I like girls who are bad ass.... Ergo Anime (Thread)

[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Well, he is very popular. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Indeed. He's really thrust himself deep inside Naruto.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Anyone seen Witchblade yet? Any good?[/quote]I've seen the first ep (going to DL the 2nd after I post this) and it seems interesting.

I think you should give it a shot,
from the first ep, it looks like its going to be a violent (couple of cops get crushed in the first ep adn the main character's outfit is all about battle) and fan servicey (main character's outfit is flashy) anime

btw, some trivia: I believe its based off an American Comic.

edit: I'll post more when I see the second ep
My new issue of Shonen Jump came yesterday, with the preview DVD of the first episode uncut. I'll probably watch it later. :) I think I'm missing an issue now from the last issue I bought and getting this one, as this is issue 7 and the last one was 5, I think.
I have to say, Endless-GIG has to be my all time favorite episode of Stand Alone Complex. It's just so perfect. Great way to end 2nd GiG. Can't wait to see the third part, whether it's an OAV or a new season.
[quote name='karsh']I have to say, Endless-GIG has to be my all time favorite episode of Stand Alone Complex. It's just so perfect. Great way to end 2nd GiG. Can't wait to see the third part, whether it's an OAV or a new season.[/quote]

I really need to watch the whole thing from the begining. I have only seen episodes ehre and there and am not sure of the story. I like what I have seen so far.
[quote name='karsh']I have to say, Endless-GIG has to be my all time favorite episode of Stand Alone Complex. It's just so perfect. Great way to end 2nd GiG. Can't wait to see the third part, whether it's an OAV or a new season.[/QUOTE]Pffffft. All the interesting characters of the season died. Lame-ass.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I really need to watch the whole thing from the begining. I have only seen episodes ehre and there and am not sure of the story. I like what I have seen so far.[/quote]

2nd GiG is definitely an awesome series. I liked it a whole lot more than SAC's first season. About 10 episodes into the season the show just went full throttle and didn't let up till the end of Endless-GIG. You should definitely watch it if [as] reairs it all, and if not, the DVDs are worth picking up. Once I find somewhere cheap, I'm gonna try to pick up all the collector editions of 2nd GiG, because I definitely loved this series.
[quote name='jmcc']Pffffft. All the interesting characters of the season died. Lame-ass.[/quote]

Did you really think Gohda and Kuze were going to live? I hoped Kuze would live, but I absolutely LOVED Motoko destroying Gohda in that hallway. His goal of reaching a Stand Alone Complex had him deserving how he died. I say this was a perfect way to end the season, although I really would have liked Kuze to live, especially since Motoko finally figured out who he was.
[quote name='karsh']
Did you really think Gohda and Kuze were going to live? I hoped Kuze would live, but I absolutely LOVED Motoko destroying Gohda in that hallway. His goal of reaching a Stand Alone Complex had him deserving how he died. I say this was a perfect way to end the season, although I really would have liked Kuze to live, especially since Motoko finally figured out who he was.
Kuze should have lived on, if only as a echo in a cyberbrain hub. A pox on the episode AND on the Fuchikomas. They don't hold a candle to the little blue guys.
[quote name='jmcc']
Kuze should have lived on, if only as a echo in a cyberbrain hub. A pox on the episode AND on the Fuchikomas. They don't hold a candle to the little blue guys.

I'll admit, the Fuchikomas do suck a lot, but they're the only blight on this episode. The Tachikomas rock so much. I loved their last stand with the satellite and the nuke. It was a perfect end to their development all season.
Yeah...I just realized [as] is playing fuck with their schedule next weekend. Now Eureka 7 is pushed to 1:30 and it's THE only new thing (besides that horrible barbarian show) on Saturday nights. Why the fuck do they have to show repeats of FMA at 11:30 when it would make a LOT more sense to show E7 at 11:30 and FMA at 1:30. Absolutely fucktarded if you ask me.
[quote name='karsh']Yeah...I just realized [as] is playing fuck with their schedule next weekend. Now Eureka 7 is pushed to 1:30 and it's THE only new thing (besides that horrible barbarian show) on Saturday nights. Why the fuck do they have to show repeats of FMA at 11:30 when it would make a LOT more sense to show E7 at 11:30 and FMA at 1:30. Absolutely fucktarded if you ask me.[/QUOTE]
I'm betting FMA pulls in better ratings. Barbarian show? are you talking about Korgoth? That's going to be on Sundays, not Saturdays.
anyone else seen the FMP: TSR OVA yet?

