan' you know there's gonna be some plot loophole wherein there's an 'ultra perfect sharingan'.
[quote name='help1']Great Teacher Onizuka (loved it!)
Naruto (Watched 200 episodes and realized it was never going to fucking end.)
Bleach (Watched up to the Bounto, really nice anime, just I hate these never ending animes)
Samurai Champloo
Cowboy Bebop

After I finish Cowboy Bebop, I am probably going to watch Death Note (unless you guys deter me away from it) but I am curious to see what other anime I should be on the look out for.[/QUOTE]
Gankutsuou and Gungrave are two more I'll add to the list.

Gankutsuou is a retelling of The Count of Monte Cristo, and is a fantastic show. Gungrave is an excellent show about two friends. One who cares about nothing but his ambition, and another who cares about nothing but his loyalty.

Oh, and Evangelion because it's the greatest show of all time...
I really do not like the English dub of Death Note. Those English voice actors irritate me a lot. I would grade the manga an A, original anime a B, and the English dub a D. Those voice actors make it almost unwatchable.
The DN manga is a lot better. There is a lot less Yaoi aspects between Light & L. Though Mikami is so much greater animated than in manga form.
I don't know if it was just the version I downloaded but the manga was nigh unreadable in the second part. There seemed to be a giant wall of text in every panel. I had to stop reading because it was giving me a terrible headache and making my eyes hurt. I had just finished reading the entire part 1 the day before too. I skipped to the end so I know what eventually happens to Light but I don't know very much else about part 2. I've been following along with the anime as it airs on Adult Swim.

Speaking of the anime, does it seem like Light got stupider in the second part? I've heard there was a drop in quality but I'm still a little disappointed so far. I might as well stick with this series until the end.
Anime I like and ones I own has ** on the end and with @@ I love to watch also I put it in spoiler I didn't want the list to take up whole screen..
Wolf's rain**
Hellsing Ultimate**@@
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumia** need to get the last two dvds
Elfen lied**@@
Haibane renmei**@@
Blood:The last vampire OVA**
Blood +**@@
Spirited Away**@@
Princess Mononoke**@@
Howl's moving castle**@@
Kiki's delivery service**@@
Ghost in the shell**@@ only own the movies
Appleseed and appleseed ex machina **@@
Fruits basket**
Azumanga Daioh**
Kaleido star**
Dragon Drive** I thought it was ok nothing great, but I liked it.
Burst Angel**
Chrono crusade**
Paranoia Agent@@
Trinity blood** I got it mostly for the Tarots and it was decent story..
Boogie Pop phantom**
Mythical detective loki ragnarok**
Mermaid forest**
Princess Tutu**@@
Pet shop of horror**
Angel sanctuary**
Blue seed**
Outlaw star**@@
Blue submarine No. 6**@@
Vampire Princess miyu**
Alien Nine**
Fullmetal Alchemist**@@
Castle in the sky**
Serial experiments lain@@
Death Note I like the manga and the anime is ok I watch it dub first then sub so far subs better.
I have other anime I like but right now I can't think of top of my head..

I'm kinda into pretty much any anime ghosts, mystery, good stories, adventure, things like Haruhi type of anime I'm thinking of trying Lucky star maybe, also how is Welcome to NHK is the story pretty good?
[quote name='help1']Great Teacher Onizuka (loved it!)
Naruto (Watched 200 episodes and realized it was never going to fucking end.)
Bleach (Watched up to the Bounto, really nice anime, just I hate these never ending animes)
Samurai Champloo
Cowboy Bebop

After I finish Cowboy Bebop, I am probably going to watch Death Note (unless you guys deter me away from it) but I am curious to see what other anime I should be on the look out for.[/quote]

Now that I am back from Orlando, its good to be back on CAG. :cool:

I recommend....

Outlaw Star
Miami Guns
Read or Die OVA
Black Lagoon (if you can find it)
Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran (Think Xena, except without the campiness and the lead is a samurai.)

Those are pretty easy shows to get into. Especially Miami Guns. It's hilarious and even has western pop culture references.
[quote name='coolsteel']Latest issue of Naruto was a long, long time coming[/quote]

true that . i really cant wait to see how this plays out. theyve been ussy footing around it for a while now so now that its prtty much a done deal it will be cool to see what he does. also
wtf is with that wicked new sharingan? shit if he ends up going against kakashi its going to be a legendary match.
oh yeah some good anime to watch.......