more of Tessa's (entertaining) idiocy and some of Sousuke's blockheadedness.
its was a fun 1/2 hour watching it.
[quote name='karsh']Yeah...I just realized [as] is playing fuck with their schedule next weekend. Now Eureka 7 is pushed to 1:30 and it's THE only new thing (besides that horrible barbarian show) on Saturday nights. Why the fuck do they have to show repeats of FMA at 11:30 when it would make a LOT more sense to show E7 at 11:30 and FMA at 1:30. Absolutely fucktarded if you ask me.[/quote]

Man, E7 should stay at it's original time slot. The show is great so far and pushing it to 1:30 isn't going to gain new viewers.
They should move Inuyasha and let E7 have the 11/10c spot. The goons who like Inuyasha will watch it whatever time it comes up.
[quote name='jmcc']They should move Inuyasha and let E7 have the 11/10c spot. The goons who like Inuyasha will watch it whatever time it comes up.[/quote]

True. I watch Inuyasha regardless if it is at 11 pm or 1 am.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']True. I watch Inuyasha regardless if it is at 11 pm or 1 am.[/QUOTE]Don't do that. Takahashi isn't even trying anymore. Don't reward her.
[quote name='jmcc']Don't do that. Takahashi isn't even trying anymore. Don't reward her.[/quote]

I think the series is dragging, but I still find it entertaining, just not as much as Ranma 1/2 or Maison Ikkoku. But those will never see the light of day on american TV.
Korgoth is definitely listed as playing this Saturday. Looks like it's gone the week after. Still, we don't need it airing on Saturday, since it looks like shit.

FMP:TSR OVA was pretty good...I hate Tessa, but I still liked it. Especially Mao's training she was doing with the M9s. And what Kurz did to Grouseaux's anime.

Can't wait till Haruhi comes out this week. See what's in store for later in the show, since this is episode 14 in the real timeline.
Tried watching SAC with subs again....it's impossible to keep up with unless I just read the whole time without watching the show. gotta dl the dubs.

are the 1st and 2nd seasons separate or do you need to watch the first one?
[quote name='karsh']Korgoth is definitely listed as playing this Saturday. Looks like it's gone the week after. Still, we don't need it airing on Saturday, since it looks like shit.

FMP:TSR OVA was pretty good...I hate Tessa, but I still liked it. Especially Mao's training she was doing with the M9s. And what Kurz did to Grouseaux's anime.

Can't wait till Haruhi comes out this week. See what's in store for later in the show, since this is episode 14 in the real timeline.[/QUOTE]
I watched the commercial to make sure I wasn't nuts and it still says Sundays at 10:30 PM. It seems to be debuting this Saturday, but it's a Sunday show. They're just sacrificing CB for the night, then the show appears the next day and stays there. It looks good though, so I don't care if it takes a precious half hour slot out of your anime block once.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I watched the commercial to make sure I wasn't nuts and it still says Sundays at 10:30 PM. It seems to be debuting this Saturday, but it's a Sunday show. They're just sacrificing CB for the night, then the show appears the next day and stays there. It looks good though, so I don't care if it takes a precious half hour slot out of your anime block once.[/quote]

Yeah, but it's already been decided you have absolutely horrible fucking taste, so it doesn't matter what you think. I'm not even watching [as] most of the time on Saturday's. I just think they shoulda left Eureka 7 where it was. So fuck off fatass. Go break through some walls.
[quote name='jmcc']Don't do that. Takahashi isn't even trying anymore. Don't reward her.[/QUOTE]

Well done jmcc, I was always hoping someone felt the same way I did...

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I watched the commercial to make sure I wasn't nuts and it still says Sundays at 10:30 PM. It seems to be debuting this Saturday, but it's a Sunday show. They're just sacrificing CB for the night, then the show appears the next day and stays there. It looks good though, so I don't care if it takes a precious half hour slot out of your anime block once.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='karsh']Yeah, but it's already been decided you have absolutely horrible fucking taste, so it doesn't matter what you think. I'm not even watching [as] most of the time on Saturday's. I just think they shoulda left Eureka 7 where it was. So fuck off fatass. Go break through some walls.[/QUOTE]

Calm down fellas, there's no sense arguing over something like adult Swim's terrible programming. It's easier just to come to the realization that it's totally eradtic, idiotic programming and those stupid people make some excellent shows but have no idea how to run a TV channel (though they oddly seem obsessed with ratings).
Naaa...That's just me and Frisky for ya. lol. I really could care less how [as] chooses to schedule things, I just wish they could figure out a better way to do these schedules. Regardless, I'll still stay up for E7 or at least tape it, but it's just annoying how often they seem to randomly change their schedules.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Well done jmcc, I was always hoping someone felt the same way I did... [/QUOTE]She's stated in interviews that she's just concerned with getting it up to 500 chapters. That's why it's been in a holding pattern for 350 now.