Bamboo Blade

black blood brothers

initial d

lucky star

lovely complex

salaryman kintaro

fighting beauty wulong.
Been watching Wolf's Rain.

Not sure I like it or not. The wolf concept seems a little silly, should I stick with it? My friends seems to think it's worth it.
[quote name='leveskikesko']Been watching Wolf's Rain.

Not sure I like it or not. The wolf concept seems a little silly, should I stick with it? My friends seems to think it's worth it.[/quote]

it was just o.k imo. if you're not really liking it now i would just stop, as it doesn't get that much better as the show progresses
[quote name='lokizz']true that . i really cant wait to see how this plays out. theyve been ussy footing around it for a while now so now that its prtty much a done deal it will be cool to see what he does. also
wtf is with that wicked new sharingan? shit if he ends up going against kakashi its going to be a legendary match.

That wasn't a new sharingan. The Mangekyo sharingan is a kaleidoscope , which looks different each time you look at it, thats all. Remember each one looks different, Madara , Itachi , Madara's brother and Kakashi all have different looking ones. I gotta say Sasuke is acting like a blunt instrument though, Madara tells him only 5 people were in on the assassination of the Uchiha and now he wants to wipe out the entire village.
[quote name='coolsteel']
That wasn't a new sharingan. The Mangekyo sharingan is a kaleidoscope , which looks different each time you look at it, thats all. Remember each one looks different, Madara , Itachi , Madara's brother and Kakashi all have different looking ones. I gotta say Sasuke is acting like a blunt instrument though, Madara tells him only 5 people were in on the assassination of the Uchiha and now he wants to wipe out the entire village.

yeah but cmon
the guy has been through hell true maybe hes being ued at this point which would explain why his broher set that trap in his eyes but f youd learned that the death of your village was set up by the leaders of konoha and due to that youd hated your brother who apparently loved you more than anyone
what would you do ? i think in the end he will go thrugh with it but he will have to take out madara so his revenge can be his own and not his.i find it imposible that madara would sit back and be lead.

is kisame in sauskes group now?
[quote name='tehweezner']it was just o.k imo. if you're not really liking it now i would just stop, as it doesn't get that much better as the show progresses[/quote]

u probly rite, but i give it 1 more watch be4 i decide for sure. i rly want to liek it since it has a lot of the cowboy bebop teem, but it just seems blah.
[quote name='lokizz']yeah but cmon
the guy has been through hell true maybe hes being ued at this point which would explain why his broher set that trap in his eyes but f youd learned that the death of your village was set up by the leaders of konoha and due to that youd hated your brother who apparently loved you more than anyone
what would you do ? i think in the end he will go thrugh with it but he will have to take out madara so his revenge can be his own and not his.i find it imposible that madara would sit back and be lead.

is kisame in sauskes group now?

I would kill the remaining people responsible, its like that old cliche of a general killing a random underling to teach the lieutenant not to screw up anymore. Underling had nothing to do with it, I could understand if Sasuke didn't know who in the higher ups ordered it but he was told their names specifically. Ummm you know I completley forgot Kisame was even around still, strange there was no mention of how that fight ended. At any rate he would have no reason to join Hawk, i'm assuming he made a run for it after Itachi bought it.

Doubt he is dead merely because we haven't learned his life story and no member of Atkasuki is getting an off panel death. Sasuke seems to be taking the fact that a 100 year old Uchiha is standing right next to him pretty well. Madara flat out tells him Itachi would do anything to protect the leaf and the first thing Sasuke does is say he will destory it, a final fuck you asshole :lol:
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Now that I am back from Orlando, its good to be back on CAG. :cool:

I recommend....

Outlaw Star
Miami Guns
Read or Die OVA
Black Lagoon (if you can find it)
Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran (Think Xena, except without the campiness and the lead is a samurai.)