edit: if the anime team decides to pare it down, that's good, but they're not interested in brevity either.
Like I said once, there was only one arc of Inuyasha I ever thought was good and that was the Shichinintai. And even then, it was driven solely cause the Shichinintai were such interesting characters. Plus it had a giant robot tank that only said "GERSH". How can you not love that?
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Calm down fellas, there's no sense arguing over something like adult Swim's terrible programming. It's easier just to come to the realization that it's totally eradtic, idiotic programming and those stupid people make some excellent shows but have no idea how to run a TV channel (though they oddly seem obsessed with ratings).[/QUOTE]
That's Karsh for you, always willing to insult when he's got no point to argue.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']That's Karsh for you, always willing to insult when he's got no point to argue.[/quote]

Not at all. I've got a total point to argue, and that's that there is no reason for Eureka 7, the only show getting new episodes aired on Saturday nights, to be shoved to the back of the lineup for shows that look crappy like Korgath and shows that are just repeats. As jmcc said, they could easily air Inuyasha at 1:30 and would note absolutely no difference in ratings for that cause the hoardes of Inuyasha fans will watch it whenever. No, I just choose to insult you because I just plain don't like you, cause you're just a jackass anymore.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Calm down fellas, there's no sense arguing over something like adult Swim's terrible programming. It's easier just to come to the realization that it's totally eradtic, idiotic programming and those stupid people make some excellent shows but have no idea how to run a TV channel (though they oddly seem obsessed with ratings).[/QUOTE]I'm quoting Duo in hope that you guys see his/her point this time.

Seriously, bitching at each other isn't going to change the schedule at all.

Aside from that, is anyone else watching Witchblade?
I know Guile was asking about it.
With ep three, its starting to get a bit more interesting and we're seeing some of the story,
although we still dont know what happened in the past that put Tokyo half underwater and sent the rest to hell.
[quote name='karsh']Not at all. I've got a total point to argue, and that's that there is no reason for Eureka 7, the only show getting new episodes aired on Saturday nights, to be shoved to the back of the lineup for shows that look crappy like Korgath and shows that are just repeats. As jmcc said, they could easily air Inuyasha at 1:30 and would note absolutely no difference in ratings for that cause the hoardes of Inuyasha fans will watch it whenever. No, I just choose to insult you because I just plain don't like you, cause you're just a jackass anymore.[/QUOTE]
Sure, whatever you say.

*Loves that nobody has caught the sarcasm.*
[quote name='LiquidNight']I'm quoting Duo in hope that you guys see his/her point this time.

Seriously, bitching at each other isn't going to change the schedule at all.

Aside from that, is anyone else watching Witchblade?
I know Guile was asking about it.
With ep three, its starting to get a bit more interesting and we're seeing some of the story,
although we still dont know what happened in the past that put Tokyo half underwater and sent the rest to hell.[/QUOTE]

Well I tried... Anyhow is Witchblade something entirely new or is it based on the older comics?

And in other news I just saw this:


Don't know too much about ZVUE to be honest, but making shows available for legal download particularly to portable media players is definately a move in the right direction for the American anime industry IMO. Anyone know if companiesother than ADV have done this, like release full length episode downloads on somehting like iTunes?
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Well I tried... Anyhow is Witchblade something entirely new or is it based on the older comics? [/QUOTE]"Based on the American comic book published by Top Cow."
right from the description on ANN

as for the ZVUE thing, ADV is gonna be hard-pressed to be able to beat fansubbers because fan subs are free and ADV is going to charge.
They'll need some fancy gimmicks to get people to pay, and you know there are also going to be those who'll break ADV's DRM and just release their own downloads on the net :/
From the last SJ newsletter that I received:
Can't get enough of the Naruto anime? Well, here's some exciting news. It will begin airing Monday through Thursday on Cartoon Network starting on June 12! Plus, new episodes will continue to air every Saturday night! The weekday episodes will air at 9 p.m., just like the anime does on Saturdays. Of course, check local listings to confirm show time.

Good news for those that have missed episodes or want to catch up more quickly than watching it weekly.
[quote name='Apossum']Tried watching SAC with subs again....it's impossible to keep up with unless I just read the whole time without watching the show. gotta dl the dubs.

are the 1st and 2nd seasons separate or do you need to watch the first one?[/quote]

You'll miss bits & pieces as they reference the 1st season quite a few times though not enough to affect understanding the 2nd.

Anyway, just saw Suzumiya #9 and I hafta say it was a bit more ho-hum than the other episodes. It was too nostalgic (which for ppl who are still in high-school isn't going to be a lot). Ah well, they can't all win.

School Rumble continually pleases the laughing portions of my brain as #9 fleshes out more of its growing cast. The basketball theme reminds me a lot of Slam Dunk and this is a good thing.

Bleach #82 was actually good (for a filler arc anyway) as we got to see a 'hint' of things to come *cough* manga *cough*.

Full Metal Panic: TSR OVA was funny but it didn't reach the level of wackiness that was Fumoffu.

Disgaea, I hate to say, is a bit disappointing (even more so since I'm a hardcore fan of the game). It doesn't live up to the game as the story & animation are bland. Even the voices seem bored in contrast to the japanese game voices where they were more expressive. Nonetheless, I'll continue to watch it for a few more episodes and hopefully it'll redeem itself.
[quote name='jaykrue']Anyway, just saw Suzumiya #9 and I hafta say it was a bit more ho-hum than the other episodes. It was too nostalgic (which for ppl who are still in high-school isn't going to be a lot). Ah well, they can't all win.


I still don't get those long periods of Nagato sitting with all the talking or whatever that was. Was she listening to a radio or something? I did like seeing Kyon and Haruhi share an umbrella though. It was a cute moment.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']
I still don't get those long periods of Nagato sitting with all the talking or whatever that was. Was she listening to a radio or something? I did like seeing Kyon and Haruhi share an umbrella though. It was a cute moment.
I didn't get it either.

EDIT: I forgot who mentioned this but I'm starting to warm up to TOKKO. I didn't like the premise at first but after a few episodes, it starts to grow on you.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']
I still don't get those long periods of Nagato sitting with all the talking or whatever that was. Was she listening to a radio or something? I did like seeing Kyon and Haruhi share an umbrella though. It was a cute moment.

That ending with Kyon and Haruhi was probably one of my favorite moments in the series.
I thought the FMP OVA was good. I wasn't expecting it to be Fumoffu good, so I was happy with it. Actually, I didn't even know it was coming out until the released it last Friday.

As for School Rumble, I'm still waiting for episode 8 to come out. Overall, it's been a good season. I loved the Battle Royale-esque season beginning.

Tsubasa Chronicle second season started again. The season looks decent. It's raising more questions than answers for the time being.

I picked up Monster the beginning of the month and have been slowly going over them. I'm a little past half way (around 40), and wow, it's a really good series. I do find it slow prior to the book donation ceremony, but man, after that, it's crazy.

Still waiting for them to catch up on doing widescreen for Ah My Goddess.
GotWoot has AonE's Naruto 161-162 up on their site now, for those wanting all AonE releases. I can't wait for them to get the new AMG epsiodes up after the rogue employeee deleted a ton of their stuff.

I may have to start downloading Yakitate episodes once I get these Prince of Tennis episodes done.
Oh...my...god! Huge news just arrived in my email inbox:

Anime Boston was rocked with the announcement of BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad. In front of a packed house at the Hynes Convention Center, audience members were informed of FUNimation Entertainment's newest license. Attending the panel was the English ADR director of the BECK, Chris Bevins (Samurai 7, Burst Angel). Mr. Bevins was please to announce that Taliesin Jaffe (R.O.D the TV, Hellsing) will be sharing the directing duties and Mike McFarland (co-director Fullmetal Alchemist, Trinity Blood) will be the series music supervisor. As a surprise gift all attendees of the panel received a limited edition BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad backstage pass.

I cannot wait for this. :drool:
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Oh...my...god! Huge news just arrived in my email inbox:

Anime Boston was rocked with the announcement of BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad. In front of a packed house at the Hynes Convention Center, audience members were informed of FUNimation Entertainment's newest license. Attending the panel was the English ADR director of the BECK, Chris Bevins (Samurai 7, Burst Angel). Mr. Bevins was please to announce that Taliesin Jaffe (R.O.D the TV, Hellsing) will be sharing the directing duties and Mike McFarland (co-director Fullmetal Alchemist, Trinity Blood) will be the series music supervisor. As a surprise gift all attendees of the panel received a limited edition BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad backstage pass.

I cannot wait for this. :drool:[/QUOTE] It will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine. :cool: :cool: :cool:

For fans of Witchblade:

The "Witchblade" anime is doing well in Japan, and is the first time an American character has been brought in and reimagined as a Japanese character. The series takes place in the future, featuring an illegitimate wearer of the blade fighting evil two hundred years in the future. Funimation will bring the series to America, and talks are going on to attempt to air the series on Cartoon Network’s "Adult Swim" block of mature audience programming.

Funimation's on a licensing role lately after acquiring Beck and FMP:TSR in the past week or so.
bread's done