Those are pretty easy shows to get into. Especially Miami Guns. It's hilarious and even has western pop culture references.[/quote]

I second Black Lagoon. I also just finished the latest volume of King of Thorn, and realized, as I was putting it away, that I need a new bookcase. #-o
[quote name='coolsteel']
I would kill the remaining people responsible, its like that old cliche of a general killing a random underling to teach the lieutenant not to screw up anymore. Underling had nothing to do with it, I could understand if Sasuke didn't know who in the higher ups ordered it but he was told their names specifically. Ummm you know I completley forgot Kisame was even around still, strange there was no mention of how that fight ended. At any rate he would have no reason to join Hawk, i'm assuming he made a run for it after Itachi bought it.

Doubt he is dead merely because we haven't learned his life story and no member of Atkasuki is getting an off panel death. Sasuke seems to be taking the fact that a 100 year old Uchiha is standing right next to him pretty well. Madara flat out tells him Itachi would do anything to protect the leaf and the first thing Sasuke does is say he will destory it, a final fuck you asshole :lol:

those are damn good points but
if what madara said is true itd be sad if sauske is still doing this to spite his brother. i thought kisame was with them because you see someone in a akatsuki cloak at the end and it didnt seem like it was madara so the only one it could be was kisame but then again with the beef he has with the water guy on sauskes team it might not have been.

now i wonder if madara could have survived this long whose to say any of the other hokage didnt. also wtf is up with the meidical ninja guy hes been pretty much mia since he took in some of orochimaru.
[quote name='lokizz']those are damn good points but
if what madara said is true itd be sad if sauske is still doing this to spite his brother. i thought kisame was with them because you see someone in a akatsuki cloak at the end and it didnt seem like it was madara so the only one it could be was kisame but then again with the beef he has with the water guy on sauskes team it might not have been.

now i wonder if madara could have survived this long whose to say any of the other hokage didnt. also wtf is up with the meidical ninja guy hes been pretty much mia since he took in some of orochimaru.

Oh that was definitely Madara in that final shot. Kabuto is off doing his own thing, probably going to show back up completely possessed by whatever the hell was left of Orochimaru. To be fair everyone not directly related to Sasuke has had very little manga time all this year, when the anime gets to this part i'm assuming they'll tell the Naruto voice actor to take a vacation.
[quote name='coolsteel']
Oh that was definitely Madara in that final shot. Kabuto is off doing his own thing, probably going to show back up completely possessed by whatever the hell was left of Orochimaru. To be fair everyone not directly related to Sasuke has had very little manga time all this year, when the anime gets to this part i'm assuming they'll tell the Naruto voice actor to take a vacation.

thats the only reason im actually looking foward to the filler episodes this summer. i really just want to see how the other have progressed . i know the shows called naruto but damn why go through all the trouble of creating alot of other interesting charcters and areas and never really feature them. gotta know if konohamaru shows any real promise or not.
[quote name='leveskikesko']Been watching Wolf's Rain.

Not sure I like it or not. The wolf concept seems a little silly, should I stick with it? My friends seems to think it's worth it.[/quote]I didn't find it anyomre silly than a lot of other concepts in animes. I took it as fantasy and enjoyed it.
[quote name='lokizz']thats the only reason im actually looking foward to the filler episodes this summer. i really just want to see how the other have progressed . i know the shows called naruto but damn why go through all the trouble of creating alot of other interesting charcters and areas and never really feature them. gotta know if konohamaru shows any real promise or not.[/QUOTE]

Don't count on anything drastic, entire point of filler is to just drag things out, during that last stretch of filler that lasted what 90 eps nobody progressed at all, Naruto learned nothing new, hell didn't even use the nine tails except one time I can remember, for all the people that he got teamed up with they were using the exact same moves they've always used.
[quote name='kingocraplantis']what, no love for 'Gyagu Manga Biyori'? what's up with that?[/QUOTE]

I just did a search to see what this was and it seems like it could be really funny. I'll have to watch more episodes later. Here's the clip I found on youtube. Are all the episodes really only 5 minutes long?
[quote name='cletus']I just did a search to see what this was and it seems like it could be really funny. I'll have to watch more episodes later. Here's the clip I found on youtube. Are all the episodes really only 5 minutes long?[/quote]

yep, pretty much. i don't really think a full 30 mins of that calibur of high-speed nonsense is actually humanly possible, to tell you the truth.

oh, feel free to prove me wrong.
bread's done